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I don't know if I'd be able to stomach the bishop.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
The French recipe sounds great. I'm not much of a fan of raisins, though. I've never had an empanada before, so I might love it.. lol

The original recipe doesn't have raisins. I'd copied mine from a bakery from here. Dalindra hates raisins too, so when I bake something with raisins it's all for me xD

Kileanna wrote:
Chef Yesterday wrote:

You haven't felt pain until you zest and juice enough key limes for four pies. After a week of working in landscaping.

They were damn good pies though.

You haven't felt pain until you forget you have been touching cayennes and you wipe your tears (from cutting onions) with your hands!

Or wipe your nose. When I enlisted, I was exposed to tear gas as a part of training. It's exactly the same. The eyes sting and water, the nose fills with mucus, and the throat burns. Drinking water makes it worse. Yeah, been there, done that.

Milk. Or eating anything that is rich in fat. The spicy things dissolve in fat so it helps. Not too much in my experience, but at least a bit.
I had to wash my eyes with milk once.

Kileanna wrote:

Milk. Or eating anything that is rich in fat. The spicy things dissolve in fat so it helps. Not too much in my experience, but at least a bit.

I had to wash my eyes with milk once.

Wow...that's pretty severe!

Kileanna wrote:
apple pies too (but my recipe for the apple pie is the german one, I think, I never tried to bake the American version).

American apple pies are easy, just throw the desired amounts of cinnamon (usually about 1 teaspoon), nutmeg (approx 1/8th teaspoon), and sugar (about 1 cup, brown or white) on roughly five sliced and cored apples per desired pie, then bake in a double shelled pie till golden... works every-time, with a good crust. Serve A la mode for best results.

Edit: Also add some flour... not to much only about 1/4-1/2 cup, but this will cause the apples to make their own 'sauce' while they bake.

It's very similar to what I do for filling empanadas, the only difference is that I don't use nutmeg and I put a small amount of butter (many people don't use the butter nor the cinnamon either). If the apples are too sweet sometimes I use a very small amount of lemon juice.
What kind of apples do you use?

A mix of sour and sweeter apples tend to work best.
Granny smith and Fiji make a good paring, but may come out a little tarter than some may like their pie, but personally, I prefer tarter pies with sweet ice-cream.

I tend to like sour apples. Granny smith are among my favorite ones, but I sometimes use Golden just because I have them.
I don't know how to translate the type of apple that is often used in our empanada (reineta) but they are sour ones.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

Milk. Or eating anything that is rich in fat. The spicy things dissolve in fat so it helps. Not too much in my experience, but at least a bit.

I had to wash my eyes with milk once.
Wow...that's pretty severe!

Which is why they train with Tear Gas. Which is little more than vaporized Oleo Capsaicin. If your protective gear is incorrectly fitted, you'd know instantly.

I am going to try and make paella tonight.

Pray for me.

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What ingredients? I always liked the seafood one, and also the veggie one. But all of them are great. It's one of my favorite dishes so I hope it comes out fine!
Using a good saffron and rice also makes the difference. Use round rice, it absorbs better the taste than long rice. Bomb rice is one of the best variants to cook the paella.
And if you want to share the ressults I've always liked to see.

By the way, we've tasted the cakes and they were fine :-D

Silver Crusade

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Kileanna wrote:

What ingredients? I always liked the seafood one, and also the veggie one. But all of them are great. It's one of my favorite dishes so I hope it comes out fine!

Using a good saffron and rice also makes the difference. Use round rice, it absorbs better the taste than long rice. Bomb rice is one of the best variants to cook the paella.
And if you want to share the ressults I've always liked to see.

By the way, we've tasted the cakes and they were fine :-D


Kileanna wrote:

What ingredients? I always liked the seafood one, and also the veggie one. But all of them are great. It's one of my favorite dishes so I hope it comes out fine!

Using a good saffron and rice also makes the difference. Use round rice, it absorbs better the taste than long rice. Bomb rice is one of the best variants to cook the paella.
And if you want to share the ressults I've always liked to see.

By the way, we've tasted the cakes and they were fine :-D

Great. In the future, if you want to hide the layers, also put the frosting on the sides. Just the advice of someone who used to work in a restaurant.

I worked in a restaurant too. But I needed to make it easy to handle and to move without ruining it all. And Dalindra and I like it better with not too much frosting.

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I spent twelve years working in restaurants and a baker.

But I had to retire so I wouldn't hate food.

Turns out I have a gift for building, so no regrets whatsoever. :-)

That's okay. As long as you're satisfied. That's all that matters, right?

I didn't have a good experience working in restaurants. One of my bosses harassed me to depression and still owes me 3 months of payment (not just me, she has been sued by more than 15 employees).

Yeah, restaurants breed some real pieces of shit.

I did, though. And I learned a lot. I was the assistant cook. I made the salads, made the Provolone wedges, cut the Roast Beef for the party trays, baked the potatoes, handled the smoker for the Ribs and Smoked Turkey, and so on. And take up the slack for one of the head cooks, who was a bit of an alcoholic. But, all in all, it was a good experience for me.

Silver Crusade

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*offers hugs to Kileanna*

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Thanks, Rysky! Always so sweet!

I was the chief cook. And I wasn't very experienced but nobody wanted to work there. Now I know why.

Silver Crusade

I try (and you are too) ^w^

Glad you moved on to better things.

Kileanna wrote:

What ingredients? I always liked the seafood one, and also the veggie one. But all of them are great. It's one of my favorite dishes so I hope it comes out fine!

Using a good saffron and rice also makes the difference. Use round rice, it absorbs better the taste than long rice. Bomb rice is one of the best variants to cook the paella.
And if you want to share the ressults I've always liked to see.

By the way, we've tasted the cakes and they were fine :-D

Good to know that the cakes were up to scratch :)

I'm using this recipe.

However, given that the 'seafood cocktail' I bought takes around three hours to defrost and I have some chorizo waiting at home, I'm probably going to use that instead.

I have some (Spanish) round rice.

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In a few days, I'm going to try slow-cooking Roast Beef in Pasta Sauce with Onions, Red, Yellow and Green Bell Peppers, and some Garlic. I'll let everyone know how it turned out.

I have like the simplest slow cooker recipe ever for pork chops or boneless chicken breasts. Put in the meat of your choice, sprinkle a package of ranch dressing mix over it, and then pour a can of cream of chicken soup over it. Let it cook on low for about 4 hours. Tasty AND easy!

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Limeylongears wrote:
Kileanna wrote:

What ingredients? I always liked the seafood one, and also the veggie one. But all of them are great. It's one of my favorite dishes so I hope it comes out fine!

Using a good saffron and rice also makes the difference. Use round rice, it absorbs better the taste than long rice. Bomb rice is one of the best variants to cook the paella.
And if you want to share the ressults I've always liked to see.

By the way, we've tasted the cakes and they were fine :-D

Good to know that the cakes were up to scratch :)

I'm using this recipe.

However, given that the 'seafood cocktail' I bought takes around three hours to defrost and I have some chorizo waiting at home, I'm probably going to use that instead.

I have some (Spanish) round rice.

I've never heard of chorizo in a paella, but it can be tasty!

A very easy and tasty one is with chicken, chicken peas, green beans, carrot, bell pepper and tomato. It's very easy to cook and the ressults are great.

When I do my slow-cooked Roast Beef, I think I'll serve it with Herbed White Rice and Steamed Leaf Spinach.

Have you tried spinach with raisins, pinyons and ricotta? I love to serve it with pasta.

No, I haven't. I'll have to try that.

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Why would you put raisins in anything is beyond me.

If mother nature wanted you to shrivel grapes she wouldn't have made wine.

Remember kids shriveled grapes can't make wine! And they're icky!

Actually, you should look up Commandaria st John...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Toxic Yesterday, Earth Avenger wrote:

Why would you put raisins in anything is beyond me.

If mother nature wanted you to shrivel grapes she wouldn't have made wine.

Remember kids shriveled grapes can't make wine! And they're icky!

Do not so Insult Christmas Pudding, Spotted Dick, Fruit Cake and Peshwari Naan, Sir, or you and I will have to arrange an Affair of Honour as soon as Decency and/or Droopiness permits.

Cap, Dalindra shares your opinion. I love raisins and spinach but he hates both, so when I want them I cook two different things.
Salt dried cod with raisins is also great. The mix between sweet and salty is a good combination.

I used to love raisins, but now I don't care for them much at all. UNLESS they're in oatmeal raisin cookies. Then as long as I have a glass of milk to go with them I can handle them.

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Oatmeal raisin cookies are even better if you soak the raisins in bourbon or rum first. I also like to mix in soaked dried cranberries too.

Raisin wine is a thing, as well.

Yes it is. And I don't like it... lol

I don't like wine in general a lot.
I usually soak raisins in rum for many recipes and it really makes a difference.

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Kileanna wrote:

I'd live there only to have a musquetoon. I love historic weapons and firearms.

I wanted to buy a toledan steel sword when I was at Toledo, but they were too expensive, so I bought marzipan. Not quite the same thing.

The marzipan tastes much better than the sword.

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It is not the nutty, sweet candy, but the skill of the one who wields it.

Anything works when trying to distract people away from the cookies that Vader is offering.

It sounds appealing.

Its a shame I'm to good of a shot to join.

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"Disclaimer: Those that know how to aim properly need not apply."

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I'm a Storm Trooper. All my friends call me that. I am the worst at aiming. Since I got that I am a Storm Trooper on a quiz everybody says I am one!

So bored at work today.

Today I don't have anything to say about any tasty dishes. Just Petri dishes.

Ha-ha-ha :) I got that one. :)

Leaving for work soon. Everyone have a Great Day.

You too!

What does a petri dish taste like? Is it best enjoyed fried, grilled, boiled or sauteed? With wine, beer, or ketchup?

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