Oracle without Revelations? (PFS)


I've been thinking about building a martial Oracle for my next PFS Character.

I was planning to go for a Nagaji and was debating to pick both the Psychic Searcher and the Warsighted Archetype.

While both Archetypes are really awesome this does have the minor crux of trading out all Revelations in the PFS level range. This also means no extra revelation...

Can this be worth while?

Hey, you're still a full caster with 3/4 BAB. Pick good spells and you can only mess that up so much.

QuidEst wrote:
Hey, you're still a full caster with 3/4 BAB. Pick good spells and you can only mess that up so much.

Yeah that was kind of what I was thinking. Just seems like revelations are what make an oracle so it feels kinda wrong. I just don't see any Mysteries that have multiple revelations that I really like for melee builds.

CHA to AC is awesome but then I won't qualify for combat reflexes that way and a melee build isn't interested in super high CHA anyhow...

All the Battle revelations seem to scale very slowly.

For PFS purposes the armor revelations don't seem worthwhile...

Woodbond is handy but it's a competence bonus and the other wood revelations are unspectacular.

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I theorycrafted the same combination for an archer Oracle, and planned on using a Ring of Revelation to pick up Woodbond. It's a pretty cheap way to pick up a sweet bonus.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Does the Ring of Revelation work if you don't have the Revelation class feature yet?

Once a DM I played with ruled I could not get the "extra discovery" feat for my alchemist at lvl 1 because I did not have the discovery feature yet... did not bother me more than that but the same reasoning could be applied to deny revelations to a revelation less oracle archetype

if you feel what you have is better than any revelation then it's a fine trade.

Nothing in Ring of Revelation suggests that you actually need to have the revelation class feature so it looks like it should be fair game.

Definitely a good idea for the later levels of PFS play, I was planning on choosing my mystery mainly based on the class skills available. Since I was planning to pick the Covetous Curse (which grants UMD) I'm mainly looking to add Perception and a few Knowledges.

Does anyone by chance know if the rules ambiguities regarding the investigator talents for Psychic searcher oracles have been clarified?

Actually, it states that you have to have the proper mystery to use the revelation that's in the ring

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Klorox wrote:
Actually, it states that you have to have the proper mystery to use the revelation that's in the ring

An oracle has a mystery from level 1, even if he has no revelations from that mystery yet (or ever).

Point taken

Now to be weird, if you wear the ring of revelations for 24 hours does it count as a permanent bonus, thus allowing you to pick the extra revelation feat.

Grand Lodge

Klorox wrote:
Once a DM I played with ruled I could not get the "extra discovery" feat for my alchemist at lvl 1 because I did not have the discovery feature yet... did not bother me more than that but the same reasoning could be applied to deny revelations to a revelation less oracle archetype

That's not really a house rule. You have to meet requirements of feats before you can take them. Extra revelation requires having a revelation, the same way weapon focus requires BAB +1. It's not enough to have "the potential down the line if I take more levels in the class" to qualify, you have to meet the requirements when the feat is taken. So no Revelations (because you traded them all out for archetypes), no extra revelations.

The ring of relations is a whole other kettle of fish. Great way to get a key revelation or two. Consider lore or Nature for CHA to AC, and take the noble scion (war) feat to allow a dex dump stat. Will make it easier to be combat and caster at the same time.

But you generally have to commission such a ring, as you can't assume a ring with the right revelation will just be lying around on the market, waiting for you... so you need to know a high level oracle , of the right mystery, and with Forge Ring feat... can be a whole adventure to track down.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Klorox wrote:
But you generally have to commission such a ring, as you can't assume a ring with the right revelation will just be lying around on the market, waiting for you... so you need to know a high level oracle , of the right mystery, and with Forge Ring feat... can be a whole adventure to track down.

This is for PFS, so all magical items can be found to purchase if you have the gold (and the fame, but that's usually not relevant).

Thanks for all the advice folks.

Currently I'm also considering a Barbarian (Savage Technologist) dip to further pimp combat utility.

With Martial Flexibility (Dedicated Adversary)+ Fate's Favored Divine Favor and Rage I can buff myself to be a +12 2d6+13 attacker in one round at level 2. That's pretty scary considering I also have inspiration for when I don't hit!

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