PPC: Psychic Anthology Question -- Blade Rush

Rules Questions

I was looking at the form infusion Blade Rush, and one bit about it confused me.
The infusion says, "You use your element’s power to instantly move 30 feet in any direction," and as it is written it appeared to me that you can only move 30 feet. No more, no less.

I found a similar spell to it called Bladed Dash, and it says, "When you cast this spell, you immediately move up to 30 feet in a straight line any direction."

It doesn't make any sense to me that the kineticist ability would allow you to only move 30 feet when a similar spell allows you to move up to 30 feet.

Is this the way it was intended, or is this another mistake in Psychic Anthology?

"Move 30 feet" means "Move 30 feet", although I could certainly understand reading it in a way allowing you to make your attack at any point during the movement...

When it says "move 30 feet", it does not mention obstacles either. Does that mean you can move through 30 feet of stone? Does a waterbender dissolve into a puddle inside the prison cell and appear 30 feet outside with a splash and a slash? I mean, it doesn't SAY you can't use it as a get-out-of-jail-free card, but can you? It seems more likely, and in keeping with the later "ride the blast" utility, that there needs to be line-of-sight, maybe allowing for partial cover? Maybe you can pass through a window, but not though a wall?

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