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The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.
New Physical Product Releases in October
- Paizo Subscription Products
Adventure Path:—
Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Temples
Player Companion: —
Maps: Map Pack: Bridges
Cards: —
Roleplaying Game: —
Modules: —
Pawns: —
Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask Base Set, Character Add-On Deck & Associated Promo Cards
Adventure Card Game Class Decks: Summoner - Non-Subscription Products
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Curse of the Crimson Throne Hardcover
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Curse of the Crimson Throne Hardcover Limited Edition
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Forest - Subscription Product by other Publishers
Comics:Pathfinder—Worldscape #1Will ship to "as soon as possible" subscribers mid-October and to hold for monthly subscribers with November subscriptions
Tales: Shy Knives
Battles Miniatures: —
Legends: — - Non Subscription Product by other Publishers
Munchkin Pathfinder: Guest Artist Edition (Shane White) - Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: September 29th
- Begin Shipping Estimate: October 3rd
- End Shipping Estimate: October 14th
- Street Date for Paizo Products: October 19th
New Digital Product Releases in the Month of October
- Paizo Subscription Products
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild September Scenarios:
-#8-04: Wardens of Sulfur Gulch
-#8-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken
- September Digital Order Creation Date:
September 26thOctober 3rd
- Digital Order Fulfilment & Payment Settlement Date:
September 28thOctober 5th
- Street Date for Pathfinder Society September Scenarios:
September 28thOctober 5thPathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild October Scenarios:
-#8-06: Reaping What We Sow
-#8-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose
- October Digital Order Creation Date: October 24th
- Digital Order Fulfilment & Payment Settlement Date: October 26th
- Street Date for Pathfinder Society October Scenarios: October 26th
↬If you have anything in your sidecart that is *ready to go* when we run the order spawning process, it will be shipped with this subscription.
↬If you want to add anything to this subscription order, you have until the authorization date to add it to your sidecart. If it is after the authorization date, make sure you choose to ship with the pending order number.
↬If you add an item to a pending subscription order and the added item has a "should ship from warehouse estimate of 4-11 business days or longer, your subscription shipment will wait until that new item(s) arrive before it can be shipped. This may delay your subscription shipment!
↬If you need to make changes to the payment method or shipping address, you can make changes to the subscription until the authorization date, if it is after the authorization date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
❆✿❄If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.❆✿❄

Diego Valdez Customer Service Representative |

If it is in your sidecart it will ship with your next subscription order. So if you do not have a subscription order in October it will ship with your November order. If you would like to have it ship right away on its own you can let us know by emailing us at customer.service@paizo.com, calling us at 425-250-0800 between 10am and 5pm pacific time, Monday through Friday, or creating a thread on the customer service forums. You can also push the ship immediately button on your sidecart which should move it out to its own order (this will ship everything in your sidecart,not just the book).I've got an Adventure Path sub, and added the crimson throne hardcover.
Is the Adventure path not going to ship this month? Seems to be missing from the list.
If it doesn't, will my Hardcover ship without it?

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Man, no AP and no Pawns? Bummer.
So, does this mean 2 pawn sets next month? Or will the Crimson Throne ones be bumped?
No AP, no pawns, no Player Companion.
So far both the HV and CotCT pawns are scheduled for november 16th.
We SHOULD get 2 Campaign Settings though.
HORROR REALMS is still listed as an october 19th release on the product page but doesn´t show up in this thread...

Zaister |
For those who have preordered the Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover, will we get the opportunity to upgrade our order to the deluxe version? There's only a few days left before order spawning.

Zaister |
I know Adventure Path #111 has been moved to november, but we should get a double dose of the Campaign Setting, as September had none at all.
Didn't we have Planes of Power?

skizzerz |

I'm curious on the Curse of the Crimson Throne deluxe edition as well. I don't want to lose out on the free PDF by cancelling the order if the deluxe edition isn't forthcoming (unless that edition has the same deal with it), but I also don't want two hardcovers for CoCT. If I end up getting the regular one, I'm not going to be purchasing the deluxe one.
Also, some word about why the schedule slip happened would be nice :)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For those who have preordered the Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover, will we get the opportunity to upgrade our order to the deluxe version? There's only a few days left before order spawning.
We're hoping to have the product page up for the Deluxe CotCT limited edition later this afternoon. If you already have the hardcover edition on preorder, you will want to go ahead and preorder the Limited Edition ASAP and then request customer service cancel the first order. Putting something like "Upgrade/Cancel Curse of the Crimson Throne" in the subject line would be helpful so we can make sure those are all cancelled before we create subscription orders and auth on Thursday.
Sara Marie

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I'm curious on the Curse of the Crimson Throne deluxe edition as well. I don't want to lose out on the free PDF by cancelling the order if the deluxe edition isn't forthcoming (unless that edition has the same deal with it), but I also don't want two hardcovers for CoCT. If I end up getting the regular one, I'm not going to be purchasing the deluxe one.
I believe the content inside is the same, so if you preorder the Deluxe version (as a AP subscriber) you will get the PDF for free.

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Fayries |

I unsubscribed from the Adventure Card Game line in early August, and immediately resubscribed (order #4031827), starting with the Character Add-On Deck (with the intention of skipping the Base Set that I'll buy locally).
The Character Add-On Deck is in my sidecart, and I suppose this is fine. However, checking the "My Subscriptions" page, I see the Base Set is scheduled to ship with my next shipment. Is this some kind of display issue (maybe affecting other customers who interrupted their subscription), or is it something I should bring to Customer Service for you to fix?

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I unsubscribed from the Adventure Card Game line in early August, and immediately resubscribed (order #4031827), starting with the Character Add-On Deck (with the intention of skipping the Base Set that I'll buy locally).
The Character Add-On Deck is in my sidecart, and I suppose this is fine. However, checking the "My Subscriptions" page, I see the Base Set is scheduled to ship with my next shipment. Is this some kind of display issue (maybe affecting other customers who interrupted their subscription), or is it something I should bring to Customer Service for you to fix?
We do believe that this is a display issue and are having our tech team take a look into it. Just keep an eye out for the email confirmation you'll receive when the monthly order is generated. If you see the Base Set on there, just let us know and we can scare it off for you before the order is shipped out. Otherwise, you *should* just have the Character Add-On to begin with.
Hope this helps! Just let me know if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have.

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Can we get a clarification on horror realms? Is that coming in oct or nov? My subsrciption says oct.
Horror Realms has indeed been moved back to November, but it looks as though it may not have been updated in all the necessary places in our system. I've passed this info along, and it should be fixed soon. Thanks for pointing it out to us!
Just let me know if there's anything else I can help with in the meantime.

David knott 242 |

I am noticing something a bit odd about the comics. The first issue of the Worldscape series is apparently planned for the October shipments (to be authorized possibly as early as today), but there does not appear to be any way to start a comics subscription with that issue yet.

Zaister |
Weird stuff is going on on my subscriptions page. The comics have been moved, but all other subscription products have vanished. The current September subscription lists only two products, and those come from my sidecart.

EJDean |
Weird stuff is going on on my subscriptions page. The comics have been moved, but all other subscription products have vanished. The current September subscription lists only two products, and those come from my sidecart.
Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing. And Inner Sea Temples has completely disappeared.

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Zaister wrote:Weird stuff is going on on my subscriptions page. The comics have been moved, but all other subscription products have vanished. The current September subscription lists only two products, and those come from my sidecart.Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing. And Inner Sea Temples has completely disappeared.
/tries not to panic that her Mummy's Mask Base Set and Add-On Deck are also gone.

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Added the details for the Pathfinder Society Subscription releases:
New Digital Product Releases in the Month of October
- Paizo Subscription Products
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild September Scenarios:
-#8-04: Wardens of Sulfur Gulch
-#8-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken
- September Digital Order Creation Date:
September 26thOctober 3rd
- Digital Order Fulfilment & Payment Settlement Date:
September 28thOctober 5th
- Street Date for Pathfinder Society September Scenarios:
September 28thOctober 5thPathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild October Scenarios:
-#8-06: Reaping What We Sow
-#8-07: From the Tome of Righteous Repose
- October Digital Order Creation Date: October 24th
- Digital Order Fulfilment & Payment Settlement Date: October 26th
- Street Date for Pathfinder Society October Scenarios: October 26th

Diego Valdez Customer Service Representative |

The answer to that is 'sort of'. You should get an email confirmation as you would any other order you place, which is very similar to the auth in that your card got authorized and you received an email letting you know that you placed an order. However it would not be part of our larger sub auth, it is an individual one and so the auth dates and times wouldn't apply. It should have happened when you pushed the ship right away button (looking at the order it was sent on September 25).

xobmaps |

Gah! Glad I read this thread, I did not notice there was no AP this month, and did NOT want to wait for CotCT. Is there any sort of opt-in for emails of "you have stuff in your sidecart but no subscriptions shipping this month"? Or a "Ship once monthly, regardless" option so stuff doesn't have to wait until after normal subscriptions are done and hopefully get to people sooner?

David knott 242 |

Well, I somehow had my subscription shipment authorized for this month even though there are no actual items from any of my subscriptions that are actually available this month. If you don't get an authorization e-mail by the time they say that they have finished that process (most likely around COB today), you may want to go to your "My Accounts" page and ask to have your available sidecart items delivered immediately.
But I would suggest waiting a bit since they may well be preparing a shipment for you right now.

Hawkmoon269 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

There have been a couple of people (example 1 and example 2) that have reported they are subscribing just to the character add-on deck for Mummy's Mask, but that their authorization didn't contain any mention of promo cards. I thought I'd mention it here on the chance it is part of a larger issue.
Looking forward to shipping starting soon. Then not looking forward to the agonizing days of watching to see when my order has shipped, then looking forward to when it does ship. Then not looking forward to more days of tracking it as it makes it to my house. But then I am looking forward to that awesome day it arrives! It is kind of like Christmas, but you don't know exactly when it will happen. Like "Santa is estimated to leave the North Pole in the next 5 to 7 business days." And then "Santa is estimated to arrive at your house in 5 business days."

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There have been a couple of people (example 1 and example 2) that have reported they are subscribing just to the character add-on deck for Mummy's Mask, but that their authorization didn't contain any mention of promo cards. I thought I'd mention it here on the chance it is part of a larger issue.
Looking forward to shipping starting soon. Then not looking forward to the agonizing days of watching to see when my order has shipped, then looking forward to when it does ship. Then not looking forward to more days of tracking it as it makes it to my house. But then I am looking forward to that awesome day it arrives! It is kind of like Christmas, but you don't know exactly when it will happen. Like "Santa is estimated to leave the North Pole in the next 5 to 7 business days." And then "Santa is estimated to arrive at your house in 5 business days."
They weren't the only ones to notice that oddity. I just finished poking around so that the cards should be properly displaying for everyone*. (*one specific card might not display for another hour or two for a handful of users.)

David knott 242 |

Okay -- I have already received my shipping notice for this month (or one of them -- for some reason, I am getting three items in two separate shipments, but that is beside the point).
So can I take it that the authorization phase is now complete since shipping has begun? That would be something that anyone who hasn't received their authorization e-mail should know.

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Things are going a little differently than intended for the PFS scenarios. We were not able to create the actual orders on Monday so we sent just an email heads up. Today we rolled some code, I'm currently generating the orders and then will run the report to finalize them.
Let me know if you have any questions!
~sara marie