Barbarians, Animal Companions and Rage


Liberty's Edge

So, I have a cool character concept focused around an animalistic Barbarian who uses levels in Hunter to add tactics with an animal companion. I love this idea, but I have some questions.

Will an Animal Companion perform in battle without the need for Handle Animal skill checks? Tables I've played with haven't required these checks for when the animal companions get wounded, and usually don't bring up these rules.

I'd love to play this character concept, as he seems like he'd be a lot of fun. If it won't work out this way, is there any other 'tough combatant' option that would meld well with a melee build Hunter?

Quick question: Is this a character of the Hunter class who has a 'barbaric background' or are you trying to actually multiclass a Barbarian/Hunter?

Generally trying to MC with a Animal Companion class for the AC access is not that good since to be competitive with equal level content you want your AC to be the same level as you. That said it is not an impossible goal, depending on the levels and build you do.

As for your questions:

Will an Animal Companion perform in battle without the need for Handle Animal skill checks? Tables I've played with haven't required these checks for when the animal companions get wounded, and usually don't bring up these rules.

That will totally depend on your table. If your talking about PFS play then yes those rules are supposed to be enforced. If your normal group does not enforce the rules then they don't. There's no way for us to tell you what MAY happen. Ideally spend skill points on handle animal. With the +4 you get when using it on an animal companion even just one point comes to a +8 before stats modifiers. It can be maxed pretty easily with some skill points, a MW animal handling kit and a training harness from equipment.

If it won't work out this way, is there any other 'tough combatant' option that would meld well with a melee build Hunter?

Again almost impossible to advise you on given the little information you have provided.

Ideally you should state what level your starting the game at, what race your playing, what point buy your using or the stats you have already determined and what class/class combination you want to use.

Then the forum can help you more.

Liberty's Edge

Ah, I was going to dip a little into Hunter and do a multiclass Hunter/Barbarian. In terms of level, starting level 1, most definitely for PFS play, and I haven't decided on race, though likely human.

In terms of stats definitely very high CON, secondary Score being Strength, as this would be a melee build. I'd like to focus on being:

Tough character, with Tactics using the Animal Companion, able to dish out damage in a pinch.

I understand that I'm being specific, and I understand that it may not be the most ideal build, but it's more of a concept that I'd like to see.

I could do away with the Barbarian and do a Hunter build, but what would I want to do for the tougher aspect of the character?

If your doing it for PFS then you could probably get by taking 2 hunter levels per 1 Barbarian level. You could make up the difference in animal companion strength by taking the feat Boon Companion at some point which would give you a 4 level boost to you AC's level to a max of your character level.

That way you could end your career at 8 hunter / 4 Barbarian and a level 12 animal companion.

Ideally take your first level as Hunter so you start play with the AC. They can be especially helpful at low levels. Take Barbarian at 2 and Hunter again at 3 & 4 so you get Hunter Tactics as soon as possible. Take Boon Companion at 3 and then you can take your next three level of barbarian at character levels 5,6 and 7 with no advancement loss on the AC.

As for your barbarian side, do you want to use manufactured weapons or are you going more feral 'werebarian' for natural attacks?

Note that the ratio of barbarian levels to hunter levels can be played with depending on what strength AC you want to have over time.

I am not that familiar with barbarian builds so I will leave exact advice on how to make the character in detail to others. The progression I suggest above may change drastically if you want to focus more on certain barbarian rage powers or prefer to bolster your hunter side more.

There is a Barbarian archetype that gets an animal companion. It's called Mad Dog. You don't get hunter tricks, but with 2 rage powers the AC benefits from rage and all your rage powers.

Nice to use with the beast totem line and an Animal Companion that can still benefit from 2 claws and pounce.

Liberty's Edge

Mad Dog doesn't get Rage until level 4, however. Hmmm..

Grand Lodge

The Ferocious Beast rage power, without Mad Dog, might work better. Mad Dog gets a really nice flanking ability, but it doesn't stack with Outflank from Hunter.

You'd probably want to take Boon Companion to make up for vanilla Barbarian not getting an Animal Companion.

You want to be a half orc, so you can Amplify Rage with your buddy.

The Handle Animal check shouldn't be too bad. Assuming you've given them reasonable tricks, it's a free action DC 12 to command a wounded animal to do a trick it knows. You can get that on a 1 with a 10 Cha at level 4. If you're really worried, it's 800 gp for an Ioun stone to get +2, and easy to get a MW training harness for another +2.

If you're riding the animal it's ride and not handle animal, maybe an option.

If you give a command it'll continue that command until you give it a new one or it can't do that command anymore. So tell it to attack all enemies and then rage.

I was thinking along the same lines as you are, combining Hunter and barbarian. But I went with a Mounted fury/ mammoth rider barb on top of a megaloceros. This way, at lvl 11 your huge mount will have increased dmg from size and rage. More attacks and pounce to back that up. Right off the line, I get 5 attacks on a charge (while raging).

I have a question regarding a mount, and full attack.

Can a PC ride a wolf, have the wolf charge an enemy. bite, trip attempt, and then the rider Full attack as they have not yet technically taken an action that turn?

Seems cheesey, but a Mad Dog Barbarian riding his wolf into attack position and full attacking on a prone target.

Grand Lodge

@Krell44 No. The mounted combat rules say the rider can only make one melee attack in a round where your mount moves.

Also, if you haven't been looking at it, definitely grab Pack Flanking and make sure you're set up for its pre-reqs (Int 13, Combat Expertise.)

I may need to grab two levels of Hunter at some point.

If it's PFS you're likely to run into somebody asking for the handle animal rolls at some point. Generally speaking, a class that gets an AC should be hitting the DC almost automatically, as long as you're putting points into handle animal (+3 for a class skill, +4 for commanding your AC, DC 10 to get it to do something it's trained to do).

BUT - a raging Barbarian can't use Handle Animal; so you'll need to give your AC orders before you rage. (there are a couple of ways round this like Skilled Rager or Moment of Clarity)

Grand Lodge

If you're going to grab two Hunter levels, you really should grab 3 for the free teamwork feat and sharing your teamwork feats with your Animal Companion.

Liberty's Edge

So far, I ahve to say that I like the idea of focusing more on Hunter and dipping into Barbarian. He's going to use melee weapons, likely two-handed weapons that hit hard.

Unless you are excited about rage, consider wild child brawler instead, will let you skip the int pre req on combat expertise, critter advances, and martial flexibility.

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