jedi8187 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Well maybe outsiders don't fit the setting anymore? Space Demons? I'm wondering how such things will change and fit into the setting? Demons, Angels, Gods, Demi-Gods, planes of existence, ect?
They've said the FTL travel involves a world between planes and has arts of other planes inside of it now. They specifically mentions demons possibly being in there among mentioning various elemental planes. They've also said Gods are still a thing. So it's safe to assume outsiders, and their half mortal counterparts are still in among most the other things you mention.

Torbyne |
I dont think stealing is quite the right word... Spell Jammer introduce dpre-existing elements to a lot of new people but a ton of the setting was pulled from older material, especially really old adventure stories. If they did include anything that the team themselves identifies as from Spell Hammer i would bet a lot of people would assume it instead came from something like Treasure Planet, Steam-punk or Magic-punk trends.

Simeon |

I can see Tiefling show up in SF. Instead of them using the same origin as in PF. I can see them being some kind of human hybrid created for use in areas to dangerous for humans to work in. If their goal is to maintain backwards compaiability why not.
I doubt that they'd change the tiefling's origins just because it's a ways in the future. It doesn't seem that humans would be able to create tieflings with technological advancement. That being said, I'm sure that there'll be some cool uses for tieflings and aasimars in space.

Lamontius |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lamontius wrote:{opens Shiftr app, swipes right on Lamontius}even in the far future
people will still make questionable decisions
in order to get their bone onso my guess is yes
this is both terrifying and makes me blush right down to my bones
also it pretty much validates my original post
Krombopulos Michael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yea, outsiders are still around. They may change, but they will still be around. It will be funny to see an ice devil with an AK-47.
It'll be interesting so see what new weapon forms raktavarna take in Starfinder.*
(* I mean Paizo wouldn't probably get to it until years down the road, but maybe some nimble trailbrazing 3PP might do so sooner.:))

LikeAHoss |

I'll agree here. Demons in a Science Fiction - Fantasy hybrid are nothing new. Look at Warhammer 40k. Demons everywhere. I don't think that Tieflings will be that much of an issue.
Their base stat line is pretty much in line with other races. I'd say they'd be good to go if you drop the Spell like ability they would be right in line with the other races I think.

Milo v3 |

I'll agree here. Demons in a Science Fiction - Fantasy hybrid are nothing new. Look at Warhammer 40k. Demons everywhere. I don't think that Tieflings will be that much of an issue.
Their base stat line is pretty much in line with other races. I'd say they'd be good to go if you drop the Spell like ability they would be right in line with the other races I think.
You'd also have to reduce their energy resistances.

![]() |

Anyone read Reality Dysfunction? Book 1 in a series where each book is nearly 1000 pages on its own.
Fantastic sci fi space adventure that has demons in it.
Don't forget the DOOM franchise of video games, which is an iconic sci-fi game with demons...and is listed on the inspirational material page

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

I wonder when/if we will get “official” stats on Tielfings.
(The stats from pages 36-37 of Rogue Genius’s Starfarer’s Companion seem a little Strong.)

Xuldarinar |

I wonder when/if we will get “official” stats on Tielfings.
(The stats from pages 36-37 of Rogue Genius’s Starfarer’s Companion seem a little Strong.)
Worst case: You can always slap humans (or other races) with fiendish and refluff for tiefling.

PaladinDemo |

+2 decided, +2 int, -2 Cha
Hp: 4
Dark vision
Fiendish skills: +2 bluff and stealth.
Fiendish resistance: resistance cold, fire, electricity 5.
Blasphemous (fiendish sorcery): mystics treat charisma score 2 points higher.
Spell like ability: darkness 1/day.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

+2 decided, +2 int, -2 Cha
Hp: 4Dark vision
Fiendish skills: +2 bluff and stealth.
Fiendish resistance: resistance cold, fire, electricity 5.
Blasphemous (fiendish sorcery): mystics treat charisma score 2 points higher.
Spell like ability: darkness 1/day.
I'd change four things.
Space Tiefling
Ability Adjustments +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha Save as Pathfinder
Hit Points 4
Size and Type: Tieflings are Medium Outsiders with the native subtype.
Dark Soul: Tieflings can use the Create Darkness supernatural ability (Alien Archive, p. 153), once per day with a duration of their total character level in rounds.
Darkvision: Tieflings gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
Deceptive: Tieflings receive a +2 Racial Bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have a +1 Racial Bonus to EAC. They also re-roll any save against Cold, Electricity, or Fire; taking the better result.
All Tieflings automatically speack Common, their choice of Abyssal or Infernal, and the language of their homeworld.
-- Ability Adjustments are fixed.
-- Fiendish Sorcery was removed. It is unneeded, no Starfinder caster uses Charisma as their casting stat.
-- Spell Like Ability was replaced with the equivalent Starfinder ability.
-- Incorporated Ikiry0's excellent idea. More balanced at low levels, but more useful at higher levels.
This puts the Tiefling between the power of a Human and a Lashunta.

PaladinDemo |

Next on the Extra-planer entities.
+2 Cha, +2 Wis (per bestiary)
HP: 4
Humanoid, subtype Outsider
Skilled: +2 Diplomacy and Perception
Spell like abilities: Daylight 1/day
Celestial Resistance: Resistance Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Languages: Common and Celestial
Unlike most extra dimensional races that most prime dimension fear, the people feel a bit more comfortable around. But it doesn't mean precautions are relaxed. Rumor has it if one insults a Aasimar, you will suffer the wrath of the Gods. Though unfounded, no one wants to tempt fate. Aasimar tend to stay PlanetSide usually as healers and statesmen. Those with a warrior spirit embark on pseudo crusades to combat planetary assaults done by orcs, goblins, or any warlike race
(Per my Google+ write up)

PaladinDemo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'd change four things.
Space Tiefling
Ability Adjustments +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha Save as Pathfinder
Hit Points 4Size and Type: Tieflings are Medium Outsiders with the native subtype.
Dark Soul: Tieflings can use the Create Darkness supernatural ability (Alien Archive, p. 153), once per day with a duration of their total character level in rounds.
Darkvision: Tieflings gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
Deceptive: Tieflings receive a +2 Racial Bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have a +1 Racial Bonus to EAC. They also re-roll any save against Cold, Electricity, or Fire; taking the better result.All Tieflings automatically speack Common, their choice of Abyssal or Infernal, and the language of their home plane.
-- Ability Adjustments are fixed.
-- Fiendish Sorcery was removed. It is unneeded, no Starfinder caster uses Charisma as their casting stat.
-- Spell Like Ability was replaced with the equivalent Starfinder ability.
-- Incorporated Ikiry0's excellent idea. More balanced at low levels, but more useful at higher levels.
This puts the Tiefling between the power of a Human and a Lashunta.
Changed one thing. Other than that solid retool.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Next on the Extra-planer entities.
+2 Cha, +2 Wis (per bestiary)
HP: 4Humanoid, subtype Outsider
Skilled: +2 Diplomacy and Perception
Spell like abilities: Daylight 1/day
Celestial Resistance: Resistance Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Languages: Common and CelestialBackstory
Unlike most extra dimensional races that most prime dimension fear, the people feel a bit more comfortable around. But it doesn't mean precautions are relaxed. Rumor has it if one insults a Aasimar, you will suffer the wrath of the Gods. Though unfounded, no one wants to tempt fate. Aasimar tend to stay PlanetSide usually as healers and statesmen. Those with a warrior spirit embark on pseudo crusades to combat planetary assaults done by orcs, goblins, or any warlike race
(Per my Google+ write up)
Once again, I find myself going in a different direction.
Space Aasimar
Ability Adjustments +2 to any 1 ability
Hit Points 4
Size and Type: Aasimars are Medium Outsiders with the native subtype.
Darkvision: Aasimars gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have a +1 Racial Bonus to EAC. They also re-roll any save against Acid, Cold, or Electricity; taking the better result.
Light of the Heavens: Aasimars receive a +2 Racial Bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
True Insight Once per day, Aasimars can use the Technomacer spell Comprehend Languages with a caster level equal to their total character level.
All Aasimars automatically speak Celestial, Common, and the language of their homeworld.
-- Ability Adjustment is floating. No PC race in Starfinder has ability adjustments greater then a net +2
– Surprisingly, there is no equivalent in Starfinder to the ability to create light. A different ability was selected instead.
-- Incorporated Ikiry0's excellent idea. More balanced at low levels, but more useful at higher levels.
This puts the Aasimar between the power of a Human and a Lashunta.

PaladinDemo |

Spaceballs: the player race conversion continues!
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis
HP: 4
Darkvision, Low light vision
Skilled: +2 Knowledge (planes) and Stealth
Shadow Blending (Bestiary 2, don't have advance race)
Shadow Resistance: Resistance cold and electricity 5
Spell like abilities: Disguise self 1/day, shadow walk 1/day (ninth level), plane shift (shadow or material, 13th level) 1/day
Languages: Common, Homeworld
Distrusted on two angles, Fetchlings are extra dimensional or some theorize void born humans from poverish space colonies or dark storage holds. The darkness is their greatest ally, second is their uncanny chemistry skills. Statesmen and politicians employ them as informants or assassins while they play their games of power. Pilots and smugglers also are adapt at stealth, using the darkness of the void as their greatest weapon.
Though ahead on the homeworld.

PaladinDemo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis
HP: 4
Spell like ability: Burning Hands 1/day
Energy Resistance: Resistance Fire 5
Fire Affinity: Cha +2 fire for elemental Fire bloodline for spellcasting
Languages: Common, Ignan, Homeworld
Backstory: Obviously extra dimensional, even with the affects of the Gap it's a safe bet Elemental Plane of Fire. Their affinity with fire doesn't help much either. Ifirts occupy quite a bit of roles deemed unsavoury to most people, such as bounty hunting, snuggling, and assassination.

PaladinDemo |

+2 str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
HP: 4
Medium humanoid, outsider subtype
Slow speed: 20 ft base speed
Dark vision
Spell like ability: magic stone 1/day
Energy resistance: acid resistance 5
Earth affinity: Cha +2 with elemental earth magic
Language: common, Terran, homeworld
Another extra dimensional race. Superstition says insulting a oread will invoke the wrath of the planet. Unproven like the rest of the superstitions, but one doesn't want to test it out. Much like the dwarves, Oreads have an affinity to finding minerals, metal, and gemstone veins in mines, either planetary, lunar, or asteroid.

Ventnor |

+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis
HP: 4Darkvision
Spell like ability: Burning Hands 1/day
Energy Resistance: Resistance Fire 5
Fire Affinity: Cha +2 fire for elemental Fire bloodline for spellcasting
Languages: Common, Ignan, HomeworldBackstory: Obviously extra dimensional, even with the affects of the Gap it's a safe bet Elemental Plane of Fire. Their affinity with fire doesn't help much either. Ifirts occupy quite a bit of roles deemed unsavoury to most people, such as bounty hunting, snuggling, and assassination.
Fire affinity doesn’t really do anything, since there are no bloodline classes in Starfinder.

Ventnor |

This is a conversion thread. Just provided the base line from Pathfinder.
But the conversion of other Pathfinder races to Starfinder don’t give them features that don’t do anything.
For example, Starfinder dwarves don’t get proficiency in dwarven waraxes, since those don’t exist in Starfinder.