Looking for Eldritch heritage alternative


Title says it. Third level Kitsune oracle. I currently have Skill Focus: Knowledge (planes) and Eldritch Heritage: Abyssal Bloodline for the claws.

I'd LIKE a single feat or something similar that grants claws, even as a limited time function. I'm not willing to use class levels to do it, and I need something that can be flavored/fluffed as some kind of demonic heritage. Magic item would TECHNICALLY work, but he's got about 20 gp right now.

Aspect of the Beast is decently close, but you need to contact lycanthropy to get it without taking Ranger levels. Actually, Lycanthropy and/or the Lycanthrope Corruption from Horror Adventures will give you claws. Improved Unarmed Strike can also semi-replicate it, especially if you take one of those combat styles like Boar Style or whatever.

Just curious, why are you so keen on having claws? Or is the claws from a demon heritage a flavour thing? It does not seem needed from a game mechanics viewpoint, not for an oracle.

An amulet of the blooded (abyssal) would do but I think it might be a while before you have 12K to spare. A wand or some scrolls of alter self might work if you're good at UMD and are cheaper, if less action economy friendly.

Im guessing it's for 3 Nat weapon attacks, since Kitsune have bite

I dunno what your Mystery choice is; but Lunar gives Gift of Claw and Horn
Grants a natural attack (or 2 with claws), similar to Sorceror

nvm; seems only 1 claw till 11

Issac, that wouldn't be an option even if it gave both... There's a very, very specific plot reason for the character having both the claws and the Bones revelation.

Also, I traded the bite attack for Natural Finesse, though I plan to get a bite through something else later (likely the Ratfolk ring or similar)

Joynt, Demon heritage is a character favor thing.

Avr, certainly not yet on the 12k, which makes it useless... The character hasn't been brought into the campaign yet, but I need it to be something already inherent to the character upon their start, which is shortly.

MOSTLY, right now, I'm trying to save a couple feats so I can take Slashing Grace. The character has a negligible 10 strength, but a 19 dex. However, my two feats (3rd level) currently used for the claws.

My Self, those corruption effects might be an option... but there's going to be a long, drawn out talk with my GM about it and the answer is probably going to be "Holy crap, no, our RNG already hates everyone, no freaking way" lol

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

VMC Sorcerer would give you Claws at 3rd level from any Sorcerer bloodline that grants a Claws power at 1st level at an initial cost of only feat.

However: Since it is VMC, you would eventually lose close to half of your feats. You would gain additional bloodline powers at 7th, 15th, and 19th levels (losing the feats at those levels). You could still pick a feat at 11th level, but that feat would have to be selected from the list of bonus feats for your bloodline.

David, that's all well and great, but... Oracle. That's an intrinsic part of the character.

Zarius wrote:
David, that's all well and great, but... Oracle. That's an intrinsic part of the character.

You can be an Oracle and still take VMC Sorcerer. That's why it's called Variant Multiclassing.

Zarius wrote:
I'd LIKE a single feat or something similar that grants claws, even as a limited time function. I'm not willing to use class levels to do it, and I need something that can be flavored/fluffed as some kind of demonic heritage. Magic item would TECHNICALLY work, but he's got about 20 gp right now.

For 20k you can get one permanent demon claw with solid 1d6 damage, meaning 40k for both. But better make sure your GM is on board.

Sheepish: blig... That's freaky. I might pursue that as a later option if he gets mangled, but there's no way I'm getting even the 20K to MAKE them, nevermind the 40K to buy 'em.

Gisher... I'm trying to find a way to salvage a feat or two... there's absolutely no way I can afford to sacrifice 5 feats to save 2 =/. Unless I'm misremembering the Variant Multiclassing? Doesn't that toss out half your feats? Like 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19?

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I think your best bet is to get bitten by a werewolf, get the feat Animal Aspect, and then get cured.

Call it a unique sidequest.

Mage, while your idea is the best one so far, it's only not useful to *this* character because it'd be something he'd have to have before he starts actually being relevant to the campaign... and he's already been introduced. I love it, though. You always give me wonderful, and random, ideas.

Mage, I'm not seeing that feat... any chance you can link it? my DM and I are actually maybe discussing it.

Aspect of the Beast? o.o


That should be the one. Myself mentioned it up thread

I was thinking of the Hunter ability by misrake.

Yeah... My DM actually looked at it, said it'd be useless without one of the three listed requirements lol

Blood of the Beast is coming out soon. There is a possibility that it might have a way for Kitsune to get claw attacks. Adding the Demonic flavor might be harder.

Zarius wrote:


Gisher... I'm trying to find a way to salvage a feat or two... there's absolutely no way I can afford to sacrifice 5 feats to save 2 =/. Unless I'm misremembering the Variant Multiclassing? Doesn't that toss out half your feats? Like 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19?

Yes, it uses up five of your feats. I wasn't suggesting that VMC Sorcerer was a good idea. Your objection seemed to be that it would prevent you from taking levels in Oracle, and I was just pointing out that this isn't a problem. Not wanting to spend five feats is a different issue. Still, it does get you the Demonic Claws that you want.

Zarius wrote:
MOSTLY, right now, I'm trying to save a couple feats so I can take Slashing Grace. The character has a negligible 10 strength, but a 19 dex. However, my two feats (3rd level) currently used for the claws.

You do realize that you can only make one claw attack per round if you are using Slashing Grace?

Maybe Amulet of Mighty Fists to add the agile property? It'd take some waiting but could help.


Firstly, I really hope so. Adding fluff of any kind is simple as crap, so THAT isn't a problem.

Second, I see. I misunderstood initially, so the misunderstanding cascaded.

Third, there's a critical line in the feat that you're missing:
You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or *any time another hand is otherwise occupied.*

Under literally any other circumstance, you'd be right. But my hands aren't occupied. But this is the only way to get a slashing attack that qualifies this way. More over, I could take Slashing grace for claws, bite, and any other number natural attacks that are slashing and this would still apply... so my DM and I said that, if I can apply it to a claw and a bite, why can't we do it to two claws?

Mage: Yeah, that's kind of my backup plan. It'll give me that on all natural attacks, so that's basically the back up... I'm turning him into a "feral child" archetype combatant. Claws, bite from summit else, tentacle cloak, that scorpion whip tail... Think of trying to weasel Rake attack out of my GM.

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Zarius wrote:



Third, there's a critical line in the feat that you're missing:
You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or *any time another hand is otherwise occupied.*

Under literally any other circumstance, you'd be right. But my hands aren't occupied. But this is the only way to get a slashing attack that qualifies this way. More over, I could take Slashing grace for claws, bite, and any other number natural attacks that are slashing and this would still apply... so my DM and I said that, if I can apply it to a claw and a bite, why can't we do it to two claws?


Unfortunately, I think your reading of the feat does not align with the generally accepted understanding, including developer remarks.

See the following THREAD. Gisher is actually somewhat of an expert on this point.

Liberty's Edge

If his GM has ruled that natural claw attacks don't 'occupy' the hand then... they don't. For that game.

CBDunkerson wrote:
If his GM has ruled that natural claw attacks don't 'occupy' the hand then... they don't. For that game.

Fair enough -- didn't mean to derail this into rules discussion. I just thought it was worth comment/clarification because Zarius was suggesting that Gisher was missing something in the language and that the rules actually allow it *generally* (as opposed to simply by house rule), which I thought deserved some comment. It also seemed to me that perhaps Zarius' GM was equally unaware of the FAQ and subsequent clarification by Mark Seifter -- which could very well influence whether he or she would continue to houserule in that way.

Anyways -- I agree this is all outside of the initial scope of what Zarius was originally looking for. To that question, I think the VMC route is the only one I see without using class levels or too-expensive magic items, but the feat requirements are certainly quite hefty.

Is there any way to use/abuse the Adopted trait for this purpose, maybe? I recall people suggesting to use it for a bite attack in the past, but am unsure if a similar option exists for claws.

At minimum, it's house ruled. However, if we're going to rules-lawyer, the wording says "occupies" which a claw attack inherently requires not to happen. You can't claw at someone if you're holding a sack of grain. *shrugs* But, it's what we ruled, at minimum for our game.

As to adopted, no... the Half-orc/Orc and/or Goblin Bite attack is a trait, and Adopted lets you take a trait from a different race's racial traits... but there isn't one for claws. That'd have been too easy.

I've basically come to the conclusion that the only way I'm doing what I want at level 3 is to multiclass, which completely screws up a lot of stuff for the character, not just his L20 perk, so I'm pretty much resigned to waiting. *shrugs*

Zarius wrote:


Firstly, I really hope so. Adding fluff of any kind is simple as crap, so THAT isn't a problem.

Second, I see. I misunderstood initially, so the misunderstanding cascaded.

Third, there's a critical line in the feat that you're missing:
You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or *any time another hand is otherwise occupied.*

Under literally any other circumstance, you'd be right. But my hands aren't occupied. But this is the only way to get a slashing attack that qualifies this way. More over, I could take Slashing grace for claws, bite, and any other number natural attacks that are slashing and this would still apply... so my DM and I said that, if I can apply it to a claw and a bite, why can't we do it to two claws?

I did not miss that critical line, but you may have missed this critical line hidden in the FAQ.

FAQ wrote:

Slashing Grace: In the 2nd printing errata, what exactly does it mean that “You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied?” Can I use a shield? What about a buckler? Can I use flurry of blows? Brawler’s flurry? Two-weapon fighting? Spell combat? Attack with natural weapons? What if I throw the weapon? What about swordmaster’s flair?

Slashing Grace does not allow most shields, but bucklers work because they don’t occupy the hand. Flurry of blows, brawler’s flurry, two-weapon fighting, and spell combat all don’t work with Slashing Grace. Attacking with natural weapons beyond the weapon you chose for Slashing Grace also does not work. Slashing Grace only works with melee attacks, not thrown attacks with a melee weapon. Swordmaster’s flair should have a sentence added to it that says “Carrying a swordmaster’s flair counts as having that hand free for the purpose of abilities that require a free hand, though you still can’t hold another object in that hand.”

So if you use Slashing Grace with one claw attack, you can't use the other claw or a bite that round. They really, really didn't want anything remotely like two-weapon fighting to work with Slashing Grace, including the use of multiple natural weapons.

And here is Mark Seifter confirming this interpretation.

Mark Seifter wrote:
I can confirm, through my conversation with the PDT about natural weapons in the wording of the FAQ, that the FAQ's use of the singular "weapon" in "Attacking with natural weapons beyond the weapon you chose for Slashing Grace also does not work" means that you pick one claw, even if you are an eidolon with eight claws, etc, as Imbicatus surmises. If you use something to make iteratives all with the same claw, as Lune suggested, then that works, though FCT doesn't seem to work for that.

Of course this is irrelevant to you if you GM has read the FAQ and decided to houserule that restriction away.

The Steel Refrain wrote:
Zarius wrote:



Third, there's a critical line in the feat that you're missing:
You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or *any time another hand is otherwise occupied.*

Under literally any other circumstance, you'd be right. But my hands aren't occupied. But this is the only way to get a slashing attack that qualifies this way. More over, I could take Slashing grace for claws, bite, and any other number natural attacks that are slashing and this would still apply... so my DM and I said that, if I can apply it to a claw and a bite, why can't we do it to two claws?


Unfortunately, I think your reading of the feat does not align with the generally accepted understanding, including developer remarks.

See the following THREAD. Gisher is actually somewhat of an expert on this point.

[blush]Thanks for the kind words.[/blush]

No problem, Gisher. I like your style.

Best of luck with everything, OP. Sounds like you're disappointed with the available options under the written rules, but perhaps your GM can be convinced to houserule you something else to assist your predicament.

Nope. GM knows what I want. He'll let me if I can find a way to do it in the rules, but he doesn't want me using a level 3 oracle to beat the crap out of a level 5 Monk in a story fight, and I already have more things balancing the fight in my favor than he likes. Battle trained mount, base AC of 21, two attacks with no TWF penalties or iteration, weapon finesse, and a slightly horrifying dex bonus for a character with no level or magic item bonuses... He's wanting to make the character rely on the party to resolve this particular problem lol.

Urf... just read that. And, since I'll be ending up going with Mage's posit of using Agility on an Amulet of Mighty Fists, it's pretty much pointless that we houseruled it that way. lol

What about Tiger Style?

or a level of Witch for the Nails Hex

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Greylurker wrote:

What about Tiger Style?

or a level of Witch for the Nails Hex

Both are probably too costly -- Tiger Style requires Improved Unarmed Strike and a level of Witch requires taking non-Oracle class levels.

If you want to go solely with retraining, a 3rd level character acquiring VMC Sorcerer has the time and cost of retraining one class level, and in the process of doing that you lose one of your two feats (but no actual class level). This gives you claw attacks for 3 + Cha mod rounds per day.

Your next step is a class feature retraining to acquire the Warsighted archetype, which gives you temporary (one minute) access to any single combat feat that you qualify for. This archetype costs you your 1st level revelation.

Finally, you can retrain that now useless Skill Focus feat for Weapon Focus (Claw).

Now you would have the ability to grow claws and attack with one of them to gain Dex to damage on that attack. The sequence of actions would be a free action to grow your claws, a move action to gain Slashing Grace (Claw), and a standard action to attack once with a claw and add Dex to both the attack roll and the damage roll. In later rounds you would have your move action available, but at this level you still do more damage only attacking once.

And since you did not select Slashing Grace as an actual feat, you can start going for a different combat feat with Warsighted once the math starts favoring multiple attacks.

You would start paying for these choices with lost feats and revelations at 7th level, but you would be doing more of what you want to be able to do now.

So, David is absolutely right about the Witch, an it's worse than you think... the Witch Nails hex gives you a 1d2 damage claw... and, since my character is afflicted with the Child curse, my DM and I decided to use the Young template rather than the actual rules for the child curse (WAY worse for you than those rules)... Means he's small. Witch hex claws would do 1 damage, base.

My DM and I are discussing a differently mebbeh implemented (house rule) a different version of the Tiger Style, so good idea there... He'll probably say no, but I'll take what I've got.

David, to address your suggestion. Sadly, while that would give me *exactly* what I need right away, I can't do it... I already have TWO archetypes applied to the character, (dual curse and Nine-tails - shush... just shush), and this would completely cripple him long term... and my DM is highly resistant to *intentionally* building a character for the sole purpose of retraining him later.

And, worse, he'd loose either his Bone Armor or Touch of Death. I have a small chance of victory in a drawn out fight right now... but if I loose either of those, I have no chance at all. I don't need to win, but I want to just to say "Told you that a level 3 could beat a level 5".

The REALLY sad part is that, if this were a level 4 character, I'd be able to afford a LOT more with a LOT less crippling. I'd throw on one level of sorcerer with Eldritch Scrapper to get the exact same perk, take the Abyssal blood line directly, and have two feats to blow how I wanted lol

Varient Multiclassing is probably your best shot then. You loose the 3rd level feat which you would have spent on Eldritch heritage which is no big deal cause you still get the claws and you don't need Skill focus so you get that feat back

because you technically havea Sorcerer bloodline at 1st level with the VMC you can take Raging Blood feat which gives you claws at 1st level and a minor Rage

At 3rd level you would have (you're size small right?) 4 rounds of 1d3 claws plus 4 rage rounds of 1d4 claws.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I second the Raging Blood feat -- it lets you gain Claws for two extra battles and with a bit more oomph than you get from the Sorcerer bloodline only. You would probably want to use up the Claws power from this feat before you start spending Claws rounds from your Sorcerer bloodline.

Aye, but it cripples the hell out of me... I save one feat, technically, but I loose a total of 5, so four more than I save... Ball kickery.

It's a trade off yeah but it depends what you want to do with the character.

Long term the VMC route offers you natural Electrical resitance, save bonus vs. poison, +6 inherent bonus Strength (so that stacks with Str Enchanting items like Belt of Strength) and adds 1 to summonings

and with the feats you only loose 3, assuming one of the feats you want down the line is on the Abyssal list of bonus feats.
(that's Augment Summoning, Cleave, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])

Not a bad option if you are planning a Melee Oracle

Already HAVE skill focus (Knowledge: Planes) as the req for Eldritch Heritage :P. None of the other once are anything he'd take, and his personality is such that he wouldn't use summons. Neutral, of the "balancing the scales" variety... and he sees undead and all outsiders and being inherently unbalancing to the scales of the Prime Material plane. Calling in an outsider in all but the most extreme circumstances or purely for knowledge (such as to meet his progenitor) would be inherently abhorrent to him.

Like I said, I'm not too worried about it. There's other recourses that can be utilized, it's just not the preferred approach.

PFFT... I go through all this work (did about 20 hours of research on my own, on top of what you guys gave me) and my DM hands me a homebrewed solution to the problem... Drake hide gloves that approximate the character's natural claws. <..< Masterwork, too. Down side is that they're highly restrictive due to rigidity, and severely interfere with spellcasting (50% failure, even on divine spells, if they have somatics). But I can open with the gloves and take them off if I need to heal.

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