Cole Deschain |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

These answers are so human-centric. What about the lovely Five Kings Mountains? Well defended, beautiful scenery, ancient subterranean architecture and skiing.
If I want to be surrounded by beer-swilling workaholics, I can just stay where I am!

Ouachitonian |

Andoran or Absalom are probably he safest. The River Kingdoms, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings*, or Nirmathas are probably more fun. Maybe Lastwall or Mendev, as long as you don't live near the border.
*I'm surprised they haven't been mentioned more. As long as you have a good, stable Linnorm King like White Estrid, what's not to like? Well, besides the cold.

MindFl*yer98 |
I like the focus that Nex culture has on magical and alchemical reasearch but the fact that outside the city the nation is a wasteland and the terrible government system give me pause. I think Rahadoum is the best place to live (unless you are unlucky enoug to be born a oracle, but that would mean innate magical power so...). Advanced magical and probbly alchemical research, peace, stability, and outsiders are more likely to squabble invisibly 200 miles over your head than to set up murderous cults in the cities. Their culture encourages debate, ethical questioning and generally being nice to each other, since other men it's all they have. I believe that, overall, it would be an excellent country to live in.

Ouachitonian |

I like the focus that Nex culture has on magical and alchemical reasearch but the fact that outside the city the nation is a wasteland and the terrible government system give me pause. I think Rahadoum is the best place to live (unless you are unlucky enoug to be born a oracle, but that would mean innate magical power so...). Advanced magical and probbly alchemical research, peace, stability, and outsiders are more likely to squabble invisibly 200 miles over your head than to set up murderous cults in the cities. Their culture encourages debate, ethical questioning and generally being nice to each other, since other men it's all they have. I believe that, overall, it would be an excellent country to live in.
Eh, I don't really like the idea of a nation that persecutes religious believers as a matter of state policy. Especially in a setting where divine beings so obviously exist. It's one thing to outlaw worship of Demons, but I wouldn't want to live somewhere that's going to jail, exile, or even execute me for following, say, Desna. Or Shelyn.

Coidzor |
Andoran or Absalom are probably he safest. The River Kingdoms, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings*, or Nirmathas are probably more fun. Maybe Lastwall or Mendev, as long as you don't live near the border.
I'd say that Andoran is probably safer, Absalom keeps getting besieged with casus belli like "Because it was there," or "**** Aroden," and I think has more PFS scenarios set there which involve threats to Absalom or large numbers of its citizenry than most other places due to the Grand Lodge's presence.
Plus, there's the whole fact that they refuse to repair their infrastructure just because only the poor are suffering due to earthquake damage. That's not a good mentality for civil engineering or governance.
*I'm surprised they haven't been mentioned more. As long as you have a good, stable Linnorm King like White Estrid, what's not to like? Well, besides the cold.
The cold, the poor agricultural situation, the lack of magical, technological, and social development even relative to the rest of the Inner Sea; the constant hazy threat of Irrisen. In terms of safety, the de facto Lands of the Linnorm Kings are a narrow band of coastal territory that doesn't penetrate terribly far into an untamed wilderness full of monsters and jerks who were too insufferable for anyone out of the Shoanti, Ulfen, or pirates of Riddleport to stand. That's some weapons grade jerkishness right there.
If I recall correctly, and it hasn't been retconned, they also still practice ritualistic widow burning as part of their funerary customs, so unless you're a serious badass, it's got some serious problems with being a woman there.
I like the focus that Nex culture has on magical and alchemical reasearch but the fact that outside the city the nation is a wasteland and the terrible government system give me pause. I think Rahadoum is the best place to live (unless you are unlucky enoug to be born a oracle, but that would mean innate magical power so...). Advanced magical and probbly alchemical research, peace, stability, and outsiders are more likely to squabble invisibly 200 miles over your head than to set up murderous cults in the cities. Their culture encourages debate, ethical questioning and generally being nice to each other, since other men it's all they have. I believe that, overall, it would be an excellent country to live in.
The fact that Rahadoum prides itself on its rationality while being anything but rational due to being ruled entirely by millennia old trauma kinda undermines all that in my view.

UnArcaneElection |

{. . .}
MindFl*yer98 wrote:{. . .} I think Rahadoum is the best place to live (unless you are unlucky enoug to be born a oracle, but that would mean innate magical power so...). Advanced magical and probbly alchemical research, peace, stability, and outsiders are more likely to squabble invisibly 200 miles over your head than to set up murderous cults in the cities. Their culture encourages debate, ethical questioning and generally being nice to each other, since other men it's all they have. I believe that, overall, it would be an excellent country to live in.The fact that Rahadoum prides itself on its rationality while being anything but rational due to being ruled entirely by millennia old trauma kinda undermines all that in my view.
Not only that, but Rahadoum practices slavery.
My vote is for Andoran. Although I have reason to worry that it won't stay that way much longer . . . .