Interest Check: Short "Different System" Game - You need a cleanser every now and then


So I have access to a few game systems that I've been meaning to learn/ give a try. I figure some folks on the boards could use a cleanser of sorts before getting back into the love that is Pathfinder. Below are some systems I'm considering running, and their various merits and demerits.

● Simple to learn
●Cinematic combat/action
● Multi-genre able.
○ Lack of tactical complexity

Savage Worlds
● Multi-genre able. (Most likely will do East Texas University or Superpowers/Necessary Evil)
● "Bennies" system encourages roleplaying and character moments.
● Exploding dice system means you always have a chance to win big.
● Combat is fast and fun.
○ Some rules/skills/powers are a bit generic and open to interpretation, resulting in confusion.

13th Age
● "One Unique Thing" and "Icon relationships" make your character matter immediately.
● Escalation dice keep combat engaging and stalling choices that matter.
● Very similar to D&D (made by folks who contributed to 3.5)
○ Combat will be odd to those used to D&D and may trip you up.

Open Legend
● All rules available online.
● Designed to be flexible enough to create whatever character concept you like in whatever genre you'd like.
● Exploding dice again!
○ Flexibility can be confusing at times, and relatively new system. Official core book hasn't even been released.

Anima: Beyond Fantasy
●○ d100 based system akin to Rolemaster.
○● Immense amounts of character customization.
●○ Actually....this one might be too much for the boards given my inexperience.

Monsterhearts 2
● Powered by the Apocolypse System
● Social teenage angst for folks that enjoy that.
● LGBTA friendly.
○ Themes can get a little...personal, which is a problem if you can't respect boundaries or separate character from self.

I'll be honest, I wanted to include Numenara on here, but I don't actually have that one yet. Looks great, and still on the fence about ordering it.

But yeah, I kinda want to see how one of these performs on PbP for a short adventure. You can create your own character but just getting a premade works as well.

Any interest?

Oh, I like savage worlds. and I just got monsterhearts 2

East Texas University! I was one of the original backers for the project and invested at quite a high level. If you run that, please let me know!

I would love to do Monsterhearts 2, provided that the player selection process includes establishing really clear parameters for what kind of game it is and getting everyone on the same page with tone. I had a blast playing the first edition.

I would love to see a FATE game of Tianxia (Wuxia King fu), or Savage Worlds along the line of Savage Riifts... the

I would be very interested in a Savage Worlds Supers campaign. Ok, or anything in Savage Worlds, really.

It'd be nice to actually use the FATE rules after I Kickstarted them. Same for Open Legend. :D I've done Savage Worlds, as well, though I'm not as fond of the occasional damage explosion that wipes someone out in one lucky hit that can happen with it.

Looks like savage worlds is leading now. I'm hoping to run all of these eventually, so this interest check is more of which to go with first.

My vote is for Anima

Which subset of Savage Worlds? SAY ETU, SENPAI!

Okay, so after flipping through the rules, setting, and mechanics, I feel almost comfortable running a savage worlds in East Texas University Setting.

I'll do some more reading, and try to get an actual recruitment up. NO idea when probably not soon, but eventually you'll see a Recruitment up eventually. Till then, feel free to Vouch for other non-Pathfinder and non-D&D ttrpgs you recommend.

ETU definitely sounds interesting......

Feng Shui, Blades in the Dark, Godbound are all fantastic RPGS, the only one of which is close to DND is Godbound, but in that one you play burgeoning gods, so...

I'm dying to play a PBTA game, or FATE. Dungeon World, Masks, City of Mist, and for Avatar style action, Legend of the Elements!


I would love to play in a good FATE game, but I'm willing to give Savage Worlds a shot.

Just dropping another vote for Monsterhearts. I need my fix reeeeal bad.

All of the above. I'm in one Palladium Rifts game right now, and running two Pathfinder campaigns. A different system game would be perfect.

I'm seriously considering whether I want to try running a Dungeon World game on the boards...

Haladir wrote:
I'm seriously considering whether I want to try running a Dungeon World game on the boards...

The boards work pretty well for PBTA games, including Dungeon World.

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