Deadpool 2


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Sounds about right...

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Sounds about right...

Just go see it at your earliest opportunity. :P

I will be seeing it either Friday or Saturday.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Just saw it - was a lot of fun. Had some great gags, over the top violence, and a worthy pair of mid-credit scenes. No end credit scene though, though at the very end of the credits there is an adorable little song.

I just saw, it was great, I really hope there will be a third one.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Maybe I see it in Seattle.

I do hope that Freehold DM got some closure out of this. I know I did. ~grins~

I enjoyed the movie.

My favorite song of the movie.

Contains some swearing.

Also, this might be the last Deadpool "solo" movie. Reynolds isn't ruling out an ensemble movie, but has said he doesn't see a way to build a good story for Deadpool as the lead a third time.

Mulling it over, I think Deadpool 2 is the best movie of the year so far.

Liberty's Edge

I saw it, was good IMO. But I thought it would have been better and more polished if

Cable or Deadpool would have been the one to kill the headmaster before Cable tried to shoot the kid. Cable and Deadpool knew it would’ve been the kid killing headmaster setting the future off. If someone that already killed before killed headmaster, kid would have stayed same. That whole last bit was long winded and not necessary.

Sovereign Court

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The Mad Comrade wrote:
Mulling it over, I think Deadpool 2 is the best movie of the year so far.

No, sorry. Still Infinity war, by a fair margin.

Hama wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
Mulling it over, I think Deadpool 2 is the best movie of the year so far.
No, sorry. Still Infinity war, by a fair margin.

Not until the second half of the film is released, which is next year. :P

To quote Missus Turin: "This is not a part 1 of 2, this is a film cut in half that we have to wait a year to see the rest of. Just like Kill Bill."

Sovereign Court

The Mad Comrade wrote:
Hama wrote:
The Mad Comrade wrote:
Mulling it over, I think Deadpool 2 is the best movie of the year so far.
No, sorry. Still Infinity war, by a fair margin.

Not until the second half of the film is released, which is next year. :P

To quote Missus Turin: "This is not a part 1 of 2, this is a film cut in half that we have to wait a year to see the rest of. Just like Kill Bill."

It's not the second half, for god's sake. Infinity War is a complete film.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Mad Comrade wrote:
To quote Missus Turin: "This is not a part 1 of 2, this is a film cut in half that we have to wait a year to see the rest of. Just like Kill Bill."

No, it's <redacted>'s film, and it has a clear arc. We just expect it to be other peoples film, so we think it is incomplete.

Infinity War:
If it had cut to black after the fingersnap like some people suggest it should have to keep the suspense of who lived, THEN it would have been an incomplete film.

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Edit: Plenty of folk like A:IW more than DP2 which I am okay with. My and others liking DP2 more than A:IW is no less valid an opinion.


The same goes for the Maze Runner and Pacific Rim films. I can't stand them, others love 'em to death. No skin off my nose, nor any from theirs. To each their own. :P

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I saw it, was good IMO. But I thought it would have been better and more polished if ** spoiler omitted **

The movie is all about recognizing the consequences of your actions. The inciting incident is Vanessa dying, and it's a consequence of Wade's rampage of killing criminals. He can't be killed, so he thinks he can do this without consequence.

Then he joins the X-men, realizes that Russell is being abused and decides to "fix" the problem. Of course the consequences aren't on his mind.

In prison he's so filled with self-pity that he's completely ignoring Russell. He chooses to focus on his own death and retreats into himself.

This continues until he realizes that he can't solve the problem on his own. Even with the X-force, he's really trying to run the show and do it his way. Not until he asks Colossus for help (and forgiveness in a roundabout way), does he start to succeed.

Russell is a foil of Wade. Incredibly angry at the world, but instead of retreating into depression, he's going to burn it all to the ground. He's basically on the same path as Wade, with similarly destructive results. If Wade or Cable kill the headmaster, they remove the agency from Russell to make the choice to not be evil. He has to MAKE the right choice for the movie to work.

The movie isn't about what happens to the headmaster, but rather why the characters make the decision that they do.

Liberty's Edge

But in the end,

since Deadpool was able travel back in time and prevent His girl from getting killed in the first place, that showed you can change things so there are no consequences to actions.

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Saw it Saturday morning. I'm not a fan of the character in the comics but was surprised by how much I liked the first movie. This is more of the same except less focused and a bit long-winded (especially near the end). I liked it less than the first one and a lot of the jokes fell flat for me.

The mid-credit scene, however, was easily the best part of the movie (next to Domino and her luck power).

"You're Welcome Canada..."

Domino and Cable were to me absolutely perfect in this movie, and it makes me excited about a future X-force movie where they get a bit more to do.

Domino was best character. I like their juggernaut way better then the previous one. Probably needed a bit more polishing to make him seem a bit more realistic but still super good job. Also they are absolutely right they had better get out of their before he wakes up after all that! Not gonna be a happy camper.

edit: Also I'm not sure what yukio's powers were suppose to be but that still seemed better then her comic powers her look too so kudos!.

I think she needed a bit more characterization other than 'Hi Wade, Bye Wade"

Phillip Gastone wrote:
I think she needed a bit more characterization other than 'Hi Wade, Bye Wade"

Fair but a lot happened really quick, plus aside from name seemed loosely related to anything comic wise so probably didn't have much to draw on from her.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Saw it. Enjoyed it, but it had definite sequel decay. And agree with Reynolds that there's not much left to do with the character as a solo property.

Domino was awesome.

So was

the best thing involving Shatterstar that has ever happened.

Mid-credit sequence was delightful.

Looks like TJ Millar will not be back in the future

Silver Crusade


Phillip Gastone wrote:
Looks like TJ Millar will not be back in the future

If they wanted a look-a-like, Jason Lee probably isn't that expensive. Also good for multiple 4th wall jokes.

Silver Crusade

Irontruth wrote:
Phillip Gastone wrote:
Looks like TJ Millar will not be back in the future
If they wanted a look-a-like, Jason Lee probably isn't that expensive. Also good for multiple 4th wall jokes.


Yeah I think what they should do is have Weasel come back as Jason Lee and say "Look I had to run out because evil people keep crashing my place."

Oh, I am sure that if there is a Deadpool 3, they will probably find the most ridiculous way of dealing with TJ Miller not being around...

And for an X-force movie, you don't even need to include him

Why would you? It's not like Weasel and X-men are a thing.

be interesting if the Fox buy out goes through, cause that opens up a whole lot of options for Deadpool stuff

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New trailer: Once Upon a Deadpool

Negachaotic Teenage Slaadhead wrote:
New trailer: Once Upon a Deadpool

at least it isn't coming out on my birthday.

That's...the only good part.

Maybe X-Force will survive


In some time line I'm sure they do...

Liberty's Edge

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Some people want Deadpool to replace Stan Lee for cameo's.

I don't think it would be as good.

What they should have done is have him record a huge set of voice overs, and green-screened him doing a lot of different things, so they could be forever adding his actual performance (as opposed to a digital resurrection like Peter Cushing).

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CapeCodRPGer wrote:

Some people want Deadpool to replace Stan Lee for cameo's.

I don't think it would be as good.

not just no. F#*@ no.

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All I know is that now I need to break into Freehold's home & work and hide pictures of Deadpool everywhere, especially places like his high school year book, his convention digital photos, and anything else with a photo.

...and then bribe everyone he knows to deny seeing anything abnormal/Deadpool-y in the pix. Convince Freehold he's the only one who can see DP.

(GM/Yellow Dialog Box/inner monologue: "AmbySlaad, you have moved from mundane chaotic evil into BoVD Vile EEEEEevil.")

Liberty's Edge

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Freehold DM wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:

Some people want Deadpool to replace Stan Lee for cameo's.

I don't think it would be as good.

not just no. F%&@ no.

Could not agree more!

That’s maybe one of the worst ideas I’ve heard in a long time. It’s also pretty disrespectful to Stan Lee’s legacy and his singular importance to what Marvel is

Sovereign Court

Just freaking no. That is a terrible idea. Let the man die with dignity.

Another Once Upon a Deadpool

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Phillip Gastone wrote:
Another Once Upon a Deadpool

Damn. Nickelrolled.

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