"The emperor protects Mr Frodo sir" LoTR Vs War-hammer 40k


This is a interest check for a silly idea I had, if I get the players and something like a working game set up, my hope is to have a short one off and see where we go from there.


"The emperor protects Mr Frodo sir"
LoTR Vs War-hammer 40k

Is a one shot game.

The idea is simple.

The setting of Lord of the rings, the events of the book underway.
They are out in the far reaches of the Galaxy knowing nothing
of the empire of man or anything outside thire world.

Mean while in the Imperium of Man an exploratory ship with a Explorator of the Adeptus Mechanicus [Tech-priest] has just translated into orbit. Is following up a report of a newly found world way out in the middle of no-ware. This World maybe of strategic importance in fighting a suspected Tyranid sub fleet in the area. with him is a hastily cobbled together troop of Space Marines from an number of chapters, Sisters of battle and Imperial guard who in the rush where recruited to assists the Adeptus Mechanicus in this urgent matter. The objective of this mission is simple.

1:See what the world is like and asses it for inclusion into the empire.

That is it.


So there is the idea, you don't know when in the LoTR story arch you will hit planet, you don't know where as well. That's up to me.


Making a PC

Now All the LoTR NPCs will be pathfinder rules based, so I also need a means to shift you war-hammer 40k PC idea also to Pathfinder.

This then I think will be the hard part, the good news is as I am one sick puppy, players state the game as.

10th level gestalt Pcs

Where One side of your PC MUST be a Fighter with guns or
Gun Slinger etc.

The other side is up to you but NOT, you have ALL got to be Lawful
and you must not take any class with none divine magic.
So for librarians etc us clerics/paladin/Inquisitor
with law Domain and faith is Cult of the Emperor.

for psykers use psionics-unleashed flavored to The Cult of the Emperor

Ki is ok but be careful.

Anything that may be seen as having the tint of Chaos and your PC may be shot on the drop ship.

Races I will use RP and creating-new-races Be careful what you pick, find other players find it heretical or mutant your PC will be shot on sight soon as you show it.

[21 point buy

Imperial guard = Human + 12RP [Can't buy up states] [18 point buy 1:1][+3 more free feats at 1st level]
Space Marine = Human + [21 point buy 1:1][+Large][+advanced Template]
Sisters of battle = Human +8RP [+2Dex/+2Int/+2Cha] [25 point buy 1:1]

Weapons, we can hammer out.
Your will ALL be proficient with all advanced weapons you PC
would be used to.

All PCs will also be using the honor sub system where as the NPCs will be using HERO POINTS system.

Yes that is right, where you felt you had the upper hand now you know this is not going to be that easy.

Some Interesting stuff on WH40k conversions


Game play, I fully expect this to be a blood bath, so if you get squeamish at the typed word blood or detailed posting of the blood and guts that will be spilled in the dark distant future then this is NOT the game for you. How ever if you would really like to see what Rivendail looks like once a group of Space Marines pop in for tea and crumpet then this is 100% the game for you.


So lets chuck around ideas and see if this thing has legs.

This sounds hilarious to watch, but I'm (over-)full on games right now, so I can't play.

Liberty's Edge

This, I want to do. I really want to do.
If I understood correctly, one side needs to be a gun-using archetype, while the other has to have some kind of divine magic, am I right? And I assume that arcane magic is banned.
What if one side had both guns and divine magic (Holy Gun Paladin)? Could I pick any other class to complement it?
Could a Sister of Battle be a psyker, ir would it be too lore-inappropriate? I was thinking Kaigun Marksman/Warpriest.
Finally, are there going to be technological items?

Hmm, we'll see if I can come up with something. Not at all familiar with WH beyond hearsay from other gamers discussing campaigns though.


Funnily enough, this piques my interest!

Go figure, huh?

Slaughtering hobbits, orcs, and men in the name of the Emperor, sounds like fun!

A Catachan sniper/grenadier sounds like a blast to me.

This is 100% a fun game.

One side needs to be the Gun using WH40K gothic tech using side.

All players will get
Advanced Weapon feats fitting their PC idea from the Empire of Man
as Well as advanced armor.

I did find this Space_Marine_(3.5e_Race) But its a bit basic and not fully pathfinder.
So noy happy with any conversions I have seen.

Some Ideas for PCs are.

Space Marine Scout: Sniper Rogue (Musket) or Ranger (there's a number archetypes that work)

Space Marine (Standard troop): Gun Tank Gunslinger or Armor Master Fighter (the armory has a couple of 2h weapons, and if you wish tht route, 2h fighter is ideal)

Chaplain: base classes are up for debate, but Holy Vindicator PrC is most plausible/Paladin etc

Librarian: Core Cleric / law master

Bolt Pistol

If anyone wants to try and Adeptus Mechanicus PC, I will let them but just one in this game. The machinesmith is a good class for this.

Anything on http://www.d20pfsrd.com/
is ok, that means 3ed party stuff on there. Even godling and D20 Modem.,

Adepta Sororitatis Power Armour: +2Str/+4Dex/ +8AC [DR5] [Movement 60'] [25lb] [+5 resistance to Fire/Cold/Acid] [Jump +15] [Head not covered]

Adeptus Astartes Power Armour: +4Str/-2Dex [Movement 50'] +10AC [DR10] [50lb] [+5 resistance to Fire/Cold/Acid] [Jump +10] [Head not covered]
With helm on [Head covered]+[Dark Vision 90' +2 perception]

used the Advanced weapons etc.

Bolt pistol DMG 6d6 x3 Range 60'/m1/ROF 1:r/Single shot/6:r Auto/Clip 10 5lb
Boltgun DMG 6d8 x3 Range 80'/m1/ROF 1:r/Single shot/6:r Auto/Clip 30 10lb
H-Boltgun DMG 6d10 x3 Range 160'/m1/ROF 1:r/Single shot/6:r Auto/Clip 200 40lb [2H]

Laser pistol/DMG3d8/×2/Range 50'/Charges 5/m1/2lbs/F/Charge pack 50
Laser rifle/DMG4d10/×3/150 ft/Charges 8/m1/Charge pack 200

That kind of thing

A lot of game play will be talking and finding out about the world.

Liberty's Edge

Alright, then I'm confirming my interest with a Kaigun Marksman/Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest Adepta Sororitatis

Cool a Sister of Battle it is then. Use the base race goes from above and see how it works. I will even up PCs so the same power-level is kept.

I could go for this! I'm imagining a Sister of Battle too, either a sword-and-pistol type with a traditional cleric feel, or a burn-the-heretics type with a plasma weapon or flamethrower. I'm not too familiar with the gun archetypes and classes so I could use some advice on that.


Working on a Calibanite Guardsman - super sniper character (Rogue(Sniper) / Fighter combo)

Liberty's Edge

Alright, here's most of the crunch for my Adepta, missing spells and powers and damn, she's STRONG. I didn't optimize or powerbuild her, and she still can unleash a torrent of damage (24d10 with a single shot) and look good doing it. Purge the Xenos indeed.

Astria Carminis
Female Sister of Battle Gestalt Kaigun Marksman(Sniper Style)/Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest 10
Init +10; Senses Perception +17

AC 25, touch 17, flat-footed 18 (+8 Adepta Sororitatis Power Armor, +7(?) Dex is there a max Dex bonus?){+2 against ranged}
HP 94
Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +11 {+2 against fear and despair}

Speed 60 ft. (Armor)
- Heavy Boltgun +24/+19 (6d10+7) [Piercing, Range 160'] x3 [200 ammunition, misfire 1]
{Deadly Aim: +21/+16 for +6 extra damage}
{Rapid Shot: +22/+22/+17+7}
{Vital Strike: 12d10+7}
{Augmented Shot: 12d10+7}
{Clustered Shots: pool damage}

Str 14(16), Dex 22(26), Con 14, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 12
Ability Increase(level) +2 Dex
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 21
Favored Class Bonus +1 HP
Human - Point-Blank Shot
1 - Deadly Aim
1(WP) - Weapon Focus(Heavy Boltgun)
1(MM) - Amateur Gunslinger
1(MM) - Gunsmithing
3 - Rapid Shot
3(WP) - Precise Shot
5 - Psionic Meditation
5(MM) - Weapon Specialization(Heavy Boltgun)
6(WP) - Clustered Shots
7 - Point-Blank Mastery(Heavy Boltgun)
7(WP) - Quicken Blessing(War)
8 - Snap Shot
8(MM) - Vital Strike
9(WP) - Combat Reflexes
Skills(ranks) 4+1(Int)+1(Human)= 6/lvl
- Acrobatics +21 (10 ranks, +8 Dex, +3 class)
- Autohypnosis +17 (10 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class)
- Knowledge(religion) +14 (10 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class)
- Perception +17 (10 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class)
- Spellcraft +14 (10 ranks, +1 Int, +3 class)
- Stealth +24 (10 ranks, +8 Dex, +3 class, +3 competence)
Languages Common, ???
- Racial Traits
- - Eternal Hope: +2 and reroll Nat.1 1/day against fear and despair
- - Darkvision 60' feet
- - Ferocity: can fight, although staggered, below 0 HP
- Warpriest Class Abilities
- - Blessing(War): 8/day
- - - War Mind: Ally gets for a minute either +10ft. movement, +1 dodge AC, +1 insight to atk or +1 luck on saves. Ally chooses which each turn
- - - Battle Lust: Ally gets +2d6 dmg, gets 1d6 nonlethal with every attack, +4 to confirm crits.
- - Sacred Weapon: can give a +2-equivalent enhancement bonus to weapon 10 rounds/day
- - Fervor: heal 3d6 through touch 9/day
- - Weapon Training(firearms): +2 to attack and damage with firearms
- - Advanced Weapon Training(Trained Initiative): +2 to initiative, Quick Draw with firearms
- Marksman Class Abilities:
- - Wind Reader: When focused, swift action to get +4 to ranged attacks 13/day
- - Psionic Deed: Explosive Shot (spend 1 grit to have atk deal damage in a 5' range)
- - Favored Weapon(firearms): +3 competence to atk with firearms
- - Evade Arrows: +2 dodge against ranged attacks
- - Style Skill: +3 Stealth
- - Style Mantra: While focused, +3 dmg with ranged weapons
- - Second Chance: Spend focus to reroll missed attack 7/day
- - Cover Fire: Attack AC 10 to stagger, dealing no damage
- - Telekinetic Recharge: Expend focus to reload
- - Mental Grit: Convert 3 PP in 1 grit
- - Augmented Shot: Double damage of single attack
- - Focused Control: Misfire increases misfire chance by only 2 when focused

Encumbrance 65/76-153-230 lbs. (light load)
Money ???

As for her fighting style, she'll use a mix of attacking and moving around, but has the feats to use the gun in melee range without penalty. Her only risk is running out of ammo, but she has Gunsmithing so it's alright.

Side questions: Wealth is standard WBL? Are there magic items we should avoid? Does the Adepta Sororitas' armor have an Armor Penalty Check or a Maximum Dexterity Bonus?

Interested, love the two genres mixed, but I'm not familiar with the system you'll use. I run some wh40k games, but you won't be using that system and I'm new to pathfinder system, So if you're up for a little guidance, I'd play the rogue ranger Marine, Raven Guard, very stealthy and quiet. Could double as techmarine if that's needed for weaponsmith.

Hobbits=Ratlings so they would be acceptable.

Yep all the races cross over into 40k fine.
Even some eldar but you will fine that out in game.

Also the heavy bolter is a support weapon. Carrying onew around will take Str 20 sorry guys.

Can you advise on flamers, plasma and close combat weapons?

I'm thinking of either a power-sword and plasma pistol setup

Or some kind of plasma gun or flamer, possibly the heavy version.

Hand to hand weapons:

Normal blades:
Made form a strange alloy that penetrates hardness as if it were made of adamantine.

Power Blade
Type one-handed melee; Proficiency exotic (bastard sword); Dmg (M) 2d6/fire 2d6/electrical slash.; Critical 19-20/×2; Capacity 50; Usage 1 charge/rnd.; Aura moderate abjuration; Weight 8 lbs.
A Power blade is a Master Work bastard. The blade's strange alloy penetrates hardness as if it were made of adamantine. The blade can be activated as a swift action. While it's active, a shimmering field of blue energy wraps around the blade, disrupting magic and technology alike, and the weapon's enhancement bonus becomes +2. In addition.

One-handed melee; Proficiency exotic; Dmg (M) 3d10, slash +Bleed.; Critical 19-20/×4; Capacity 60; Usage 1 charge/min.; Special deadly, distracting; Weight 10 lbs.
A chainsword consists of a weighty housing for the power engine and power source that is fitted with a handle, and a 2- to 3-foot-long blade extending from the front, around which a whirling, buzzing chain of razor-sharp adamantine cutting links spins at blinding speed when the weapon is activated. It's a standard action to activate a chainsaw, and doing so consumes a charge of power. A dropped chainsaw automatically turns off. The buzzing of a chain-sword blade is loud and distracting (but not deafening), causing anyone carrying an activated chainsaw to take a -10 penalty on Stealth checks. An activated chainsaw grants a proficient user a +2 morale bonus on Intimidate checks.

Other Ranged weapons:

Type one-handed ranged; Proficiency exotic; Dmg 5d6 eletcity and fire; Critical 19-20/×2; Range 60 ft.; Capacity 40; Usage 1 charges; Special automatic or slow-firing, scatter, touch; Weight 10 lbs.

Heavy weaponry PlasmaGun
Type two-handed ranged; Proficiency exotic; Dmg 5d10 eletcity and fire; Critical 19-20/×2; Range 80 ft.; Capacity 100; Usage 2 charges; Special automatic or slow-firing, scatter, touch; Weight 20 lbs.

A plasmaGun is a devastating weapon that fires blasts of superheated, electrically charged gas. This weapon has two firing modes: slow-firing and automatic. When used on the slow-firing setting, the weapon fires a scattering shot with no range increment; on the automatic setting, it fires individual bursts of plasma that can reach up to 3 range increments. Half the damage dealt by a plasmathrower is fire damage and the other half is electricity damage.

Laser Pistol
Type one-handed ranged; Proficiency exotic (firearms); Dmg 3d6 fire; Critical ×3; Range 50 ft.; Capacity 20; Usage 1 charge; Special semi-automatic, touch; Weight 2 lbs.
A laser pistol emits a beam of intensely focused light capable of burning anything it strikes. A laser attack can pass through force fields and force effects, such as a wall of force, to strike a foe beyond without damaging that field. Objects like glass or other transparent barriers do not provide cover from lasers—but unlike force barriers, a transparent physical barrier still takes damage from a laser passing through it. Invisible creatures are immune to damage caused by a laser weapon. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide cover in addition to concealment from laser attacks. Darkness (magical or otherwise) has no effect on lasers other than providing concealment, and though a laser consists of highly focused light, it does not provide any illumination.

Laser Rifle
Type two-handed ranged; Proficiency exotic (firearms); Dmg 4d6 fire; Critical ×3; Range 150 ft.; Capacity 40; Usage 1 charge; Special automatic, touch; Weight 6 lbs.
A laser rifle is a larger, more powerful version of a laser pistol, and functions as such except for the differences listed here.

Type two-handed ranged; Proficiency exotic (heavy weaponry); Dmg (S) 6d10 f; Critical 19-20/×2; Range 60 ft.; Capacity 30; Usage 1 per round; Special automatic or slow-firing, scatter, touch; Weight 25 lbs.
A Flamer is a devastating weapon that fires blasts of superheated, flame. This weapon has two firing modes: slow-firing and automatic. When used on the slow-firing setting, the weapon fires beam like shot up to 60' hit all things in that line. On the automatic setting, it fires individual bursts of Flame that can reach up to 30' cone and hitting all targets in that cone.

Liberty's Edge

I'll switch to the Boltgun then. Are there stats for the Storm Shields?


I am absolutely dotting for interest, but as I might be inheriting a game soon, will ask for the chance to be just an observer.

"Magos L3-G0L-XS! What do your Omnissiah-blessed ocular augments detect!"

So, how reliable are these weapons? What I have in mind is...

Cleric 10/(Gunslinger (Technologist)5/Paladin 5)

...probably wielding the Heavy Plasma Gun, if that's acceptable, which would remove most of the unreliability (though of course that's pointless if it is perfectly reliable).

Liberty's Edge

I'm tasked to capacity, withdrawing my submission

Dotting for interest. Contemplating a fighter/hunter for a space wolf running around with a space wolf :)

Understood Sapien,

This is an interest check and also seeing how well I can get the rules to work. Did some tests and going to be hard challenge a group who can just auto shoot and blast most things with out oneshot kills bake on them

I'd imagined blasting our way through hordes of orcs... or elves... or rohirrim... would be part of the fun. That said, they could always overwhelm us by force of numbers, and there's certainly Nazgul and wizards and Dragons and Balrogs and Balrog-slaying-elven-warriors and Sauron, and that's without even considering 40k threats such as Eldar, feral imperial guard ratling squads hiding out amid the halflings, tyranid bio-pits bubbling in the dead swamps, necrons hiding out beneath the mountains of the dead and on and on and on... and quite apart from that there's the risk of picking up an innocuous looking ring and being taken over by the taint of chaos and shot by your own side, or worse, not shot by your own side...

And with that post my whole plot line was exposed haha.
Yep pretty much that, problem I think is trying to do that
with that pathfinder system. Looks like this will take a massive amount
of conversion work.

Anything with this power level, would be a tough row to hoe.

By the time you get to that power level you might as well use Mutants and Masterminds or something which scales higher without breaking.


The advanced, Giant,and Half-Celestial templates might give a rough equivalent of what a pathfinder space marine might be.

no matter how I do this it looks broken, one shot kills my end on party are not fun, So sorry guys. It was badly thought out my end.

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