Official interest check for Broken Golarion


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Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:
Worldwound would be one of the biggest things for me - trying to heal the world is hard when there's a huge tear in the middle of it. Fighting demons however is not high on the priority list... tricky...

I'm a fan of the worldwound as a place to start. You're doing Hope/Music, I was going to do something around Creation - maybe with a dash of Dreams/Moon/Imagination (think clotho spinning lives out of chaos, or the early creation myths), and we still have room for a third aspect for the church.

Anyone want to join the Church of the Hopeful Chords of Creation? (Just a random name to make it easier to talk about, feel free to change it)

For mending the wound in the world without fighting all the demons Iomadae style we can do some variant on the "just get us there and we can touch the wound and make it well, fighting only wounds the world more" trope. Walking around with flowers growing if we're barefoot, trying to be sneaky and subduing demons instead of killing them. It even has a neat outcome of "what happens to the demons after we 'win'". I like.

Now to figure out a level 7-10 creation goddess. Oh and we need recruitment to open up =p

My character will likely not be interested in joining a church, given that he will effectively be a demigod. However, given the lack of good-aligned deific support in the world, I would probably consider allying with you, but I am definitely going to be more of a "Scourge it with fire" then a "all things can be redeemed" side of Sarenrae. I will definitely try to do good things and redeem others, but I think the charater that I am building in my head will struggle with that all the time: I can destroy, but I should really be offering a second chance.

I'm thinking Deception, Command, and Fertility for my diplomat. The last so I can make offers of rejuvenating farmland- or cursing it. Of giving my blessing to grant heirs, etc.. A carrot and stick to go along with my two wordy Words. I considered passion, but my kitsune is going to be more of a cool-grace type.

There's definitely still some good deities left, just unsure which ones​.

Like the idea for worldwound, I've got an idea brewing that might fit into the church in an interesting way. Thinking an endurance/sword or strength martial character who would basically be the shield/strong arm of the church. There would be a heavy focus on the endurance aspect, I'm thinking he attracted the word somehow through an act sheer endurance or willpower.

Monkeygod wrote:
There's definitely still some good deities left, just unsure which ones​.

Desna strikes me as unlikely to go anywhere, she's ancient by god standards, though her influence could wane. Shelyn'll be stick around until her brother drives her off.

The ascended mortals, Milani, Cayden Cailean, and Iomedae, being really tied to Golarion, are likely to be pretty frantic. Especially Iomedae who's out a herald and just lost her crusade.

Not many Gods are actually dead, though some may very will cut their losses.

Im excited for this. I'm brimming with ideas. I've yet to look over the godbound stuff, but I learn quickly, so whatever you want to choose is cool. I think the concept I like best is a martial character that relies on skill rather than any magic. His views are that people should learn to defend themselves rather than submit to a deity (possibly because his abandoned him). No church, but maybe an army. :)

Shelyn will be around - she's specifically called out as the only god that every other force in the universe would like to keep - even Rovagug.

Ash.. wrote:
Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:
Worldwound would be one of the biggest things for me - trying to heal the world is hard when there's a huge tear in the middle of it. Fighting demons however is not high on the priority list... tricky...

I'm a fan of the worldwound as a place to start. You're doing Hope/Music, I was going to do something around Creation - maybe with a dash of Dreams/Moon/Imagination (think clotho spinning lives out of chaos, or the early creation myths), and we still have room for a third aspect for the church.

Anyone want to join the Church of the Hopeful Chords of Creation? (Just a random name to make it easier to talk about, feel free to change it)

For mending the wound in the world without fighting all the demons Iomadae style we can do some variant on the "just get us there and we can touch the wound and make it well, fighting only wounds the world more" trope. Walking around with flowers growing if we're barefoot, trying to be sneaky and subduing demons instead of killing them. It even has a neat outcome of "what happens to the demons after we 'win'". I like.

Now to figure out a level 7-10 creation goddess. Oh and we need recruitment to open up =p

Awesome idea Ash - I've something to add, but I'll PM you about it to see if you like before cluttering up the thread!


Shelyn will not be around. She's gone missing, trying to uncover what happened to her brother.

Empyreal Lords? Well, not exactly deities to start with, but good beings who grant spells.

I suppose I should be clearer in my statements: I'm not talking about the Deities themselves, I'm talking about their churches. Between Starfall the second and cataclysmic evil unleashing, there can't be a lot of churches still floating about unmolested. If I was a Mythic Lich, for example, I would make my first priority wiping out the organizations that could seriously hamper me/my minions. I'd be fine with the churches that worship evil deities, but the good and neutral ones would have to go.

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Monkeygod wrote:


Shelyn will not be around. She's gone missing, trying to uncover what happened to her brother.

New priority 1 - find Shelyn!

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
I suppose I should be clearer in my statements: I'm not talking about the Deities themselves, I'm talking about their churches. Between Starfall the second and cataclysmic evil unleashing, there can't be a lot of churches still floating about unmolested. If I was a Mythic Lich, for example, I would make my first priority wiping out the organizations that could seriously hamper me/my minions. I'd be fine with the churches that worship evil deities, but the good and neutral ones would have to go.

Not all that much time has passed (just seven years), there's a lot of good church institutions that'll be hard to sweep away.

Also, iirc old Thassilon included some Desna worship, as well as their own deities. It's not quite as simple as evil ones hating good ones, it can be more situational than that. Iomedae worship is allowed in Cheliax, for example, as law is considered more paramount and Iomedae is lawful.

Shelyn's of beauty, music... so, while her church may be in some decline, even a lot of evil types wouldn't necessarily target it for destruction, as much of the work of Shelyn's clerics don't actively oppose them.

I doubt any church has been wiped out, but there may be some that are *locally* gone, like in areas controlled by the Whispering Tyrant.

We need a recruitment thread badly, having way too much fun with nikolaus.

we're finalizing several documents related to the current state of the world, character generation, and godbound rules.


We've got a pretty good number of people already with characters in mind here too, don't we?

Here's to hoping the idea hasn't withered on the vine...

Oh no! Not at all! We have a lot to work on, altering things to make sense for the world, both flavor & rules wise.

I will get up a basic recruitment thread in the next couple of days(if not tonight), and then a more comprehensive one later(same thread lol).


Maybe drop in some of the rules so that the potential players can look at it now?

Ended up playing a lot of Magic the Gathering with my brother and a friend, so first post will hopefully be tomorrow.

Sorry guys, yesterday(Fri, the 7th) slipped away from me and today(the 8th) was recovery from a very bad night's sleep.

I will make sure we have an initial post up Sun. I would do it now, but I am suddenly crashing hard.

I look forward to tomorrow!

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
I look forward to tomorrow!


Tomorrow is now TODAY!!

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