is there any way to get more skill points per level besides favored class bonus, int and base class skill points?
The Villain Codex has the feat Cunning, which gets you +1 skill point per level.
3.5 had a feat for 5 extra if memory serves.
edit: looks like cunning also has improved cunning for additional +1/level and can be taken multiple times as desired. bonus it can also be taken as a rogue talent too.
Velisruna wrote: The Villain Codex has the feat Cunning, which gets you +1 skill point per level. cant seem to find it or the improved cunning anywere online
^I think it's because the Villain Codex is too new. Wait a couple of weeks, and then try again.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
If you're playing in a home game, suggest to your DM that you use the background skills system from Unchained.
I wouldn't want to trade a feat for +1 skill points per level. Surely the feat can give you more value if spent elsewhere.
One way to stretch skill points is to admit (to yourself) that you don't absolutely need to have maxed ranks in every cool skill just to be "viable". Even key skills like Perception and Spellcraft can get by if you ding them for a point here or there.
And of course there's the solution of playing highly skilled classes like Rogues, Ninjas, Investigators, Slayers, etc.
playing a human rogue putting all favored class bonuses into skills have a high int still not enough skill points tho.
on a side note do pdfs go on sale at all or are they always 10.00 usd im looking to pick up a few books but with with convertion rates dont think ill beable to pick up 2 books with a 25$ prepaid master card
The core rulebooks are already steeply discounted at $10. But look at the Pathfinder Humble bundle. You can get a lot of pdf's there on the cheap.
Rathendar wrote: i saw it on d20pfsrd. Those are 3pp feats just so you're aware, the Improved works like Villain Codex's version.
There is one from Villain Codex but I can't recall it's name.
There is also the almost strictly better Spirit Ridden from Horror Realms which gives a class skill as well.
Hubaris wrote: There is one from Villain Codex but I can't recall it's name.
There is also the almost strictly better Spirit Ridden from Horror Realms which gives a class skill as well.
Cunning is the one from Villain Codex.
And the Class Skill is nice from Spirit Ridden... but it takes an hour to perform and then only lasts 1 hour per level.
ok so i just bought the pdf for the villain codex there are 4 things tho (lite one file per chapter,lite single file, one file per chapter and single file)which one do i click to download?
also besides the villain codex are there any other ways(spirit ridden wont really work)
DSP's Ultimate Psionics has "Open Minded" feat which is +1 per level.
KahnyaGnorc wrote: DSP's Ultimate Psionics has "Open Minded" feat which is +1 per level. thats the same book with half giant right?
Lady-J wrote: KahnyaGnorc wrote: DSP's Ultimate Psionics has "Open Minded" feat which is +1 per level. thats the same book with half giant right? Yes.
wynterknight wrote: Lady-J wrote: KahnyaGnorc wrote: DSP's Ultimate Psionics has "Open Minded" feat which is +1 per level. thats the same book with half giant right? Yes. ok good then i can use it
Rathendar wrote: i saw it on d20pfsrd. Where? Can't find Cunning on the Feats page, or by the Search function, or even by manually generating the URL by way of analogy with Toughness.
Lady-J wrote: is there any way to get more skill points per level besides favored class bonus, int and base class skill points? Not more skill points, but that Inspiration ability of the Investigator is an easy way to get a bonus d6 to the result of certain skill checks. You don't need the class to get this ability, it can be acquired via a feat: Amateur Investigator
UnArcaneElection wrote: Rathendar wrote: i saw it on d20pfsrd. Where? Can't find Cunning on the Feats page, or by the Search function, or even by manually generating the URL by way of analogy with Toughness.
It's a 3pp Cunning and Improved Cunning from Flaming Crab Games, search their stuff.
I think the better question is what you're trying to do with those skill points. I know how it can feel to be skill starved but sometimes you can get by with less.
That said, other ways to boost skill results:
-Class skills. Including making cross-class class via trait, feat, etc.
-Attribute mod. +2 Wis equals +1 to Survival, Perception, and a few others.
-Tools. If available, of course. Including magic tools.
-Skill feats. If you really need those raw numbers.
-Friends. Aid another, anyone?
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
I don't think any of the three Pathfinder reference sites (d20pfsrd, Archives of Nethys, or Paizo PRD) have material from the Villain Codex on them yet.
"playing a human rogue putting all favored class bonuses into skills have a high int still not enough skill points tho."
Is this character the cookie monster of skills or something?
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