Archmage Variel |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

This is all the information I've found concerning starfinder. Obviously, some of this is subject to change and some of it is somewhat speculative so I won't make promises.
Included Races:
-7 "Core" Races (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans)
-Plus other "alien" races
-They want to make more monster like playable races
-SPECULATION: Possibly kasatha (as seen in pictures)
Included Classes:
The God:
-An ascended ai god, which apparently has some link to past Golarion linked to an already known god, has become a god and gifted hyperspace travel to the galaxy
-Some other gods may disappear/be inexplicably missing
-The faithful of Abadar God of Commerce created a company called "Adadar Corp."
-20 Different gods to be described in the main book
-Possible cathedral ships of the Church of Iomedae
Hyperspace Travel:
-Can only be accessed with technology, not magic
-Has differing environmental effects depending on distance traveled
-A small jump has little effect of the outside world
-A large jump can cause pieces of the multiverse to be sucked into the hyperspace dimension, causing the dimension to grow and sometimes spitting beings and pieces of other planes out
Golarion Is Gone:
-Golarion has vanished
-The gods refuse to (SPECULATION: can't?) answer where it has gone
-The moon has gone with it
-"Absolam Station" a space station (SPECULATION: Likely the one shown on the starfinder homepage) has taken the place of Golarion. (Unknown whether that means physical location or location as a home base)
-Golarion has NOT been destroyed
The Gap:
-A multiverse wide memory gap stretching thousands of years back on anything concerning golarion and it's history
-The gap is different for different places. On one planet the gap may ge 1000 years, on another it may be 1005 years.
Starship Combat:
-Every player has an important part in combat
-Has been described as star trek/firefly-like
-Upgradable ships to act like a separate character sheet shared by the party
-Will include spaceships, power armor, laser and plasma weapons
-Corporations got ahold of technology to produce androids
-SPECULATION: Possibly a future version of the technic league?
The hellknights might have battleship fleets
Considering a method to work around the language barrier
Again this is all information found in paizo interviews and statements with some speculation where noted. ALL OF THIS CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Just thought I would post everything I've found. If I find any new information I will try to update.
So what do you think?

MMCJawa |

This is all the information I've found concerning starfinder. Obviously, some of this is subject to change and some of it is somewhat speculative so I won't make promises.
Included Races:
-7 "Core" Races (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans)
-Plus other "alien" races
-They want to make more monster like playable races
-SPECULATION: Possibly kasatha (as seen in pictures)
Clarification: the Pathfinder core races will be available for use in Starfinder, but will not be the "Core" Races for Starfinder. Core races for Starfinder are so far android, human, and ratfolk confirmed, with lashunta and kasatha implied.

Archmage Variel |

I actually found a post confirming lashunta will be included.
We’re also going to have races like the lashunta. They’re the main race for Castrovel, They’re humanoid, psychic… got a bit of a Vulcan thing going for them in terms of their mindset.
I admit I messed up with the core races. Sorry about that.

Archmage Variel |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

This is all the information I've found concerning starfinder. Obviously, some of this is subject to change and some of it is somewhat speculative so I won't make promises.
Included Races:
-7 "Core" Races (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans) exist within the setting (1)
-Ratfolk (1)
-Androids (1)
-Lashunta (2)
-Plus other alien races (1)
-They want to make more monster like playable races (2)
-Kasatha confirmed (1)
Included Classes:
-Soldier (1)
-Operative (1)
-Envoy (1)
-Mechanic (1)
-Mystic (1)
-Technomancer (1)
-Solerian (1)
The God:
-An ascended ai god, which apparently has some link to past Golarion linked to an already known god, has become a god and gifted hyperspace travel to the galaxy (2, 3)
-Some other gods may disappear/be inexplicably missing (1)
-The faithful of Abadar God of Commerce created a company called "Adadar Corp." (2)
-20 Different gods to be described in the main book
-Possible cathedral ships of the Church of Iomedae (2)
Hyperspace Travel:
-Can only be accessed with technology, not magic (3)
-Has differing environmental effects depending on distance traveled (3)
-A small jump has little effect of the outside world (3)
-A large jump can cause pieces of the multiverse to be sucked into the hyperspace dimension, causing the dimension to grow and sometimes spitting beings and pieces of other planes out (3)
Golarion Is Gone:
-Golarion has vanished (2)
-The gods refuse to (SPECULATION: can't?) answer where it has gone (2)
-The moon has gone with it (3)
-"Absolam Station" a space station (SPECULATION: Likely the one shown on the starfinder homepage) has taken the place of Golarion. (Unknown whether that means physical location or location as a home base) (2)
-Golarion has NOT been destroyed (4)
The Gap:
-A multiverse wide memory gap stretching thousands of years back on anything concerning golarion and it's history (2)
-The gap is different for different places. On one planet the gap may be 1000 years, on another it may be 1005 years (2)
Starship Combat:
-Every player has an important part in combat (3)
-Has been described as battletech/spelljammer (1)
-Upgradable ships to act like a separate character sheet shared by the party (3)
-Will include spaceships, power armor, laser and plasma weapons (3)
-Cybernetics and magical enhancements will be present (1)
-Corporations got ahold of technology to produce androids (3)
-SPECULATION: Possibly a future version of the technic league?
The hellknights might have battleship fleets (2)
Considering a method to work around the language barrier (2)
Again this is all information found in paizo interviews and statements with some speculation where noted. ALL OF THIS CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Just thought I would post everything I've found. If I find any new information I will try to update.
So what do you think?
1. http://www.nerdunion.us/2016/08/06/27837/
2. http://geekandsundry.com/interview-w...i-sister-game/
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQzjmVujY5U
4. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2tp2c?As...en-and-Beloved

Dale McCoy Jr President, Jon Brazer Enterprises |

Perram talked about ship combat around the 40 minute mark of the latest Know Direction video.

Archmage Variel |

Perram talked about ship combat around the 40 minute mark of the latest Know Direction video.
I stopped watching at ~40 minutes. The irony!
Thank you so much for telling me! I'll have to watch the rest and update the list when I'm done.
Archmage Variel |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

New: Tons of new updates from a new source that's been brought to my attention. If you find out any more please tell me here.
This is all the information I've found concerning starfinder. Obviously, some of this is subject to change and some of it is somewhat speculative so I won't make promises. I will continue to update as new information comes out.
-Gencon 2017 - Starfinder AP and Core Rulebook (5)
-"Shortly After” - Starfinder “Alien Book” Bestiary (5)
-Core Rulebook will not be limited to the design of the pathfinder Core Rulebook (5)
- Alien bestiary: A book not just of “things to kill” but also “things to be” (5)
Included Races:
-7 "Core" Races (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans) exist within the setting (1)
-Ratfolk (1)
-Androids (1)
-Lashunta (2)
-Plus other alien races (1)
-They want to make more monster like playable races (2)
-Kasatha confirmed (1)
Included Classes:
-Soldier (1): "Fighter++", the best at weapons, pick a weapons specialty, melee or ranged combat (5)
-Operative (1): subterfuge, spy, sniper, skill focused, infiltration, space rogue, the most skills (5)
-Envoy (1): Diplomatic class, Han Solo/Princess Leia, the space bard[SUP]5[/SUP]
-Mechanic (1): Fix things, ai or robot companion, jack into other computers (5)
-Mystic (1): similar to oracle, closest thing to a cleric in Starfinder, channel mystical energies of the universe, does not have to worship the gods, energies not limited to divine, psychic/force like (5)
-Technomancer (1): Space Wizard, combines tech and magics, study magic as if it was code, figure out the laws of the universe and how to break them, hacker-wizard (5)
-Solerian (1): Uses the magic of the balance of the universe, melee-caster hybrid, balance energy and entropy, using energy abilities weakens entropy and strengthens energy abilities and vice versa, energy is light and heat based powers and entropy is gravity based powers, this is basically a jedi without the name (5)
The God:
-An ascended ai god, which apparently has some link to past Golarion linked to an already known god, has become a god and gifted hyperspace travel to the galaxy (2, 3)
-Some other gods may disappear/be inexplicably missing (1)
-The faithful of Abadar God of Commerce created a company called "Adadar Corp." (2)
-20 Different gods to be described in the main book
-Possible cathedral ships of the Church of Iomedae (2)
Hyperspace Travel:
-Can only be accessed with technology, not magic (3)
-Has differing environmental effects depending on distance traveled (3)
-A small jump has little effect of the outside world (3)
-A large jump can cause pieces of the multiverse to be sucked into the hyperspace dimension, causing the dimension to grow and sometimes spitting beings and pieces of other planes out (3)
Golarion Is Gone:
-Golarion has vanished (2)
-The gods refuse to (SPECULATION: can't?) answer where it has gone (2)
-The moon has gone with it (3)
-"Absolam Station" a space station (SPECULATION: Likely the one shown on the starfinder homepage) has taken the place of Golarion. (Unknown whether that means physical location or location as a home base) (2)
-Golarion has NOT been destroyed (4)
The Gap:
-A multiverse wide memory gap stretching thousands of years back on anything concerning golarion and it's history (2)
-The gap is different for different places. On one planet the gap may be 1000 years, on another it may be 1005 years. (2)
Starship Combat:
-Every player has an important part in combat (3)
-Has been described as battletech/spelljammer (1)
-Upgradable ships to act like a separate character sheet shared by the party (3)
-"Star Trek Inspired with sprinkles of Firefly” (5)
-Choice of class has no effect on ship role, each ship role has a single skill that influences it (5)
-New actions are unlocked with additional skill ranks in the relevant skill (5)
-Ship combat is done “tactically” on a hex grid, and direction the ship is facing matters, very different from normal pathfinder combat (5)
-Divided into three “phases”: engineering phase, piloting phase, and gunnery phase (5)
-Each phase happens simultaneously and is resolved among all ships before beginning another phase (5)
-All damage happens simultaneously (5)
-Piloting: Initiative check: going last was better; a higher roll meant going last so you could react to what everyone else was doing. (5)
-Ships have a maneuverability rating number: the number of have you had to move before you could turn the ship one tick on the hex axis (5)
-The ship has different arcs, or sides, with different stats but only one hp pool (5)
-When the ship hits a damage threshold or is the target of a critical hit, you have to roll to see if a critical system was damaged (5)
-Combat requires a lot of communication, you start understanding only what class ship you are fighting (5)
-Can take an action and a minor action each turn (5)
-Some ships have computers that can help by attempting skills, not as proficient as players, some ships can be piloted by a single individual (5)
-Ship combat is two dimensional but moving through opponents is possible, factoring in 3D (5)
-When your ships hp reaches 0 your ship is disabled, when it reaches 100% your ship explodes so get to the escape pods (5)
Ship Roles:
-Captain: Acts during any of the phases, encourages his crew members, could give an order using an intimidate check one time per crew member per encounter instead of a diplomacy check that gives a very big bonus, can give a crew member an extra action (5)
-Pilot: Flies the ship, manages "stunts" (5)
-Science Officer: Manages knowledge checks to scan enemy ships (shields/weapons/tech) (5)
-Gunner: Manages the weapons, targets the enemies, attack tricks (5)
-Engineer: Targets critical systems to aid the ship and direct the ship's power. (5)
-Will include spaceships, power armor, laser and plasma weapons (3)
-Cybernetics and magical enhancements will be present (1)
-Corporations got ahold of technology to produce androids (3)
-SPECULATION: Possibly a future version of the technic league?
The hellknights might have battleship fleets (2)
Considering a method to work around the language barrier (2)
Again this is all information found in paizo interviews and statements with some speculation where noted. ALL OF THIS CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Just thought I would post everything I've found. If I find any new information I will try to update.
So what do you think?
1. http://www.nerdunion.us/2016/08/06/27837/
2. http://geekandsundry.com/interview-with-the-creator-of-starfinder-pathfinde rs-sci-fi-sister-game/
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQzjmVujY5U
4. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2tp2c?Ask-Gallant-James-S-Enduring-Owen-and-Bel oved
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViouD1C4gTk

Athos710 |

I don't have a link to an article, but they said in the GenCon panel that Absolom Station was going to function as the center of the setting. This was due to jumps to Absolom Station be faster than equivalent length jumps elsewhere. The specific example was jumping to Absolom then flying to Aktion being faster than jumping right to Aktion.
Perhaps we can get clarification in the "Ask" thread.
Also, the quote there was "More Star Wars than Star Trek, with a little Firefly mixed in". I can see the exact words varying by interview and speaker.

![]() |

I don't have a link to an article, but they said in the GenCon panel that Absolom Station was going to function as the center of the setting. This was due to jumps to Absolom Station be faster than equivalent length jumps elsewhere. The specific example was jumping to Absolom then flying to Aktion being faster than jumping right to Aktion.
I wonder if this could have something to do with the fact that Absalom Station stands in place of Golarion
Golarion has disappeared yet the other planets' orbits presumably function as they did before. Seems like there are very strange space-time properties where Golarion once was (and where Absalom Station now is)

Gilfalas |

Seems like there are very strange space-time properties where Golarion once was (and where Absalom Station now is)
I don;t think the Golarion universe, or at least the 'immediate' region around the Golarion solar system, is ruled purely by what we understand as physics. I am guessing that magic has as much influence on celestial mechanics as the 'laws' f physics do.
One really big example: Golarion'ss sun is literally a huge ball of fire with a hole to the elemental place of fire at the center. It has beings who reside on it's surface. It is NOT a nuclear fusion engine as far as I know.

2ndGenerationCleric |

Really like those space combat roles, really see what they mean by Star Trek (different people filing different roles) mixed with firefly (only one person really does it, everyone specializes) Ships will probably be fairly small, somewhat intimate. That's pretty neat, totally what I was going to see too. Love it!

UnArcaneElection |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Athos710 wrote:I don't have a link to an article, but they said in the GenCon panel that Absolom Station was going to function as the center of the setting. This was due to jumps to Absolom Station be faster than equivalent length jumps elsewhere. The specific example was jumping to Absolom then flying to Aktion being faster than jumping right to Aktion.I wonder if this could have something to do with the fact that Absalom Station stands in place of Golarion
Golarion has disappeared yet the other planets' orbits presumably function as they did before. Seems like there are very strange space-time properties where Golarion once was (and where Absalom Station now is)
I tell you, that's the reason that the Vogons Abadar Corp. removed Golarion to put in a Hyperspace Bypass
{. . .}
Hyperspace Travel:
-Can only be accessed with technology, not magic (3)
-Has differing environmental effects depending on distance traveled (3)
-A small jump has little effect of the outside world (3)
-A large jump can cause pieces of the multiverse to be sucked into the hyperspace dimension, causing the dimension to grow and sometimes spitting beings and pieces of other planes out (3)
{. . .}
See? It fits perfectly. Ingrate Humans don't appreciate all the Vogons' Abadar Corp.'s efforts in favor of advancing galactic civilization, and instead seek to put Vogons Abadar Corp.'s Hyperspatial Engineering Department out of work. Think of how many Hyperspatial Engineering jobs could be created and how much galactic commerce could be improved if the Planetary Removal Program were extended!

Archmage Variel |

Think of how many Hyperspatial Engineering jobs could be created and how much galactic commerce could be improved if the Planetary Removal Program were extended!
I'm just concerned with the lack of accommodations they're making for gas based organisms. How are we supporting our Brethedan citizens?

Malefactor |

I've got a huge list of announced information. If people want I'll post it but I'm a little too lazy to format it to far.
That would be nice, considering I am just putting whatever I can remember on this thread, seeing as I didn't make any notes and have probably forgotten half of everything already.

Archmage Variel |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Note: I have tried to interpret what has been said to the best of my abilities. I can not guarantee any of this other than it was mentioned in various paizo sources.
-Gencon 2017 - Starfinder AP and Core Rulebook
-"Shortly After” - Starfinder “Alien Book” Bestiary
-Core Rulebook will not be limited to the design of the pathfinder Core Rulebook
Alien bestiary: A book not just of “things to kill” but also “things to be”
-The 7 "Core" Races (Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans) will exist within the setting.
-The races with rules in the starfinder core rulebook are:
—Ysoki Ratfolk
—2 more yet to be announced, “less human” races
Included Classes:
-Soldier: "Fighter++", the best at weapons, pick a weapons specialty, melee or ranged combat
-Operative: subterfuge, spy, sniper, skill focused, infiltration, space rogue, the most skills
-Envoy: Diplomatic class, Han Solo/Princess Leia, the space bard
—Iconic: Navasi
-Mechanic: Fix things, ai or robot companion, jack into other computers
-Mystic: similar to oracle, closest thing to a cleric in Starfinder, channel mystical energies of the universe, does not have to worship the gods, energies not limited to divine, psychic/force like
-Technomancer: Space Wizard, combines tech and magics, study magic as if it was code, figure out the laws of the universe and how to break them, hacker-wizard
—Supercharge weapon technomancer spell
—Magic Missile
—-Normally 2 missiles at level 2
—-3 missiles with full action
— Energy Ray cantrip?
-Solerian: Uses the magic of the balance of the universe, melee-caster hybrid, balance energy and entropy, using energy abilities weakens entropy and strengthens energy abilities and vice versa, energy is light and heat based powers and entropy is gravity based powers, this is basically a jedi without the name
The Gods:
-A few centuries ago, a collective of artificial intelligences became so complex that they ascended to godhood which gifted mortals with hyperspace travel
-Some other gods may disappear/be inexplicably missing
-The faithful of Abadar God of Commerce created a company called "Abadar Corp."
-20 Different gods to be described in the main book
-Possible cathedral ships of the Church of Iomedae
Hyperspace Travel(aka “the Drift”):
-Can only be accessed with technology, not magic
-Has differing environmental effects depending on distance traveled
-A small jump has little effect of the outside world
-A large jump can cause pieces of the multiverse to be sucked into the hyperspace dimension, causing the dimension to grow and sometimes spitting beings and pieces of other planes out
Golarion Is Gone:
-Golarion has vanished
-The gods refuse to answer where it has gone
-The moon has gone with it
-“Absolam Station" a space station has taken the place of Golarion both figuratively and literally.
-Golarion has NOT been destroyed
“The Gap”:
-A multiverse wide memory gap stretching thousands of years back on anything concerning Golarion and it's history
-The gap is different for different places. On one planet the gap may be 1000 years, on another it may be 1005 years.
-Will include spaceships, power armor, laser and plasma weapons
-Cybernetics and magical enhancements will be present
The Planets:
-Akiton: Concept are gives off a slum like lower Coruscant vibe
-Eox: Concept art shows a technological necropolis that emits an energy beam, with towers scattered around it in various states of repair and disarray.
-Considering a method to work around the language barrier (Such as some sort of communication device, would likely make languages less of a hinderance and more of a descriptor)
-The hellknights might have battleship fleets
-“The Pact Worlds”: Name of the worlds in the Golarion system or allied planets?
Starship Combat:
-Every player has an important part in combat
-Has been described as battletech/spelljammer
-Upgradable ships to act like a separate character sheet shared by the party
-“Star Trek Inspired with sprinkles of Firefly”
-Choice of class has no effect on ship role, each ship role has a single skill that influences it
-New actions are unlocked with additional skill ranks in the relevant skill
-Ship combat is done “tactically” on a hex grid, and direction the ship is facing matters, very different from normal pathfinder combat
-Divided into three “phases”: engineering phase, piloting phase, and gunnery phase
-Each phase happens simultaneously and is resolved among all ships before beginning another phase
-All damage happens simultaneously
-Piloting: Initiative check: going last was better; a higher roll meant going last so you could react to what everyone else was doing.
-Ships have a maneuverability rating number: the number of have you had to move before you could turn the ship one tick on the hex axis
-The ship has different arcs, or sides, with different stats but only one hp pool
-When the ship hits a damage threshold or is the target of a critical hit, you have to roll to see if a critical system was damaged
-Combat requires a lot of communication, you start understanding only what class ship you are fighting
-Can take an action and a minor action each turn
-Some ships have computers that can help by attempting skills, not as proficient as players, some ships can be piloted by a single individual
-Ship combat is two dimensional but moving through opponents is possible, factoring in 3D
-When your ships hp reaches 0 your ship is disabled, when it reaches 100% your ship explodes so get to the escape pods
Ship Roles:
-Captain: Acts during any of the phases, encourages his crew members, could give an order using an intimidate check one time per crew member per encounter instead of a diplomacy check that gives a very big bonus, can give a crew member an extra action5
-Pilot: Flies the ship, manages "stunts"
-Science Officer: Manages knowledge checks to scan enemy ships (shields/ weapons/tech)
-Gunner: Manages the weapons, targets the enemies, attack tricks
-Engineer: Targets critical systems to aid the ship and direct the ship's power.
Stamina depletes before hit points it seems
Energy Ray cantrip?
“spend a resolve” to get back stamina
Life Science
Credits as a source of money.
reflex fort will saves
Credits for gear are separate from starship economy spaceship “points”
-Magic types blended together
-All casters are spontaneous
-all are 6th level casters
Starfinder Gods
7 gods from core 20 and 13 new(ish) ones
Zon Kuthon
UPB = one credit
UPB’s can be used to make technology
“Near" and “Vast” locations
Near: Places with drift beacons nearby
Vast: Places without drift beacons nearby
Skills work similarly
-Condensed skills: Not as many
-Modified to reflect science fantasy
Free RPG Day Starfinder: "Starfinder First Contact” Compilation of 12 aliens to be used in Pathfinder and Starfinder.
-“Space Goblins”
-June 17th
"Cred Sticks”: Small units of exchange
Technomancers have other options and therefor have only up to 6th level
wish and miracle are available as options via certain means?
No crafting feats, all about skills and skill ability
ranks must be equal to level of object, and UBP’s equal to the cost of the item plus time
The Swarm: Big race of interstellar insect bad guys
Space Pirates
Aucturn: is still there, uncomfortably close and the old gods minions reactive there
Alignment still exists
Power Armor will be in there, vehicle rules but no gun dam (yet)
technological sword options
You can use old style weapons but a player wouldn’t want to
Spaceship travel to other dimensions:
Large (Sometimes larger than a spaceship sized) Space Creatures
Known Organizations to Survive:
The Starfinder Society
Deity Churches
The Hellknights
Starfinder Archetypes:
-An archetype can normally be applied to ANY class for the most part (Maybe spell caster only archetypes for example)
-There will be “one” in the core rulebook
“Themes” for particular classes
Backgrounds that effect class abilities
Themes don’t replace class features, they’re add-ons
Notes I’m to lazy to organize right now so I’ll do it later…
Lashunta Mechanic
Ratfolk Technomancer
Dwarf Solarion
Supercharge weapon technomancer spell
Magic Missile
-Normally 2 missiles at level 2
-3 missiles with full action
Stamina depletes before hit points it seems
Energy Ray cantrip?
“spend a resolve” to get back stamina
Life Science
Credits as a source of money.
reflex fort will saves
Credits for gear are separate from starship economy spaceship “points”
-Magic types blended together
-All casters are spontaneous
-all are 6th level casters
Starfinder Gods
7 gods from core 20 and 13 new(ish) ones
Zon Kuthon
UPB (universal polymer base) = one credit
UPB’s can be used to make technology
Armor Class appears to be split into Energy Armor Class and Kinetic Armor Class
“Near" and “Vast” locations
Near: Places with drift beacons nearby
Vast: Places without drift beacons nearby
Skills work similarly
-Condensed skills: Not as many
-Modified to reflect science fantasy
Free RPG Day Starfinder: "Starfinder First Contact” Compilation of 12 aliens to be used in Pathfinder and Starfinder.
-“Space Goblins”
-June 17th
"Cred Sticks”: Small units of exchange
Technomancers have other options and therefor have only up to 6th level
wish and miracle are available as options via certain means?
No crafting feats, all about skills and skill ability
ranks must be equal to level of object, and UBP’s equal to the cost of the item plus time
The Swarm: Big race of interstellar insect bad guys
Space Pirates
Aucturn: is still there, uncomfortably close and the old gods minions reactive there
Alignment still exists
Power Armor will be in there, vehicle rules but no gun dam (yet)
technological sword options
You can use old style weapons but a player wouldn’t want to
Spaceship travel to other dimensions:
Large (Sometimes larger than a spaceship sized) Space Creatures
Known Organizations to Survive:
The Starfinder Society
Deity Churches
The Hellknights
Starfinder Archetypes:
-An archetype can normally be applied to ANY class for the most part (Maybe spell caster only archetypes for example)
-There will be “one” in the core rulebook
“Themes” for particular classes
Backgrounds that effect class abilities
Themes don’t replace class features, they’re add-ons

Malefactor |

Archetypes were explained rather oddly, so I may be completely wrong here, but I came under the impression that archetypes would be umbrella things that each class could take to gain different abilities (i.e. for the Archetype "Good-at-not-dying" a Mechanic might trade out his robot buddy, but an Envoy might trade out something completely different.)