thejeff |
Still playing but my family is quickly losing interest without a means of finding Pokemon. I don't want the cheat tracking but something that let me know I was getting closer to the ones on my radar would work nice. Without that this game is going to continue to descend on our interest meter until I finally let it die. This issue and little crap like removing the Eevee naming trick easter egg are just disheartening...I mean who used the Eevee trick and totally broke the system? Did it really need to die?
I wonder if this is something that works better in certain areas than others?
While a distance marker would be nice, I've never really had trouble finding them if I'm willing to put a little time in. From the nearest crossroads, just walk in each direction until either the icon disappears or you find it. I guess it could be more complicated with smaller blocks?
Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Still playing but my family is quickly losing interest without a means of finding Pokemon. I don't want the cheat tracking but something that let me know I was getting closer to the ones on my radar would work nice. Without that this game is going to continue to descend on our interest meter until I finally let it die.
Sadly, this looks to be the case.
Pokemon Go lacks a good way to track Pokemon, it has no way to progress your Poke'Dex beyond RNG with eggs or spawns, it lacks any sort of interpersonal connectivity, and it misses on some of the major hallmarks of the Pokemon Franchise.
I like that they've been doing updates, but they haven't been doing updates that address these issues, and both they and Nintendo have missed the timing on releases.

Caineach |

Fake Healer wrote:Still playing but my family is quickly losing interest without a means of finding Pokemon. I don't want the cheat tracking but something that let me know I was getting closer to the ones on my radar would work nice. Without that this game is going to continue to descend on our interest meter until I finally let it die. This issue and little crap like removing the Eevee naming trick easter egg are just disheartening...I mean who used the Eevee trick and totally broke the system? Did it really need to die?
I wonder if this is something that works better in certain areas than others?
While a distance marker would be nice, I've never really had trouble finding them if I'm willing to put a little time in. From the nearest crossroads, just walk in each direction until either the icon disappears or you find it. I guess it could be more complicated with smaller blocks?
In areas that don't have convenient blocks, it works terribly. Once again it feels like something they only tested in highly urban areas.

thejeff |
Actually I suspect it might not work as well on urban blocks, because they're too small. It could show up one block over and you'd actually have to walk the full grid pattern to be sure.
Places it's worked best for me have just been suburban roads. As long as it's on the road, there are few enough options it's easy to find. Go one way or another on the road. Check side roads if there are any.
If you or the Pokemon is off road, then it's a different story.

Turin the Mad |

Missus Turin and I and her folks gather every year at our timeshare in Virginia Beach. It's a nice place on the boardwalk with a direct view of the ocean at a time of year that it's usually pretty quiet (and chilly - zombie fog this morning, yay!). We come, watch/listen/smell the ocean for a week, hang out, combine Thanksgiving and the Winter Holidays into one week and so on.
With Pokemon Go, the boardwalk here is nuts. Pokestops every which way along and within a block or two of the boardwalk. At least a half-dozen gyms. The variety of pocket monsters compared to back home is bewildering: magnemites, voltorbs, sandshrews, ponyta, kabuto, etc. Not just the variety stands out, but so does the number of critters in clumps.
Back home we saw these clumps only during the promotional period that ended last Friday mid-afternoon.
Last word via Missus Turin indicates that they've seeded "Gen 2" critters into the game. Saving zoobat, onyx, slowpoke and evee candies among others in anticipation of currently non-existent evolution options. We'll leave alone how utterly terrible onyx are.
There is apparently going to be a Thanksgiving holiday similar to how the Halloween one went. Double candies, buddy km accumulate 4x faster. Stop-spins yield twice as much. Not sure what the holiday critters are going to be, although we're really hoping they won't be the birds since they're all common (at least locally - not sure about globally).

Turin the Mad |

Update-ish: Turkey Lurkey Week holiday special, starting sometime 21st - 24th November, supposedly running for a week.
Hoping they roll out generation 2 pocket monsters to be made into cannibal sausages candies. Or the legendary birds. Heck, I'd be thrilled with x4 buddy candy, x2 transfer candy and "big eater" pocket monsters such as Snorlax.

The Mad Comrade |

Had somewhere north of 850 pocket monsters squirreled away anticipating an awesome XMas event. With the announcement of Santachu plus 7 or 8 "baby monsters" via hatch-only, the bloodbath was impressive.
The Evee-and-Vulpex Preserve is comfortably stocked. Its guardians are reasonably impressive. Total pocket monsters kept: 195, including 28 that survived today's with-the-Mrs. 7 hour rampage/stockpiling run.
Of the few trainers I know IRL, only one "top shelf" (appraisal rating) Ditto has been captured and no "top shelf" Santachus. Wound up with 3 of the new baby monsters, but one sadly did not survive evaluation. It was cast to the wolves.

The Mad Comrade |

Spawn reset hit. Collected 10 Santachus not one of which appraised better than middling. Oddly, Onix spawned all over the neighborhood. Collected 14 of 'em. One of the two CP 13 appraised at top shelf. Were I not sitting on 3 other top shelf Onix, I'd be a bit bummed. Onix are terrible. Final tally post-appraisal-and-candying: 211. Didn't go too long before gathering up 50 pocket monsters. *facepalm*
Confirmed a theory: the daily streak bonus flips at midnight local time. Saves us the hassle of braving oncoming wintry fugliness by collecting those alongside a gaggle of Santachus and Onix.

Caineach |

Ouch. Santachus seem to be fairly common. Given the limited timespan to get them, it seems that this should be a relatively easy way to farm up Pikachu candy until the 29th. Hopefully a nearby park will have a steady spawn rate for you?
Lol. There are no pokemon in any park near my house. Suburbia has no pokemon. And wandering more than a few blocks in this weather prevents you from actually being able to throw a pokeball.