The Steel Refrain |

I have a 14th level Shaman with the Speaker for the Past archetype (which basically trades out the spirit animal and the versatility of wandering hex for several revelations from the Ancestor and Time oracle mysteries).
Looking ahead to 15th level, I was considering picking up the Planned Spontaneity feat.
Planned Spontaneity
You have a measure of flexibility when preparing spells.
Prerequisite(s): Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, ability to prepare and cast 4th-level spells.
Benefit: Once per day when you prepare spells, you can designate one spell slot from each of up to three different spell levels that are lower than the highest-level spell that you can cast. In each designated slot you can memorize two different spells of the respective level. You can cast either spell as normal, but when you do, the spell consumes both of the spells prepared in that spell slot.
Special: A wizard can select this feat as one of his bonus feats.
One of the challenges in playing a prepared spellcaster like a Shaman is consistently preparing the 'right' spells for the day. While I currently handle that by leaving a few slots open and mostly picking spells that are generally useful (rather than only in niche situations), that comes with its own limitations and I miss out on using some fun stuff as a result.
Planned Spontaneity would help with that issue, as it would allow me to prepare for the days with some choices built into what he prepares. For example, in a 7th level slot he could prepare both Heal and Ice Body. While Heal is probably going to be generally useful, Ice Body could end up fantastic in the right situation, and having the flexibility to make that choice on the fly seems great.
Anyone have any thoughts on the feat? Anyone used it and able to tell me how it worked out?

Hubaris |

I played a character who used Magical Epiphany an Arcane Bond and Planned Spontaneity to basically have everything prepped when needed and I loved it.
Planned is a lot of fun and it ensures you don't feel terrible preparing those random spells that never see use, because when you need Control Weather, you really need Control Weather.

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It is a bit unfortunate that it's not "Arcana or Religion."
Though I notice that the other prepared divine casters have a spontaneous casting ability (cleric casts cure/inflict, druid gets summon nature's ally) which means they have an easier time using slots that have situational spells prepared in them than a shaman does and thus wouldn't need the feat as much.

The Steel Refrain |

Cavall -- Thanks for the input. Arcana definitely wasn't something that was previously high on my list of skills for this character, but he is Human with the Skilled racial trait, with a decent INT boost from an item, so i can make it happen. I have also been looking at the feat since 13th level, so I was able to allocate points when I reached 14th level, and can do so again at 15th to get my 9 ranks. Part of the upside of taking it late game, I guess. It would have been much harder to manage at earlier levels.
Hubaris -- I particularly appreciate your insights as someone who used the feat. Sounds like it worked well for you, and I think I'll take it based on your experience and my own needs. While it doesn't work for this character, I'd never seen Magical Epiphany before, so thanks for mentioning that, too.
Weirdo -- That's a good point about Shamans not have the 'release valve' of spontaneous casting that other divine casters do. being able to pop off a Cure spell or Summon Nature's Ally with otherwise wasted spell slots might have led me to choose something different. It also explains why the feat seems to be designed more for arcane casters than divine ones.
Grandlounge - My Shaman likes to dispel as well, though tends to ready an action to counterspell more than anything, so he has been focusing on Spellcraft to this point.* Nice to know there is an additional upside to have so many ranks in Knowledge: Arcana though.
*: As an aside, he uses Myrrh as an additional component to boost the check, and oftentimes pre-casts Cleromancy for a potential luck bonus up to +4 if we know we're up against a powerful caster. Our group's Bard has also given him Grand Destiny a few times, for an additional +4 competence bonus to the check. Collectively that can get him up to a +9 to his usual CL, meaning he can oftentimes act as a counter to even very powerful enemies. And if it's really important, he can now use the Rewind Time revelation to weed out a low roll.