Rougarou for PFS

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Before I start, I will admit that I'm bias. I'm a dog person, and not interested at all in Catfolk. I'm also not very keen on Kitsune, which are just not for me. I'm also, personally, just not too impressed with a lot of the additional races allowed in PFS, as most just don't really speak to me. Rougarou does. :)

With the Bestiary 6comes a new 0 HD creature, the Rougarou, which I'm in love with, and wanted to see about discussing/petitioning making them a new freely open race for next Season's PFS.

+2 Str, +2 Wis, –2 Int
Normal Speed: 30 feet.
Senses: low-light and scent
Change Shape: 1/Day Beast Shape 1 to Wolf.
Natural Weapon: 1d4 Natural Bite Attack

It's nice to have a race that offers +2 Wis, which is not common, although I'll admit that the -2 Int hurts.

I love that the Rougarou have disdain for Lycanthropes. Because they have very strong bonds with friends and family, I see them as an ideal candidate for members of the Pathfinder Society, and from what little lore we have on them, they have expanded to have communities all over Golarion.

I'm also very partial to the swamps origin, and to see Cajun folklore awesomeness make it into the setting. :P

The two things I might foresee being an issue, at least on paper might be that they have Scent and that they are Shapeshifters.

Scent can be a powerful ability in some scenarios, but at the same time it's something that the vast majority of "pets" come with.

Likewise, being a Shapeshifter (with Beast Shape 1, 1/day) is not too terribly unique.

Secondarily, there is another creature that might interest some as a possibility; the Naiad.


+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength:
Speed: Normal speed and swim speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision
Fey Nature: Naiads have a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Knowledge
(nature) checks.
Inspiration: 1 person gets a token that grants +1 Insight to Will/Craft/Perform and can cast Status.
Water Bond: within 300ft of specific water, Naiad gets +1 to AC and Saves.

The problems I foresee with the Naiad is that they are both a Fey and a Water Type, which like Outsiders, might offer them some free innate protects that some in the community may not like, or some other oddities with the rules for planar adventures or the like. They also have a swim speed which, while likely not common, could make a few parts of a few scenarios a lot easier to make it through.

I'm sure the PFS secret inner circle has or is discussing this, but, towards the community as a whole, what are people's thoughts?

Any problems you see IF they where to be opened up?

Would you be interested in trying them out?

See any issues with PFS play that might need to be looked at and ruled on?


Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Previously the argument against including certain races was that they didn't have a place in the World yet.

These two might be fine as limited GM boon races, of course, the fans of other races have been waiting a long time.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Waiting for BNW to explode in 3, 2, 1...

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Races have never been added to PFS when they're still in the bestiary. Chill.

5/5 5/55/55/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Waiting for BNW to explode in 3, 2, 1...


Fur and guts eveywhere.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Waiting for BNW to explode in 3, 2, 1...


Fur and guts eveywhere.

Starts mopping

3/5 **

I wish that they would add the monkey people to the list as well as the catfolk.

3/5 5/5

I've been waiting literally for years for Catfolk to be made generally available, or at least for there to be more than just 1 boon in the world for catfolk...

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I wish that they would add the monkey people to the list as well as the catfolk.

Others have posted that monkey people is the current GM boon.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Oh! Vanaras could be fun!



FiddlersGreen wrote:
I've been waiting literally for years for Catfolk to be made generally available, or at least for there to be more than just 1 boon in the world for catfolk...

Hey, thanks to Blood of Beasts there are a couple of rules options available for ONE person and ONE PERSON ONLY.

That's a touch more frustrating.

Dark Archive 2/5

I'm playing a skull and shackles campaign with a catfolk (me) and a vanara (my bro) and it's been real fun. I also have been waiting for a boon making them available to PFS. I really like these alternative "half-beast-races".

Regarding DM Beckett's post, I find the Rougarou interesting and would love to see one at play. However, I'm not really interested about the Naiad, which seems like a kind of water gnome.

Silver Crusade

GM Zinou wrote:

I'm playing a skull and shackles campaign with a catfolk (me) and a vanara (my bro) and it's been real fun. I also have been waiting for a boon making them available to PFS. I really like these alternative "half-beast-races".

Regarding DM Beckett's post, I find the Rougarou interesting and would love to see one at play. However, I'm not really interested about the Naiad, which seems like a kind of water gnome.

The fact that they're Fey is pretty much the only connection they have with gnomes. They're descended from nymphs and (mostly) humans.

Dark Archive 2/5

Rysky wrote:
The fact that they're Fey is pretty much the only connection they have with gnomes. They're descended from nymphs and (mostly) humans.

I was thinking about that but also the +2 in charisma and -2 in strength, even if they're medium creatures.

Silver Crusade

GM Zinou wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The fact that they're Fey is pretty much the only connection they have with gnomes. They're descended from nymphs and (mostly) humans.
I was thinking about that but also the +2 in charisma and -2 in strength, even if they're medium creatures.

... so they're water kitsune then?

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Rysky wrote:
GM Zinou wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The fact that they're Fey is pretty much the only connection they have with gnomes. They're descended from nymphs and (mostly) humans.
I was thinking about that but also the +2 in charisma and -2 in strength, even if they're medium creatures.
... so they're water kitsune then?

More like fey-themed changelings.

Silver Crusade

pH unbalanced wrote:
Rysky wrote:
GM Zinou wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The fact that they're Fey is pretty much the only connection they have with gnomes. They're descended from nymphs and (mostly) humans.
I was thinking about that but also the +2 in charisma and -2 in strength, even if they're medium creatures.
... so they're water kitsune then?
More like fey-themed changelings.

I know what they are, I was just building off of Zinou's "water gnome" statement.

Water Gnomes would be awesome. Someone make it happen!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lemartes wrote:
Water Gnomes would be awesome. Someone make it happen!

I'll get the hose, you round up some gnomes.

UPDATE: I have been informed that not only are "water gnomes" not just wet gnomes, but that this constitutes "water boarding".

SECOND UPDATE: I have been informed that "water boarding" is not a beach-side recreational activity. Also, my hose privileges have been revoked.

5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

water gnomes

I think I like Redmage's approach better. But thanks for the effort Wolf. ;)

See I'm thinking they would be blue with large solid dark eyes and no hair. Maybe tentacles instead of hair? Huge grins on their faces.

Clawed(white claws) and webbed hands and feet. Maybe some fins. Air/Water bladders in their wrists, elbows and back of the calves that help them swim. Also some of them become steam kineticists(fire/water type of thing) where they use their wrist ports to shoot steam blasts.


SCPRedMage wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
Water Gnomes would be awesome. Someone make it happen!

I'll get the hose, you round up some gnomes.

UPDATE: I have been informed that not only are "water gnomes" not just wet gnomes, but that this constitutes "water boarding".

SECOND UPDATE: I have been informed that "water boarding" is not a beach-side recreational activity. Also, my hose privileges have been revoked.

I've found that if you leave them under long enough they stop complaining, but sometimes animate.

Dark Archive

FiddlersGreen wrote:
I've been waiting literally for years for Catfolk to be made generally available, or at least for there to be more than just 1 boon in the world for catfolk...

Paizo just made the elemental races free to play, give it a season or three and we should get access to some of the beast races. The Rougarou does look like it will be fun, the Naiad too.

Lemartes wrote:

I think I like Redmage's approach better. But thanks for the effort Wolf. ;)

See I'm thinking they would be blue with large solid dark eyes and no hair. Maybe tentacles instead of hair? Huge grins on their faces.

Clawed(white claws) and webbed hands and feet. Maybe some fins. Air/Water bladders in their wrists, elbows and back of the calves that help them swim. Also some of them become steam kineticists(fire/water type of thing) where they use their wrist ports to shoot steam blasts.

So no one likes this? :(

We can call them Squirt Gnomes or Splash Gnomes...Flutter Gnomes...Torrent Gnomes...Puddle Gnomes...

Oh well. ;)

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Good news for this thread. The 2017 GenCon Tier 1 GM boon is Rougarou! Tier 2-3 is Catfolk! And Tier 4-5 is Naiad!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/5 *

I just found this thread after getting my gm boon quit a coincidence

Silver Crusade


1/5 5/5

Naiad has me curious.

They cool.

1/5 5/5

Wasn't thinking they were, but then saw 'type.

"Fey, aquatic"

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