captain yesterday |

Walter White, Head Cook wrote:Never gonna happen. That's how the identity thieves get you!Vanykrye wrote:I find it astounding that you only made 10 more since last July.
I still haven't made any. I am still immortal.
I've got a lot going on these days! A full time job... Well, that's pretty much it.
Still, if you think it's so easy, try it.
C'mon, you know you want to! Just one, and then you can stop, I swear!!
I'm pretty sure they have better ways of stealing your identity.
Either that, or my identity is even more worthless then I thought...

captain yesterday |

{plonks colander of conspiracy piercing on noggin, adjusts knobs all the way to 11} I'm pretty sure CY is just building a portfolio of aliases so he can become a billionaire renting them out ala AirBnB.
I.. I can do that!?
Gets a carving knife from the drawer.
Alright, who's first! People can't fit if the guts are in the way!! Have we learned nothing from The Empire Strikes Back!?

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, remind me (as the rules were hard to understand) does someone need to create 400 aliases or what? Because I already have 80 aliases (not including my PFS character) and making 400+ aliases is very easy for me to create.
I passed 400 quite a while ago and promptly stopped caring about such things but do whatever you want with the place.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you want some juicy backstory about it I mostly did it while I was the stay at home parent for our youngest and I pretty much stopped after going back to work when he entered kindergarten (and not pre-k).
And it all started when Nobodyshome made a snarky comment when I got to 30 about me trying to pass Orthos (who at the time had 125 and then I realized monkey (Patrick Curtin) and Amby had more than that.
Not quite sure how I ended up with 531 so far, it's all mostly a blur.

Norman Fell, Angry Roper |

I passed 400 quite a while ago and promptly stopped caring about such things but do whatever you want with the place.
...And it all started when Nobodyshome made a snarky comment when I got to 30 about me trying to pass Orthos (who at the time had 125 and then I realized monkey (Patrick Curtin) and Amby had more than that.
{shakes tentacle angrily}