One Howl and Two Smoking Barrels: Gestalt Gunslinging Werewolves in the Wild West (W20 setting with PF 1e rules) (Inactive)

Game Master Sebecloki

Gun-toting werewolves in the Weird West.

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added those two points:

Stats: 50 pt. buy; no max on score.

Races: humans with any werewolf(ish) template (or a class that achieves the same effect). Most players need to be this. I might allow one exception if you make a good case. This is a werewolf game!

Class: gestalt gunslinger(ish)/something else, start at 4th level.

The only exception to this is if you play a Native American character where gunslinger doesn't make sense. I'd like a large proportion of the players to be gunslinger gestalts.

Multiclass archetypes and VMC and prestige classes OK. No multiclassing on either side of the gestalt.

Mythic: gestalt 2 mythic progressions, 2 tiers.

Feats: 5 1st level. 1 per level after that.
Mythic feats also 1 per tier.
Feat tax rules.

Equipment: just pick stuff that makes sense.

HP -- Wounds/Vigor. Just take maximum for rolls.
AC -- Armor as Damage Reduction, piecemeal armor.

3rd party: basically anything as long as it makes sense for the setting.
Combat -- Unchained action economy.

Hero points

Combat/stamina everyone gets requisite feat free
Skill unlocks everyone gets requisite feat free

Unchained action economy but: a bonus swift action that doesn't count against the three regular actions; You get to keep your iteratives, and can make a full attack by taking 3 actions, similar to natural attacks.

ABP, starting as if level 5.

Animal companions have 2 mythic tiers, and advance with their owners

Out of sheerest curiosity, could I play a catfolk with the werewolf template?

Yes, I realize how odd that would be(to say the least), but as I settled on Legendary Shifter as my class(along with Ranger), I figured why not go all out and take levels in the Polymorph Savant PrC, allowing me to eventually shapechange into pretty much anything.

My thinking is that while he's a werewolf, he's been blessed by Coyote as a super trickster, since he can take on a massive variety of shapes.

The catfolk is part of Coyote's prank, of both the PC as well as the Garou and the Bastet. Perhaps he'll even end up serving as a sort of emissary/ambassador between the two.

Also, I just really like the idea of combining as many the animal type rules/mechanics as possible to make something that is at once both kinda absurd, but should also be a lot of fun to play!

that sounds absolutely bizarre -- go ahead sir

I gotta be honest, I was a lil worried I was gonna break your brain a bit with that.

Something else I was thinking, since this isn't 100% WtA, and it's also obviously Pathfinder/magic, is that he's a werewolf not due to genetics/family/parents(or at least not solely due), but as a further manifestation of his shapeshifting powers.

For equipment, you've listed "stuff that makes sense"... But it would still be nice to have a wealth guideline to go by. There are a lot of things I want and most of them might not make sense for a character of this level.

Also, can I change the wis bonus from werewolf over to cha?

oyzar wrote:

For equipment, you've listed "stuff that makes sense"... But it would still be nice to have a wealth guideline to go by. There are a lot of things I want and most of them might not make sense for a character of this level.

Also, can I change the wis bonus from werewolf over to cha?

you can switch the bonus

Wealth depends on what social class/background you select. If you're from a wealthy family of inventors, taht's different than a lone wanderer/vagabond.

Here are the questions I want everyone to answer regarding your character:

What are your ethnic/national origins? Those of your family, relatives, ancestors, or friends?

What are your philosophical/religious/ethical precepts? If you belong to a historical movement, like the Longhouse religion, then try to work some details about that into your performance on the boards.

I've taken a graduate anthropology class on Native American religions of this period and Mormonism, and read a great deal about the latter over a long period of time. There will be a ton of historical details on these kinds of points -- characters will give you period books and newspapers to look at which I'll link.

For example, I think we're going to begin on the eve of the Civil War -- there's a prophecy in the Doctrine and Covenants that is interpreted as being about the Civil War, and the Mormon NPCs will bring this up and try to talk about it as the war begins.

What is your social class/education? Are you from a trade family, or hereditary elites, etc.?

Where were you born, and why are you in Salt Lake City?

Finally, what do you think about the coming Civil War, how will you react to events like Harper's Ferry and the gunning of Fort Sumter in the news?

Kpatrol88 wrote:

Excellent backstory, Jereru. Wish I was half as creative with fleshing out characters as you are.

As an aside, what level of firearms are we working with? I'm assuming its Guns Everywhere, but I don't think there was a definite answer here.

Searching up US gun history, the first repeating rifles shows up around 1855; one being a Colt revolver rifle (think long barreled revolver), and the other the Volcanic Repeater. (The Volcanic Repeating Arms Company quickly died and became the progenitor of Smith & Wesson and the Winchester Company.) Apparently the Volcanic repeater could hold up to 20-30 cartridges depending on the barrel tube lenght; 16"-24". Of course, bullets were underpowered and tended to misfire.

It wasn't until 1860 and the Spencer and Henry rifles that the US got decent repeaters.

'Course since this is a game, I think we can fudge things a bit to make advanced firearms readily available.

we can fudge some details like that -- this is going to be close, but not exactly the same as our history (I mean, except for the obvious exceptions like the werewolves etc. lol). Buildings may have been constructed earlier, some details may be a bit different -- there was a splinter Mormon group in Wisconsin on Beaver Island that I may want to use for something, they'll be more prominent than in our timeline, these kinds of things.

Oh, my, this is going to be a huge boldness - talking and thinking about the Civil War without being an American. Please forgive any errors I might commit (and consider mostly everything only my PC point of view, not mine).

About the questions, I'll answer here and will later include them in the alias if I'm selected.

Bringer-of-Hope (Henry Lowrie):

What are your ethnic/national origins?
Henry comes from a working class family of Lumbee origin from Robeson County, NC. The Lumbee is a kind of artificial tribe, a product of different scattered remains of native tribes and colonial settlements merging into a group of people with some common usages. By 1800, most of the Lumbee speak English as their first language, profess Christian religion and Native customs have been abandoned long ago. Most of the Lumbee have some kind of blood mix, between African, European and Native American.

What are your philosophical/religious/ethical precepts?
Henry has been raised in a poor environment, in a Southern state, so he doesn't believe much in a loving and caring God - it's just empirical that God seems to love more the white and rich. He has been taught the hard way that one should look for his own and his people. Now, with Mikinak's influence, things are starting to change and original Native culture is beginning to steep him - though slowly.

What is your social class/education?
As low as a 1/3 black, 1/3 indian and 1/3 white could be in North Carolina before the Civil War. That is, poor.

Where were you born, and why are you in Salt Lake City?
Henry was born in his family house, and never have been more than 10 miles away until now. He had sworn to kill James Harris and, using his new acquired powers and Mikinak's help, he managed to track him through most of the nation to Utah. Coming from a rich white southern family, Harris is probably cooking something about the incoming war, but Bringer only wants to exert his revenge and go back to sweet Carolina.

Finally, what do you think about the coming Civil War?
Mostly, Henry doesn't give a damn. Once things start rolling, though, he will probably be on the side of those like him, so he will approve the bold move of Brown in Harper's Ferry. Henry's father was executed for gun possession, so he'll actually feel a kind of empathy for that. Being a mestizo, he is probably closer to abolitionism than the cotton states/politics, altough he wouldn't mind if the CSA split - even if he'd have to fight for his people's rights afterwards.

Hope that helps.

On wealth: I think you're talking about common gear, non-magic, right? Or is social status a difference on how much magic gear we can buy? Or should we not buy any magic gear apart from what we get by ABP?

Can we take Racial Heritage (count as another race for feat, spell, or magic item pre-reqs)? There's a lot of good stuff out there humans don't get access to by default...

The bit of crunch I still have to resolve is a Path of War archetype for Marksman, and I am probably going to have a tradition of being basically a wandering librarian - you are tasked with exploring and recording your adventures and discoveries, and every night your journal updates back to the headquarters. Possibly reflavored to be a bit more Free-Masony?

Wealth/gear at start is a question... I was using the Wealth By Level table for 4th level, cut in half because ABP. How would you like us to determine a value for that?

All together now, part 1: the fluff. Bringer-of-Hope

Next chapter: the crunch.

River, is the Mind's Eye Disciple not to your liking?

Mind's Eye Disciple is exactly what I am looking at. I'm a little underwhelmed by the Solar Wind discipline though, and really like Veiled Moon - so Wayward Path seems like a good trade all around to swap out for Solar Wind.

Not sure what Wayward Path is, but Unorthodox Method should cover what ya wanna do.

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Wayward Path is one of the Martial Traditions. You can pick one to replace an existing discipline, similar to Unorthodox Method; but instead of a trait, you get some minor-to-major RP requirements and plot hooks. Wayward Path are basically wandering librarians, but more in the sense of the Clayr Librarians from Garth Nix Abhorsen than your community library.

A silly question, but how bad of an idea would it be to attempt melee combat in this campaign?

Right now I'm working out what my secondary armaments will be. My primary will be a rifle, but I'm looking at either twin revolvers, a revolver and kukri, or two kukris for backup weaponry/something easily concealable.

Vincent Bloodmoon: I think crunch is done, working on background. I ended up going with Haunted Gun & Spirit Mender druid.

Alright, a question for everyone and Sebecloki:

A horse animal companion via the mount feature starts out Combat Trained and with Light Armor Proficiency. At 4th level, their advancement is +2 STR/CON... and to become Combat Trained. I'm really not sure whats going on with this, especially since every FAQ or forum reference I can find says that the Combat Trained tricks replace the animals tricks, rather than being bonus tricks.

It's a little out of place for traditional western, but are there any alternative mounts available to select? Unfortunately, my favorites (Elk or wolves) are both medium at this level and there don't seem to be many Large sized companion options.

I have all the crunch just about done besides the Animal Companion tricks, which started the above confusion. Just need to finish writing out the details of different attack options.

Which class is granting this feature? Cavalier?

Basically. Archetype that gives Mount as the cavalier class feature.

River of Sticks wrote:

Alright, a question for everyone and Sebecloki:

A horse animal companion via the mount feature starts out Combat Trained and with Light Armor Proficiency. At 4th level, their advancement is +2 STR/CON... and to become Combat Trained. I'm really not sure whats going on with this, especially since every FAQ or forum reference I can find says that the Combat Trained tricks replace the animals tricks, rather than being bonus tricks.

It's a little out of place for traditional western, but are there any alternative mounts available to select? Unfortunately, my favorites (Elk or wolves) are both medium at this level and there don't seem to be many Large sized companion options.

I have all the crunch just about done besides the Animal Companion tricks, which started the above confusion. Just need to finish writing out the details of different attack options.

What about a megafauna elk -- do they have stats for that? You should be able to just advance it's HD until it's the right size category. /herd-animal-elk-megaloceros/

Kpatrol88 wrote:

A silly question, but how bad of an idea would it be to attempt melee combat in this campaign?

Right now I'm working out what my secondary armaments will be. My primary will be a rifle, but I'm looking at either twin revolvers, a revolver and kukri, or two kukris for backup weaponry/something easily concealable.

I've found that it's never a bad idea to prepare for different types of combat. Guns are great, but when somebody ends up in your face, then having an alternative is probably a good idea.

You'll need to be prepared for multiple possibilities -- the villains will certainly try to close on you at times.

Jereru wrote:

Oh, my, this is going to be a huge boldness - talking and thinking about the Civil War without being an American. Please forgive any errors I might commit (and consider mostly everything only my PC point of view, not mine).

About the questions, I'll answer here and will later include them in the alias if I'm selected.

** spoiler omitted **...

no magic gear. your starting gear will be in part determined by the social class you choose.

Okay, so no magic items? I’m assuming class features that replicate magic items are still allowed?

yeah that's fine

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Kpatrol88 wrote:
A silly question, but how bad of an idea would it be to attempt melee combat in this campaign?

It depends. Since this is a Mythic game, you only need to pick Fleet Charge or Fleet Warrior, and your melee problems are solved.

I'm building my crunch around throwing a knife. I can throw it in melee also, but if I really need to I can always stab with it.

High-power? Check. Unique idea? Check. Something that brings back my Deadlands nostalgia? Check. Consider this a dot!

Great, welcome!

Any other outstanding questions from the group?

Only in terms of what third-party content is allowed, since my library is hitting close to 5,000 PDFs and I have a lot of stuff most GMs will not allow because it is third-party.


Shadow Lodge

Jereru wrote:
Kpatrol88 wrote:
A silly question, but how bad of an idea would it be to attempt melee combat in this campaign?

It depends. Since this is a Mythic game, you only need to pick Fleet Charge or Fleet Warrior, and your melee problems are solved.

I'm building my crunch around throwing a knife. I can throw it in melee also, but if I really need to I can always stab with it.

one of my three character plans is a melee character who relies on cut from the air to survive

I'm also considering Cut from the Air, since I already have a lot of AoOs and could even have infinite with Mythic Combat Reflexes. It would make me spend a pair of feats or talents, but could be worthwhile if I manage to have a good attack bonus.

That’s the route I’m going- I’m also super WIS-based, so I picked up the Guiding enchantment via class ability, so I have pretty crazy stat bonuses to my infinite AoOs to deflect bullets. A log of my class stuff is giving me the baseline, and I’m expressing my gunslinger side more in my feats (which fits with my backstory too)

I feel inadequate only being able to stop 2 bullets a round. Revised character up later today.

Oh, well since we're not using any magic items I don't feel so bad about having multiple weapons. Now the question is which one should I put weapon focus on...

Are special materials still a thing though? Mithral, Adamantine and the like?

Kpatrol88 wrote:

Oh, well since we're not using any magic items I don't feel so bad about having multiple weapons. Now the question is which one should I put weapon focus on...

Are special materials still a thing though? Mithral, Adamantine and the like?

Remember you also have a +1 enhancement bonus to assign and that, under Feat Tax Rules, Weapon Focus applies to a whole weapon group.

Jereru wrote:
Kpatrol88 wrote:

Oh, well since we're not using any magic items I don't feel so bad about having multiple weapons. Now the question is which one should I put weapon focus on...

Are special materials still a thing though? Mithral, Adamantine and the like?

Remember you also have a +1 enhancement bonus to assign and that, under Feat Tax Rules, Weapon Focus applies to a while weapon group.

Ah, must have missed that change. Thanks!

Sebecloki wrote:
River of Sticks wrote:

Alright, a question for everyone and Sebecloki:

A horse animal companion via the mount feature starts out Combat Trained and with Light Armor Proficiency. At 4th level, their advancement is +2 STR/CON... and to become Combat Trained. I'm really not sure whats going on with this, especially since every FAQ or forum reference I can find says that the Combat Trained tricks replace the animals tricks, rather than being bonus tricks.

It's a little out of place for traditional western, but are there any alternative mounts available to select? Unfortunately, my favorites (Elk or wolves) are both medium at this level and there don't seem to be many Large sized companion options.

I have all the crunch just about done besides the Animal Companion tricks, which started the above confusion. Just need to finish writing out the details of different attack options.

What about a megafauna elk -- do they have stats for that? You should be able to just advance it's HD until it's the right size category. /herd-animal-elk-megaloceros/

There are statistics for that, but the Animal Companion/Mount version also starts medium. I'll just run with the horse... Maybe at 7th when more animals reach large, I could go on a spirit quest to find a new mount?

Also, I don't know if you saw my question about Racial Heritage - is that on the table, or should we stick with human-only things?

Okay, I've finally got all of the crunch for my character done: Taylor O'Connel.

Now I just need to work on her Background.

I just want to say the submissions so far look amazing -- such long stat blocks! I'm really looking forward to running this for you fine people.

For your consideration, Athena Preston.

background and questions:

What are your ethnic/national origins? Those of your family, relatives, ancestors, or friends?

Athena doesn't know her exact heritage,but the blonde hair and blue eyes point to somewhere in Northern Europe. Her adoptive father was Benedict Preston, from Oxford, England. As for her friends, she feels that judging people on their origin or skin is rather silly.

What are your philosophical/religious/ethical precepts? If you belong to a historical movement, like the Longhouse religion, then try to work some details about that into your performance on the boards.

She is a deist, though not a particularly adamant one. Politically, she supports women's suffrage and abolitionism. Much of this is due to practical matters. If taxation without representation is unjust, then either she should not be expected to pay taxes, or she should be able to vote. Likewise, if a slave is counted as 3/5 of a person for determining representatives, why do they not deserve 3/5 of a vote? To do otherwise is mathematically unjust.

What is your social class/education? Are you from a trade family, or hereditary elites, etc.? Where were you born, and why are you in Salt Lake City?

She was raised by a scholar, Benedict Preston, on an estate just outside of Philadelphia. In addition to his research, Benedict owned several orchards and a cidery that provided him with sufficient income in addition to his inherited wealth. She has an education rivaling any university of the time, as well as knowledge of hermetic magic from her father.

She's come west because it is a frontier. A place where social roles aren't as rigid. She also suspected that war would come to the east and suspected that it would be less of an issue out here. Finally, she suspected that She'd find more of her kind out here.

Salt Lake City wasn't chosen as a specific destination. In researching routes, she knew that there was a mail route from Independence to Salt Lake City. Once she got past the rail lines, she knew she'd need a good route to find enough travelers to avoid problems.

Finally, what do you think about the coming Civil War, how will you react to events like Harper's Ferry and the gunning of Fort Sumter in the news?

She had figured that there would be a reckoning between slave states and non-slave states. Their interests were just too diverse. The North had increased in population and industry, causing the south to lose power. She didn't know how this reckoning would happen, but it would likely involve bloodshed. Thus, travelling away from the coming war is the intelligent thing to do.


Athena Preston was raised outside of any tribe. She doesn't know how she was orphaned, but she was raised by a scholar who knew a little magic. She was an odd child, something was off about her. She didn't talk until 2, but when she did, it was in full sentences. Shortly thereafter, she taught herself to read from daddy's library. By the time she was a teenagers, she rejected his teachings on magic for being too full of unnecessary elements. She had a talent to see the underlying patterns of reality.

Movement was one of them. Some of the books they had were from the far east and described ways of fighting without weapons. While this was useful, it only made sense to adapt it to the modern age. To mix such fighting with a gun was the natural evolution.

And seeing patterns helped her to understand that she wasn't human. She felt the pull in her blood and figured out how to change. Naturally, she kept this a secret. But that meant that she should find her people. It was also the traditional time for people to go
travel and see the world.

So she headed out on the rails. At a stop along the way, she encountered a pack of Iron Riders. A lout was giving her trouble based on the way she was dressed. She knew that no law required a dress code, and all of her body was covered save her face. The lout's argument that she was inferior, led her to challenge him in any sort of contest short of urinary calligraphy. She offered to best him in history, philosophy, mathematics, engineering, mechanics, linguistics. He responded with fisticuffs. She smiled and inquired if he would use Marquis of Queensbury rules. His answer was a blow he advertised long before it arrived.

Shortly thereafter he was unconscious. When the constables arrived, this group stepped forward to give witness. Their leader was silver-tongued and spun a story about the lout's unfortunate luck. It seems that while trying to assault the lady, he tripped and fell on many things, leading to his injuries. Such skill with words was more than natural. She saw the way he bent the constable's mind. It wasn't her talents, but closer to spiritualistic forms of magic.

She questioned him about it, and he nodded. He introduced himself as Seamus O'Reilly and introduced the others as his cousins. Despite many of them having little family resemblance. Seamus saw oddities in her fighting style and the fact that he could not read her. He asked about her family, to which she admitted she didn't know. He offered some knowledge of their kind. They had urgent things to do, but he left her some information to contact others in Salt Lake City. When she arrived, she made herself known. She had odd ways and magic, but a strength and an interest in the modern world. Over time they educated her and adopted her into the Iron Rider tribe. Still, she did not join a pack just yet.

Athena dresses like a Yankee gentleman. She wears a men's suit, kept in pristine condition despite the roughness of the frontier.


Athena Preston
Female human natural werewolf cryptic (grammaton) 4/psychic warrior (meditant) 4/gestalt 4/Overmind 2 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 198, Ultimate Psionics 35, 53, 265, 276)
NG Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Hero Points 1
Init +9; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +13
Defense 22, flat-footed 15. . (+1 deflection, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 miscellaneous)
Armor DR: 5. . (+5 armor)
Critical Defense: +12. . (+5 DR, +6 Dex, +1 deflection)
Vig 58 (4d8) Wnd 32 (Threshold 16)
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +9
Defensive Abilities evasion, hard to kill
Speed 40 ft.
Melee mithral dagger +10 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged mwk revolver +11 (1d8/x4) or
. . mwk coat pistol +11 (1d4/x3) or
Special Attacks deeds (gunslinger's dodge, quick clear), grit (4), gritted patterns, mythic power (7/day, surge +1d6)
Cryptic (Grammaton) Powers Known (power points 32, ML 4th; concentration +12)
. . 2nd body adjustment
. . 1st call to mind, hidden pocket, kinetic legerdemain
. . 0 (at will) missive, psionic repair, crystal light, energy splash, far hand, float, trick shot
Psychic Warrior (Meditant) Powers Known (power points 32, ML 4th; concentration +10)
. . 2nd—sustenance
. . 1st—chameleon, force screen (path), psychokinetic cannon (path), skate, vigor
. . 0 (at will) conceal thoughts, detect psionics
Str 10, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 18, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 29
Feats Access Psionic Talent, Agile Maneuvers, Amateur Gunslinger[UC], Combat Expertise, Combat Stamina, Deadly Aim, Deflect Arrows[M], Deft Shootist Deed[UC], Dodge, Dual Path[M], Extra Disruption Type, Ghost Attack, Gunsmithing[UC], Improved Disruption, Improved Disruption[M], Open Minded, Power Attack, Psionic Body, Psionic Meditation, Speed Of Thought
Traits focused mind, perceptive talent
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+14 to jump), Appraise +10, Artistry (philosophy) +10, Autohypnosis +11, Craft (mechanical) +12, Disable Device +16, Escape Artist +10, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +13, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +13, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (psionics) +13, Knowledge (religion) +13, Linguistics +10, Perception +13, Ride +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +11, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +14
Languages Chinese, English, German, Hebrew, Latin, Paiute, Shoshone, Spanish
SQ active energy type, agile maneuvers, altered defense, altered defense, absorb, altered defense, deflect, altered defense, retaliate, amateur gunslinger, amazing initiative, annihilate pattern, armor of force, change shape (human, hybrid, and wolf; polymorph), combat expertise, deadly aim, deflect arrows, disrupt pattern, dodge, enhanced disruption, finesse weapon attack attribute, fleet charge[MA], hero points, insight (binding pattern), limitless range[MA], lycanthropic empathy (+4 with wolves and dire wolves), maneuver (archer path), mobility, path power, path skill, pattern designs, pattern of the gun, point-blank shot, power attack, psionic armor, rapid defense, rules changes, surging psionics, trance (archer path), trapfinding +2, trapmaker, warrior's path, warrior's path (archer's path)
Other Gear metal cartridge[UC] (50), mithral dagger, mwk coat pistol[UC], mwk revolver[UC], concealable thieves' tools[UI], fancy clothes (worth 50 gp), gunsmith's kit[UC], ink (2), inkpen (2), journal[UE] (2), long gloves, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork mechanic tools, paper (10), pocket watch, quartz crystal (worth 1 gp), scroll case, soap, subversive vest[UI], 1,352 gp, 5 sp, 1 cp
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Fire) Lets you set your psionic active energy type.
Access Psionic Talent Gain five talents.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Agile Maneuvers [Combat Trick] For a Combat Maneuver, treat self as size category larger for each 2 Stamina spent (up to Dex bonus)
Altered Defense 1 (10 rounds) (Su) A cryptic learns early on to modify the patterns around her to grant her protection as a swift action. The cryptic chooses from the options below and may only have one such effect active at any given time. The cryptic can use this ability for a numbe
Altered Defense, Absorb DR 1/- (Su) The cryptic gains DR 1/-
Altered Defense, Deflect +1 (Su) The cryptic gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC.
Altered Defense, Retaliate +1 (Su) +1 bonus on your attack rolls against any opponent that hit you since your last turn.
Amateur Gunslinger Although you are not a gunslinger, you have and can use grit.
Amateur Gunslinger [Combat Trick] Extra gunslinger deed, spend grit or 5 stamina points to use either deed.
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Annihilate Pattern You add your mythic tier to the damage your do with disrupt pattern. In addition, you can expend one use of mythic power to deal maximum damage with a single disrupt pattern attack. You must have the disrupt pattern class feature to select this abili
Armor of Force (+5) (Su) You surround yourself in psychokinetic energy that grants you protection like armor, but made of force. This grants you an armor bonus to AC equal to 3 + your tier. This ability is a psychokinetic effect with a power level equal to your tier. If this
Binding Pattern (DC 18) (Su) Entangle target creature struck by Disrupt Pattern. STR or Escape artist check to escape.
Change Shape (human, hybrid, and wolf; polymorph) (Su) Change into three different forms: base humanoid, hybrid and animal forms.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Expertise [Combat Trick] Ignore penalty from Combat Expertise for stamina spent.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deadly Aim [Combat Trick] 4 stamina points reduce penalty from Deadly Aim by 1.
Deflect Arrows [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to deflect while flat-footed.
Deflect Arrows [Mythic] As an immediate action, use 1 power to deflect a single ray.
Deft Shootist Deed Deft Shootist (Ex): Spend 1 grit point as a free action. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when shooting or reloading your firearm until the end of your turn.
Disrupt Pattern (Animal, Humanoid) (Su) carried by firearm attack 1d6+12+1d6
Dodge [Combat Trick] Up to double Dex bonus in stamina points, increase dodge bonus from Dodge by stamina spent.
Enhanced Disruption +1d6 (Su) Deal additional damage with Disrupt Pattern.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Extra Disruption Type (Animal) When you gain psionic focus, you can select one additional creature type as your active type.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+2 bonus, bypass all DR).
Ghost Attack When psionically focused & hit an incorporeal creature deal 75% instead of 50% dmg.
Grit Tracker Helper This is a dummy ability to add an extra entry for the amatuer gunslinger's grit in another section of the statblock (since it is shown with a different name in the two places, we can't use sbName).
Gritted Patterns Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Limitless Range (Ex) Throw any melee weapon as if it had a range increment of 20 ft.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Lycanthropic Empathy (wolves and dire wolves) +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of your type of animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Maneuver (Archer Path) +0 Beginning at 3rd level, you can expend your psionic focus and make a ranged trip attack as a standard action. If your target is flying, they are instead staggered for one round. At 7th level and every four psychic warrior levels thereafter, you gain
Mobility [Combat Trick] Double bonus of Dodge combat trick vs. Attacks of Opportunity provoked by movement.
Open Minded You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
Path Power (Psychokinetic Cannon [Path]) (Ex) Gain a bonus power related to your path.
Path Skill (Perception) +2 bonus to one skill associated with the path you are on.
Pattern Designs (Su) Unlike normal manifesters, a cryptic manipulates the world around her by creating tattoos and patterns that alters reality in different ways. Cryptic powers show up on the cryptic's body in the form of tattoos. The cryptic's known powers can be ident
Pattern of the Gun The grammaton gains the Amateur Gunslinger feat and the Gunsmithing feat. She also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger. This ability replaces the Scribe Tattoo feat normally gained at 1st level.
Point-Blank Shot [Combat Trick] Up to 6 stamina points to increase Point-Blank range by 5 ft per stamina spent.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Power Attack [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to use Power Attack only until end of turn, instead of the start of the next turn.
Psionic Armor +5 (Ex) The Meditant adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Psionic Body Bonus HP +16
Psionic Meditation You can take a move action to become psionically focused.
Rapid Defense (Su) Use your altered defense ability as a free action by expending your psionic focus.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Speed of Thought When focused speed +10ft or +30ft when you expend focus.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Surging Psionics As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to manifest any one psionic power without spending any power points. The power must be on your class power list and one of your powers known. When manifesting a power in this way, you treat
Trance (Archer Path) +1 When psi-focused you gain a competence bonus to ranged or thrown weapons
Trapfinding +2 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Trapmaker A cryptic gains a competence bonus on Craft (traps) checks equal to her class level.
Warrior's Path (Ex) Gain benefits based on a specific warrior path.

By the way, my character can control the light settings of an encounter and has a favored illumination setting. Currently I have her favored lighting be at dim light, but for the sake of the party, I was wondering if that would be inconvenient to anyone and if I should switch it to normal lighting or something else.

Kpatrol88 wrote:
By the way, my character can control the light settings of an encounter and has a favored illumination setting. Currently I have her favored lighting be at dim light, but for the sake of the party, I was wondering if that would be inconvenient to anyone and if I should switch it to normal lighting or something else.

Both the Paizo and Dreamscarred werewolf templates grant low-light, so dim light should be okay for just about everybody. On the flip side, it will probably not inconvenience that many monstrous foes.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Kpatrol88 wrote:
By the way, my character can control the light settings of an encounter and has a favored illumination setting. Currently I have her favored lighting be at dim light, but for the sake of the party, I was wondering if that would be inconvenient to anyone and if I should switch it to normal lighting or something else.
Both the Paizo and Dreamscarred werewolf templates grant low-light, so dim light should be okay for just about everybody. On the flip side, it will probably not inconvenience that many monstrous foes.

True, and thinking on it, I am planning on picking up Hellcat Stealth, so I think I'll change my favored illumination to normal lighting.

My crunch is done, it's just taking me sooo friggin' long to format it into the alias xD

Edit: when picking Inspired Spell / Wild Arcana, should we use the printed version or the suggested errata? I'm inclined to use the errata, since it makes them a bit more balanced and puts both features at the same level which seems more fair.

Okay, finally done:

Mentally Venerable Male Timber Werewolf Human Mighty Godling 3/Greater Werewolf 1// Eldritch Godling 4
Mythic Trickster//Archmage 2
N Medium Humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +5 (Amazing Initiative); Senses Perception +18, Low-light vision, Scent
Defense 26, flat-footed 15 [+11 WIS, +4 Armor (applies to touch), +1 deflection]
DR (10/Epic when below 0 hit points)
hp 70 (4 HD; 3d12+1d10+8+8+8), Fast Healing 2
Fort +8, Ref +16, Will +16
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Guided Gandasa +17 (2d4+13/x3) | Risky Strike +15 (2d4+17/x3)
Ranged MWK Revolver +7 (1d8+2/x4) | Risky Shot +5 (1d8+6/x4) | Barrage +6/+6 ||(+1/+1 to hit/damage within 30 feet)
Special Attacks Duelist Bleed (deal 2 points of bleed damage on attacking or disarming), Bit of Luck (ally rolls all d20s twice for the next round, takes better, 15/day), Channel Energy (2d6 positive, 13/day), Mythic Power (7/day, 1d6)
Godling Spells Known(CL 4th; concentration +16) (Wizard spell list, WIS modifier)
. . 2nd (5/day) - Invisibility, augury, Cure Moderate Wounds
. . 1st (8/day) - enlarge person, magic mace, grease, True Strike, Cure Light Wounds
. . 0th (at will) - lightning sand, conjurer's toolbelt, detect magic, prestidigitation, mage hand, penumbra
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 34, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 18
Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +19, Survival +19, Stealth +14, Knowledge (history, nature, local) +10, Knowledge (geography) +7, Spellcraft +8
Feats (A * represents a bonus feat from classes) Iron Will*, Feral Vitality, Toughness, Combat Reflexes, amateur gunslinger (quick clear), Luck of the Gods, Extra Lineage Domain (healing), Toppling Spell (metamagic), Sacrificing "all" feats (odd level ones) for Expert Sphere progression
Mythic Feats Combat Reflexes, Toughness
Languages English, Navajo, Spanish, beast-speak
SQ Change Shape, Lycanthropic Empathy (+4 v. wolves)
Mwk Butchering Axe, MWK Gandasa, Handaxe (2), Throwing Axe (6)
Double-barreled shotgun, Mwk Modern revolver, Modern rifle
24 silver bullets, 12 Adamantine bullets, 60 bullets
Special Abilities
Name of Ability

Divine Lineages:
Mighty: War Domain (Tactics subdomain)
Seize the Initiative (Su): Whenever you and your allies roll for initiative, you can grant one ally within 30 feet the ability to roll twice and take either result. This decision is made before results are revealed. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Eldritch: Luck Domain (Fate subdomain)
Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Bonus: Healing Domain

Ascendancies: Lord of the Domain (Bit of Luck), By Will Alone

Scion Talents: Channel Energy (12/day)

Divine Traits: 3+1 ranks
1 Rank: Divine Portfolio I (Lunar Mystery, Prophetic Armor)

3 Ranks: Trophy Taker II
Tattered and faded red and blue (two-sided) linen cloth from a military uniform, granting the abilities of boots of the cat (1,000) and a wayfinder (500)
Faintest scraps of a fleece cloak woven from something resembling gold granting guided property (2,000 gp),
braided aughiskey hair granting the ability of a cracked prism ioun stone (500),

Mythic Path Abilities:
Wild Arcana

Fleet Charge
Deadly Dodge

Mythic Feats: Combat Reflexes, Toughness

Sphere Abilities: (Martial Tradition: Wilderness Wanderer)
Equipment Sphere: Unarmored Training, Mechanical Savant, Custom Training (Weapon Proficiency: Axes)
Duelist Sphere: Defensive Slice
1st level: Barrage Sphere
2nd: Augmented Grip
3rd: Scout Sphere
4th: Find Gap

For ages beyond ages, he's stalked the wilderness, hunting down the creatures that lurk in the night. If asked where he's from, he would honestly say he doesn't know. He's pretty sure he remembers coming across the sea on a ship, but honestly, who knows? All of his memories are the same, but he's fought in so, so many wars, under many great (and not so great) leaders. Odds are good that if someone knows a battle, Maiitsoh was there.
Usually, after a war, he retreats into the wilderness, to fight off the creatures that haunt the night, and to let the ghosts of his past settle down, until he grows lonely and seeks out civilization once more. Recently, he's just coming back to civilization after 20 years away, as he feels another major war on the horizon, and the rumblings of the supernatural about to strike. He's an enemy and ally of all- having lived apart from civilization for so long, he cares little for the changing of the times and mostly ignores laws and rules. Those who cross him inevitably pay the price, but those who take the time to make an ally of him find that he is a remarkable healer, dedicated defender, and astoundingly loyal- just don't push him too far, to the point where he thinks you're just using him. That would be a mistake, likely one of your last. Still, he has the general belief that you should care for your neighbors in life, but doesn't find it terribly binding. He's been around too long for that, seen too many atrocities, to have anything but a cold cynicism for anyone he meets. That's not to say he doesn't realize there are truly good people out there- just that the vast majority of them aren't. Hearing rumors of wars is all part of the cycle.

He doesn't entirely realize the scope of his magic or its potential. He knows that he has healing abilities, and can fire off shots from his gun that never miss, but other than that, he recognizes he has a few supernatural abilities beyond that, but doesn't think much of them (grease being the only spell he recognizes as such), considering them more as survival tricks he's picked up, and not really familiar with magic as a whole, only knowing a bit of its existence (beyond, of course, the Garou and Bane). Once he realizes his potential, it's quite likely his powers will grow exponentially.

His wolf form is that of a Timber Wolf, with blue-grey fur, appearing more noble than feral, and with exceptionally powerful muscles and golden eyes, tinged with silver and red. He's comfortable in this form and likes to spend good amounts of time in it.
When he's a hybrid, he looks similar, but his fur darkens to a dark gray and gains the full head of a wolf. When going into battle this way, he has an enormous axe that he wields with enough precision and finesse to split a leaf falling through the air, or, more recently, a double-barreled shotgun if he feels like it.
As a human, he wears a large-brimmed human and a trench coat, with a revolver and a half-dozen tomahawks at his belt, spoils from decades of war. His face is permanently in shadow (Thanks to castings of penumbra), but what little of his skin that can be seen shows, he's got well-worn and heavily tanned skin, with hundreds of old scars on basically any part of him. Across his belt, he has a heavy Gandasa- a cross between an axe and a dagger- kept permanently sharpened and ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

I think I did everything right.

Dαedαlus wrote:
As a human, he wears a large-brimmed human and a trench coat


Also, I think you have another Archmage path ability available.


What kind of witchery did you practice to get such a high Wis? I need to know! :P

Ah, so I did. Looks like I'll still be tweaking a few things here and there....

My WIS had a base score of 22, +2 Racial modifier, +2 from being a Werewolf, +2 from Mythic Tier 2, +1 from level-up, +3 from being Venerable, +2 from the Master Werewolf prestige class. Finding ways to pump a stat sky-high is one of my favorite things in PF, and this had plenty.

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