Advice on campaign premise


Hi everyone,

Inspired by your speculation on Aroden's death in another thread, I decided to create a campaign premise. I made a flowchart describing it and I would like your feedback.

Thanks! Flow chart here:


How am I doing?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seems pretty cool, but hard to give specific feedback. Sounds pretty large in scope, might or might not be hard to have players stay on the rails. Also unless it's high level, it often quickly begs the question of why don't the gods just do the things themselves.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's interesting, yes. I love gods campaigns.

However, it seems like the PCs win mostly by refusing to play. "Oh? If we engage in this quest, we'll bring Rovagug back? Maybe we shouldn't, after all." Or did I get it wrong?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How much of this tangled web of plots will the players be aware of at the beginning? Not the PCs, but the players?

bitter lily wrote:

It's interesting, yes. I love gods campaigns.

However, it seems like the PCs win mostly by refusing to play. "Oh? If we engage in this quest, we'll bring Rovagug back? Maybe we shouldn't, after all." Or did I get it wrong?

Well if they don't play, Mengkare (with Pharasma's help) brings about a 1000 year golden age. But the golden age is racial. For humans only. So it's fascism with a friendly face that eventually leads to world war.

Ventnor wrote:
How much of this tangled web of plots will the players be aware of at the beginning? Not the PCs, but the players?

Essentially none of it. The players meet Pharasma in the first session, they meet Mengkare's envoy but have no info on the larger picture. They go on adventures to help a small town. From there it is largely a sandbox campaign that takes them to locations where sacred poems are found. These poems were written by Pharasmin apostates centuries ago. They magically trigger visions that reveal truths. This is how the players learn of the cosmic conspiracy.

When a poem is found, I have a slideshow prepped that explains what's going on at a deeper level. The slideshow represents the vision the players receive. So over several levels the players learn about the plots and meet other mortals with whom they can discuss this and ally themselves to.

blashimov wrote:
Seems pretty cool, but hard to give specific feedback. Sounds pretty large in scope, might or might not be hard to have players stay on the rails. Also unless it's high level, it often quickly begs the question of why don't the gods just do the things themselves.

The reason the gods don't do it themselves is from a selfish and foolish motivation to hide their shame. Pharasma's f@#$ up reveals the fallibility of the gods and so most of the gods do not want mortals to know this as it spreads doubt and mortals lose faith when they doubt the gods and when the gods don't have worshippers, they have no power.

I have attached the latest draft:

Thanks to everyone who is engaging me in this topic. It means a lot and is very helpful.

ClingClong wrote:
bitter lily wrote:

It's interesting, yes. I love gods campaigns.

However, it seems like the PCs win mostly by refusing to play. "Oh? If we engage in this quest, we'll bring Rovagug back? Maybe we shouldn't, after all." Or did I get it wrong?

Well if they don't play, Mengkare (with Pharasma's help) brings about a 1000 year golden age. But the golden age is racial. For humans only. So it's fascism with a friendly face that eventually leads to world war.

Uh, that's not exactly what your doc indicates. Under his entry, you wrote, "His plan is to use the adventurers to get to the starstone without risking his own safety..." At least, I read that as implying that as long as the PCs stop trying to reach the starstone, the world is safe.

bitter lily wrote:
ClingClong wrote:
bitter lily wrote:

It's interesting, yes. I love gods campaigns.

However, it seems like the PCs win mostly by refusing to play. "Oh? If we engage in this quest, we'll bring Rovagug back? Maybe we shouldn't, after all." Or did I get it wrong?

Well if they don't play, Mengkare (with Pharasma's help) brings about a 1000 year golden age. But the golden age is racial. For humans only. So it's fascism with a friendly face that eventually leads to world war.
Uh, that's not exactly what your doc indicates. Under his entry, you wrote, "His plan is to use the adventurers to get to the starstone without risking his own safety..." At least, I read that as implying that as long as the PCs stop trying to reach the starstone, the world is safe.

Ok good eye. I did do more on this subsequently. If the adventurers don't go, he'll find more volunteers or risk his own people to do the deed. He'd rather not kill his own but will if needed.

So the party needs to create a faction of cult hunters to eliminate any who try to initiate your campaign.

Daw wrote:
So the party needs to create a faction of cult hunters to eliminate any who try to initiate your campaign.

That would be an appropriate alternative solution.

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