Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide (PFRPG) PDF Season 8?

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Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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aboyd wrote:
If they deliberately changed GM re-rolls so that you get no GM star bonus, but you get a number of re-rolls equal to your stars, I think that's smart. That nerfs the re-rolls but makes them more frequent/showy. And that means people will see GMs getting lots of re-rolls and it may end up being good advertising for people to GM more. Was that the intention?

Did the GM star rerolls need nerfing? I never thought so.


4/5 5/5

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aboyd wrote:
If they deliberately changed GM re-rolls so that you get no GM star bonus, but you get a number of re-rolls equal to your stars, I think that's smart.

If this has actually changed, it appears that everyone gets one reroll and GMs get additional bonus rerolls equal to their star count, not just a number of rerolls equal to their star count (so rerolls for GMs = star count + 1).

I don't know how I feel about that. The possibility of 5 or 6 rerolls a scenario per player (if you have a table full of 4 and 5 star GMs) has the potential to drastically impact a game. Even one player with that many rerolls at a table could have a noticeable impact.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Might lessen the desire to dip into Dual-Cursed Oracle?

Scarab Sages 4/5 **

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Nefreet wrote:
Might lessen the desire to dip into Dual-Cursed Oracle?

I have seen the power of many re-rolls in other game systems. It is.... game breaking.

I mean, I'll reroll an attack on a mook if I have 5 per game. Or an Initiative roll I don't like.

And still have one left for the Day Job and/or Faction Card check.

I think it will be a bit too flashy. Maybe I'm wrong.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Blends well with my slow-tracked Grand Lodge skill monkey who's filled out nearly two Season's worth of Faction Journal Cards.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Nefreet wrote:
Blends well with my slow-tracked Grand Lodge skill monkey who's filled out nearly two Season's worth of Faction Journal Cards.

Which brings up my question.. will there be a new season card?

4/5 5/5

Thomas Graham wrote:
Which brings up my question.. will there be a new season card?

Yes. They can be downloaded now.

5/5 5/55/5

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Wow, I get 6 re rolls per scenario? That's Brocken. I normally save my one +5 re roll for save or die situations, which often means it goes unused.


Nefreet wrote:

Tier 1 (no subtier)

Tier 1–2 (no subtier) ...

Thank you for this!

I'm tired of arguing with ppl who insist on bringing their Level 2 characters to Master of the Fallen Fortress.

Pretty sure MotFF is 1-2 now. Tier 1 would be for the quest arcs. I'll look for quotes and edit as I find (no need to derail)... Hmm... no definitive word yet. I looked into the history of it, back to the beginning. MotFF was sanctioned with Tier 1 chronicle. Then Godsmouth came out, a L.1 module, with a Tier 1-2 chronicle. Both were referred to as Tier 1 modules for quite some time. Thread Link for any who want to pursue this.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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Pink Dragon wrote:
The 'Don't be a Jerk' rule has been removed. The jerks may see this as an endorsement to be one. Is there a reason that this paragraph was removed?

Perhaps because this was added:



Pathfinder Society is an inclusive community with a
diverse membership. We are committed to fostering a safe
environment for everyone, regardless of gender identity
or gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality
or ethnicity, religious beliefs or background, age,
neurotypicality, physical ability, physical appearance,
body size, or other differences. We also wish to give
room for players to develop a wide variety of characters,
trusting our players to regulate their actions in a public
setting and to treat each other with respect. When
participating in public Pathfinder Society events, be
mindful of any controversial or edgy concepts in your
character and consider limiting them to bylines or dice
rolls. Dysfunctional or uncooperative play will not be
tolerated. Behaving in a hateful or disruptive fashion
simply because “It’s what your character would do” means
you’ve probably lost sight of the purpose of organized
play and may be asked to amend your behavior or leave
the table. Extreme or repetitive cases of inappropriate
behavior will be resolved by asking the offender to leave
the table or venue.
The full Pathfinder Society Community Standards
policy may be found
policies. Roleplaying Guild games that take place on are also subject to the Community Guidelines
that exist for the forums in addition to the Community
Standards policy, and may be subject to moderation as

Shadow Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
aboyd wrote:
If they deliberately changed GM re-rolls so that you get no GM star bonus, but you get a number of re-rolls equal to your stars, I think that's smart. That nerfs the re-rolls but makes them more frequent/showy. And that means people will see GMs getting lots of re-rolls and it may end up being good advertising for people to GM more. Was that the intention?

This isn't a nerf in any sense of the word.

The old re-roll rules encouraged people to save it for something big, since it's kind of an "I succeed" button. Which meant that the rolls inevitably went unused, or used to get another PC out of a nasty spot (in the last 6 months, I don't think I've ever used my re-roll to benefit me.).

This rule means that they're going to be tossed out like it's nothing. Between my folio, t-shirt, and stars, I've got 5 potential re-rolls available. You better believe I'm going to start using them on stuff like initiative and attack rolls, which makes my PC noticeably more powerful than those of a player who isn't a 4-star GM.

I strongly dislike that concept. People who have invested more time in the game shouldn't be numerically superior to new players.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

DM Beckett wrote:
grandpoobah wrote:

Just to clarify:

All GMs receive the following rewards based on the
number of GM stars that they have earned.
• A bonus number of free rerolls (see Rerolls on page 36)
equal to the number of GM stars earned.

this is not a typo? I'm a four-star GM and I get four re-rolls per scenario? Guess I can give away my character folio now.

It also looks as though no one is limited to one reroll anymore.

New Guide wrote:


As a way of rewarding players who show their support for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign by purchasing and using items featuring campaign insignia, faction logos, or Pathfinder branding, a player utilizing any of the items on can reroll one d20 roll during the course of that scenario. Recognize that this reroll must happen before the original result is determined and the player must use the reroll result, even if the result is lower. Game Masters are also invited to wear Pathfinder Society Organized Play shirts, but gain no additional benefits other than supporting Pathfinder.


7.0 Guide wrote:

Free Rerolls

As a way of rewarding players who show their support for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign by purchasing. . .
. . . If a player is using a physical copy (not a PDF, printout, or photocopy) of the Pathfinder RPG Player Character Folio, he receives a free reroll. No player may receive more than one free reroll per session.
Additionally, when a player uses a free reroll, she may present her Pathfinder Society membership card and receive an additional +1 for every GM star she has earned, for a maximum of a +5.

I bolded the part that limits it to one in the new guide

Scarab Sages 4/5

Nefreet wrote:
I'm tired of arguing with ppl who insist on bringing their Level 2 characters to Master of the Fallen Fortress.

This situation is resolved, and you are correct that it is restricted to level 1 characters (from what I can tell), but your reasoning is not correct.

MoFF sidetrack:
The problem is that the section you quoted doesn't apply to Master of the Fallen Fortress. It's a level 1 Module, not a Tier 1 Scenario. The only Tier 1 Scenario remains In Service to Lore.

The issue before is that the guide contained language saying that a module could be played by characters within 1 level of the level of the module, and that language was newer than the chronicle for MoFF. So is MoFF a module? Yes. What level module is it? 1. So then a level 1 or 2 could play it. That's where the debate and confusion came from. Do you follow the chronicle or the guide? Fortunately, that's no longer an issue.

The language about what level characters can play in a module has been removed from the guide (as far as I can tell), and the guide now says to refer to the chronicle and additional resources for each module to see the rules for playing it. The chronicle reads Tier 1, and since there is no longer a newer rule to contradict that, it's level 1 only for sure.

Personally, I never saw an issue with a level 2 character playing it. But what I wanted most was clarity on the rule, and I think we finally have that.

EDIT: And per Andrew's message, it may not be as clear as I thought. Since he was on the team reworking the guide, I'll take his word for it. Now off to find the language he's talking about.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:

Roleplaying Guild Scenarios are designed so that players of a variety of levels can participate in a given adventure together. Every scenario has a tier range and many have associated subtiers. Tiers indicate which character levels are legal for that scenario. If a PC’s level does not fall within the tier, that character cannot legally play in that scenario.

• Tier 1 (no subtier)
• Tier 1–2 (no subtier)
• Tier 1–5 (Subtiers 1–2 and 4–5)
• Tier 1–7 (Seasons 0–2 only, Subtiers 1–2, 4–5, and 6–7)
• Tier 3–7 (Subtiers 3–4 and 6–7)
• Tier 5–9 (Subtiers 5–6 and 8–9)
• Tier 7–11 (Subtiers 7–8 and 10–11)
• Tier 12+ (Seeker Content; Subtiers 12–13, 14–15, and 16+)

Within each tier, PCs or pregenerated characters should be used in the subtier in which they fall whenever possible, but they may be adjusted up or down, based on the average party level at the table, as outlined below. For scenarios with more than two subtiers, characters must be in adjacent subtiers to play together.

Thank you for this!

I'm tired of arguing with ppl who insist on bringing their Level 2 characters to Master of the Fallen Fortress.

Though there is one error: Tier 1-7 scenarios are subtiered at 1-2, 3-4 and 6-7, not 1-2, 4-5 and 6-7.

Eh, look a bit further into the Evergreens. You can bring a level 2 character to any evergreen once, and Master of the Fallen Fortress is considered an evergreen.


Guide, Page 18, Evergreens wrote:

All Tier 1 and 1-2 adventures can be replayed an unlimited number of times with a 1st-level character for credit. The Tier 1 and 1–2 adventures can also be played with a 2nd-level character once for credit in each campaign mode (Core and Standard Modes). GMs receive another Chronicle sheet each time they run one of the Tier 1 and Tier 1-2 adventures, but can only apply a Chronicle sheet to one 2nd-level character per adventure per

campaign mode.

4/5 5/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
I bolded the part that limits it to one in the new guide

Yes. The usual limit is one reroll per scenario (I bolded that same passage in an earlier reply). However, a bonus is something given in addition to what is expected. These bonus rerolls for GMs would be something given in addition to the one reroll already allowed.

At least, that's how one could argue it could be interpreted. Otherwise, what are GMs getting for their star count? Rerolls that can't be used?

4/5 ****

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I'm going to miss my +5 on all day jobs, since I never use my reroll during game. (Except Bonekeep)

Liberty's Edge 5/5

GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
I bolded the part that limits it to one in the new guide

Yes. The usual limit is one reroll per scenario (I bolded that same passage in an earlier reply). However, a bonus is something given in addition to what is expected. These bonus rerolls for GMs would be something given in addition to the one reroll already allowed.

At least, that's how one could argue it could be interpreted. Otherwise, what are GMs getting for their star count? Rerolls that can't be used?

Yeah, I'm not at all sure how I feel about the multiple rerolls per game for GM stars.

4/5 5/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
I'm going to miss my +5 on all day jobs, since I never use my reroll during game. (Except Bonekeep)

Well, now that you have about two rerolls available per encounter, you may start using them. And you may even have one left over for your day job (just without the +5).

4/5 5/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
Yeah, I'm not at all sure how I feel about the multiple rerolls per game for GM stars.

We'll see how that plays out soon enough when MisterSlanky and I play together at a subtier 1-2 on Thursday. Not to mention all those early GenCon games with lots of stars sitting in the player seats.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Ok, here is the language Andrew mentioned. I missed it my first search through, because I was searching for the word "module."

Season 8 guide wrote:
EVERGREEN ADVENTURESAll Tier 1 and 1-2 adventures can be replayed an unlimited number of times with a 1st-level character for credit. The Tier 1 and 1–2 adventures can also be played with a 2nd-level character once for credit in each campaign mode (Core and Standard Modes). GMs receive another Chronicle sheet each time they run one of the Tier 1 and Tier 1-2 adventures, but can only apply a Chronicle sheet to one 2nd-level character per adventure per campaign mode.

So... The question I have now is, can In Service to Lore be played with a level 2 character?

And does that last sentence mean a GM can't apply a chronicle to a level 2 character if they've already got a chronicle from playing a Tier 1 or 1-2 adventure with a level 2 character? Or can you have 1 level 2 player chronicle and 1 level 2 GM chronicle (how I thought it worked before).

4/5 5/5

Ferious Thune wrote:
And does that last sentence mean a GM can't apply a chronicle to a level 2 character if they've already got a chronicle from playing a Tier 1 or 1-2 adventure with a level 2 character? Or can you have 1 level 2 player chronicle and 1 level 2 GM chronicle (how I thought it worked before).

You can only apply an evergreen's Chronicle to a 2nd-level character once, regardless of how that Chronicle was obtained (playing or GMing). That would differ from how you had thought it worked.

EDIT: Okay. I just read that passage over again several times... and now I'm not so sure. I can see it both ways now.

4/5 ****

GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:
I'm going to miss my +5 on all day jobs, since I never use my reroll during game. (Except Bonekeep)
Well, now that you have about two rerolls available per encounter, you may start using them. And you may even have one left over for your day job (just without the +5).

I don't use it because I'm worried about saving it. I don't use it because I like being challenged and find it messes with my immersion.

Since the Day Job is an out of game already abstract mechanic, using my reroll there doesn't bother me.

I'm strange though.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Under GM Rewards:

Season 8 Guide wrote:
The ability to apply a special GM Star reward Chronicle to one character, available as a free download at

Is this correct or is it one GM Star reward chronicle to each character? (i.e. xxxxx-1 can be a Student of Scrolls, xxxxx-2 can be a Student of Spells, etc.)

Additionally, the Work as a Team boon on the Student of Swords chronicle allowed you to grant a player your free reroll using your GM bonus. That may need to be reworded slightly, since there is no more bonus to the roll.


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GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
And does that last sentence mean a GM can't apply a chronicle to a level 2 character if they've already got a chronicle from playing a Tier 1 or 1-2 adventure with a level 2 character? Or can you have 1 level 2 player chronicle and 1 level 2 GM chronicle (how I thought it worked before).

You can only apply an evergreen's Chronicle to a 2nd-level character once, regardless of how that Chronicle was obtained (playing or GMing). That would differ from how you had thought it worked.

EDIT: Okay. I just read that passage over again several times... and now I'm not so sure. I can see it both ways now.

You can play for credit once, and you can apply GM credit once, per adventure, per campaign mode. The limiter is mentioned in each sentence, would be redundant if it meant just one period (and about a 6 year reversal on precedent).

And of course In Service to Lore is now included.

Todd: It's always been just one character. There is language to get additional sheets - 5 star GMs earn them for every 50 above 150.

FYI: I'm still thinking the "bonus rerolls" thing is a typo. I guess I'm just hoping it is, that's just silly.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Ferious Thune wrote:

Ok, here is the language Andrew mentioned. I missed it my first search through, because I was searching for the word "module."

Season 8 guide wrote:
EVERGREEN ADVENTURESAll Tier 1 and 1-2 adventures can be replayed an unlimited number of times with a 1st-level character for credit. The Tier 1 and 1–2 adventures can also be played with a 2nd-level character once for credit in each campaign mode (Core and Standard Modes). GMs receive another Chronicle sheet each time they run one of the Tier 1 and Tier 1-2 adventures, but can only apply a Chronicle sheet to one 2nd-level character per adventure per campaign mode.

So... The question I have now is, can In Service to Lore be played with a level 2 character?

And does that last sentence mean a GM can't apply a chronicle to a level 2 character if they've already got a chronicle from playing a Tier 1 or 1-2 adventure with a level 2 character? Or can you have 1 level 2 player chronicle and 1 level 2 GM chronicle (how I thought it worked before).

I'm pretty positive that it means a GM can apply an evergreen credit to a level 2 character once the same as play credit.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***


That's incredibly annoying. There was nothing prior to this revision that allowed a Level 2 to play through a Tier 1, and it was confirmed to me in person by Campaign Leadership at last year's GenCon that you go by what's listed on the Chronicle (with MotFF being the specific example).

Guess I'll start running my level 2s through the Quest Arcs.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I don't see a distinction on what Modules can and can not be play in Campaign Mode. Can all modules now be played in Campaign Mode?

And I am glad to see they finally officially are using the terms Campaign/Module mode since I coined the terms ;).

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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I panicked when I didn't see Necril on the list of languages in the Guide (being a Dhampir Necromancer and all), but gave a sigh of relief when I saw it was still legal via Additional Resources.

Might want to include a sentence reminding people that other languages are still available. The wording in this guide makes those lists seem exhaustive.

4/5 5/5

Steven Lau wrote:
I don't see a distinction on what Modules can and can not be play in Campaign Mode. Can all modules now be played in Campaign Mode?

Unless something's changed, the first page of each module's/AP's Chronicle Sheet download explains the various ways each can be played for credit. I believe all of the new 64 page modules have a Campaign Mode option, but I don't know if any of the older 32 page modules do. Regardless, just refer to the instructions included with the Chronicles and it will tell you if the Campaign Mode is available or not.


Nefreet wrote:
That's incredibly annoying. There was nothing prior to this revision that allowed a Level 2 to play through a Tier 1, and it was confirmed to me in person by Campaign Leadership at last year's GenCon that you go by what's listed on the Chronicle (with MotFF being the specific example).

Don't take it personal Nefreet - just because it's now Evergreen and playable at 2nd doesn't mean you were wrong before. However, I believe the confusion is due to language that Ferious Thune referenced (that "what is making you all think this!?" question you had some time back): that modules are playable within one level that the module was designed for. Whether that was a forum post, or actually in the guide, I'm not sure.... ah, found it.

Guide 4.1, page 23, Sanctioned Modules wrote:
... all players must use an existing Pathfinder Society character (without modification) within 1 level of the module’s starting level.

It was present in versions 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, then removed in version 5.0. It was *not* listed in the Change Log for 5.0.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

I just noticed that there is an indication on the top of page 22 that factions can have specific prestige options, that then refers you to the faction appendix, where I cannot find any options.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

They're included in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I do not believe the quests are listed as a tier. Therefore the "evergreen" part of the Guide does not apply.

Scarab Sages 2/5

So they clarified that Priests (referred to Clergy) of a specific deity must be Clerics. This might change a player's build that uses a benefit tied to priesthood (such as unique spells known). This would mean that Oracles will not benefit and Clerics would.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Note that most of the variant spellcasting in Inner Sea Gods is not reliant on "priesthood". There are a few specific benefits that are, though, such as Urgathoan priests being able to absorb diseases via remove disease. I'm guessing that it was mainly meant for the deity-specific summoning lists. ^_^

Thus, only clerics of Asmodeus can get in on that sweet, sweet hell-hound-as-summon-monster-II action.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Andrew Christian wrote:
I do not believe the quests are listed as a tier. Therefore the "evergreen" part of the Guide does not apply.

They would be Tier 1, since every adventure has a Tier (according to the Guide). And Tier 1 adventures may now be played and GMed once for credit towards a level 2.

So the question isn't whether I can stomp through an older Quest with a level 2; the Guide clearly allows that.

The question is whether GMs running the newest Quest may credit their level 2.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
I do not believe the quests are listed as a tier. Therefore the "evergreen" part of the Guide does not apply.

They would be Tier 1, since every adventure has a Tier (according to the Guide). And Tier 1 adventures may now be played and GMed once for credit towards a level 2.

So the question isn't whether I can stomp through an older Quest with a level 2; the Guide clearly allows that.

The question is whether GMs running the newest Quest may credit their level 2.

The Guide also has this to say:

Guide (glossary) wrote:
Adventure: Adventures collectively refer to scenarios, sanctioned modules, and sanctioned Adventure Paths.

Thus, it may be that while every adventure has a tier, Quests are not "adventures". Just a thought. ^_^

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***


Liberty's Edge 5/5

Cao Phen wrote:
So they clarified that Priests (referred to Clergy) of a specific deity must be Clerics. This might change a player's build that uses a benefit tied to priesthood (such as unique spells known). This would mean that Oracles will not benefit and Clerics would.

Non clerics were never allowed to be priests.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

So, then, we are not allowed to receive credit more than once for a Quest series?

Because I have quite a few characters that would need to be gone over.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Andrew Christian wrote:
Cao Phen wrote:
So they clarified that Priests (referred to Clergy) of a specific deity must be Clerics. This might change a player's build that uses a benefit tied to priesthood (such as unique spells known). This would mean that Oracles will not benefit and Clerics would.

Non clerics were never allowed to be priests.

This was an issue of table variation.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
I do not believe the quests are listed as a tier. Therefore the "evergreen" part of the Guide does not apply.

They would be Tier 1, since every adventure has a Tier (according to the Guide). And Tier 1 adventures may now be played and GMed once for credit towards a level 2.

So the question isn't whether I can stomp through an older Quest with a level 2; the Guide clearly allows that.

The question is whether GMs running the newest Quest may credit their level 2.

If you read the glossary, quests are not considered adventures.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
Cao Phen wrote:
So they clarified that Priests (referred to Clergy) of a specific deity must be Clerics. This might change a player's build that uses a benefit tied to priesthood (such as unique spells known). This would mean that Oracles will not benefit and Clerics would.

Non clerics were never allowed to be priests.

This was an issue of table variation.

Shouldn't have been since Mark Moreland clarified this in 2011.

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