Item to grant magical immunity?


I have an NPC I wish to use as a boss against the party. I want her to have absolute magical immunity. I'm a sith DM, so mean COMPLETE magical immunity without any caveats.

To kill her, the party should resort to weapons.

Bonus: It can be turned on and off as an immediate action.

Scroll of antimagic field? Note that it'll turn off the other item you want for her.

What CR are you going for?

I would try to find some sort of extreme spell resistance item and I think there's an amulet of mindblank or something like that.

MageHunter wrote:

What CR are you going for?

I would try to find some sort of extreme spell resistance item and I think there's an amulet of mindblank or something like that.


APL is 9, and they destroy anything below APL+3.

MageHunter wrote:

Note that it'll turn off the other item you want for her.

Affecting other items is totally cool, as it is a flaw that the party can notice, and leverage to their advantage.

No such item exist. You will have to GM Fiat it into existence.

Not total magic immunity but it's pretty close... why not make the boss a golem?

The formula for a continuous spell effect is spell level X caster level X 2000 gp

The soonest a Wizard could cast AMF (a 6th level spell) is at 11th level.

132,000 gp would be the cost for such an item. I would probably add a command word to turn on and off.

Edit: That is technically impossible for an NPC to afford until level 20... Affordable at level 13 if they get PC gear boosting CR by 1.

Golems come pretty close with their magic immunity though a small number of spells can usually still affect them, and they are definitely still affected by things like hungry pit or summons.

Maybe you just use a special kind of golem construct armor that extends the protections to the wearer.

Understand that if it's an item you're giving the boss to explain her immunity... that means an item that the party could receive if they defeat her. And something that is complete and utter magic immunity is going to be something you do not want in a PC's hands.

You can make it an antimagic field, but that's definitely something a clever player can exploit. You could also make it something that is keyed to work only under some criteria only the boss meets, but that will definitely cause many players to call foul.

Something inherent to the boss, like a cast spell such as a Globe of Invulnerability, is a lot more likely to cause the fewest problems.

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I agree with Saethori in this.

Any item you're giving to your BBEG is going to fall into the hands of the heroes. You probably don't want to give them that power.

It's a bit BS, but if you really want this to work consider having the NPC undergo some sort of ritual that coverts them into an intelligent golem, granting magic immunity.

The Exchange

Or make your NPC a wil o wisp with class levels. Get a continuous shield spell on a slotless item and we're set.

Agile (slotless)amulet of mighty fists or 3 lvs of unchained rogue is your friend. I don't think maze spell should come into question.

If there are a specific and relatively small number of spells that are causing problems: contingency + Spell Immunity may be of assistance, while still allowing spells beyond their first choices usable.

Oh, and make sure she has enough minions to delay your heroes from just rushing straight up to her. Some of them could even be lower leveled casters to provide additional affects to the field. Maybe some of them have been instructed to summon a few creatures once the battle starts.

Perhaps you could have the fight take place in an area similar to the Mana Wastes in Golarion.

Giving her an item that can turn magic on/off as an immediate action is just begging to have the PCs steal it off of her before she's even dead.

I was going to say the same thing as posters above, do you want such a thing to fall into the hands of the PC's?

Other ideas I had were items linked in some way to locations (for some reason) and a minor artifact or simply a non-magic location the NPC is in (but that limits the NPC's magic also).

I was also just going to say you are the GM and just have the NPC have the abilities you want.

What about some other ideas to mess them up, ring of spell turning with limited charges or some such device. In that was the spells are reflected back at the caster and possibly harm them. This gives you almost the same as immune to magic but not quite.


He can always make it a magical tattoo, no need to worry about it falling into the pc's hands then.

Whatever you end up pulling, just be sure to let your party's wizard/sorceror/full-caster know that he shouldn't show up on game day.

If he wants to send a list of buffs, sure, go ahead, but he doesn't need to be there.

My caster has spells just for situations for when I run into golems and high SR monsters. Conjuration magic doesn't care about magical immunity since it creates nonmagical things such as glitterdust and fog spells. It can also summon monsters. Things like walls of force, which do not target the creature can not be bypassed by being immune to magic. Hasting the party, and other buffs still take place.

Check the xacarba as an option. Their Redirect Spell ability could be tremendously wicked until the casters figure it out.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Use a large-ish dead magic zone. That way, the magic immunity is tied to the location, rather than an item, so players can't wreak holy hell with it afterwards.

Plus, it'll be nice to see martials shining for a while, out from under the godlike shadow of the spellcasters.

Downside is that everybody will have to recalculate their attacks, stats and other variables which are often seriously augmented by magical belts, headbands and the like.

oneyou wrote:
He can always make it a magical tattoo, no need to worry about it falling into the pc's hands then.

Transfer Tattoo takes care of that.


Making a construct armour out of a magic-immune golem might be a close fit (even if it's got caveats):

This modification allows the construct to be worn like armor by its creator. So long as the creator wears it, the construct performs no independent actions, remaining under the control of the creator, and any attacks directed at the wearer first damage the construct.

It does hinge on the word "attack", so your mileage may vary from just attack actions to whatever would break invisibility. The PCs might get some interesting spell interactions depending on just which golem is turned into armour. Presumably the PCs will have to destroy the armour before destroying the bad guy, so if they want to salvage it afterwards, there'll be a hefty repair bill.

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