Small, fire breathing creatures?


Yeah, title says it. Looking for some kind of small fire breathing animal, vermin, magical beast, etc... i.e. small at full sized... telling me "hell hound puppy", while accurate, isn't helpful. Something a wizard could make a familiar, but without demonic pacts or binding mephits, etc.

Preferably something roughly dog shaped with a bite attack.

Cassisian Angels can be Improved Familiars, are small, have a fire (or cold) breath weapon, and can change shape into a dog.

Fire Mephits can be Improved Familiars, are small, and have a fire breath weapon. Not doglike though. I'm not sure what you mean by 'binding' them.

You could go with a Homunculus with the SLA modification (in this case fire belly or fire breath) though this may still not be quite what you want. Hope I could help. In researching this I've found homunculi to be awesome, little, SLA using monsters. :P

Preferably something roughly dog shaped with a bite attack.
"hell hound puppy"


Could homebrew a different breed of pseudodragon. One that's evil, reddish and breaths a little spout of fire instead of having a poison sting.

There is the tidepool dragon, which is a tiny dragon with a tiny breath weapon. There are two other options that can "kind of breathe" fire - the pseudosphinx and the xiao have a bite attack and can use burning hands as a spell-like ability a few times per day. How does that sound?

As a backup option, you can get a fire wysp, but it more of a elemental ball with tendril attacks.

I was going to mention the Tidepool Dragon as well, as my Skull and Shackles bard just got one. It's fire breathing is as mentioned tiny, only a 5 foot line in air, or a 10 foot steam cone in water. No demonic pacts necessary, just a few bribes and treats.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Brimorak deamon

Dark Archive

Legacy of Dragons has rules for making a pyrausta a familiar. I think it loses fast healing and the heart of flame ability. Making it a tiny, green, fire-breathing dragon.

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