A race to 400 aliases!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Vanykrye wrote:
Walter White, Head Cook wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

I find it astounding that you only made 10 more since last July.

I still haven't made any. I am still immortal.

I've got a lot going on these days! A full time job... Well, that's pretty much it.

Still, if you think it's so easy, try it.

C'mon, you know you want to! Just one, and then you can stop, I swear!!

Never gonna happen. That's how the identity thieves get you!

I'm pretty sure they have better ways of stealing your identity.

Either that, or my identity is even more worthless then I thought...

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{plonks colander of conspiracy piercing on noggin, adjusts knobs all the way to 11} I'm pretty sure CY is just building a portfolio of aliases so he can become a billionaire renting them out ala AirBnB.

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Vanykrye wrote:
Oh, Pulg, that is some sweet music you just put together. Rivals Weather Report.

Thankyou, and coincidentally, that was a new arrangement of 'A Remark You Made' that I'd put together. Shame Pulg's Fairy Fretless Bass Supremo is off sick at the moment.

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
{plonks colander of conspiracy piercing on noggin, adjusts knobs all the way to 11} I'm pretty sure CY is just building a portfolio of aliases so he can become a billionaire renting them out ala AirBnB.

I.. I can do that!?

Gets a carving knife from the drawer.

Alright, who's first! People can't fit if the guts are in the way!! Have we learned nothing from The Empire Strikes Back!?

Hey, I'm up to 511! That's two more than 311!!

Blue Horsechip loves Apricot Peels.

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hnworr? hnworrughoooghwoo hnur nur? yeeaah. hnur. wur wur wur. ughbugbughurnurnur nur nur. yeeah. gnur. wub wub wur. wblughug, yeeaah? yeeaaah!


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What my esteemed friend above wished to tell you is that he is proud to be part of a community that permits - nay, even encourages - Gazpacho Man Sandy Ravage aliases.

Dark Archive

Do you ever get tired of scrolling through so many aliases?


Beep Boop. I am a robot.

Wait a minute, that's not one of my aliases..

Ha! You people are never going to catch up!

{sigh} No, we won't.

Not if McSerpent has anything to do with it! He! He! He!

Humans are stupid, I hate people! They clearly have room for another two fingers on each hand but no one grafts on extra fingers! The technology exists, goddamn it, graft more fingers!!

Please, what are 'fingers'?

Oh man, 525 aliases! That's a number!


I am shocked and appalled at how few of these aliases have stat-blocks!

How am I supposed to play this Steve Holt!!!! character if he doesn't have stats?


Hey, if they can do it for Lost Omens Legends I don't see why I have to waste my time when I'm not even getting paid for it.

Sovereign Court

So, remind me (as the rules were hard to understand) does someone need to create 400 aliases or what? Because I already have 80 aliases (not including my PFS character) and making 400+ aliases is very easy for me to create.

Shadow Lodge

My alias count remains perfect.

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Jurassic Bard wrote:
So, remind me (as the rules were hard to understand) does someone need to create 400 aliases or what? Because I already have 80 aliases (not including my PFS character) and making 400+ aliases is very easy for me to create.

I passed 400 quite a while ago and promptly stopped caring about such things but do whatever you want with the place.

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If you want some juicy backstory about it I mostly did it while I was the stay at home parent for our youngest and I pretty much stopped after going back to work when he entered kindergarten (and not pre-k).

And it all started when Nobodyshome made a snarky comment when I got to 30 about me trying to pass Orthos (who at the time had 125 and then I realized monkey (Patrick Curtin) and Amby had more than that.

Not quite sure how I ended up with 531 so far, it's all mostly a blur.

captain yesterday wrote:
I passed 400 quite a while ago and promptly stopped caring about such things but do whatever you want with the place.
captain yesterday wrote:
...And it all started when Nobodyshome made a snarky comment when I got to 30 about me trying to pass Orthos (who at the time had 125 and then I realized monkey (Patrick Curtin) and Amby had more than that.

{shakes tentacle angrily}

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