2016 US Election

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thejeff wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
You're bringing up his race as if it's inherently relevant to the issue being discussed. While that's probably true for some small segment of the group, I argue that it's by no means the dominant cause. The reason for the spike in gun buying was due to a combination of him being a DEMOCRAT (which is way more relevant to the people prone to hoarding firearms than his race) and the massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse.

What "massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse"? At least for the first spike in 2008.

There wasn't really much public discourse about it until after Newton.

Except for people in the gun community/business panicking over a Democrat taking guns. Obama certainly didn't focus on it.

Virginia Tech happened 5 years before Newtown, Fort Hood was 3 years before, and the Gabby Giffords shooting in Tucson was the year before, each of which put a pretty heavy spotlight on fun ownership in news broadcasts and in public discourse. I didn't say that Obama focused on it, but rather that the people who ended up causing the spike in gun sales (meaning the people doing the panic-buying) were afraid that he would. Whether or not the fear was well founded is irrelevant and an entirely separate issue (it clearly wasn't).

Well, VT was in Bush's term. There was no spike in sales then.

The spike in 2009 precedes Fort Hood and seems more closely tied to the election than anything else.

Once in Obama's administration, the other shootings didn't seem to provoke additional spikes, until Sandy Hook in the end of 2012, which is when Democrats really started talking about gun control again, pushed by public opinion. It also coincided with Obama's re-election.

Right, which is why I said that it was a result of the combination both of Obama being a Democrat (particularly a Chicago Democrat, which has added meaning in the gun-owning community regardless of whether or not it should) and the increased public awareness, not either one independent of the other. VT was immediately before the election year, making it pretty relevant in the public's eye and the initial spike just before 2009 also happened just a few months after the DC v. Heller decision, which was certainly a win for pro-2A groups but also caused yet more public discourse on the subject, which brings out negative opinions just as it does positive ones. Here is a fairly decent visual depiction of various spikes in the past several years.

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Color me shocked: TN's EC votes have gone blue 4 times since 1950 -- '64, '76, '92, '96. Johnson, Carter, and Ol' Bill. I know Gore didn't get the expected support in 2000, but that was by a 3.8% margin. Even Clinton only won the state by 2.4% in '96.

For those of you who are interested, over the last five presidential elections, the Republican popular vote has grown from 45.6% to 59.5% -- in the 2004 and 2008 elections that increase was only .1%. It's not yet a definitive trend, but the data points do go only one way.

Fun fact: with only three exceptions (Nixon in 1960, McCain in '08, and Romney in '12), TN's popular vote has gone to the eventual winner in every presidential election since 1928. That's an "accuracy" rate of 86.3% over the last 88 years.

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Articles on increased gun sales after mass shootings:

This December 2015 article is based on mass shootings starting with Wakefield (2000) and Virginia Tech (2007), ending with two shootings in 2009. Of the instances they checked, they found the largest spike in the high level of media attention paid to the shooting at Virginia Tech.

A 2012 article mentions Virginia Tech explicitly as the start of the trend.

Another 2015 article also explicitly calls out Virginia Tech for a spike in gun sales that has continued since with each incident.

Downplaying Virginia Tech as "no spike in sales then" is inaccurate.

Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Color me shocked: TN's EC votes have gone blue 4 times since 1950 -- '64, '76, '92, '96. Johnson, Carter, and Ol' Bill. I know Gore didn't get the expected support in 2000, but that was by a 3.8% margin. Even Clinton only won the state by 2.4% in '96.

For those of you who are interested, over the last five presidential elections, the Republican popular vote has grown from 45.6% to 59.5% -- in the 2004 and 2008 elections that increase was only .1%. It's not yet a definitive trend, but the data points do go only one way.

Fun fact: with only three exceptions (Nixon in 1960, McCain in '08, and Romney in '12), TN's popular vote has gone to the eventual winner in every presidential election since 1928. That's an "accuracy" rate of 86.3% over the last 88 years.

0% for the last two elections. ;)

Edit: It will be interesting to see which trend holds true this year: the 86.3%, or Oh-for-Two. Meant in jest.

Edit the 2nd: WaPo did a blurb on the topic last year. If I'm translating the graphics correctly, New Mexico has been the king of the roost with 92.3% popular vote to the winning candidate since 1912. NM 'missed' twice: 1976 (going to Gerald Ford) and 2000 (going to Al Gore). Still, TN isn't far behind with four 'whiffs'. :)

Hrmmm .... this is a fascinating metric, Syrus. *keeps poking it with a stick*

Hitdice wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
You're bringing up his race as if it's inherently relevant to the issue being discussed. While that's probably true for some small segment of the group, I argue that it's by no means the dominant cause. The reason for the spike in gun buying was due to a combination of him being a DEMOCRAT (which is way more relevant to the people prone to hoarding firearms than his race) and the massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse.

What "massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse"? At least for the first spike in 2008.

There wasn't really much public discourse about it until after Newton.

Except for people in the gun community/business panicking over a Democrat taking guns. Obama certainly didn't focus on it.

Virginia Tech happened 5 years before Newtown, Fort Hood was 3 years before, and the Gabby Giffords shooting in Tucson was the year before, each of which put a pretty heavy spotlight on fun ownership in news broadcasts and in public discourse. I didn't say that Obama focused on it, but rather that the people who ended up causing the spike in gun sales (meaning the people doing the panic-buying) were afraid that he would. Whether or not the fear was well founded is irrelevant and an entirely separate issue (it clearly wasn't).

Yes, but the people doing the panic buying were also the ones who believed Obama to be a secret muslim who wasn't born in the US and thus couldn't legitimately serve as president. I myself am a gun owner, and cannot accept that there's a not-to-one correlation between gun owners and racist. I absolutely don't.

However, we're living in a time when the Republican candidate for president waited until last f**king week to state that he didn't believe the birther conspiracy. I don't see how you can deny Obama's race being a factor in any criticism of him at this point.

That reads like I'm saying you can't disagree with his policies...

SOME of the people doing the panic buying were the ones sharing grandma's chain e-mail about Obama being a muslim from Kenya. I'm in no way denying that racism didn't exist in the issue, I'm just saying that there's no reason for me to believe that it was a driving force behind the increases in sales. Also, I'm not trying to make panic buying seem reasonable, it absolutely wasn't. I'm trying to explain why the people doing the panic buying thought it was reasonable. To many firearm industry consumers, "liberals" want to take our guns, and that's enough of a reason to fear a Democrat taking power. Whether or not that fear is based in reality is entirely a case-by-case basis (if Diane Feinstein were to become president, it would be reasonable to assume that sweeping gun control legislation would be high on her priority list, but not reasonable with Obama), but to the people doing the panic buying, it's not.

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Hitdice wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
You're bringing up his race as if it's inherently relevant to the issue being discussed. While that's probably true for some small segment of the group, I argue that it's by no means the dominant cause. The reason for the spike in gun buying was due to a combination of him being a DEMOCRAT (which is way more relevant to the people prone to hoarding firearms than his race) and the massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse.

What "massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse"? At least for the first spike in 2008.

There wasn't really much public discourse about it until after Newton.

Except for people in the gun community/business panicking over a Democrat taking guns. Obama certainly didn't focus on it.

Virginia Tech happened 5 years before Newtown, Fort Hood was 3 years before, and the Gabby Giffords shooting in Tucson was the year before, each of which put a pretty heavy spotlight on fun ownership in news broadcasts and in public discourse. I didn't say that Obama focused on it, but rather that the people who ended up causing the spike in gun sales (meaning the people doing the panic-buying) were afraid that he would. Whether or not the fear was well founded is irrelevant and an entirely separate issue (it clearly wasn't).

Yes, but the people doing the panic buying were also the ones who believed Obama to be a secret muslim who wasn't born in the US and thus couldn't legitimately serve as president. I myself am a gun owner, and cannot accept that there's a not-to-one correlation between gun owners and racist. I absolutely don't.

However, we're living in a time when the Republican candidate for president waited until last f**king week to state that he didn't believe the birther conspiracy. I don't see how you can deny Obama's race being a factor in any criticism of him at this point.

That reads like I'm saying you can't disagree with his policies...

I would just like to point out, Trump has now said the only reason he gave up the birther conspiracy was because he was tired of the questions interrupting his campaign message source

No offense taken, Turin. Two of the most recent TN polls i have seen put Trump ahead at 53-55% over HRC at 35-37%, with a decrease from 12% to 8% on those declaring "Other/No/Screw That". So, generally, everybody's picking a side -- other than a few intractable outsiders. :)

I'm betting an 0-for-3 result come November.

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Caineach wrote:
I would just like to point out, Trump has now said the only reason he gave up the birther conspiracy was because he was tired of the questions interrupting his campaign message source.

As I've said before, for Trump the truth value of statements is irrelevant. All that matters is if they're useful.

Birtherism is no longer useful to him.

Syrus Terrigan wrote:

No offense taken, Turin. Two of the most recent TN polls i have seen put Trump ahead at 53-55% over HRC at 35-37%, with a decrease from 12% to 8% on those declaring "Other/No/Screw That". So, generally, everybody's picking a side -- other than a few intractable outsiders. :)

I'm betting an 0-for-3 result come November.

Virginia, my home state is 4-for-4 ('00, '04, '08, '12) since 2000 with a 10:13 'record' since '64. A hair under 77%, not too shabby. I'm sure she's not alone in that 4-4 record! :)

thejeff wrote:

What "massively increased spotlight on guns in public discourse"? At least for the first spike in 2008.

There wasn't really much public discourse about it until after Newton.

Except for people in the gun community/business panicking over a Democrat taking guns. Obama certainly didn't focus on it.

I remember a discussion on the spike in gun sales a shortly after Obama's first election it was in the Magazine section of the NY Times, either the first or the second Sunday afterward. The article wasn't so much about guns themselves, more as a data point on a cultural piece on white male culture having reached a tipping point. Since we weren't in the phase where gun shootings were spiking, the gun part itself wasn't a majorly discussed issue at the time.

He's already been President for 8 years, at this point, what difference does it make?

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Kryzbyn wrote:
He's already been President for 8 years, at this point, what difference does it make?

Look at the right wing grarg there was over how obama was the end of civilization.

Look out the window.

Now ask yourself if you should trust chicken little this time?

You mean about Trump?

Kryzbyn wrote:
He's already been President for 8 years, at this point, what difference does it make?

All these posters with blood coming out their eyes, coming out their whatever's. In my opinion, they're off base.

(This is fun!)

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I've made many sacrifices... Built great structures... Made excellent comments in this political thread. Just excellent comments.

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Captain Battletoad wrote:
Snipped for space, but I'm responding to you.

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth, I just think race is inherently relevant to just about every reaction to Obama. I can't bring myself discount that he's the first african american president. Mind you, I don't think "relevant to" is the same thing as "the cause of."

I don't know, things are just crazy right now. The idea of Trump's rhetoric being so divisive that his supporters will riot in the streets if he loses the election has been raised in this thread, and I think that's a reasonable concern, but african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis since Ferguson. I mean, there was rioting last night in South Carolina, and I find that much, much more immediately a concern than what might happen if Trump isn't elected.

Ugh, I started this trying to make the point that I believe Obama's race is relevant to but not the single cause of the racial unrest we've seen during his second term, but I started ranting about junk that gets me down halfway through; sorry about that.

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People ask me about a lot of posts, they say "Battletoad, what are we going to do about these posts?". This is what they're asking me, and let me tell you, we're going to do something about these posts. That much I can say, we're going to be looking into these posts, and we're going to be doing a lot of things to deal with them. And I can tell you another thing. We're going to build a wall of text, and you know who's going to pay for it? The mods, that's right.

Captain Battletoad wrote:
People ask me about a lot of posts, they say "Battletoad, what are we going to do about these posts?". This is what they're asking me, and let me tell you, we're going to do something about these posts. That much I can say, we're going to be looking into these posts, and we're going to be doing a lot of things to deal with them. And I can tell you another thing. We're going to build a wall of text, and you know who's going to pay for it? The mods, that's right.

Do they know they're going to pay for it yet?

Hitdice wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
Snipped for space, but I'm responding to you.

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth, I just think race is inherently relevant to just about every reaction to Obama. I can't bring myself discount that he's the first african american president. Mind you, I don't think "relevant to" is the same thing as "the cause of."

I don't know, things are just crazy right now. The idea of Trump's rhetoric being so divisive that his supporters will riot in the streets if he loses the election has been raised in this thread, and I think that's a reasonable concern, but african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis since Ferguson. I mean, there was rioting last night in South Carolina, and I find that much, much more immediately a concern than what might happen if Trump isn't elected.

Ugh, I started this trying to make the point that I believe Obama's race is relevant to but not the single cause of the racial unrest we've seen during his second term, but I started ranting about junk that gets me down halfway through; sorry about that.

No harm done. While I can understand why you might think the way that you do regarding Obama's race and the impact it may or may not have on the issues being discussed, I just don't see any evidence of that being a case. Is it an issue to some people in some capacity? Absolutely, there's no doubt about that. But given the lack of evidence supporting it being a noticeable contributor to specifically the issue at hand (increases in gun sales), I don't see a reason to give it any attention for this particular discussion.

Regarding the North Carolina situation, it's a pretty sorry state of affairs (pun intended). I always watch various streams from the various protester perspectives when these protest/riots happen (I watched Ferguson, Baltimore, Minneapolis, and others) and as someone who's experienced the frustration of trying to get a group to stop figuratively and literally shooting themselves in the foot (I'm referring here to the protesters often wanting the rioters to not give them a bad rep) I can definitely sympathize.

Hitdice wrote:
Captain Battletoad wrote:
People ask me about a lot of posts, they say "Battletoad, what are we going to do about these posts?". This is what they're asking me, and let me tell you, we're going to do something about these posts. That much I can say, we're going to be looking into these posts, and we're going to be doing a lot of things to deal with them. And I can tell you another thing. We're going to build a wall of text, and you know who's going to pay for it? The mods, that's right.
Do they know they're going to pay for it yet?

Something tells me they already have.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

(If a mod came in right now and said they weren't going to pay for that f+!@ing wall of text, then this whole election will have been worth it.)

GreyWolfLord wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:

He's being compared to Hitler because of similarities in populist rhetoric, and because he's deliberately appealing to a nationalist, racist core of supporters. Very few people think it's likely he'll bring about another Nazi holocaust.
Maybe, but with the strong support he has from White Supremacists and the mainstreaming of racism, I'm pretty sure when his followers come for us darker hued people most of white America is going to stand by and deny what's happening. EVEN AS IT HAPPENS.

I'm pretty certain he'll come for me and mine before anyone else (considering what he's said about those of Middle Eastern descent and Asians).

I imagine most will applaud even as he does in rather loyal and patriotic Americans.

There are enough hate groups out there and I'm pretty sure muti-tasking is a thing so there's no reason that they wont come for us BOTH.

And agreed on that last sentence.

Guh... Okay, I slogged through most of the posts since my last one and all I have to say is I'm still voting for Bernie.

Oh, yeah -- back to the TN opinion polls for a moment:

Back in mid-May, the Trump/Clinton/other split was along the lines of 44/35/21%. While Trump was popular, 56% of TN voters *did* choose someone else. Long time ago, but a slightly more "redeeming" truth than "Trump-the-whole-way".

16 days ago, a composite poll (i think), reported thusly:

Trump - 51%
Clinton - 31%
Johnson - 10%
Other - 5%
Stein - 3%

Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Oh, yeah -- back to the TN opinion polls for a moment:

Back in mid-May, the Trump/Clinton/other split was along the lines of 44/35/21%. While Trump was popular, 56% of TN voters *did* choose someone else. Long time ago, but a slightly more "redeeming" truth than "Trump-the-whole-way".

16 days ago, a composite poll (i think), reported thusly:

Trump - 51%
Clinton - 31%
Johnson - 10%
Other - 5%
Stein - 3%

Many times they ask both, which is useful. You get to see the support for the minor candidates and you get to see how they'll likely go when push comes to shove.

Lotta shoving going on, eh? :)

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Knight who says Meh wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
He's already been President for 8 years, at this point, what difference does it make?

All these posters with blood coming out their eyes, coming out their whatever's. In my opinion, they're off base.

(This is fun!)

They go into what I like to call, a basket of skittleables. You know, your yellow, orange, green, purple...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hitdice wrote:
I don't know, things are just crazy right now. The idea of Trump's rhetoric being so divisive that his supporters will riot in the streets if he loses the election has been raised in this thread, and I think that's a reasonable concern, but african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis since Ferguson.

I don't think it is right to say that, "african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis".

I would say that there have been civil rights protests on a fairly regular basis. In my experience and observations, "rioting" is generally due to the police getting aggressive and/or violent. Sometimes it is simply the police/politicians just don't give a crap about the poor or minority neighborhoods, and are content to just watch them burn. (That NEVER happens in wealthy neighborhoods). Either way it is a great opportunity to get more stormtrooper outfits and armored vehicles.

Fergie wrote:
Either way it is a great opportunity to get more stormtrooper outfits and armored vehicles.

. . . a safe, and secure, society!!

cues orchestra ---> "Imperial March"

I find your lack of credulity . . . disturbing.

That is a pro-pre-Disney Star Wars snark, folks.

In seriousness: I just . . . *sigh*

Hitdice is right: it's just too depressing. I hope my joke doesn't offend. It seemed a better option than most others, given that I can't fix it.

Moral/morale support can only go so far.

I don't see rioting over a Clinton win (If only because the age demographics involved for those who support Trump). I do see increased Militia membership.

Fergie wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I don't know, things are just crazy right now. The idea of Trump's rhetoric being so divisive that his supporters will riot in the streets if he loses the election has been raised in this thread, and I think that's a reasonable concern, but african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis since Ferguson.

I don't think it is right to say that, "african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis".

I would say that there have been civil rights protests on a fairly regular basis. In my experience and observations, "rioting" is generally due to the police getting aggressive and/or violent. Sometimes it is simply the police/politicians just don't give a crap about the poor or minority neighborhoods, and are content to just watch them burn. (That NEVER happens in wealthy neighborhoods). Either way it is a great opportunity to get more stormtrooper outfits and armored vehicles.

Thank You for that Fergie.

I'm African American and I haven't been "rioting in the streets". I've attended peaceful protests here in my home city of NYC. But I'm at the point where I don't think that peaceful protest or marches are going to work. EVER.

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MMCJawa wrote:
I do see increased Militia membership.

Very true. Militia movements grew in a big way during Bill Clinton's first term, and I think Hillery is far more reviled then Bill.

EDIT: I've attended many protests/vigils in NYC, and several court type things as well. Marching around until the riot cops arrest you sucks. I honestly don't know what effective resistance/protest is anymore. Marching in the street is the tactics of my grandparents generation, but the-powers-that-be-have-evolved.
I think there is real power in reaching into the mainstream on many issues, but like almost all tactics, you are a mouse against an elephant. If I was smart and charismatic, I would love to do something like the "Yes Men", but well... dump stats.
If you have any good ideas for protest in general, I'm all ears, especially in NYC. We could probably get Doodlebug Anklebiter, BigNorseWolf, and Freehold DM, (any other NYC'ers?), out for a good cause.

Fergie wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
I do see increased Militia membership.

Very true. Militia movements grew in a big way during Bill Clinton's first term, and I think Hillery is far more reviled then Bill.

They fell back in Bush's terms and grew again in Obama's. I sense a pattern. :)

I expect another surge under Hillary.

In a detached, sociological kind of way, I think it'll be interesting to compare the different reactions to the first black president and the first female president. Racism was definitely used to delegitimize Obama. I fully expect sexism to be used for the same purpose, but the angle will be different. Interesting times.

Fergie wrote:

If you have any good ideas for protest in general, I'm all ears, especially in NYC. We could probably get Doodlebug Anklebiter, BigNorseWolf, and Freehold DM, (any other NYC'ers?), out for a good cause.

Let me know I'll hobble down there. I usually get a seat in front of the doggies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*wonders if it's time to start looking for the Yellow Sign under the Golden Toliet*

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Fergie wrote:

If you have any good ideas for protest in general, I'm all ears, especially in NYC. We could probably get Doodlebug Anklebiter, BigNorseWolf, and Freehold DM, (any other NYC'ers?), out for a good cause.

Let me know I'll hobble down there. I usually get a seat in front of the doggies.

I'm in Waltham MA.

That said I'm not completely opposed to traveling for a good cause. In fact last time I was in NYC proper was for a protest (against the Iraq war back in 2003).

That said, I will also mention that I recall the Bush administration's response, to what were then (still?) the largest antiwar protests in human history, as being to utterly disregard them and brush them aside like it was nothing, and I'm a bit skeptical now of the usefulness of one-off protests as a political tool.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
*wonders if it's time to start looking for the Yellow Sign under the Golden Toliet*

The Republican Candidate did try to enlist our support once. He was very emphatic about he was going to create the biggest, most magnificent cult ever. He even got into building skyscrapers for us.

Then a couple of dudes with some weird backpacks messed the whole thing up. o wo And our response was why he won't release his tax returns anymore.

...I have no idea how to respond to that Yidhra.

Every page of Trump's 2015 tax returns. Thanks a bunch guys.

I was going to post some depressing thing about watching police horses trample people who had sat down in the street, but I would rather post this. I think it is from the Occupy era, not 2003.


EDIT: Sorry. I shouldn't blame the horses, but rather the police who forced the horses to trample people against their will. Most Goblins might disagree, but I have nothing against horses.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ShinHakkaider wrote:
Fergie wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
I don't know, things are just crazy right now. The idea of Trump's rhetoric being so divisive that his supporters will riot in the streets if he loses the election has been raised in this thread, and I think that's a reasonable concern, but african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis since Ferguson.

I don't think it is right to say that, "african americans have been rioting in the streets already on a pretty regular basis".

I would say that there have been civil rights protests on a fairly regular basis. In my experience and observations, "rioting" is generally due to the police getting aggressive and/or violent. Sometimes it is simply the police/politicians just don't give a crap about the poor or minority neighborhoods, and are content to just watch them burn. (That NEVER happens in wealthy neighborhoods). Either way it is a great opportunity to get more stormtrooper outfits and armored vehicles.

Thank You for that Fergie.

I'm African American and I haven't been "rioting in the streets". I've attended peaceful protests here in my home city of NYC. But I'm at the point where I don't think that peaceful protest or marches are going to work. EVER.

Rioting in the streets wasn't the best choice of words, but this morning I heard what's been going on in SC described on NPR as "peaceful protests which became violent protests." That language is far, far too euphemistic for me. I certainly didn't mean to say that that violence has been the only form of protest. I also don't think the violent-protesters-formerly-known-as-rioters are unjustified in their feelings, as close as that comes to endorsing violence.

My point was, eight years ago we elected the first black President, and his two terms in office should have been an example of the racial equity our democracy can achieve. Instead, starting with the Beer Summit after Henry Louis Gates was hauled off to jail when he had to break a window to get into his own house, the divisiveness has grown and grown. Now I run across white people like myself (except, y'know, Trump voters) saying that if Trump isn't elected, the divisiveness could get so bad that there's a violent reaction. I really truly think it's been that bad for more than a year now, and it's pretty obvious to me that electing Trump is no solution to the problem.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Fergie wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
I do see increased Militia membership.

Very true. Militia movements grew in a big way during Bill Clinton's first term, and I think Hillery is far more reviled then Bill.

EDIT: I've attended many protests/vigils in NYC, and several court type things as well. Marching around until the riot cops arrest you sucks. I honestly don't know what effective resistance/protest is anymore. Marching in the street is the tactics of my grandparents generation, but the-powers-that-be-have-evolved.
I think there is real power in reaching into the mainstream on many issues, but like almost all tactics, you are a mouse against an elephant. If I was smart and charismatic, I would love to do something like the "Yes Men", but well... dump stats.
If you have any good ideas for protest in general, I'm all ears, especially in NYC. We could probably get Doodlebug Anklebiter, BigNorseWolf, and Freehold DM, (any other NYC'ers?), out for a good cause.

I think the marches and protests have to evolve. Here in Minnesota, they've started disrupting major economic targets and I think that's the way to go. Disrupt the airport, freeways, anything that represents millions of dollars a day. Shut it down, or even just slow it, and you force people to listen.

Last year BLM did a head fake towards the airport, then hit the Mall of America (it's a big deal here, during the Christmas lead up we get a LOT of out of towners shopping here, as far away as Iceland when times are good). They've shut down the biggest freeway once as well. Hit the elites in their pocket book and they can't ignore you.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Every page of Trump's 2015 tax returns. Thanks a bunch guys.

Ridiculous. This is not the quality posting I've come to expect from you on this thread, Turin. I disagree with you on a lot of points, but up until now, at least I knew you were thinking out your points in a serious manner. You lost a lot of my respect with this utter habadashery.

Because, if Trump's tax returns had been the Yellow Sign, we all know he'd have released them all Day One. Then, at the GOP National Convention, he would have invited Christie, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan to help him perform a little play his "campaign managers" drafted up.


Wait, is that what that was?

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Every page of Trump's 2015 tax returns. Thanks a bunch guys.

Ridiculous. This is not the quality posting I've come to expect from you on this thread, Turin. I disagree with you on a lot of points, but up until now, at least I knew you were thinking out your points in a serious manner. You lost a lot of my respect with this utter habadashery.

Because, if Trump's tax returns had been the Yellow Sign, we all know he'd have released them all Day One. Then, at the GOP National Convention, he would have invited Christie, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan to help him perform a little play his "campaign managers" drafted up.


Wait, is that what that was?


I cannot admit to anything separate and apart from utter confusion regarding what you two have been discussing, Turin and Kobold. Given the possible connotations i have divined, i am almost certain that i don't *want* to know, or understand.

Basic reference explanation here. I'm referencing a particular D&D adventure, which, if you're curious, you can find a playthrough of here.

Darth Terrigan, Sith Marauder wrote:
Fergie wrote:
Either way it is a great opportunity to get more stormtrooper outfits and armored vehicles.

. . . a safe, and secure, society!!

cues orchestra ---> "Imperial March"

I find your lack of credulity . . . disturbing.

I think you mean "A peaceful land and a quiet people"

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Irontruth wrote:

I think the marches and protests have to evolve. Here in Minnesota, they've started disrupting major economic targets and I think that's the way to go. Disrupt the airport, freeways, anything that represents millions of dollars a day. Shut it down, or even just slow it, and you force people to listen.

Last year BLM did a head fake towards the airport, then hit the Mall of America (it's a big deal here, during the Christmas lead up we get a LOT of out of towners shopping here, as far away as Iceland when times are good). They've shut down the biggest freeway once as well. Hit the elites in their pocket book and they can't ignore you.

Maybe...but its also just as likely to annoy people who won't be pissed off at the elites, but rather shift that irritation towards BLM or whatever movement is responsible for the protest.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

MY life matters.

And if i don't get the new disney snowglobe for mom, I'm a dead man.

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