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No one mentioned the Hunter? It can give extra attacks to it's pet if it crits, and if pet crits, hunter gets free attack

Paired Oppurtunists, Pack Flanking, Outflank, Broken Wing Gambit and a few other teamwork feats work well here.

Curious on how everything turned out.

Human Brawler 2-3/ Ninja 9-10

Stats: 10, 16(+2), 12, 10, 11, 15 (Could add a +2 here if a feat not needed)
BAB +9
Feats : IUS (free), WF Fan, Slashing Grace, Expertise, Feinting Flurry,
Imp Feinting Flurry, __________, ______________
4 Ninja Tricks : Vanishing, Pressure Points, Bleeding Attack (5), Offensive Defensive
Traits: ____________, ___________

Specials: Martial Flexibility 4/day, +5d6 SA, Poison Use, No Trace +2, Uncanny dodge, Ki Pool 7-8, Light Steps

I think Book Rat made a ratfolk vivisectionist/ plague nearer which looked really cool

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which Venom are you trying to emulate? Brock or Flash? I love the Brock version myself. I believe there was someone who attempted to build this in Conversions.

Big cat or the velociraptor If they are accepted have lots of attacks, and pounce too.

I was thinking of the rhino hide armor that adds 2d6 damage on a charge.. Does that mean each hit due to pounce or just the first attack?

After looking at the janni style feats I think that would be a great move for my companion. Problem is getting the 10 skill ranks for it. What items can I equip my velociraptor? If I can throw a + INT headband on him that would be great. As of right now it gets 17 skills, 5 for dance and acrobatics, 1 survival, 1 perception, 1 stealth, 1 bluff, 3 Hunter tricks

Thank you for the suggestions. What about gear? And feats for the velociraptor

I am unsure on how to equip this character. I know the outline of the build but not the gear. I have a few options on feats and not sure what would be more effective. My plan is to have my animal companion charge in and attempt a trip attack. If successful then my kobold will have and extra +7 to his attack. (+4 from prone, +2 charge, +1 higher elevation). Since i am adjacent to my pet i can flank and get sneak attack bonus. Tack on disoriented strike and maybe some other rogue talent strike.

Further rounds will try to crit and crit often. Each crit allows both to get an AoO attack with mega bonuses from paired opportunists and snake focus.

My problem is once i am next to someone i am afraid of their full attacks. Getting a high AC and one of the talent strikes adds to my AC. But what else can i do? Trip will not always be an option.

Are their any combat maneuvers that will be very helpful? I was looking at the kobold style line. +4 bonus on maneuvers on targets that are denied DEX to AC. I have 3 feats and 1 Rogue talent to spare.

Which hunter tricks are worth taking? And does he get them for
(HD/2) +WIS?


Kobold Hunter 8 / Unchained Rogue 4
NG Small humanoid (kobold)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, Perception +16
Languages Common, Draconic

AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+5 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
hp XX (12 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +15, Will +5

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 keen menacing kukri +16/+11 (1d3+6/15x2) or bite +15 (1d4-2/x2) or Tail (Sweeper) +10 (1d4-2/x2)
Add +6 to these attacks if flanking with Longtooth and add 1d6 dmg
Add +4 (+8 with snake focus) if making an AoO

Str 7(-2), Dex 20(+5), Con 12(+1), Int 13(+1), Wis 14(+2), Cha 7(–2)
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 26

Feats Combat Expertise, Outflank, Paired Opportunists, Pack Flanking, Boon Companion, Weapon Finesse, Tailed Terror, Combat Reflexes, Precise Strike, ________,__________,____________

+1 menacing keen kukri, +2 leather armor, shield


Velociraptor Animal Companion
M Medium animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
AC 26, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+5 Dex, +11 natural)
HP XX (10 HD)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +4; +4 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Defensive Abilities devotion, evasion
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares);
Melee 2 Talons +14 (1d8+5) and 2 Claws +14 (1d4+5) and bite +14 (1d8+5) or
2 Talons +11 (1d8+11) and 2 Claws +11 (1d4+11) and bite +11 (1d8+11) with Power Attack
If making an AoO, add +8 to these attacks, if flanking with Kobold add +6

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks pounce
Str 20(+5), Dex 19(+4), Con 19(+4), Int 2(−4), Wis 12(+1), Cha 14 (+2)
Base Atk +9; CMB +14 ; CMD 27
Feats Combat Reflexes,Power Attack, ________, __________, ___________

Amulet of Mighty Fists (Furyborn)

Is this talent not available for unchained rogue?

So if I attack X times that round, with Yd6 sneak attack, i would receive X×Y AC for that one creature?

Has there been anything official on this as of yet?

If you are making an AoO, and have already used something like power attack, do you make the attack at full AB or subtract the PA amount. If you get full AB, do you still receive the bonus dmg from PA?

Just noticed you listed the megaloceros dire elk) in the aquatic section and you gave it a swim speed.

Does that spell add the size increase from being large with the spell benefits or replaces?


How is the build going?

Why not combine paladin and ninja? Extra attacks from ki and vanishing strike if needed. Also cuts down on the skill cost.

I was thinking along the same lines as you are, combining Hunter and barbarian. But I went with a Mounted fury/ mammoth rider barb on top of a megaloceros. This way, at lvl 11 your huge mount will have increased dmg from size and rage. More attacks and pounce to back that up. Right off the line, I get 5 attacks on a charge (while raging).

Instead of taking the fighter archetype, take the hybrid brawler. It combines monk and fighter. Then you can get rid of the brawler rage powers for something else. Although, you need lvl 8 brawler for the free improved twf from flurry.

Flurry and TWF?

I'd love to see what poison builds he can come up with.


Here are some builds that i was getting info for

Secret Wizard wrote:

Barkskin is a standard action. That being said, it's 40 minutes per pop at 4th level, so I'd hardly consider it "prebuffing" material as much as "predungeon" material like Mage's Armor.

I'm more of a fan of action economy issues. If I spend the first round of combat doing something like Barkskin, then the combat is over before I deal a point of damage. So I go with static AC that doesn't require buffs over anything that requires an action.

Then why are you delaying Flying Kick?!?!?!? Why are you delaying fast movement progression to use it better?!? Why are you shying away from more ki points? Why are you moving away from Swift Action SR to be an impenetrable fortress of damage?

Just because you prefer to get some extra AC from a shield rather than spending a standard action once every two hours to prebuff?

As noted, the Jabbing Striker as a pure monk, for example stands at 37 AC at level 12 before haste or other spells, which is 60% damage avoidance vs. CR 15 bosses or 80% avoidance vs. CR 12 mooks, and a considerable chunk of it is touch AC to boot.

And on the flipside, you are looking at 65% accuracy vs. CR 15 bosses or 80% vs. CR 12 mooks, and this is again before you add haste or spell buffing of any kind.

And it hits like a damn truck.

Putting fighter levels in there for a shield is not a good idea.

Can you post your monk build? I am interested

I didn't think that MR size inrease stacks with animal growth. It just improves the stat difference.

What feats did you take on your Hunter?

I am starting to think that the mammoth rider doesn't offer that much for the Hunter build using a 1 lvl dip. A Hunter can cast animal growth to get huge size with better bonuses. Compared to the barb, it could use its animal focus on str and con to emulate rage. It just loses the claws.

For a Mounted Fury barb, what would you recommend for a Megaloceros companion? It does have the powerful charge ability. With rage, it can get it's Str up to 34. Not sure on what feats to grab to either improve its charging ability or to stay up front with all those attacks coming from full attacking

Anyone else use the Hunter build with mammoth rider? How does it stack up with mounted fury.

xDemoquinx wrote:
Dotting for interest. Do you guys have any good builds involving captors?

Meant to say Raptors. (damn autocorrect)

What phase is that?

Interesting take. I liked Ravingdorks druid version as well.

Dotting for interest. Do you guys have any good builds involving captors?

Planning on a kukri. How is the gear order?


1. Reflexes
2. Outflank
3. Expertise
3. Pack flanking
5. Weapon finesse
6. Paired opputunists
7. Precise strike
9. Imp spell sharing
11 Imp crit kukri

For AC

1. reflexes
5. Unarmed strike
8. Imp trip
10. Fury fall or gtr trip

What else What I would need to crit fish?

Precise strike i think would be better for an animal with many attacks like a Big Cat or a Velociraptor

Take two weapon feint instead


Is there anything to reduce the penalty to stealth while charging?

I have read up on most of the builds with a hunter using a wolf for tripping. I am interested in using a raptor. What can you guys come up with that will synergize with it.

Some ideas I have are grabbing furys fall, death from above, reflexes, improved natural attack talons.

Is there a way to get this visualization down. Raptor starts off hidden, charges in and jumps up (death from above) and knocks the target down (fury fall) and pounces. All in one round? If the stealth check fails, how can I avoid the AoO from entering its space?

Hunter feats are looking like Pac flanking, paired opportunists, reflexes, precise strike, Finesse, Imp crit kukri, Imp spell sharing.

Depending on how much difficult terrain there is ... couldnt you just have it jump over it while getting into position to pounce? With their speed that should equate to a high bonus on the jump as well.

Couldnt you take Dragon style to get 1.5 str for claws? Would need IUS and feral combat training though

I am trying to figure out how to stack the favored terrains gained from all the classes would look like. Assuming i am increasing one terrain for the highest bonus

Should i take more of the non rogue terrains first or is rogue terrain retroactive?

Unc Rogue 5/ Ranger 3/ HW 4

So looking like 4 Favored + 2 Rogue Favored (and 2 masteries 1 dom)

Also if i took the Stealth unlock and combine with Kobold Sniper, can i snipe for free? Worth it? Can i combine Manyshot with sniping?
Looking at feats
Free Endurance
Free 2nd Ranger feat (Rapid Shot?)
Free Finesse
1 SF Stealth
5 Deadly Aim
7 Hellcat Stealth
9 Many Shot

Catch off guard feat i think makes you proficient in improvised weapons

Nice build Scott

What about a Kobold Horizon Walker? Granted the race has nothing really to add to the class other than being small and +2 dex. I could see one wanting to explore the world instead of being couped up in a mine.

Ranger 6/ Bandit 4/ HW 10

Grants 2 Favored enemies, 8 Favored Terrains (not including talents), 4 Masteries, 3 Dominance. +2d6 Sneaks, evasion and a bucket load of skills. More options for surprise round

Not sure if this would be optimal stats but ... 9 18 12 10 14 7

You could take a lvl or so of unchained monk to get prof. I like the kyoketsu shoge better than rope dart. Could model him after Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, if you wanted. Hamalatsu Strike with some grapple feats and the strangler feat to apply sneaks on grapple checks.

Brawler fury says you can use only 1 weapon to flurry with. As I am using this combo with feint for my katana build

I am trying to make a kobold hunter with a scorpion pet. Not sure if I want to go melee or ranged with this one yet.

Your flatfooted AC should be lower to 13

Take a look at the scorpion eidolon that I am trying to make that is pretty recent on forum

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