Wellness Check on ZombieNeighbours?

Off-Topic Discussions

Hi folks,

Some of us (the people who've been following ZN's Cyberpunk 2020 recruitment thread, mostly) have noticed that it's been over a month since ZN posted anything here on the boards.

Given that he was about to start a game, did not make an "I'll be out for a while" post, has not checked in with anyone, and isn't answering PM's, it's easy to see why we're worried. And not just because of the game, though I'm sure you see that.

Does anyone here on the boards know ZN personally?

Does anyone live in the general ZN area, and are they able to help make a wellness check?

ZN's a good person and a good presence on the boards, and I'd really like to make sure that nothing bad has happened.

Paizo community, would you be of assistance, please?

Thank you kindly.

I do not know him personally, but I hope that he is alright. I doubt I live in his area.

I'm afraid I'm with Freehold here. With nothing in his(?) profile to indicate even the country he's in, much less the state, county, or city, there's not a lot I can do other than wish him well.

But I'll do that, because karma has a way of swinging around, and I have a bit to spare...

I believe he mentioned once in a thread that he didn't live in a great neighbourhood.

Based on previous posts over in the "Best System For Cyberpunk" thread, he's on GMT or close to it - I'm wanting to say he's in the UK, somewhere?

Have you tried asking in the United Nations Roll Call thread. There's a bunch of U.K. guys over there, maybe one of them lives in the hamlet next to the one that he's next to. :-)

Good luck! I hope he's well and just busy. :-)

Thanks, Captain Yesterday.

I've updated that thread with a request and a link to this one.

I hope you find him. :-)

The Exchange

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He does live here in the UK. I haven't heard from him for quite some time but I will try the email address I do have.

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Hi guys why do I feel like a douchebag right now. The facts is that I suffer from a truly epic case of depression. Due to a number of factors to numerious and boring to share, my depression flared shortly after setting up the CP game. I should have contacted you Jemstone (and the others)to let you know what was going on. Unfortunately one of the symptoms of my illness is a tenancy towards avoidance, AKA I flake.

I am currently at one of the lowest points I have been at in for sometime. It is the suck. However, Wintergreen's email found me, and gave me the kick up the arse I needed to stop myself from allowing the many and various weasels that live inside my skull from making me treat you guys like s++#.

So consider this a thank you for the concern and an apology for the fail. I will endevour to do better.

Thanks, Wintergreen much appreciated.

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Additionally, wintergreen. Thank you for taking the time to email me. It was very kind and decent of you.

Zombieneighbours wrote:

Hi guys why do I feel like a douchebag right now. The facts is that I suffer from a truly epic case of depression. Due to a number of factors to numerious and boring to share, my depression flared shortly after setting up the CP game. I should have contacted you Jemstone (and the others)to let you know what was going on. Unfortunately one of the symptoms of my illness is a tenancy towards avoidance, AKA I flake.

I am currently at one of the lowest points I have been at in for sometime. It is the suck. However, Wintergreen's email found me, and gave me the kick up the arse I needed to stop myself from allowing the many and various weasels that live inside my skull from making me treat you guys like s!$#.

So consider this a thank you for the concern and an apology for the fail. I will endevour to do better.

I, too, suffer from chronic depression. I feel you. I'm glad you're safe and it's good to see you're back with us.

Apologies aren't needed, for me. I get you, honestly. Be good to yourself, okay?

Ok Zombieneighbours, we will forgive you. After you suffer from 20 lashes with a wet spaghetti noodle!

Glad that you are ok. Depression does suck, but you have friends here.

Hooray! And there was much rejoicing!

(That you were found, not about the depression, silly!)

The Exchange

Really glad to hear from you ZN.

If anybody is interested, my girlfriend has recently set up this group on facebook:
neurodiverse pathfinders.

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Brain weasels suck. I'm glad you've reached out to folks when they offered a hand, Zombieneighbours—that's really one of the hardest parts.

I hardly know any of you here, but I am glad to read that you're (generally) OK, Zombieneighbours. Hope all improves.

Pro play, all. Much rejoicing, indeed. :)

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It's this kind of thread that keeps me coming back to these boards. Goldam this is a great community!

Zombieneighbours wrote:

Hi guys why do I feel like a douchebag right now. The facts is that I suffer from a truly epic case of depression. Due to a number of factors to numerious and boring to share, my depression flared shortly after setting up the CP game. I should have contacted you Jemstone (and the others)to let you know what was going on. Unfortunately one of the symptoms of my illness is a tenancy towards avoidance, AKA I flake.

I am currently at one of the lowest points I have been at in for sometime. It is the suck. However, Wintergreen's email found me, and gave me the kick up the arse I needed to stop myself from allowing the many and various weasels that live inside my skull from making me treat you guys like s+*~.

So consider this a thank you for the concern and an apology for the fail. I will endevour to do better.

I'm just glad to hear (okay, read) your voice (words). I hope that the fog lifts sometime soon.

Grand Lodge

I'm just glad you're still with us, ZN.

He lives!!

And it's a good thing too. You guys did not want to see Zombieneighbors 2.0.

Toes! Need toes!!

Glad you're back Zombieneighbors. :-)

Paizo Employee Developer

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It's threads like this one that make me very proud of our community.

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I'm sure no apologies are needed, ZN—it's not something you really had control over. Best of luck! :)

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks guys.

I had forgotten what a supportive and positive community this can be. I have spent far to much time in less pleasant waters of late. I think maybe I should confine most of my RPG related internet time to here for a while. You're just nicer people.

Dark Archive

Zombieneighbours wrote:

Thanks guys.

I had forgotten what a supportive and positive community this can be. I have spent far to much time in less pleasant waters of late. I think maybe I should confine most of my RPG related internet time to here for a while. You're just nicer people.

Lies! Lies and slander! For that you will suffer! ~goes off to plot my next evil plan of revenge against Zombieneighbours~

Paizo Employee Malaise-Inducement Construct

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Zombieneighbours wrote:
You're just nicer people.


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Cosmo's Slightly More Evil Twin wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
You're just nicer people.

Quiet you!

Did somebody say CyberPunk 2020? I am...interested...

Scarab Sages

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Scythia wrote:
I believe he mentioned once in a thread that he didn't live in a great neighbourhood.

So...Neighbors Ate Your Zombies?

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SHODAN wrote:
Did somebody say CyberPunk 2020? I am...interested...

Recruitment thread is over in the usual place. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No bloody crazy A.I.


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