Paizo Pokemon Go Trainers

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After a day of trying to get it to work, I turned on Pokemon Go on a whim and I got in. Yay! I picked my appearance, caught my starter, and life was good.

Until a wild Pokemon appeared.

In my room.

At night.

I battled and caught a venomoth. It stared at me with its large, judgmental eyes. I'm pretty sure it didn't like what I was wearing to bed tonight. To date I don't know how it snuck in here. My windows are shut. My doors are locked. Maybe it was always here.....

I can't sleep in here anymore. Not if my room is filled with unseen venomoths....

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I feel you, man. I had a wild Pidgey in my room, which isn't nearly as bad, and I saved everyone at a friend's place from a wild Eevee. The Zubat that swooped out at me leaving my apartment this morning, though - that one was the worst.


Fed up with the wild monsters in our house, my brother, sister, and I have founded Team Augunas with the explicated purpose of catching them all. ALL OF THEM.

There are no pokemon near my house. Work is crawling with them though. I sit between 2 pokestops that I can continuously spin from my desk.

Paizo Employee Warehouse

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Gotta get my apartment sprayed. It's full of caterpies. Warehouse isn't much better with the number of pidgeys and ratatas I've shooed out of here.

Pokévermin. ಠ_ಠ

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm just worried I'll find a beedrill in my house sometime. Can't have that.


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To protect the world from Pokeinfestation,
And place monsters in our banks from every nation.
To shower our prisoners with friendship and love,
From Dugtrio down below to Rayquaza above!

Autumn! Alex!

Team Augunas captures critters at the speed of light!
Snatching up every Pokemon in sight!

Adam, that's right!


Team Augunas Update:
Autumn has LITERALLY walked 100 steps outside of the house and encountered and captured her favorite Pokemon from childhood (oddish).


I played this game way too much yesterday. My job is surrounded by pokestops so I was able to stock up on essentially an unlimited number of items during the day. Then during the evening/night, when the servers were working better, I walked for *3 miles* and collected everything I could. I went out for another walk at 1:30am because there were pokemon nearby.... the addiction is real, lol.

Amusing facts so far: the CVS near my job is invested with Ratatta and Ghastly. I don't know what that says about that place. There are Pidgey everywere, and my job is infested with Ratatta.

I HATE zubats.

Right now I am at about 100 pokemon and level 9. As soon as the gyms start working properly I'm going to go around with my CP 470 Pidgeotto and destroy!

Go red team! ;)

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Best story so far, I woke up early this morning to catch some poke stops in the city. I was walking around city hall park, when I notice 5 other adults all clearly dressed for work, all equally clearly walking the same route I was for poke stops, stopping randomly when they spot pokemon. We start chating and notice that 5 of us were all on team Valar. We all sort of glance over to the Instinct held city hall gym, and start walking almost simultaneously. We took it for Team Red this morning. Granted someone else took it about 20 minutes after I left for work. But who honestly cares right?

I am enjoying this tremendously, even with the server room fires we are apparently causing. And the approximately 12km extra I have walked in the last 2 days because of it isn't exactly a bad thing.

Oh, Second best story from last night in bay ridge Brooklyn. A group of about 12-15 drinking/drunk 20 and 30 somethings were walking along 3rd avenue where there were a ton of poke stops all along there. One of them cheers "I Caught a Picachu!" and one of his companions grabs the phone out of his hand, and start running down the street while yelling 'Team Rocket [Explitive involing maternal copulation]'. I think I laughed for 5 minutes straight.

Third best was this afternoon, I was walking through the city of Weehawken near where I work, sort of not paying attention. I didn't walk into the street or anything but a cop comes over to scold me for being a future 'distracted pedestrian victim'. (Its sort of a thing in Jersey right now it seems). Well when I tell him what I'm doing he literally runs for his car to get his phone and download it. We then sit there for about 20 minutes chatting while the lure I put on a pokestop runs out.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Started up this morning. I found out that because GPS is pretty spotty near my work (thanks to Homeland Security), finding pokemon on lunch breaks is a no go. Especially with the servers dropping frequently.

Hopefully, I'll be able to share some great stories later.

Donald Robinson wrote:

Started up this morning. I found out that because GPS is pretty spotty near my work (thanks to Homeland Security), finding pokemon on lunch breaks is a no go. Especially with the servers dropping frequently.

Hopefully, I'll be able to share some great stories later.

I'm kinda amused by how spotty the GPS is near me. I get random free steps, but can't take a gym that is outside my window because it keeps moving me out of range.

I wonder if the paizo office is a gym....

Also stay safe and hydrated everyone. A Buddy of mine passed out on his bike because he lost track of how long he was in the heat without water. Its all fun and games, but be safe in the summer heat.

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If one was to go visit the congress, would the road be blocked by a lump of snorlaxes?

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Sissyl wrote:
If one was to go visit the congress, would the road be blocked by a lump of snorlaxes?

Going to DC later this month. Will let you know

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There is a charizard named 'Merica currently controlling the white house according to reddit.

Anyone else notice that pokemon seem to spawn near pokestops? Travel through suburbia and get maybe 1 pokemon every 1/4 mile, but if you have a couple pokestops near you they practically spawn on top of you every few minutes.

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Its based on the code of ingress. Greater the traffic of players the greater the spawns. And for obvious reasons traffic near poke stops.

Edit: The premise of ingress and the subsequent game design HEAVILY favors urban areas with lots of landarks/cultural centers. Obviously that sort of sucks for Rural pokemon go players, but I am not certain if there is a fix in the works or not. Its sort of the point to get people to congregate. Hard to do that is less populated areas.

Also please note that when traveling if you are going over around 12mph (I believe it is 20kmph you will see fewer (but not zero) spawns. That has to do with the way the game maps out your geometry via gps. You also don't get credit for distance traveled for incubating eggs if you go over that speed.

My problem with that is it makes it so people in rural areas literally see 0 pokemon. I was at my parents last night and there wasn't even a pokemon found in the nearest pokemon. So the areas where you would expect to find the most pokemon, like the wilderness, are barren wastelands and the population centers are teaming with wildlife.

Also, it really bugs me that the servers are too unstable for me to capture a gym right now.

Caineach wrote:
My problem with that is it makes it so people in rural areas literally see 0 pokemon. I was at my parents last night and there wasn't even a pokemon found in the nearest pokemon. So the areas where you would expect to find the most pokemon, like the wilderness, are barren wastelands and the population centers are teaming with wildlife.

I am not saying you are wrong. I am just saying that it would require them to fundamentally change the algorithm for determining their spawns to change this. And since people physically going to locations and meeting is a massive part of the appeal of this sort of game, it doesn't make a huge amount of sense to change it to divert people into rural areas instead (by spawning more pokemon there. Hence why I think a chance is unlikely it will be altered.

In terms of the servers, I completely agree. I think they were ready based on their experience with ingress, and grossely underestimated how many people would be jumping into this because of pokemon. Ingress has like a few million activeish players worldswide. Pokémon has a lot more fans then that. You can see that in the morning and evenings the servers don't experience the same problems. I expect over time they will sort it out.

I don't agree. I think it would be amazing if people in cities had to organize trips to go catch rare pokemon. Then again, cities would have their own unique ones too.

Caineach wrote:

I don't agree. I think it would be amazing if people in cities had to organize trips to go catch rare pokemon. Then again, cities would have their own unique ones too.

In the context of pokemon specifically sure. But in the context of AR Area control location based Cell Phone games, Urban areas with their lots of people, and good cell service are what drives the gameplay. And given the fact they are looking to play on the success of ingress over the years it literally makes no sense to direct people away from the thing that keeps them playing (the congregation of people). You want to put the resources (in this case the pokemon and pokestops) near the areas to be controlled, the gyms, so you get the back and forth play and the social/physical interaction aspects of the game. If you direct people out into rural areas, you spread out, reduce the chances of interactions and lose the fundamental driving force of this kind of game.

Again I am not saying that they shouldn't do something to help rural pokemon players. But it shouldn't be by creating reasons for people to leave urban areas, which will be the bread and butter of this game (looking up 5th avenue at mid town manhattan there are literally 30 lured poked stops in view, that represents a huge amount of activity). If they give cause for the people to move apart (spread out) that activity disappears and the group aspect of the game is reduced to people who are already associated (friends who can coordinate or people connecting via other means). That reduces the appeal of this kind of game.

What they want is what is happening. In cities around the world people are meeting, grouping up, socializing and having fun with and outside of the game. Mathmatically that has to happen where there are lots of people. Which is why I expect they wont change their algorithm that already naturally encourages this activity.


The game is also specifically designed to be done via walking. This is both done for technical reasons (the geometry calculation has trouble dealing with high speeds) and I expect for the reason of encouraging people to get off their behinds. Again, rural areas which by definition are more spread out and have less public transportation are less suited to that sort of activity.

meanwhile if you are outside of a major population center, you can't even find a pokemon. I live in upstate NY suburbia 25 minutes from Albany, Clifton Park, and from my house, I have to travel over 1 KM to find a pokestop, and that can't be seen on a fully zoomed out map. Then I see maybe 1 pokemon every other block. This is not even a rural area, like my parents house, where the pokemon finder at the bottom literally did not have a pokemon for over an hour.

I catch the vast majority of my pokemon sitting on my ass at work as they spawn near me, thanks to the fact that I have 2 unlured pokestops within spinning distance of my desk. The idea that this makes people get up and walk is kinda ridiculous to me.

Caineach wrote:
meanwhile if you are outside of a major population center, you can't even find a pokemon. I live in upstate NY suburbia 25 minutes from Albany, Clifton Park, and from my house, I have to travel over 1 KM to find a pokestop, and that can't be seen on a fully zoomed out map. Then I see maybe 1 pokemon every other block. This is not even a rural area, like my parents house, where the pokemon finder at the bottom literally did not have a pokemon for over an hour.

As I mentioned I do think they need to do something for non-urban players. All I am saying is that the fundamental nature of the game requires concentrations of people, so its unlikely that solution will be anything as drastic as making rural areas have more or unique resources then the place that will drive their gameplay.

Caineach wrote:

meanwhile if you are outside of a major population center, you can't even find a pokemon. I live in upstate NY suburbia 25 minutes from Albany, Clifton Park, and from my house, I have to travel over 1 KM to find a pokestop, and that can't be seen on a fully zoomed out map. Then I see maybe 1 pokemon every other block. This is not even a rural area, like my parents house, where the pokemon finder at the bottom literally did not have a pokemon for over an hour.

I catch the vast majority of my pokemon sitting on my ass at work as they spawn near me, thanks to the fact that I have 2 unlured pokestops within spinning distance of my desk. The idea that this makes people get up and walk is kinda ridiculous to me.

You wont hatch eggs sitting still. Also while some locations have pokestops in 'couch' or 'bed' distance, there is a finite variety of pokemon to be found at each location. If you want to catch them all, you have to get up and move around.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I've been messing around with it, but I'm also in a rather small and un-walkable city, so there's a single pokestop near my apartment complex, and a gym at the Pal's across the 4-lane highway (might be able to reach it from my side, but I'm not level 5 yet, so I haven't checked. I also have a completely blank "nearby" list in my apartment.

Bible study tonight though, so I've got my fingers crossed that there'll be some good hunting at the church.

How do you get eggs?

RainyDayNinja wrote:

I've been messing around with it, but I'm also in a rather small and un-walkable city, so there's a single pokestop near my apartment complex, and a gym at the Pal's across the 4-lane highway (might be able to reach it from my side, but I'm not level 5 yet, so I haven't checked. I also have a completely blank "nearby" list in my apartment.

Bible study tonight though, so I've got my fingers crossed that there'll be some good hunting at the church.

How do you get eggs?

Eggs come from poke stops. And its actually really likely your church is a gym or poke stop. Religious centers are exceptionally common. If you have a church street in your town, its probably a good place to check.

This weekend I walked 25km, over 40 total so far, in the process of hunting pokemon and met literally hundreds of adults and youth doing the same, heck a friend of mine who has been struggling to cope after a messy breakup with his longtime girlfriend for over a year got out, met people and even has a date for tomorrow night because of pokemon go.

There has been a rather vocal part of the community voicing the frustration of less dense areas, and it seems they are listening, slowly but surely, with rural poke stops and more spawns added case by case.

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Yeah, its over a mile for me to find a pokestop from my house. Amusingly, the 2 highest density places I have found are a graveyard (15 pokestops and 3 gyms in 2 blocks), and gang territory in downtown Troy ("street art" graffiti pokestops)

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I have been playing this game way too much, but at least I have gotten a lot of exercise. I'm at around 30k walked and level 15. I live in a suburb, but luckily there are a few stops near me and a bunch around where I work.

I have been managing to get a lot of my friends to join Red Team. Soon we should be able to get together and take over gyms.

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Blue Team is where its at.

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There's basically nothing near my house Pokemon-wise.

I think the NSA are catching them all, since their building is really nearby.

Sundakan wrote:

There's basically nothing near my house Pokemon-wise.

I think the NSA are catching them all, since their building is really nearby.

My friend works at an NSA building and their front gate is a gym

So anyone else collecting a ton of some uncommon type of pokemon? I have so many eevees I don't know what to do with them. I thought they were as common as rattata until people started telling me how jealous they were. I talked with someone else for whom dodo were like that, and I haven't seen one of those.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Nearly a year ago, I was commenting to my wife that it'd be cool to implement something like this. Totes claiming credit.

Now, how good of a device do I need in order to get started?

Jiggy wrote:

Nearly a year ago, I was commenting to my wife that it'd be cool to implement something like this. Totes claiming credit.

Now, how good of a device do I need in order to get started?

I give credit to google's 2014 April Fools

As for device, my smartphone, and HTC One, is 2 years old and runs it fine.

Caineach wrote:
So anyone else collecting a ton of some uncommon type of pokemon? I have so many eevees I don't know what to do with them. I thought they were as common as rattata until people started telling me how jealous they were. I talked with someone else for whom dodo were like that, and I haven't seen one of those.

There seems to be some areas that certain pokemon are more common. There are a lot of eevee and nidoran near my house (and a few bulbasaur), but I don't see either of those anywhere else.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is anyone else a bit shocked by how popular this turned out to be? I assumed it was gonna be, like, a nerd thing. Even my friends that don't play pokemon are playing this game.

Slothsy wrote:
Is anyone else a bit shocked by how popular this turned out to be? I assumed it was gonna be, like, a nerd thing. Even my friends that don't play pokemon are playing this game.

Not at all. I can think of very few other IPs with 20 years of continuous positive nostalgia.

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I have yet to find any of the starting pokemon, though did hatch a Charmander.

One thing that has been driving me crazy is that half the time when I try to use one of the better pokeballs on a pokemon, the ball curves *away* from my target as if I was doing a curve throw. Even though I never do curve throws and it never happens when I use a normal pokeball. I have wasted so many throws because of this bug.

Matrix Dragon wrote:
One thing that has been driving me crazy is that half the time when I try to use one of the better pokeballs on a pokemon, the ball curves *away* from my target as if I was doing a curve throw. Even though I never do curve throws and it never happens when I use a normal pokeball. I have wasted so many throws because of this bug.

My guess is that when you actively switch to a better ball you are thinking about it more, and then doing it differently. I noticed something similar, then I ran out of regular balls and was throwing great balls as regular ones and they all thew the same way I was used to.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Caineach wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

Nearly a year ago, I was commenting to my wife that it'd be cool to implement something like this. Totes claiming credit.

Now, how good of a device do I need in order to get started?

I give credit to google's 2014 April Fools

Nonsense! If I didn't know about it, it doesn't count! It's my idea! WHERE ARE MY ROYALTIES?!

Caineach wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
One thing that has been driving me crazy is that half the time when I try to use one of the better pokeballs on a pokemon, the ball curves *away* from my target as if I was doing a curve throw. Even though I never do curve throws and it never happens when I use a normal pokeball. I have wasted so many throws because of this bug.
My guess is that when you actively switch to a better ball you are thinking about it more, and then doing it differently. I noticed something similar, then I ran out of regular balls and was throwing great balls as regular ones and they all thew the same way I was used to.

I thought of that, but I haven't been able to find any problem with the way I am throwing them. I think this is a bug that can happen when you open the item menu.

I haven't had any problems along those lines, though I always throw curve balls as it improves the chances of catching the pokemon.

Slothsy wrote:
Is anyone else a bit shocked by how popular this turned out to be? I assumed it was gonna be, like, a nerd thing. Even my friends that don't play pokemon are playing this game.

Video games aren't a 'nerd thing' anymore. Mobile games even less so. Almost everyone plays some kind of mobile game if they have a smart phone. This one is fun, social, and sort of addictive. I think it will appeal to a wide range of people. They might not all strap on a backpack and a red cap before playing, but I think tons of people who aren't explicate pokemon fans will find it fun.

This afternoon during my lunch hour I went for a walk along the water and literally saw hundreds of my collegues playing the game walking along as series of pokestops. This has definitely crossed boundaries.

Kolokotroni wrote:
I haven't had any problems along those lines, though I always throw curve balls as it improves the chances of catching the pokemon.

Yea, I think I am going to have to do that just to work around the bug. It is super annoying to use a raz berry and then pull out a great ball for a rare pokemon, only for the ball to magically veer away from the target, lol.

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