Let pick a support~


Alright recently I have been invited to join a pathfinder game. I am a little hesident about joining but I am itching for some good old pathfinder fun. The game is in need of a healer (which to me translate to a support type character...since healing as a primary focus is sub-optimal at best.) Which is fine I love supports....battle field control and debuffing/buffing is my jam. Right now I am leaning towards a Mesmerist...cause I always wanted to play one but I thought that I'd ask around and see what other players think are good support class. A couple things to take of note.....

-The current party has a Rouge and some sort of caster (Wizard I think)
-Magic items are VERY rare and crafting feats are flat out banned.
-No more then one arcane caster is allowed in the party and the role been already filled. (so bard is out)
-Twenty Five point buy and starting at level 8
-Supposedly rp focused.
-Oh and cant be evil!

Grand Lodge

(You'll want to delete your duplicate post before this splits up.)
Does a Shaman with "Arcane Enlightenment" violate your arcane caster rule?

Mesmerist is a lot of fun, but I don't think you can reasonably call yourself a healer, especially if Cure Light Wounds wands aren't readily available.

25 point buy is nice, and 8th level has some good options. Consider:
Kindred Raised Half Elf or Scion of Humanity Aasimar.
Something like Str 8 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 16+2 Cha 16+2
Serendipity Shaman (from Blood of the Beast) with Restoration Spirit (from the Healer's Handbook.)
Hexes: Life Link, Shell of Succor, Tweak the Odds, Channel Luck.
Wandering Spirit: Lore Hex: Arcane Enlightenment
Worship Pharasma for access to Fateful Channel.
Feats are something like:
Defiant Luck, Selective Channel, Fateful Channel, Quick Channel

Favored Class Bonus(Human) gives you a bunch of great Cleric buffs (including Paragon Surge if you're a half elf) and Arcane Enlightenment gives you a bunch of great Wizard spells/buffs.

You've got 6 regular 4d6 channels, and 8 2d6 Luck Variant Channels per day. All your channels give party members double rolls. Plus you're an extremely good primary healer.

There are a few options for Paladins now that can help you fill this role. One is the Martyr archetype. Another isn't online just yet, but came out in the Healer's Handbook. It replaces Smite Evil with passing DR out to everyone instead. At 11th level you pass out Fast Healing equal to half your level for a number of rounds(per use) equal to your level. That sounds like full-bab support to me.

Cavalier is a good melee support class

Can't go wrong with a Cleric. Evangelist adds a bit of utility

Alchemist/Investigator both offer limited healing along with a bunch of other support options

I think some monk archetype gives support options.

Druid? Not really direct buffing but solid battlefield control and mastery of terrain. Also good for coming up with flankmates.

Maybe some kind of Oradin.
1 level of life oracle, and Paladin with an Oath of the People's Council.

I know very little on the occult classes.

But the best supports in the game that I know of are:

Evangelist Cleric- Bardic performance and Full Cleric spell list. Gives up 1 Domain and Spontaneous Cures. You gain new Spontaneous Spells the first one being Command. You said you like to Control some and This class can do it in many different ways. Summoning is great because of Bardic performance. Enchantments are always fun. Wall spells work wonders.

Shaman- Hexes are a great resource due to being able to spam them in each fight. Shaman is one of the more powerful classes in the game IMHO.

Oracle- I personally like the Spirit Guide archetype. With the lore spirit you can pick up CHA to armor and Reflex. Grab up Noble Scion at level 1 and you can use CHA for Initiative. Start with a 13-14 INT and the Mental Acuity Revelation you can Spirit guide up the lore spirit and grab choice Arcane spells (but consider divine) which really can stick it to the GM's rule of 1 Arcane caster.

In a low-magic situation, Clerics are immensely powerful: they get all their spells automatically and for free, plus their buffs can substitute for magical items.

Thanks for the advice everyone but I think I am going to bit the bullet and avoid/dodge the game. The GM literally just told me a mesmerist is to powerful for the game. To that end I think anything I'd want to play would be 'too powerful'. Apparently he only normally allows core only stuff (core book only) and as much much as I want play the game I dont want to have to restrict myself that much.

D4rtagnan wrote:
Thanks for the advice everyone but I think I am going to bit the bullet and avoid/dodge the game. The GM literally just told me a mesmerist is to powerful for the game. To that end I think anything I'd want to play would be 'too powerful'. Apparently he only normally allows core only stuff (core book only) and as much much as I want play the game I dont want to have to restrict myself that much.

Understandable. I feel the same way about Core only. I like the options and have been loving the "Hybrid" classes a lot. In my years of experience I also have learned that some of the more broken things are CRB only. Leadership, Wizards, Clerics, Druids...It works in PFS cause they ban Leadership, Crafting feats and stop 9th level casters at level 12. It also really works for PFS as you only need 1 book to play with in a system that makes you buy the book just for a good feat.

Well hope the next group offers something more interesting for you to play and maybe you will not have to be limited on what you bring to the table.

Yeah, if you don't think you'll enjoy the game, don't play in it.

Myself, Core Only can be fun sometimes, but it has to be done for a reason that is explained up front. Frankly, warning signs flared for me when you said 'Healer' specifically and that Bard was not allowed. Bards are one of the best damned support characters around: super versatile, super fun.

(Frankly, in my current game with a brawler, magus, and wizard, my bard is doing just fine - and I'm not even optimized for fighting. I'm a gnome bard with 6 STR.)

Anyway, hopefully you can find another game.

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