"The Lucky Halfling" |

That's completely understandable. I was planning on taking the Rough and Ready talent to allow him to flick dice and the like as well. With that in mind, I was thinking about actually taking the Arcane Strike feat later on so that I could apply it to these other improvised weapons.

DM Default |

@ Dougal FairBairn
They do offer rules in game, but for the sake of keeping things moving, I might use simplified rules for gambling.
@ Orendel Kellon
I refrain from looking at submissions until the deadline. If you'd like an opinion, you could ask another person who has submitted a character.
@ Gabsen
Current GM's are okay to apply.
Sorry to see you go, good luck in future games.
Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]
Gabsen Halrydun [Male Human Fighter]

Dougal Fairbairn |

How's my backstory? Too grimdark? Not too grimdark?
I do not have an issue with it. I love angst! Just not my goal with Dougal. It is a little dark but that seems to be what you are going for. He does seem a little lone wolf like though which can be an issue in some games. So long as he is willing to work with a group though I think Orendel is fine but he seems like he needs a hug :)
And it is not to grimdark in my opinion. You could have gone a lot darker but you did not and that is a good thing.

Myrka |

Hey guys, I submit Wendell Half Elven, Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist for this AP.
Wendell, was a bit of an outcast due to his half elf ancestry. However it made him strong since he always had to defend himself from bullies and whatnot. Unfortunately it also made him reckless and challenge authority as he would go against the norm. Whether to prove himself or get noticed or something else.
It was that recklessness that brought about a terrible accident. When he was younger and with the help of his class mates summoned fiend after stumbling across a strange book. And against their better judgement ended up reading from it as part of a prank. Not knowing its true power. The fiend immoderately killed his arcane teacher and most of his fellow students and he would have died too if not for one of his tricks he used to get away before other Elven mages came in and contained the creature.
Since then he's been using his growing abilities and traveling trying to make sure things like that never happen again. Warning people of the foolishness of dealing with artifacts and magics that deal with the creatures of the lower planes.
His favourite pastime is sarcasm but is sincere and loyal when it counts. He has sandy blonde hair and piercing ice blue eyes. His double breasted coat and clothing are always clean and immaculate if he can help it. He has a tidy travelers sling back with the essentials for his travels and carries a cane that is topped with a silver griffon.
Male half-elf mesmerist (vexing daredevil) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 38, 98)
CN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
. . sword cane +2 (1d6) or
. . whip +2 (1d3 nonlethal)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with whip)
Special Attacks hypnotic stare (-2), mesmerist tricks 4/day (), painful stare (+1)
Mesmerist (Vexing Daredevil) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—burst of adrenaline[OA], ill omen[APG]
. . 0 (at will)—flare (DC 13), lullaby (DC 13), prestidigitation, unwitting ally[APG] (DC 13)
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency (rapier), Skill Focus (Bluff), Weapon Finesse
Traits forlorn, scouting for fiends
Skills Acrobatics +3 (-1 to jump), Bluff +11, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +3, Perception +8, Profession (gambler) +6, Sense Motive +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon
SQ consummate liar +1, elf blood
Other Gear dagger, sword cane[APG], whip, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, entertainer's outfit, flint and steel, hypnotist's locket[OA], ink, inkpen, pot, stationery[UE], torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 67 gp
Tracked Resources
Dagger - 0/1
Mesmerist Tricks (110 feet, 4/day) (Su) - 0/4
Painful Stare (+1, 1/round) (Su) - 0/1
Torch - 0/10
Trail rations - 0/5
Special Abilities
Consummate Liar +1 Counts as Combat Expertise for some feats.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Hypnotic Stare (-2, 30 feet) (Su) As swift action, target creature takes penalty on Will saves.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mesmerist Tricks (110 feet, 4/day) (Su) Implant hypnotic bond with allies. granting edge vs. foes.
Painful Stare (+1, 1/round) (Su) As a free action, hyp. stare target takes extra precision dam from a hit.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

Handsome Sully |

Orannis here! This is my submission: Handsome Sully, Protean-Bloodline Tattooed Sorcerer. Sorry it took so long to get him finished, whooof!
@DM Default: I know you don't look at builds before selection, but could you just tell me whether or not my formatting for my character sheet works for you, since you've voiced preferences about that. I do the "separated into discrete spoilers" thing because it is a lot easier for my brain to keep things straight that way, but I can re-format if you need me to.

DM Default |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

@ Handsome Sully
You're formatting is good. Let's of spoilers, but all the info is there and findable.
Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]
Gabsen Halrydun [Male Human Fighter]
Wendell Half-Elven [Male Half-elf Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist]
Handsome Sully [Male Half-Orc Tattooed Sorceror]

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Zeilil Theevar
Male Elf Ranger (Skirmisher)
NG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
Physical Descriptions
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155lbs
Age: 136
Hair: Black
Eyes: Ocean Blue
Skin: Olive
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 armor)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Longbow +4 (+5PB) 1d8 (1d8+1)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16/13 FL
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Run
Traits Deadeye Bowman, Into Enemy Territory (Will)
Skills Climb +5 (Rank 1 ACP-1), Handle Animal +5 (Rank 1), Intimidate +5 (Rank 1), Know (Dungeon) +6 (Rank 1), Know (Nature) +7(+8 Forest) (Rank 1),Linguistics +3 (Rank 1), Perception +5 (Rank 1), Profession (Trapper) +5 (Rank 1), Stealth +6 (Rank 1 ACP-1), Survival +6(+7 Forest)(Rank 1), Swim +5 (Rank 1 ACP-1)
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Varisian
Special Qualities
Deadeye Bowman
Elven Immunities
Elven Immunities - Sleep
Favored Enemy (Elves +2) (EX)
Low-Light Vision
Point-Blank Shot
Track +1
Wild Empathy +2 (EX)
Combat Gear: Longbow, 20x Arrows, Studded Leather
Other Gear: Animal Harness (Wolf), Explorer's outfit, Backpack (Mwk), Beast whistle (canine), Bedroll, Compass, Holy Symbol (Wooden, Erastil), Tankard, Snuffbox (wood), Waterskin
This is my submission for the moment. I have a couple of questions I have posted to the DM in a private message before posting up the background and other information that I've not posted yet.
Also this is the strangest thing I have ever played....An Elf Ranger. (For most, this is hardcore common but for me this is crazy as I have an extreme love of the uncommon races. Anything this stereo-typical is sacrilege for me. But, I read a bit of the Player's Guide and it screams for a character like this and I've not seen an entry filling the gap.)

Orendel Kellon |

Orendel Kellon wrote:How's my backstory? Too grimdark? Not too grimdark?I do not have an issue with it. I love angst! Just not my goal with Dougal. It is a little dark but that seems to be what you are going for. He does seem a little lone wolf like though which can be an issue in some games. So long as he is willing to work with a group though I think Orendel is fine but he seems like he needs a hug :)
And it is not to grimdark in my opinion. You could have gone a lot darker but you did not and that is a good thing.
Well, you know the thing with lone wolves is they're looking for a pack to accept them! ;)

Dougal Fairbairn |

Dougal Fairbairn wrote:That is a good view to have :)And yes, he does need a hug.
I would hug you ;)

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Anyone still looking for potential character backstory connections?
Anyone who occasionally ends up on the wrong side of the law or in the bad parts of town that's been in Riddleport the last year or more would have a chance of being acquainted with Sully (possibly for not particularly positive reasons!).

Cherry Razarin |

Cherry Razarin wrote:Anyone still looking for potential character backstory connections?Dougal is always looking to make a connection with others ;)
Do you have an ideas? Dougal is a fan of taverns so that could be a place they have met.
Sure, Cherry may have met Dougal:
* While she was serving drinks* While he was in a bar "servicing" a bachelorette party or similar lady client(s)
* Via a mutual connection in the world of shady people doing shady things
* He might've been a friend of one of her brothers (before they died/were incarcerated)
Anyone who occasionally ends up on the wrong side of the law or in the bad parts of town that's been in Riddleport the last year or more would have a chance of being acquainted with Sully (possibly for not particularly positive reasons!).
Cherry did some errand-running in her youth, though these days she tends to stick to bartending of the mostly-legal variety. Maybe met her a few years ago while she was a spunky teenager who was a bit more likely to get involved in bad business - before the death of her younger brother in a gang fight made her leery of spending time around the criminal element.

![]() |

Cherry did some errand-running in her youth, though these days she tends to stick to bartending of the mostly-legal variety. Maybe met her a few years ago while she was a spunky teenager who was a bit more likely to get involved in bad business - before the death of her younger brother in a gang fight made her leery of spending time around the criminal element.
Oh, Sully and Cherry are in fact the exact same age! Sully was a street urchin up until about four years ago, when he began a tentative association with the local Sczarni (an arrangement he is now very much trying to get out of).

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I'm holding on the idea of creating connections till selection. It's easy enough to write in connections to a background (especially with the campaign traits this AP is using).
Should have my background up by tonight. I've got a sick cat at the moment, I've been having to give him all my attention and it's been not pleasant as he's showing signs of severe dehydration and he is my wife's baby (He's like 12 but still...baby).

Sindorah |

It is worth noting that if I have enough promising applicants, I always consider opening a second table.
This is VERY reassuring lol
@anyone else: I'm interested in some back story connection with others, but being a 16 year old wandering priest of Milani leaves little to work with '>.>

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Zeilil Theevar was a faithful member of the church of Erastil. It was perhaps an uncommon thing for an elf who lived most of his life within the confines of an semi-xenophobic elven community. However, it was because of his dedication to the art of bowman ship that took him from his home to become one of the chosen to guard the druids of Churlwood. There it was that he found religion in the hearth of Old Deadeye.
He spent his time learning from the druids, looking into the hearts of beasts and knowing them as he would know his own kin. It became useful and his abilities were noted. The druids would send him to the outlying areas to hunt the animals that pushed into the realm of man, an attempt to dissuade man from pushing into the forest that is the druid's home. It was bad enough with the outlaws and bandits that tried to take to the Churlwood as a way to escape capture or justice from human law. Fighting in the forests is something of an art form. Cover is ample making every target a difficult one, the one good thing about studying under the tutelage of Old Deadeye's ways was that you have plenty of time to practice against such issues. His abilities only grew in the years that he served as honor guard to the druid but that was unfortunately something that wouldn't last.
The druids had noticed the sky's change long before Zeilil, but the ranger eventually recognized the changes in druid's behavior and inquired. They had spent time trying to divine what the changes meant but the gods were quiet and vague in their answers. Once Zeilil's interest had peaked on the topic, he was given permission to investigate the issue. His ties to the local was little to nil but in the years he had spent in the area he had at least made one friend in the closest major city. It was there he would begin his investigation and make sure that no harm would come to those he had taken as his charge.
Zeilil is a dedicated man to any task that is given to him. He is driven and eager to show his worth. However he is better suited to working with beasts then people making him come off abrasive and intimidating. If he could help it, he would avoid any settlement that amassed more then a few dozen denizens. When he surrounded by large numbers of people he gets more irritable by the day. However, when working with a small group he remains cordial and eager to prove himself to the others as a man who pulls more then his own weight.
Hopefully that is enough of a background and personality to give for some decent roleplay and depth. Sorry, my head is pounding me right now. Woops forgot one thing, change Favored Enemy from Elves to Animals.

Orendel Kellon |

DM Default wrote:It is worth noting that if I have enough promising applicants, I always consider opening a second table.
This is VERY reassuring lol
@anyone else: I'm interested in some back story connection with others, but being a 16 year old wandering priest of Milani leaves little to work with '>.>
Sindorah's and Orendel's backstories have similar elements. It's almost like, if the folks who liberated Tarentown had been Milanites, Orendel might have joined them instead. They might have met on the road and argued about philosophy and stuff!

Sindorah |

Sindorah wrote:Sindorah's and Orendel's backstories have similar elements. It's almost like, if the folks who liberated Tarentown had been Milanites, Orendel might have joined them instead. They might have met on the road and argued about philosophy and stuff!DM Default wrote:It is worth noting that if I have enough promising applicants, I always consider opening a second table.
This is VERY reassuring lol
@anyone else: I'm interested in some back story connection with others, but being a 16 year old wandering priest of Milani leaves little to work with '>.>
I absolutely think they should be Milinites!! Though in his backstory I see little room for a lasting friendship. If we make it into the same game however I think they would make fast friends!!

Aster Orodata |

I would be willing to tie Aster's backstory in with someone else. If anyone spent a significant amount of time in the shackles, or near Sargava, it wouldn't be unreasonable for them to have encountered each other. Although her loudmouthed familiar, Larkspur, seems more likely to have traveled with other people before.

Sindorah |

With 24 so far, I should hope you have a number of promising applicants.
I would be willing to be a side note in someone's story. Calistrian guard here, also a pretty heavy drinker. I have "Fools for Friends" trait, so if you're particularly foolish (like these Milani followers), that's a bonus.
Shots fired!

Dougal Fairbairn |

Sadly, Orendel is a relative stranger to Riddleport, so any connections he has to others would probably be brand new or tenuous at best.
Anyone interested?
I am always down for making friends. An easy one is that he wanted 'company' though I am not sure if that is a direction you want for him. Taverns are an easy place to meet people over drinks and food.

Dougal Fairbairn |

Sure, Cherry may have met Dougal:
* While she was serving drinks
* While he was in a bar "servicing" a bachelorette party or similar lady client(s)
* Via a mutual connection in the world of shady people doing shady things
* He might've been a friend of one of her brothers (before they died/were incarcerated)
Any of those work for me.

Vrog Skyreaver |

As far as all that goes, Kaza is an inveterate gambler who (even though he could easily cheat with his power set won't) tells interesting stories about himself, so he can be found pretty much anywhere. (I realized that I probably need to have bluff trained as well, but will end up picking that up after 1st level.)

Myrka |

As a casual devotee of Sinashakti, Cherry gets along reasonably well with followers of Milani.
In Wendell's case, Cherry tends to get along well with other people of mixed heritage, as they are more likely to understand what it's like to grow up in a society that doesn't have a place for you.
It's nice to have a friend who can stand with you as outsiders looking in. The view is best with someone who can relate.

Handsome Sully |

@Cherry: Given our characters are the same age, I was thinking it would be fun if, while they don't know each other particularly well, they've perhaps run afoul of each other a handful of times (likely during one of Sully's schemes) and have something of a slightly antagonistic rivalry? (i.e. -loathe as I am to use the term- something a bit "Whedon-verse"-y)

Silvio Errico |

Greetings! I'm throwing my hat into the ring with the large number of worthy applicants in this thread. Silvio is a Human Living Grimoire Inquisitor of Abadar. If you're wondering what an Inquisitor of Abadar is doing in Riddleport, feel free to check out the background!
Thank you very much for considering this application.

DM Default |

Please note to have any additional background details finished by the deadline [November 8th]
I'm starting to realize I may have underestimated the amount of interest in this AP. But you all will receive fair consideration.
Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Cardcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]
Krayn La'jal [Male Human Crossblooded Abyssal/Celestial Bloodrager
Kaza [Male Human Kineticist]
Sindorah Volrus Sosei [Female Human Priest Bard]
Cnut Bjornsson [Male werebear-kin skinwalker (coldborn) barbarian (invulnerable rager)]
Aster [Female Rainkin Half-Orc Duettist Bard]
Serill [Male Elf Wizard]
Alix Blanchet [Male SamsaranHuman Herald Caller Cleric]
Dougal Fairbairn [Male Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean]
Taton [Male Human Slayer]
Meghan Goldknickers [Female Human Street Performer Bard]
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria [Female Tiefling Demonspawn Cleric]
Izkrael Caladrel [Male Elf(possible part drow) Slayer]
Ibara Boswell [Female Human Scale Fist Unchained Monk]
Lothalian Sybellus [Male Elf Cleric of Sarenrae]
Gabsen Halrydun [Male Human Fighter]
Wendell Half-Elven [Male Half-elf Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist]
Handsome Sully [Male Half-Orc Tattooed Sorceror]
Jing the Bandit [Male Elf Skirmisher Ranger]
Silvio Errico [Male Chelaxian Human Living Grimoire Inquisitor]

Myrka |

Wendell? Is that you? I seem to remember running into you at that tavern in Sandpoint. What was the name of it...ah yes...the Rusty Dragon! I seem to remember that Ameiko was flirting with both of us, but it was halfling that stole a kiss from her!
Ho there 'Lian! Ah yes. Well when you're 3 feet tall and look like a child, that 'cute' factor does help a bit. I never take Ameiko's flirts seriously. She's good people though. How have you been friend? And what brings you to the 'port of riddles?

Myrka |

I would be willing to tie Aster's backstory in with someone else. If anyone spent a significant amount of time in the shackles, or near Sargava, it wouldn't be unreasonable for them to have encountered each other. Although her loudmouthed familiar, Larkspur, seems more likely to have traveled with other people before.
ASTER!! Over here, please join us. You've come a long way from the Shackles. You look well. How have you been?!
Ugh, I see you haven't lost that pigeon in your travels. S'up larkspur I see you made it out of that gambling den down South, unfortunately.
Aster Orodata |

Aster Orodata wrote:I would be willing to tie Aster's backstory in with someone else. If anyone spent a significant amount of time in the shackles, or near Sargava, it wouldn't be unreasonable for them to have encountered each other. Although her loudmouthed familiar, Larkspur, seems more likely to have traveled with other people before.ASTER!! Over here, please join us. You've come a long way from the Shackles. You look well. How have you been?!
Ugh, I see you haven't lost that pigeon in your travels. S'up larkspur I see you made it out of that gambling den down South, unfortunately.
Larkspur's broke... Again. So we're here looking for some quick money. He keeps saying that there's always a quick buck to make this time of year. I dunno... I've never been this far north before.

Larkspur Ballard |

Wendell Half-Elven wrote:Larkspur's broke... Again. So we're here looking for some quick money. He keeps saying that there's always a quick buck to make this time of year. I dunno... I've never been this far north before.Aster Orodata wrote:I would be willing to tie Aster's backstory in with someone else. If anyone spent a significant amount of time in the shackles, or near Sargava, it wouldn't be unreasonable for them to have encountered each other. Although her loudmouthed familiar, Larkspur, seems more likely to have traveled with other people before.ASTER!! Over here, please join us. You've come a long way from the Shackles. You look well. How have you been?!
Ugh, I see you haven't lost that pigeon in your travels. S'up larkspur I see you made it out of that gambling den down South, unfortunately.
I wouldn't be broke if you didn't keep bleeding out every time I bet on one of your fights. I thought you orcs were supposed to be all violent-like?
The shackles are full of cheats, Wendell. Cheats and the prettiest parrots I ever did see. But that's enough talk about pigeons and parrots, we can chase some pretty little tailfeathers together after the gambling is won! You know anybody else going to this little tourney?

Myrka |

Well, Larkspur, clearly this lovely lady isn't meant for fighting. I'd be willing to put a couple gold down to see you in a cock fight. I think I saw an Archaeopteryx with a lovely disposition that might be up for it.
I'm not really here for the games. But I think I'll be going anyway. I think my friend here might be going. Let me introduce Lothalian.