Evan Tarlton |

I'm quite happy with it. Well, most of it. Ending on a cliffhanger without a guaranteed second season is just cruel.
I know it's probably a sign of faith that there would be a second season, but still... cruel.

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I've been enjoying it. I like how the story has been modified from the original series (i.e. Voltron + robeast not in every episode, flying castle/spaceship, princess not a lion pilot, etc.) to keep it interesting for me. I just wish they would've moved the story at a bit quicker pace, but that's just me. :)

jemstone |

Given the great character development and the attempt to make this new Voltron an homage to the original Go Lion as well as the Americanized Voltron, I'm pretty happy with the Princess not (yet?) being a Paladin. In fact, I kind of like the fact that she isn't. I like her as the commander of the team and the master of the castle...
Even if the mice were a bit much.
So speaking of Paladins. That Black Paladin reveal. I have to admit that I called it about halfway through the season, and I was NOT disappointed.
Well, not with Zarkon being the Black Paladin. I was a little irritated that they once again went with the overused trope of "Well, see, the Big Bad was once our ally, and we really should tell you, but, uh, we're not going to do that even though it makes sense!."
But, whaddya gonna do?
Also, how about that Pidge, eh?
Raise your hand if the Princess/Her Father's Ghost moment broke your heart.
Oh - if you guys really want a second season, binge it regularly. Netflix does monitor rewatch numbers.

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Just finished watching the last episode. Must have been really into it since it seemed to end so abruptly... "Oh noes, we're in trouble!"... cut to end credits.
I do like the fact that they fought only 2 "ro-beasts" the entire season, and the castle is a frigging SPACESHIP! The Arus is not the center of the war campaign! lol

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Still a little goofy, but much better than I expected.
I liked that Pidge is a girl this time (and was disappointed that it was an all boy Paladin team until the reveal).
Holy hell, the Princess is some kind of space chameleon incredible hulk!
So glad we've moved away from the whole 'less than a minute left of the episode, BLAZING SWORD!' formula.
I know some of those soldiers are supposed to be robots, but it sure seems like a lot of Galran's are getting straight up killed here.
It is strongly hinted that Zarkon may have been the original Black Paladin, or at the very least has the Paladin's Bayard.
Speaking of Zarkon, OMG is he some kind of mythic space martial? He solo'd a god damned Lion!
I dig Haggar and her druids. Very much a marriage of science and magic there.

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First one had a energy ball that he could fire and partially control midair with his right arm, and he had to recharge it every 3 hits. Looked like a humanoid something. Was made from a gladiator that Shiro beat while he was imprisoned.
Second had a lot of eye that he could shoot beams out of. In the end this guy they couldn't beat and a sort of Deus Ex Machina had to help them. Looked like a huge antropomorphic geco. Was made from some sort of lizard creature.