Blunderbuss Suggestions?


Scarab Sages

Kinda a strange weapon in terms of rules, but I'd like to give the Blunderbuss a shot (no pun intended) in PFS play, ideally using the scatter profile. Given that PVP is banned in PFS, I don't mind if I'm only able to fire it once per combat. No special attachments to the Gunslinger class, I don't mind if I have to wait a few levels to be able to afford my blunderbuss.

Hoping for suggestions on feats, classes, races, or other options you think would work well with a blunderbuss. I do need PFS legal options.

To maximise the effectiveness of the blunderbuss you might want the siege gunner gunslinger archetype. Despite the name the early levels are all about scatter weapons. This would make your character dex/int based, which sounds like a rather odd elf.

Note that a blunderbuss can fire solid bullets rather than pellets if you load it with such, which means you can fire it into a melee without risking your friends (or triggering the 'PVP' convention in PFS.)

The main problem I see is that 1d8 damage with no other bonus unless you spend a point of grit (until 5th level, anyway) is not a lot, even if applied to several targets. No precision damage, eldritch archer is banned in PFS ... hmm. Maybe drop the gunslinger idea and go with an inquisitor or slayer or something?

However you play it, if you do decide that one shot/combat is enough, you probably want the Opening Volley feat. And Improved Initiative if lemmings who charge forward into combat every time are common in your PFS games.

Scarab Sages

avr wrote:

To maximise the effectiveness of the blunderbuss you might want the siege gunner gunslinger archetype. Despite the name the early levels are all about scatter weapons. This would make your character dex/int based, which sounds like a rather odd elf.

Note that a blunderbuss can fire solid bullets rather than pellets if you load it with such, which means you can fire it into a melee without risking your friends (or triggering the 'PVP' convention in PFS.)

The main problem I see is that 1d8 damage with no other bonus unless you spend a point of grit (until 5th level, anyway) is not a lot, even if applied to several targets. No precision damage, eldritch archer is banned in PFS ... hmm. Maybe drop the gunslinger idea and go with an inquisitor or slayer or something?

However you play it, if you do decide that one shot/combat is enough, you probably want the Opening Volley feat. And Improved Initiative if lemmings who charge forward into combat every time are common in your PFS games.

Siege Gunner is banned in PFS.

I agree with your assessment of the problem.

And, as I mentioned in the OP, I have no issues using another class, my focus is having a Blunderbuss (though in hindsight, a Dragon Pistol would also work, I'm just keen on using that scatter rule).

Also, the wording is no prescision damage AND no damage increasing feats. So even point blank shot isn't adding damage (would still improve attack rolls), though with it striking touch AC in a cone, I probably don't need anything more than a high dex for an impressive single use of the scatter weapon.

So I'm thinking I probably want a class with another focus entirely, that just happens to have abilities which work well with the blunderbuss/dragon pistol using the scatter profile. I'm looking for suggestions to that end.

In example, a Cleric with the Law Domain could use the "staff of power" to make the blunderbuss Axiomatic, which would add 2d6 damage against chaotic creatures. So, in further example, a Blunderbuss with 1d8+2d6 damage over a 15ft cone and targeting touch AC and not actually a spell, so no SR. Not exactly lacking, even if you only do it once per combat. Still, probably loads more broken combos that I can't think of.

The key here is that the scatter weapons actually have reduced misfire chances, since they only qualify as a misfire if they roll misfire against every target. They also can't shoot further than their first range incriment, so will always target touch AC. This means that most of Gunslinger abilities don't really help much, and it means that the weapon would be pretty effective in anyone's hands, provided they have proficency and a decent dex mod.

I did find an interesting feat: Snapfire, which would allow you to more fire as a response to the enemy entering your threatened area. Downside is that it requires rapid fire, which doesn't do much for a blunderbuss since you can't reduce it's loading time into a free action (could be wrong).

I will also note the Bayonet option. It's a martial weapon. Makes the blunderbuss count as a two handed melee weapon. Not an amazing melee weapon, but you could focus on melee with two hands, and then just remove the bayonet (move action) whenever you found a good target for the blunderbuss (Standard action to shoot). Means that a Fighter or Barbarian is a reasonably viable character, provided they have a decent dex mod.

So I'm thinking either a two-handed melee character or a support character, but with either one, I'd like a few bonuses that can be applied to scatter weapons.

If a dragon pistol's an option maybe savage technologist barbarian? They'll get dex to damage at 5th level as well as rage increasing dex, proficiency in firearms, and they're better at melee than most gunslingers. Archives of Nethys claims they're PFS-legal.

For something weird - unless PFS changes it a gun with the conductive special ability should work with a kineticists blast.

For something even weirder a juggler bard can inspire courage on their own attacks and can switch between weapons easily. Keeping a free hand to reload with is easy for them too. It might even be multiclassed with the barbarian above.

Or an inquisitor. Judgement, bane and buffs like divine favor could all work with a gun. And that law domain to get axiomatic or similar is an option, though I'd prefer the chivalry inquisition for the mobility a mount gives.

Murdock Mudeater wrote:
I did find an interesting feat: Snapfire, which would allow you to more fire as a response to the enemy entering your threatened area. Downside is that it requires rapid fire, which doesn't do much for a blunderbuss since you can't reduce it's loading time into a free action (could be wrong).

The Musket Master archetype will (despite its name) lower the loading time of your blunderbuss down to into a free action.

Fast Musket (Ex) wrote:

At 3rd level, as long as the musket master has 1 grit point, she can reload any two-handed firearm as if it were a one-handed firearm.

This deed replaces the utility shot deed.

Scarab Sages

avr wrote:

If a dragon pistol's an option maybe savage technologist barbarian? They'll get dex to damage at 5th level as well as rage increasing dex, proficiency in firearms, and they're better at melee than most gunslingers. Archives of Nethys claims they're PFS-legal.

For something weird - unless PFS changes it a gun with the conductive special ability should work with a kineticists blast.

For something even weirder a juggler bard can inspire courage on their own attacks and can switch between weapons easily. Keeping a free hand to reload with is easy for them too. It might even be multiclassed with the barbarian above.

Or an inquisitor. Judgement, bane and buffs like divine favor could all work with a gun. And that law domain to get axiomatic or similar is an option, though I'd prefer the chivalry inquisition for the mobility a mount gives.

Yeah, that Savage Technologist is PFS legal. And I do like that suggestion. Been eyeballing that class for other reasons. In terms of class balance for PFS, despite the focus on guns, it doesn't actually give you one, nor do you start with the gunsmithing feat, so I'd still need the fame score to acquire a Dragon Pisol normally.

Divine Hunter Paladin is also an option. I'd still have to acquire the feats to use and further acquire the gun, but some neat options there.

Oh, the Spellscar Drifter Cavalier archetype (Inner Sea Magic) is also a PFS legal option, and you actually start with a gun just like a gunslinger would. That one gains amateur gunslinger AND gunsmithing AND proficency at level 1. And you keep your mount.

As for Racial options, the Human "Martial Tradition" swap for the bonus feat could be used to gain Exotic Weapon (Blunderbuss) and Martial Weapon (Bayonet) for use with any class. Still need to acquire gunsmithing, but that's one feat instead of two or three.

And I could use a gun for Arcane Bond (wizards and such). In PFS, I can't get a free gun this way, but I can bond it later after I acqure a gun, as far as I understand.

Scarab Sages

Wonderstell wrote:
Murdock Mudeater wrote:
I did find an interesting feat: Snapfire, which would allow you to more fire as a response to the enemy entering your threatened area. Downside is that it requires rapid fire, which doesn't do much for a blunderbuss since you can't reduce it's loading time into a free action (could be wrong).

The Musket Master archetype will (despite its name) lower the loading time of your blunderbuss down to into a free action.

Fast Musket (Ex) wrote:

At 3rd level, as long as the musket master has 1 grit point, she can reload any two-handed firearm as if it were a one-handed firearm.

This deed replaces the utility shot deed.

Despite the name is right, I had overlook that one. Thanks. Aside from the Rapid Reload (Muskets), that archetype could certainly work. I wonder if I can retrain bonus feats...?

Scarab Sages

Anyway, found another good feat on the basis of Shoot only once per combat: Opening Volley.

Basically, by shooting and damaging the opponent, I gain a +4 circumstance bonus on the next melee attack against the same target before the end of the next turn. So very much a shoot, equip bayonet, then change.

Feat is especially neat because it has no other prerequisites and applies to any ranged attack, not just firearms. Hmm...

The gun scavenger archetype gains the change out ability which, among other thigs, allows you to add the scatter weapon quality to any weapon giving you loads of versatility

Murdock Mudeater wrote:

Anyway, found another good feat on the basis of Shoot only once per combat: Opening Volley.

Basically, by shooting and damaging the opponent, I gain a +4 circumstance bonus on the next melee attack against the same target before the end of the next turn. So very much a shoot, equip bayonet, then change.

Feat is especially neat because it has no other prerequisites and applies to any ranged attack, not just firearms. Hmm...

You realize that was mentioned in the second post?

Scarab Sages

Knight who says Meh wrote:
Murdock Mudeater wrote:

Anyway, found another good feat on the basis of Shoot only once per combat: Opening Volley.

Basically, by shooting and damaging the opponent, I gain a +4 circumstance bonus on the next melee attack against the same target before the end of the next turn. So very much a shoot, equip bayonet, then change.

Feat is especially neat because it has no other prerequisites and applies to any ranged attack, not just firearms. Hmm...

You realize that was mentioned in the second post?

I thought so, but then I couldn't find it when posting. Fail. I really should only post while well rested...

Empty Quiver Style will let you wield the firearm as a heavy mace, with the same enhancement bonuses on attack and damage, so you don't have to keep up costs on the bayonet, and can dispense with the actions to attach or detach it. It's also higher damage, so unless Piercing damage is extra important to you, it's more cost and action effective. That said, you may well want to conserve the feat.

Something else interesting to consider in conjunction with the use of EQS instead is the Bludgeoner feat. No penalties for nonlethal damage, and if you're playing with Combat Stamina, you can even increase nonlethal damage by one size category. Note that not only the usage as a heavy mace but standard firearm ammunition will quality for the benefit, as the feat is not limited to melee attacks.

Scarab Sages

Backlash3906 wrote:

Empty Quiver Style will let you wield the firearm as a heavy mace, with the same enhancement bonuses on attack and damage, so you don't have to keep up costs on the bayonet, and can dispense with the actions to attach or detach it. It's also higher damage, so unless Piercing damage is extra important to you, it's more cost and action effective. That said, you may well want to conserve the feat.

Something else interesting to consider in conjunction with the use of EQS instead is the Bludgeoner feat. No penalties for nonlethal damage, and if you're playing with Combat Stamina, you can even increase nonlethal damage by one size category. Note that not only the usage as a heavy mace but standard firearm ammunition will quality for the benefit, as the feat is not limited to melee attacks.

Hmm...I really should get the Weapon Master's Handbook. That EQS is a nice option. Means I don't need martial weapon proficiency at all, for the melee option, just weapon focus and EQS. Thanks.

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