Thoughts on the 4 upcoming APs?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

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Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Greedy people, still need more technology while Starfinder is a thintg.
It's just like the greedy people who want more unpronounceable obscure mythological monsters when there are plenty already! ;)

And that is where you are wrong.

But having a freaking whole AP line of aliens and spaceships in starfinder and then asking for even more robot technology in underwater campaigns = greedy.

Hey maybe Ruins of Azlant will give us a transforming robot that turns into a submarine! Soooo coool!!!!

Well with the way the Aboleths work HOLY CRAP WE'RE GETTING A PACIFIC RIM SECTION!

(not likely but I can dream :3)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Nightterror wrote:
Greedy people, still need more technology while Starfinder is a thintg.

Tammy's greedy.

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Tammy has no idea what a blind team player is...

grabs a melon baller and another football player.

But she'll find out. ^-^

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Greedy people, still need more technology while Starfinder is a thintg.
It's just like the greedy people who want more unpronounceable obscure mythological monsters when there are plenty already! ;)

And that is where you are wrong.

But having a freaking whole AP line of aliens and spaceships in starfinder and then asking for even more robot technology in underwater campaigns = greedy.

Hey maybe Ruins of Azlant will give us a transforming robot that turns into a submarine! Soooo coool!!!!

Well with the way the Aboleths work HOLY CRAP WE'RE GETTING A PACIFIC RIM SECTION!

(not likely but I can dream :3)

That would actually be cool!

I would really expect gian robots with lazers from Tian Xia then though!

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I thought Sarusan was the Autobot's home!


Hayato Ken wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Greedy people, still need more technology while Starfinder is a thintg.
It's just like the greedy people who want more unpronounceable obscure mythological monsters when there are plenty already! ;)

And that is where you are wrong.

But having a freaking whole AP line of aliens and spaceships in starfinder and then asking for even more robot technology in underwater campaigns = greedy.

Hey maybe Ruins of Azlant will give us a transforming robot that turns into a submarine! Soooo coool!!!!

Well with the way the Aboleths work HOLY CRAP WE'RE GETTING A PACIFIC RIM SECTION!

(not likely but I can dream :3)

That would actually be cool!

I would really expect gian robots with lazers from Tian Xia then though!

So of you call them giant robots with... Tian LaXiars?! Ah?! Ah?! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh?!

I'll see myself out.

EDIT: lousy autobot ninjas...

Spoilers to avoid derail.

Well, more derail, anyway.


Nightterror wrote:
Greedy people, still need more technology while Starfinder is a thintg.

You know, I favorited this when I thought it was a bit tongue-in-cheek and/or comradere-teasing humor. (Poe's law or whatever.)

I am being honest here, and this is neither bait nor inflammatory: is this a legitimate (in your opinion) grievance, Nightterror? If so: why?

If you would like to continue this discussion by way of PM or, instead, create a new thread so as not to derail this one (something like; "What are you looking for in an AP: A Discussion Thread" or something) I'd be more than willing to fully engage the matter with you, there.


EDIT: I will mention, though, that this is science fantasy as opposed to science fiction - two different things. Maybe that helps? Maybe not. But I thought I'd at least throw it out there.

On topic:
1) So daggum excited!
2) So daggum excited!
3) So daggum excited!
4) oUt Of mY fLiPpIiN' MIND with excitement~! And I didn't even make this pun about the mythos thing! That's how daggum excited about the Starfinder stuff I am~! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh~!

I love sf and fantasy. Science fantasy however is for me personally an unfair abomination.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yeah the only unfair thing to be upset about is the lack of TianXia products in the product schedule and all talks!

And there´s plenty of free space for fantasy, science fantasy and science fiction as well as monsters from normal to mythic there!
Not talking of the uncounted adventure opportunities of every color possible and impossible.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nightterror wrote:
Greedy people, still need more technology while Starfinder is a thintg.
It's just like the greedy people who want more unpronounceable obscure mythological monsters when there are plenty already! ;)

And that is where you are wrong.

But having a freaking whole AP line of aliens and spaceships in starfinder and then asking for even more robot technology in underwater campaigns = greedy.

Hey maybe Ruins of Azlant will give us a transforming robot that turns into a submarine! Soooo coool!!!!

Well with the way the Aboleths work HOLY CRAP WE'RE GETTING A PACIFIC RIM SECTION!

(not likely but I can dream :3)

That would actually be cool!

I would really expect gian robots with lazers from Tian Xia then though!

So of you call them giant robots with... Tian LaXiars?! Ah?! Ah?! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh?!

I'll see myself out.

EDIT: lousy autobot ninjas...

Okay, this post is in my "favorited by others" list - as in someone has favorite it - but I can't see anyone having marked it as such. Has... has the spirit of the forums its led finally gained sentience by the power of our bad puns and come to sweet unholy life to favorite things on its own with no user account?! WHAT HATH WE WROUG- actually, wait, that would be kind of cool.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm greedy as heck for getting SciFi and Fantasy! I want MORE MORE MORE dangit!!!

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Anyway, there is no reason that the existence of Starfinder should substract any kind of content from Pathfinder. They are different games. There is no correlation here.

Grand Lodge

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Harkening back to the original topic for a moment...

Strange Aeons - I love the idea, my problem is that I do not have a GM locally (other than myself) that I trust with this idea. I know one or two that on the technical side would be good, but what they would produce in the current conditions of our lives I wouldn't necessarily want to see happen.

Ironfang Invasion - This one I am likely to skip even buying. Without some kind of crazy power behind the invasion, by level 12-13 my local gang of plot-train-derailing hooligans will demolish any such invasions, and if such a power was behind it that they couldn't before end of AP, then said power would have triumphed long before they became a threat (or if not, my suspension bridge of disbelief would have collapsed under its own weight).

(My crew is one who, as a PFS module, completely dismantled the entire premise of 'City of Golden Death' from the beginning, and made our GM cry into her dice pool the entire time. Then 'deigned' to move forward without the initial premise to goad us, and stole all the things thrown at us to make us more awesome.) (This was an extreme example of our play, mind, but not nearly the only one.)

Ruins of Azlant - this is the most exciting one for me, as a player. I will revisit my Undine HydroKineticist build for reasons! Water rules (as is or redone) do not bother me so long as we know going in that there is a lot of involvement with that medium.

Starfinder AP - I don't have enough interest in SF as a game right now to be too excited, I will buy the rules and AP, but my limited Adventure Path slots right now are already full and the waiting list is getting longer as seen above. :)


thunderspirit wrote:
Ron Lundeen wrote:

That I love being part of them!

#3 in Strange Aeons
#2 in Ironfang Invasion
#5 in Ruins of Azlant

Speaking of which, you've got some autographing to do.

Now, and in the future. ;-)

You got it!!

Farrindor wrote:

Harkening back to the original topic for a moment...

My crew is one who, as a PFS module, completely dismantled the entire premise of 'City of Golden Death' from the beginning, and made our GM cry into her dice pool the entire time. Then 'deigned' to move forward without the initial premise to goad us, and stole all the things thrown at us to make us more awesome.) (This was an extreme example of our play, mind, but not nearly the only one.)

Hey, those were tears of joy and laughter (especially in comparison to the other time I ran it.)

Now, what you've done to jump the rails at level 1 in your first session of Kingmaker…

You are right about Ironfang Invasion… with you added to the team of hooligans that did massive amounts of nasty things in The Red Hand of Doom {a D&D 3.5 product that seems fairly similar} it would take some mythic and epic level things happening to still have threats available by the time 12-13 rolls around.

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My take:

I'd love to run Strange Aeons. It would also require the right table of players in the right mindset to do it, but oohhhh… shiny chaotic mind-bending insanity…

Ironfang Invasion: see my above comment to Farrindor. I would need a different group of players to still have a game that resembled the AP by the time they got to the end (I'm not sure that I won't have to completely re-write the last two books of Kingmaker and the second session is tomorrow).

Ruins of Azlant: ooohhh sign me up.

Starfinder: would have to have the right players willing to cross over. I wouldn't try running or playing it until it and the new setting have been out for a bit.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Of the three Pathfinder APs, Ruins of Azlant excites me the most due to the expanded rules on Underwater combat. That, and seeing how the adventure handles it will give me ideas of how to incorporate similar themes into my own campaigns. Underwater stuff is normally an area I've never touched, so it'd be interesting to see if the AP changes that.

I run my own campaigns, but get all the APs anyway because they help flesh out the world (I still have mine set in Golarion), and they give ideas for encounters and plotlines that I may have never thought of, or fresh takes on things I've previously thought of but haven't done yet. Oftentimes I'll adapt minor parts from various APs and modules into my own campaigns, like an encounter or porting over a particular story theme with slightly different wrappings on top. In that regard, every AP is awesome for me because even if I don't find the overall theme interesting (Giantslayer and Ironfang Invasion are both pretty bleh to me), there's bound to be bits and pieces that I like from them.

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Strange Aeons and Azlant both definitely have my interest- Azlant should have some good history/worldbuilding/exploration, which I appreciate.

Based on the just-released descriptions of book 1 and 2 of Ironfang Invasion, it's sounding really good to me. Kinda classic beasts but a dynamic situation and less-than-typical interactions with other 'factions' for interesting reasons. I tend to loosen up published adventures to give my players a more sandbox-y situation to work with, and this one sounds like a great base to work from.

Strange Aeons - totally stoked cuz I'm a huge fan of Lovecraft's writing, which got me into the Call of Cthulhu RPG in a big way about ten years ago. I will likely modify this one to bring out the sanity and horror aspects a little more. My players are totally okay with not being kick-ass, so it'll work. :)

Azlant - I'm not a huge Golarion expert so the history aspect of this doesn't attract me. I get the sense this will supposedly connect some ideas that are already milling about in the Golarion canon, but I don't know what that is. As with everything, my Golarion is heavily modified :) Paizos AP's rarely disappoint me though so I'm eager to see how they deal with such a specific environmental situation without it getting tedious.

Starfinder - Very eager to see how they treat this as well! I follow the Starfinder news very closely.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am feeling curiously neutral on all of those, except for Ironfang invasion, which I think doesn't sound interesting at all. I hope I am wrong here.

I guess after the awesomeness of Hell's Rebels that I just wanted more of that and the upcoming AP's are definitely not by their description.

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Another thing about Azlanti:

It's pretty much sure to have Aboleth (I mean, history of Azlant *and* underwater?), who are *great* villains!

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Strange Aeons - I've never actually read much Lovecrafty stuff, because I am 14 and also don't really get horror. So I don't really find this one all that cool. I'll probably only play if someone asks me to.
Ironfang Invasion - Sounds pretty cool I guess. We don't know all that much about it but I'll probably look into it.
Ruins of Azlant - This sounds AWESOME. I've been wanting to do an underwater campaign for a long time, plus I love Azlant and aboleths. :D
Starfinder - haven't played much sci-fi stuff, (I played a sci-fi FATE game once. I didn't really like fate all that much but it did allow me to play an A.I., so it kinda balanced out.) We don't really have much info so I'm not really sure if I'm interested or not.

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