Changelings and the Reincarnate Spell

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Quick, and hopefully simple, question.

What exactly happens to a male's sex when they reincarnate into a changeling? Do they simply become the first male changeling or does their sex change along with their race?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Up to the GM.

In a vacuum, I'd go with always-becoming-female... but it would depend on the player, the situation, and the story you wanted to tell. ^_^

Given that already is a radical change like species, I don't see why sex is ruled out to begin with using the spell as normal

That said, two good possibilities would be either becoming a femal changeling or not being able to become a changeling at all (reroll)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

More directly, what happens when a changeling uses a magic item that specifically changes their gender? (such as girdle of opposite gender, or elixir of sex shifting, or a certain draw of the Harrow deck of many things - "the Twin").

Ah, the question of immovable versus unstoppable.

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KestrelZ wrote:

More directly, what happens when a changeling uses a magic item that specifically changes their gender? (such as girdle of opposite gender, or elixir of sex shifting, or a certain draw of the Harrow deck of many things - "the Twin").

Ah, the question of immovable versus unstoppable.

Well, there's an answer for one of those three. An elixir of sex shifting doesn't affect races with no sexual differentiation. So, such an elixir used on a changeling would do nothing.

Players in my group often re-check for things like sex when we're using reincarnate anyway, so a lot of the time it's a moot point for us. But the changeling thing's come up before in conversation, and the consensus among us is that the character would become female, since male changelings do not exist. So far as I know, there's no established rules reference for that conclusion, so YMMV, but that's the conclusion we came to.

I had heard that there are male "changelings" in that Hags can birth male children. They don't have the changeling racial traits and are considered sterile members of the father's race. So perhaps a changeling would turn into that.

Otherwise I'd agree with The Archive two posts up.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Larkos wrote:
I had heard that there are male "changelings" in that Hags can birth male children. They don't have the changeling racial traits and are considered sterile members of the father's race. So perhaps a changeling would turn into that.

This is not precisely true, at least as far as I know - it doesn't line up with any changeling source that I'm aware of, nor with the proto-changeling concept of "killcrops" from Classic Horrors Revisited. (Notably, though, that source doesn't explicitly say that killcrops are always female. If they aren't, though, that'll make things awkward when it comes to introduction into all-female hag society.)

The closest thing to a male equivalent of the changeling, as of Pathfinder Module: Tears At Bitter Manor, is the caliban.

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Delightful wrote:

Quick, and hopefully simple, question.

What exactly happens to a male's sex when they reincarnate into a changeling? Do they simply become the first male changeling or does their sex change along with their race?

Reincarnate does what it says and totally changes your race completely. it is why you only keep your mind and all you physical stats change. If the new race only has female members, like changelings, then that character is now female.

Yep. Always female.

From the Bestiary:

Changeling (Ecology):

When a hag of any sort conceives a child with a man, the result is a changeling. The male parent is usually eaten or killed by his partner before he can see the offspring, or else flees the area in shame upon discovering the true nature of his lover, and the hag herself interacts with the child just long enough to set it on the stoop of some unsuspecting family or temple. Depending on the race of her father, a changeling can resemble any type of humanoid, including dwarves, gnomes, and even orcs and goblins.

A changeling and her new family are never aware of the strange child’s true parents, but in most cases everyone involved is keenly aware that there is something odd about the frail child with the ghostly pallor. Even the young girl herself can easily see that she possesses abilities others do not—powers that are subtle at younger ages and only truly begin to manifest themselves when she reaches adolescence. It is around puberty that the changeling begins to hear what hags refer to as “the call,” a hypnotic, spiritual voice that only she can hear and that beckons her to travel. To where, the changeling does not know, but the underlying prospect of finding out her true origins is often enough to drive the girl to seek out the source of this mystical voice.

The voice is in fact that of the changeling’s birth mother, who forms a coven with two others hags in order to summon her child back to her, now that she is old enough to fully transform into a hag. This transformative ritual is a barbaric one that only the most determined changelings willingly go through; upon arriving at the coven, it is usually too late to turn back for changelings who were merely drawn to the voice by curiosity. Those who seek power, however, identify with the hags, and happily go through the ordeal in order to unlock their dormant abilities. Regardless of her desires, though, a changeling who has undergone the transformation cannot go back; once she becomes a hag, she remains a hag, and her mind turns as wicked as her form has turned hideous.

Changelings who ignore the call eventually cease to hear it. In this case, a hag mother sometimes disguises herself and ventures into civilization, seeking out her daughter. If she finds her, she lures the girl back to the coven, where she can perform the ritual of transformation. The process of performing the call or physically retrieving the changeling is taxing, though, and many hags find it easier to simply lure in another mate and birth another changeling in hopes that this one will heed the ever tantalizing call.

From Pathfinder 43: Haunting of Harrowstone

Additional info in the Player Character Races.


The Archive wrote:
KestrelZ wrote:

More directly, what happens when a changeling uses a magic item that specifically changes their gender? (such as girdle of opposite gender, or elixir of sex shifting, or a certain draw of the Harrow deck of many things - "the Twin").

Ah, the question of immovable versus unstoppable.

Well, there's an answer for one of those three. An elixir of sex shifting doesn't affect races with no sexual differentiation. So, such an elixir used on a changeling would do nothing.

Wow, seriously? I was kind of wondering about a Changeling character that drank an elixir of sex shift to make sure their mother couldn't somehow forcibly change them into a hag. Back to the drawing board.

Pure fluff but this does make me wonder if they would have to deal with the call too now or if since they have no Hag as the mother they do have anyone calling.

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Delightful wrote:

Quick, and hopefully simple, question.

What exactly happens to a male's sex when they reincarnate into a changeling? Do they simply become the first male changeling or does their sex change along with their race?

Since it doesn't happen unless the GM says it does, than it's the GM that answers that question.

It's not in any Bestiary, yet, but many of the source myths and legends include immortal good aligned old ladies that fit a hag template. Usually called old wise women or Momma something, they usually live in wilderness areas outside civilization, and people go to them when they need magic. Whether the process of becoming a hag is a ritual, an option for witches, inherited, or all 3, it's limited only by your campaign rules.

Likewise, if the calling is mother daughter only, or if it affects likeminded witches and changelings. Superstitious peasants will still believe that all changelings become evil hags.

The girdle of opposite gender, sex change potion, etc will not work. The changeling is not of a binary sex, so there IS no opposite gender. Should someone use a wish to make a changeling male, you would, at best, get a reasonable approximation of a changeling, but male, wouldn't fool a true changeling or a hag though.

Likewise if reincarnate turns a suicide into a Lamia, you can't gender change it unless you also polymorph it into some other race.

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