Angelblooded Aasimar

Rules Questions

question for the group
can you have and angel blooded Aasimar with the +2STR and +2CHA and add the variant ability of +2STR for a total +4 STR

yes if your dm lets you pick or you manage to roll it if they dont

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Yeah, this is one of the reasons I've seen dm's not allow cherry picking from the list.

I have an alchemist character who got lucky and got int on the Tiefling version, so I started with 22 int on an alchemist, and could accidentally knock out the party wizard with splash damage.

Allowing players to pick and choose can be powerful, so just keep it in mind.

This is a big reason as a GM I just don't allow any of the variant heritages or any of these special abilities from that chart. Especially not letting players choose it.

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i see no problem with letting the players choose from varient bloodlines or picking out what ability they get for losing their sla

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The SLA is usually pretty weak to worthless anyways, the variant bloodlines and abilities that get for losing the SLA can be significantly stronger and more useful.

If one were going to allow them, the player shouldn't get to choose. The GM should roll.

I'm just not a fan of overwhelming optimization though. Which is part of why I've adopted ability point arrays (no rolling or point buy) which will cap ability scores in any single stat at 18 (after racial adjustment) and we also use Automatic Bonus Progression which precludes the ability to funnel all your money into the big six to have higher "numbers".

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Claxon, using the wise words Syndrome, from The Incredibles:

Syndrome wrote:

*Everyone* can be super! And when everyone's super...

[laughs maniacally]
Syndrome: ...*no one* will be.

Under a lot of conditions the "point arrays" may be as overwhelming (or underwhelming) optimized as, let say, an Aasimar with +4 in STR and +2 in CHA. A lot depend on the DM, the campaign and the personal preference of the players.

My experience has been that controlling these things leads to better parity with the monster CR system so that players don't so overwhelming destroy encounters, and I don't have to do as much customization to creatures or Adventure Paths to keep it somewhat challenging for players.

I can always make things harder for players when I GM. The GM isn't bound by rules. But I prefer not to have to make stuff up so I don't have to spend a bunch of time that I don't have.

There's also the consideration of the strengths of those races compared to other races and how this affects different player character's power levels.

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There's also inter party balance issues to think about. Aasimar already ruffle some people's feathers the wrong way simply for having 2 bonuses without a penalty, the only other reasonable player race I can think of that gives a net +6 to ability scores is merfolk who have the not insignificant drawback of 5 ft move speed (granted strong tail alleviates this somewhat).

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I allow picking from the list after removing the stat bonuses and one or two other options. There are plenty of flavorful abilities on there that are great for making a character stand out, after all.

The answer to the original question is yes, though.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I've allowed negotiated picking - on occasion, even the ability score boosts. The pitborn tiefling paladin in my WotR was allowed to choose the +2 Int option (essentially negating her racial penalty) for a variety of thematic and mechanical reasons.

Of course, my default is to give two options, each chosen or assigned from five rolls on the table. So, you know. Context. ^_^

Silver Crusade

I don't see a problem with the variant aasimar and tiefing bloodlines, but the alternate abilities can get a bit ridiculous.

Sah wrote:
There's also inter party balance issues to think about. Aasimar already ruffle some people's feathers the wrong way simply for having 2 bonuses without a penalty, the only other reasonable player race I can think of that gives a net +6 to ability scores is merfolk who have the not insignificant drawback of 5 ft move speed (granted strong tail alleviates this somewhat).

It's trivially easy for a merfolk to start off moving 30' at 1st so not a huge drawback.

On aasimar's, a 1/2 orc can mess more with 'inter party balance' more IMO. A 1/2orc witch could treat her Int as a 22 for witch abilities without the need for 'cherry picking' an ability and just picking an archetype. They can get a +2 luck bonus with a trait. In addition to all that, they can have 120' dark vision or skilled [+1 skill point/level]...

graystone wrote:
Sah wrote:
There's also inter party balance issues to think about. Aasimar already ruffle some people's feathers the wrong way simply for having 2 bonuses without a penalty, the only other reasonable player race I can think of that gives a net +6 to ability scores is merfolk who have the not insignificant drawback of 5 ft move speed (granted strong tail alleviates this somewhat).

It's trivially easy for a merfolk to start off moving 30' at 1st so not a huge drawback.

On aasimar's, a 1/2 orc can mess more with 'inter party balance' more IMO. A 1/2orc witch could treat her Int as a 22 for witch abilities without the need for 'cherry picking' an ability and just picking an archetype. They can get a +2 luck bonus with a trait. In addition to all that, they can have 120' dark vision or skilled [+1 skill point/level]...

I didn't say it was insurmountable, nor did I say that it's the most over powered. My intent was just pointing out that such things can bother people, and I try to not do things that would do so.

Personally I'm fine with people picking from the list, I know that in the long run it doesn't matter and of part of the party is stronger, that's generally a good thing.

Sah wrote:
My intent was just pointing out that such things can bother people, and I try to not do things that would do so.

There is often no rhyme or reason to what bothers some and you can find someone that bothered by just about anything you can think of. I was just pointing out that being bothered be the aasimar isn't very reasonable when core races are stronger on a whole. 1/2 orcs and dwarves blow aasimars out of the water. So my intent was to point put that is the assimar if 'ruffling feathers', it's likely the player's fault and not the race.

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