Pathfinder: Kingmaker Announced!

Licensed Products General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How certain is it that the download codes will work at GOG? I refuse to use steam as a matter of principle and don't want to spend money on a game only to have to buy it all over again.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Redelia wrote:
How certain is it that the download codes will work at GOG? I refuse to use steam as a matter of principle and don't want to spend money on a game only to have to buy it all over again.

From the FAQ:

"Where do I choose Steam, GoG or game portal download?

You will get an e-mail with a link to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker backer portal when the campaign is over. On the site, you will be able to confirm your pledge and choose on which platform you would like to get Pathfinder: Kingmaker."

They want to put the game on every distribution platform they can. And both the physical game and the Codes (if you so chose for the latter) will be DRM free.

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Stratagemini wrote:
The Building Creator Tiers are unclaimed. As a forum we could pledge together to get one, like a Alehouse, or a Library, or a Pathfinder society lodge.

A discrete highend brothel frontend, run by tantric monks of Lymnieris and Arshea, with a small but extensive attached library over forgotten catacombs & sewers used for smuggling ex-slaves and abused spouses/significant others to safer destinations?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sir RicHunt Attenwampi wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
The Building Creator Tiers are unclaimed. As a forum we could pledge together to get one, like a Alehouse, or a Library, or a Pathfinder society lodge.
A discrete highend brothel frontend, run by tantric monks of Lymnieris and Arshea, with a small but extensive attached library over forgotten catacombs & sewers used for smuggling ex-slaves and abused spouses/significant others to safer destinations?

Like a Bellflower network safehouse? There's not a lot of pro-slavery areas near the Stolen Lands. Cheliax is pretty much the main one in the Inner Sea. Nidal too, maybe? And they're pretty far away.

Scarab Sages

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Stratagemini wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
There was an stream of the game on twitch last night. ...
Here it is on youtube

Close. But that's the Owlcat Devs' Stream.

This is the stream.

The gameplay is awesome but g@~ d@+n the player on the mmorpg stream had no idea how to play pathfinder. He was putting armor and the clw wand on the wizard, casting Mage armor on people wearing armor, and such. So frustrating to watch, he's like some of the people who show up at my local pfs games.

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Imbicatus wrote:
So frustrating to watch, he's like some of the people who show up at my local pfs games.

Newbies aren't supposed to show up at PFS games? Or are you suggesting that the software have built in blocks to keep people from making mistakes?

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Imbicatus wrote:
Every effort has been made to try to help them, but they still do things like make rouges who use a heave crossbow, bards who do nothing but inspire courage, and so on.

So they aren't actually breaking any rules; they just don't play their characters the way you would. WrongBadFun.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This isn't the Forum for talking about how terrible your fellow PFS players are. if such a forum exists, it's probably in a PFS sub-forum. Or possibly in the Blame Cosmo thread in general off-topic discussion.

Scarab Sages

You're right, I let myself get defensive. Post removed, moving on.

I get where you're coming at but it was kind of refreshing to see that and I hope the devs consider that for clarity of abilities. Like when he had Amiri use Cleave against a single enemy.

Then again he was also just trying to demo the product not power game through so it was nice to see the different animations and abilities even if they weren't used optimally.

On Kickstarter news at this rate we're going to end around the 880's so keep up the good work and push for Nok-Nok. If a Pathfinder game doesn't release a goblin companion with hilarious dialogue ala Jan Janson/Deekin/Tiax....bah that is a world I don't wish to even fathom!

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Stratagemini wrote:
Sir RicHunt Attenwampi wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
The Building Creator Tiers are unclaimed. As a forum we could pledge together to get one, like a Alehouse, or a Library, or a Pathfinder society lodge.
A discrete highend brothel frontend, run by tantric monks of Lymnieris and Arshea, with a small but extensive attached library over forgotten catacombs & sewers used for smuggling ex-slaves and abused spouses/significant others to safer destinations?
Like a Bellflower network safehouse? There's not a lot of pro-slavery areas near the Stolen Lands. Cheliax is pretty much the main one in the Inner Sea. Nidal too, maybe? And they're pretty far away.

Operationally similar to a Bellflower safehouse, but specializing more in assisting abused spouses, significant others, and children in escaping their abusers and/or the societal/familial networks working against them (or just indifferent to their plights). Yeah, the River Kingdoms would have little to no slavery of its own, but it could be a great endpoint for ex-slaves seeking to disappear and start anew in a frontier area.

Silver Crusade

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When I first played Nevewinter Nights 2 I had no clue how the game system worked. So I made a Bard that duel-wielded greatswords.

I have no clue how I beat that game with that character XD

Dual wield..greatswords? THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!! Actually I kind of miss the old Monkey Grip feat that let you do that. It made you completely ineffectual but it was still cool! An old gaming buddy did a dual-wielding great ax build that sucked 90% of the time but when he hit, especially when he critted would do MASSIVE amounts of damage...

Scarab Sages

Rysky wrote:

When I first played Nevewinter Nights 2 I had no clue how the game system worked. So I made a Bard that duel-wielded greatswords.

I have no clue how I beat that game with that character XD

In Neverwinter Nights 1 I had a monk that dual wielded kamas. I think with 3.0 flurry I had 18 attacks per round.

Right now we are trending towards $878k ($885 w/ known paypal amounts)

Silver Crusade

Imbicatus wrote:
Rysky wrote:

When I first played Nevewinter Nights 2 I had no clue how the game system worked. So I made a Bard that duel-wielded greatswords.

I have no clue how I beat that game with that character XD

In Neverwinter Nights 1 I had a monk that dual wielded kamas. I think with 3.0 flurry I had 18 attacks per round.

Double-Bladed Sword, how I miss thee.

One of the expansions got you swarmed with 40 mephits. Due to the way the system worked with riposting they all attacked and due to the dodging/blocking animation I had to wait for them to finish... and then you get about 40 counters in about 5 seconds XD

Fresh Mephit purée. No pulp :3

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Rysky wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Rysky wrote:

When I first played Nevewinter Nights 2 I had no clue how the game system worked. So I made a Bard that duel-wielded greatswords.

I have no clue how I beat that game with that character XD

In Neverwinter Nights 1 I had a monk that dual wielded kamas. I think with 3.0 flurry I had 18 attacks per round.

Double-Bladed Sword, how I miss thee.

One of the expansions got you swarmed with 40 mephits. Due to the way the system worked with riposting they all attacked due to the animation so I had to wait for them to finish... then you then you got about 40 counters in about 5 seconds XD

Mephit purée.

IIRC, in NWN2's 1st expansion, there was a puzzle you had to solve by putting every ice mephit on one side of a door and every fire mephit on the other via carefully-timed teleports.

I never had the patience to complete it the proper way--I just broke the teleportation device, killed all the mephits and arranged them manually. XD

EDIT: Remembered that Mask of the Betrayer was the 1st expansion, not the 2nd. That'd be Storm of Zehir. Derp.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Still there is a chance we might hit $900k

Silver Crusade


Sovereign Court

Dragoncat wrote:

IIRC, in NWN2's 2nd expansion, there was a puzzle you had to solve by putting every ice mephit on one side of a door and every fire mephit on the other via carefully-timed teleports.

I never had the patience to complete it the proper way--I just broke the teleportation device, killed all the mephits and arranged them manually. XD

A brute-force implementation of Maxwell's Demon, where the player is the demon!

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Jesse Heinig wrote:
Dragoncat wrote:

IIRC, in NWN2's 1st expansion, there was a puzzle you had to solve by putting every ice mephit on one side of a door and every fire mephit on the other via carefully-timed teleports.

I never had the patience to complete it the proper way--I just broke the teleportation device, killed all the mephits and arranged them manually. XD

A brute-force implementation of Maxwell's Demon, where the player is the demon!

I can just imagine the Red Wizard in charge of the experiment going "How in Szass Tam's name did you do that?! Even I haven't been able to accomplish that!"

And my character just hitches a thumb over his shoulder at the room full of dead mephits while saying "You were trying too hard, you scarlet-robed idiot."

what gave you riposte in 3.0?

praguepride wrote:
what gave you riposte in 3.0?

Lots of ranks in the Parry skill. And your opponent rolling poorly while you were in Parry Mode.

At least, in NWN. I don't remember if there even was a means of getting ripostes in 3.0, outside of houserules.

Sovereign Court

NWN's designers apparently thought that they knew D&D better and that by making rewrites to the core functionality of combat through the skill system they would make the game better. So they made up skills that were used for parrying and riposting, even though that didn't fit with the combat/skill system architecture of 3.0.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Do we know if the game will support 4k?

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Strategemini's post last thread is still the most up-to-date of what we know. You can try asking on facebook or kickstarter comments but I think their community manager went to bed...

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Remember, the Kickstarter total doesn't reflect any Pay Pal transactions. There will also be slacker backers. Between the two, an extra $100K is very reasonable, so $1M isn't out of reach.

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I finally scrounged up enough to back it.

I wonder if Owlcat could use critters (or archetypes, magic items, etc.) from the Wayfinder fanzines?

FYI a social goals update:
10,741 facebook likes (next goal is 13,500. There are 48 posts to like)
1,285 facebook shares (next goal is 1,300. There are 48 posts to share)
87,845 youtube views (next goal WAS 80,000. UNLOCKED)
1,798 twitter retweets (next goal WAS 1,000. UNLOCKED. Given the pattern we might have unlocked 1-3 more ranks of this).

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Our household has 3 Pathfinder players, each with their own computer. Can the game be put on 3 different devices? Or do we have to buy separate copies for each of us?

I tried looking for this answer in previous posts but couldn't find it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
RobertTHEPerylous wrote:

Our household has 3 Pathfinder players, each with their own computer. Can the game be put on 3 different devices? Or do we have to buy separate copies for each of us?

I tried looking for this answer in previous posts but couldn't find it.

Well if you play it via steam, you can download it to seperate computers, but if steam is online and cloud sync is allowed, it shares save files between all three computers. If you play it via gog, then you just download it per computer(unless again you use gog galaxy client's cloud sync which means save files are again shared). If its drm free download then again you can do it.

So yeah, you should be able to play it via three computers unless devs decide to implement sucky drm that prevents it

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80 minutes and $993 to $900,000.

Now at $900,000.

A new milestone!

Does that mean the Goblin companion is a go?

It would seem so.

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Just crossed 900k. Nok-Nok is officially a Go-Go!!!!

Just a reminder we should be at 11 social goals and we need 1,882 facebook likes to cross that last line for the faerie dragon.

Owlcat Games has 49 posts so make sure to like every single one of them :D

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-Who's there?

So 1.1 million is Hellknights... Damn.

And, it's done at $908,982.

Edit: except they're still adding money.

Sovereign Court

They have a post-KS option for people who can't make the pledge window or want to up their pledge.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Congratulations everyone! We got all the cool Stretch goals!

Would Hellknights have been nice? yeah. Would a mysterious player chosen race have been fun? sure. But we have Archetypes, Magus, Story chapters all the way to level 20, Archetypes, and a loyal comedic sociopath (which is a requirement for any good game, see: HK-47, Sam and Max [Freelance police], Xhar, The entire cast of Team Fortress 2, Wrex, GlaDOS, The Black Whirlwind, Shale, and countless humorous pen and paper player characters)!

What more could a community ask for. Thank you all for helping to make this a reality. Now, we wait for news of Owlkittens.

Wow. When I went to bed, I thought that we might end up close to 900k, but that was shattered, if only just.

Good thing Owlcat are doing the Paypal/late backer thing on the side as well. Might still make it to the additional race.

The only update we had on paypal side was ~7k but that is now something like 20 hours out of date.

Unfortunately in the past the paypal component usually doesn't push the needle too much because there are often quite a few pledges that flake out and KS has to take their 5% and then there is like 3% processing fees so Owlcat is losing almost $75,000 right off the top. It really is up to them if they count stretch goals on Net or Gross now. At least if you pump it before the KS most devs just go to it even if you fall back because of fees and such.

Anyway, we are still not hitting the facebook like social goal so make sure to hit them up and like their posts! Keep an eye out for a new one or two about the KS campaign even if you have hit every post (or at least think you did. Most people haven't liked most posts...)

Silver Crusade

Stratagemini wrote:

Congratulations everyone! We got all the cool Stretch goals!

Would Hellknights have been nice? yeah. Would a mysterious player chosen race have been fun? sure. But we have Archetypes, Magus, Story chapters all the way to level 20, Archetypes, and a loyal comedic sociopath (which is a requirement for any good game, see: HK-47, Sam and Max [Freelance police], Xhar, The entire cast of Team Fortress 2, Wrex, GlaDOS, The Black Whirlwind, Shale, and countless humorous pen and paper player characters)!

What more could a community ask for. Thank you all for helping to make this a reality. Now, we wait for news of Owlkittens.

Ah good old Black "Buck Naked" Whirlwind

I am SHOCKED and OUTRAGED that Jan Jansen and Tiax weren't mentioned. Tiax especially will be displeased that a mere mortal could forget HIS MAGNIFICENCE!!!

praguepride wrote:
I am SHOCKED and OUTRAGED that Jan Jansen and Tiax weren't mentioned. Tiax especially will be displeased that a mere mortal could forget HIS MAGNIFICENCE!!!
Tiax the mighty wrote:
"They have offended Tiax the Grand again! Such insolence! Tiax will place a mark of shame upon their foreheads! All will know their treachery!"

Scarab Sages

How will the game look for 900k when Pillars raised 4 mil and took 3 years from Kickstarter end to game sale? Might have already been asked but still kind off slow to get behind it after getting burned by the failed Pathfinder mmo fiasco.

@Kohl: the 900k raised are just the bonus they cared about in the Kickstarter. The base game (pretty much all you can see in the alpha playtest videos linked above) was funded by the mother-company of Owlcat games, .

The 900k will be spent on things the Kickstarter promised: the Camping-Subsystem, the Magus as playable class, the Archetypes for the classes, Nok-Nok and the additional story chapter.

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