Painlord |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hey All You Magnificent PFS Piddlespotters--
As most of you know, I believe PFS's core is a social community and so whether you can make it to Paizocon or not, I hope that you will participate. Those that are blessed enough too be able to attend, please contribute. To those who have questions, please ask them and we'll see what we can do to answer.
This is Tonya's first one as Paizo's Organzied Play Coordinator. I can't wait to see what she does.
In the past, we've detailed our games, our meets, our greets, and our beerings. There are some good memories stored up in the threads of yesterPFS:
2011 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery
2012 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery (w/Grand Convocation and massive Banquet spoilers)
2013 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery (w/GenCon Special Run)
2014 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery
2015 PFS PaizoCon Bloggery
For you attendees:
- Post about whom you've met and where they are from.
- Post about the games you're playing in, with whom, and fun details. (Avoid spoilers...and use spoiler tags if you're going to spoil!)
- Post about extraPFSular activities.
- Get others to share their feedback from PaizoCon.
- Post links to pictures and media.
- Post about neat characters you've played with.
- Post any cool 'tricks' you've learned.
- Post about the sessions and talks you've attended.
- Post about how awesome your judges have been and what things they did well. Heck, even thank them.
For you non-attendees:
- Tell us what sessions you want reports from;
- Questions you want us to ask and to whom;
- Things you want to know about;
- Give lip/guff/sass/snark to PFS board personalities you know (or don't...either way, sass is encouraged).
I, like usual, promise nothing...except that I'll be twisting some arms of people here to join me in describing their experience playing PFS this weekend and the people that make it happen.
Painlord |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Again, +1 to the location of this hotel. You can literally walk to it from the airport. There are some decent food options around as well depending on what you want (Taco Hell, Denny's, Dave Diner, 7/11, Mango Thai, & my new favorite, the Roaster all within easy walk).
I'll be playing a lot of the PF Adventure Card Game this convention when I'm not socializing or geeking out elsewhere.
Painlord's Schedule:
Friday, Morning/Day: Adventure Card Game.
Saturday, Morning/Day: Adventure Card Game.
Saturday, Evening: PaizoCon Preview Banquet.
Sunday, Morning: Adventure Card Game.
Sunday, Afternoon: Adventure Card Game: We Be Goblins!
Sunday, Evening: #7-98: Serpent's Ire (PaizoCon 2016 PFS Special)
Monday, Morning: Nothing probably.
Most people arrive on Thursday night and the PFS room has some pick up games going in the afternoon. The PFS was humming with VCs, VLs, and various Paizo staff setting up for tomorrow's activities. They had a VC gathering planned. I saw Tonya, but didn't have time to speak with her. I met Crispy3ed which was pretty sweet.
Saw rknop running a PFS game in the lobby. Rknop, you're a magnificent GMing god.
In short order I run into well known yahoos: Todd Freakin' Morgan, Bob J/TwilightKnight, Andrew Christian, Auke T, Nathan King, Trevor from WA, Micah the Musterer with his mighty axe of Mustering, John Compton, Rusty Ironpants, TOZ, JonChoi, and much more. I quickly meet Delight (from East TX) who informs me that I should I never forget her name, ever. Why?
Her: "Because how do you see?"
Painlord: "Huh?"
Her: "Because you need 'de-light'." Delight gestures dramatically to the lights.
Painlord: nodding, impressed "Yes, you're right, I won't forget."
I end up at dinner at the Roaster (they have a 10lb burger for $40 that has double patties, fried eyes, & a middle section of grilled cheese that if you can eat in 5 minutes, it's free) with some of the Minnesota crew (AJ, Silbeg/Jack, & Windy) and a couple of new friends. Sean from Australia & Kyle (MistaMoore) from LA.
See Majuba and Tim N. from the Wayfinder group having dinner at the Roaster as well.
On the way back, I see Dragnmoon again, this time with his nice wife, Donna.
More later.
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
RyanH |
Dotting... my son and I took a quick jaunt to Claim Jumper. Stocking up on a meal prior to four days of gaming without much schedule-time for food (well, except for the PaizoCon Banquet!)
Cool Trick: Carry snacks people! And Water!
We start bright and early tomorrow with The Blakros Connection.
Painlord |
Man, the pre-con night at the bar is something else. Everyone is pretty relaxed, including Paizo staff and it's just nice to hang and chat. I don't partake of the booze this night as it's just a nice time to be aware of what's going on.
We got tons of Paizo staff in house, just hanging and enjoying the calm before the hurricane.
A wild Thursty appeared.
Then, a less sober Thursty appeared.
No Kyle Baird...but I saw a black cat sniffing at it's own shadow as I was looking for him. That's an omen, I'm sure.
A ton of authors were around as well. Greg Vaughn enjoying time. Matt Goodall. Al Rigg & wife trained up from Cali after flying into SF from Down Under. Russ Nelson. Ryan C. & Alex A. from the Pathfinder podcasts.
John Compton, Bryan B, & longtime favorite Sarah B (from Idaho) had a nice discussion of politics, Trump, and the effects of fracking in ND.
Talking with Helen (Alistar's wife) about dog rescue (my work).
I go to bed at 11pmish, I don't want to lose too much sleep on the night before the con starts.
Mista Moore |
All the Minnesota peoples are asleep I lost at roshambo so I'll be forced to spoon with Ryan in our "queen-size" bed. Dehning pointed out to me the who's who at paizo at the hotel bar, pack of drunks if you ask me (not the paizo staff Jon and myself that is). Excited to play a retired scenario tomorrow afternoon with Mark Moreland(SP) gming. That being said my drink could use ice but I'm too lazy to walk down the hall and get it, dog gone-it in-room ice machines stat Hilton.
Rusty Ironpants RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I arrived at the Sea-Tac airport at around 10:00 am this morning. Met up with Chris Mabbutt, my VL from Denver and we shuttle over to the hotel. After checking into the hotel and chilling in our rooms for a bit, we head down to the hotel bar for lunch and a beer.
From 1:00 to 5:30 I run #7-19 The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghost as my 148th PFS table and my 5 Star qualifier game. The table is very fun (I think everyone had fun at least). At the table was (apologies for any miss-spellings).
Glen Shackleton, Andy Christian, Eric Brittain, Steven Schopenmeyer, David Montgomery, Caio Schmidt and Chris Mabbutt. There is a an intermission for cake provided by Jon Dehning and Tonya.
After that I attended the VC dinner (no spoilers, sorry) where the food was pretty amazing and I got to chat about writing Pathfinder Stuff with Owen KC Stephens.
After that I hung out in the bar for a while with Andy, and Dragnmoon and his lovely wife Jonna.
Now just posting this before bed and getting ready to run 3 games tomorrow.
WalterGM RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
A day late and a dollar short, as they say.
This is my 4th PaizoCon but the first one that I’m 100% HQ at, so it’ll be a new experience. Swung by yesterday around 2 PM with the intention of getting everything set up but lots of eager beaver PFS volunteers had beaten me to it! Did a mess of prep cutting instead (PFS #s, reporting sheets, gift certificates, fingers, faction cards, prices, cheese slices) before we had all the riff-raff kicked out for the super secret VC dinner and a movie.
Had an excellent time catching up at the dinner with Bob, Todd, Linda, Thursty, and more while eating way too much just the right amount of chili. The big news was that during Season 8 we’re going to find out [REDACTED and [REDACTED]!! Which is pretty awesome considering all the [REDACTED] going on--obviously. Spent some time after the dinner laminating the table numbers and finding out that Thursty is a massive Warhammer nerd. Swapped Dark Heresy stories for a bit before the laminator overheated and I decided to call it a night. I'll have to finish up those numbers today before slot #1 so you kids don’t get lost on your way to your table.
That’s about it! For anyone attending PFS in the main room today, try and be gentle to your orange-shirted HQ folks—for a few of them it’s their first time not GMing this year. And remember folks, when we ask for groups of six, five is not six :P
Kashka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The day started out well. Landed safely at the airport and got breakfast. Early checkin to the hotel was smooth while waiting for the rest of the Minnesota crew. The hot tub ain't bad and the 55 degree weather was nice.
Jon Dehning, Jack Brown, Ruan Bolduan and Keith Apperson finally arrived in the afternoon, we hit the liquor store and sat down with Sean Wellsmore for his 150th table! The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor at 7-8 with a crew of degenerates - THUNDERLIPS!, and Lady BroKahn, Lucious Lucius and the Calistrean Elektra, the Dhampir Marjenic (sp?) and the pirate monk Naerta and her ship of playrooms. He put us through a great fun game and nearly got two kills (Yay Riddtwhipple and breath of life scroll).
@Hmm's hug was delivered to Mr. Compton near the end of the game while we ran a little long.
Dinner at the Roaster with Painlord and the Minnesota transplant Kyle was good. Solid bbq joint.
Back to the hotel for a nightcap and a full night's sleep - the last and only for this weekend!
Silbeg |
After being told that our table of "asshats" wasn't too bad by Aussie Sean (at his five star table), most of us Minnesotans took it easy. Had some quick but interesting conversations wi Tonya, John Compton, and Thursty!
Discovered that the local 7-11 doesn't have distilled water, which might mean ranging out further.
Getting ready to grab some grub with the roomies, and then head over to play Gallowspire with Amanda Hamon Kunz.
Drogon Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds |
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
Scott Young Venture-Lieutenant, Canada—Manitoba |
Painlord |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
True Story: 3:54am
You know how sometimes you're in a strange bed in a strange hotel and you hear water dripping and you debate whether to get up and take care of it or not? And you debate falling back asleep and ignoring the drip? But in the back of your mind, there is a part of you that wonders *why* there is dripping water sounds when you're a conscious and thoughtful proponent of not wasting water (and from a drought state, no less)?
So I groggily get out of bed and stumble to the bathroom to fix what I done did. Thankfully, it was only the ceiling light fixture dripping water and not my own negligence. I turn to go back to bed, because I assume, in my sleepy state, that this is somewhat normal for some reason. Maybe this is how they do things in Seattle? Maybe the rain is really bad this time of year?
Then sanity kicks in and I think that bathroom light fixtures are probably not supposed to drip water. Upon closer inspection, there is quite a bit of water collecting. I call downstairs, they send someone up. Apparently, a pipe burst above me (and while it is tempting and probably correct to assume it's Thursty's fault, I won't), and they had fixed that.
So a guy came up and cleaned stuff up while I wondered if I'd be able to get back to sleep. Simple, quick, over and done. I wonder if I should have asked for compensation like a free breakfast or something. Meh. I didn't as it's not my style, but maybe I should have.
I was...but only after checking email and about 1/2 hour of tossing and turning. Ms. Painlord made the note that I wasn't chapping Baird enough and my first attempt was weak. She, like she always is, is right. But my intent wasn't to chap Baird, but to acknowledge that I wish he was here. Mostly I miss the yahoos who I saw in years past who aren't here now: Doug (name drop) Miles too. Baird. Others who I don't know if they are here yet. Mostly, PFS is a community and liked seeing and catching up with people year after year.
I like to chap people, but it's hard to find the right people to chap. Like, it's easy and fun to chap Thursty, because if I actually said something wrong and he was mad, I think the resolution might go like this:
Thursty: "Painlord, eh? I'm mad at you, eh, because of the things you said about my pet emu/moose/elk, eh."
Painlord: "Oh really?"
Painlord inside voice: He was sober enough to remember that?!
Thursty: "Yeah, eh. I'm going to do something aboooot that, eh."
Painlord: hands up defensively, thinking quickly: "Let me get you a beer and I'll listen to you talk about you for a bit. Then we're good, right?"
Thursty: "Oh Painlord, eh, you're the best, eh. I'm sorry I was ever mad at you, eh?"
Then I fell asleep.
* * *
This morning, I was up bright and early (700amish) to get showered and get to gaming. I walk by the registration area (at 730ish) and there is no line. No line at all. The Paizo team, once again, were getting people checked in as fast as they were showing up.
I continue walking to the breakfast area because I enjoy the booths they have, the coffee, and the breakfast. They have good chewy bagels that you can self toast and slather as you see fit. Fresh fruit. Some pastries.
Soon, I'll go check in and then go to the store to buy a pair of the new ACG class decks for my ACGing today.
* * *
Oh yeah, also saw Walt Sheppard yesterday. And met Angie from NYish area...she knows BigNorseWolf and claims he's a teddy bear in real life.
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
GM Lamplighter |
...she knows BigNorseWolf and claims he's a teddy bear in real life.
This is the biggest benefit of PaizoCon and like gatherings - meeting the people behind the forums. Behind our electronic masks it's all too easy to let decorum slip and forget there are people behind the other masks, too. I'm guilty of it for sure, so thanks for the reminder even though I have to miss PaizoCon this year.
Andrew Christian |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
So as I sit here eating breakfast before my morning lottery game, "Gallows of Madness" with Amanda Hamon-Kunz, I am again reminded how lucky I am. I have a wonderful wife, good job, I'm paid well, and I'm enjoying my favorite hobby here at Paizo Con with a bunch of other hooligan gamers. Life is good. Let the shenanigans commence!
Euan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks for doing this Painlord - and everyone else! I had a great time last year, and miss it already this year.
I have but one question, for anyone who can maybe help. Last year they did a bunch of really nice and helpful break-out sessions. One was talking about the PbP environment and their plans in particular.
It was an excellent session, and while they did not promise anything specific, there were vague broad suggestions that things would improve over time. "Lot's of stuff going on behind the scenes." we were told.
If anyone is going to that break-out this year, assuming they have it again, could you please make a report?
On the face of things, nothing has changed. There are things that have changed under the hood - I have no doubt they're working, but as I said last year, "Since I've been playing on the boards (started in June, 2011) we've gotten one thing. The strikeout."
I'd love to hear what, if anything, they're planning for this year. I suspect it's more of the same but I almost made the trip just to hear it from the horses mouth as it were. :)
Everyone have a GREAT time!
Preston Hudson Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane |
Paizocon 2016, the awesomeness has already started.
This is Paizocon number 4 for me (third as a volunteer). This time I am here with my wife Shelly and we, finally, convinced my 16 year old son Nathan to go this year.
Thursday: Got to meet up with the Pullman, WA group again. Always good to see them. Painlord stopped by, always a pleasure. Attended my first VC dinner (was promoted in November). It was a blast and played in a preview of the Mummy's Mask demo ran by Tanis with a couple of other Venture-Officers and Crystal Fraiser (sorry if I misspelled your last name).
Friday: Ran a couple more demos of Mummy's Mask and they were fun!! If you're at Paizocon, give it a go!!
Until next entry.
Todd Morgan |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
*A crumpled sheet of paper is located on the floor of the Grand Ballroom. Written upon it appear to be the scribblings of a madman.....*
....Prize list....
...GM boons....
...PFS Grand Convocation Scavenger Hunt boon.....
Painlord |
It's surprisingly nice and quiet in the PFS room. There are about 35 tables of PFS going on and another 7 or so of ACG. The big room is...uh...big and since it's not completely full, it's not too loud. People can talk without screaming which is a wonder and joy.
The HQ desk is well staffed by Todd Freakin' Morgan and his gang of orange cronies and yesmen. They are quick to offer help.
* * *
As many of you know, I'm a big fan of the Adventure Card Game. Recently after their work with Obsidian, Paizo released the ACG for IPad/Tablet. It's a damn good adaptation of the board/card game in digital form. I've played the heck out of it.
I spent the first slot reviewing the newly released Inquisitor deck, building a character for the Guild out of the 3 choices offered. I opted for Alahazra as the Oracle and Imrijka as the Inquisitor builds. I can't wait to test them out in the Wrath of the Righteous.
+1 to Tanis and Vic for being available to chat about the ACG. Tanis, in particular, *still* has a lot of passion and love for the game and her work. Talking to her is a blast because she cares and is happy to geek out.
In addition, Noah from Obsidian is here presumably to discuss the tablet version. I plan on hitting him up and asking him questions. Mostly because I've played the s@#@ out of the IPad version and have opinions.
* * *
11am: Starting Scenario 1-1A of the Wrath of the Righteous. We have an Ostog (barbarian) and Ramexes (oracle) and an Varril (squishy Inquis) and I'm going with my new Imrijka. I can't wait to misplay her all over the board.
Todd Morgan |
I know Painlord is definitely joking about the HQ staff comment, but if I could be serious for a moment, I am extremely appreciative of the work they have done already (and also to all the GMs and players that assisted with setup earlier). The PaizoCon HQ staff is a very experienced crew, comprised of individuals that have assisted with multiple PaizoCons in the past. Aside from Bob and I, they are all local players, GMs and VOs.
Your 2016 PaizoCon HQ staff is comprised of:
Bob Jonquet - co-lead
Todd Morgan - co-lead
Walter Sheppard - HQ volunteer
Melissa McCallum - HQ volunteer
Cameron Ackerman - HQ volunteer
Bobby Pepka - HQ volunteer
Steven Huffstutler - HQ volunteer
They are each a jack-of-all-trades and you'll see them rotating at the prize table, HQ table, walking around delivering GM packets or mustering players in the hallway.
We all hope you have a wonderful experience this PaizoCon!
Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Coordinator |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Heya! Typing live from the PFS room :)
The room is looking good. We have 33 tables of RPG and 5 tables of ACG going this morning. Queen Abrogail was seen earlier, roaming the room, observing her subjects. As we all survived her visit, I will take it that she was well pleased at what she saw!
For those onsite - check out the Grand Convocation Scavenger Boon. They are available from the PFS Prize Table. Participate in a delve, play a game of PFS Roleplaying Guild or Adventure Card Guild, visit one of our licensed partners, Join in on the Saturday Night trivia contest, or collect signatures of Paizo staff to get a reward for use in the Pathfinder Society!
Breaking News: Congratulations to Ray Diaz, our newest Campaign Service Coin recipient. He is number 755!!!!
Come say hi! I will post more updates throughout the weekend.
Preston Hudson Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane |
Chris Marsh Venture-Lieutenant, New Hampshire—Merrimack |
Jon Cary |
Our plans are pretty fluid. I have one lottery game on Sunday, so we're pretty open. After a night on Thursty's floor, we've had breakfast and wandered around. Delve with Cosmo and Compton. Visited with ReaperBrian. Catching up with friends. Best con ever! It's after noon so we should probably make our way to the liquor store...
TriOmegaZero |
One slot in and I've already had three games! :)
How you ask? I was in Belafon's table of Abducted in Aether, where I brough THE POWER OF THE EFREETI and mostly let Andy's gunslinger and the eidolon do all the work. Then I attended Rusty's 5-Star Qualifier table of Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts with my 4th level Freebooter Ranger in the 6-7 subtier and mostly gave out bonuses to hit and killed fog.
This morning I had my first run of The Consortium Compact and tried to kill Jon Dehning character. No success on that part.
Soon, after stuffing myself with tacos, I will learn what secrets James will give out about his super secret project. Huzzah!
Rembrandt Pussyhorse |
One slot in and I've already had three games! :)
How you ask? I was in Belafon's table of Abducted in Aether, where I brough THE POWER OF THE EFREETI and mostly let Andy's gunslinger and the eidolon do all the work. Then I attended Rusty's 5-Star Qualifier table of Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts with my 4th level Freebooter Ranger in the 6-7 subtier and mostly gave out bonuses to hit and killed fog.
This morning I had my first run of The Consortium Compact and tried to kill Jon Dehning character. No success on that part.
Soon, after stuffing myself with tacos, I will learn what secrets James will give out about his super secret project. Huzzah!
There was much war to be made. I was successful in waging what my God requires. Hail Szuriel, the Horsewoman of War.
MisterSlanky |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
All the Minnesota peoples are asleep I lost at roshambo so I'll be forced to spoon with Ryan in our "queen-size" bed. Dehning pointed out to me the who's who at paizo at the hotel bar, pack of drunks if you ask me (not the paizo staff Jon and myself that is). Excited to play a retired scenario tomorrow afternoon with Mark Moreland(SP) gming. That being said my drink could use ice but I'm too lazy to walk down the hall and get it, dog gone-it in-room ice machines stat Hilton.
I will point out you were true to your word. I did get spooned last night. Amongst other things we will not speak of.
WalterGM RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8 |
Shardra Earthvoice |
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:There was much war to be made. I was successful in waging what my God requires. Hail Szuriel, the Horsewoman of War.One slot in and I've already had three games! :)
How you ask? I was in Belafon's table of Abducted in Aether, where I brough THE POWER OF THE EFREETI and mostly let Andy's gunslinger and the eidolon do all the work. Then I attended Rusty's 5-Star Qualifier table of Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts with my 4th level Freebooter Ranger in the 6-7 subtier and mostly gave out bonuses to hit and killed fog.
This morning I had my first run of The Consortium Compact and tried to kill Jon Dehning character. No success on that part.
Soon, after stuffing myself with tacos, I will learn what secrets James will give out about his super secret project. Huzzah!
The POWAH of the EFFREETI was impressively awesome and well timed, which made several situations a lot more manageable.
You even held up under the constant barrage of Pathfinder munitions, Szuriel, which was rather exemplary given the circumstances. Thank you for your restraint... lesser agents would have lashed out blindly or accidentally sat on team-mates.
rknop |
Yeah, I was also one slot in and had GMed 3 games.... Shout out to folks in my 6 seconds game yesterday and my core Serpent's Rise last night; both were quite fun, and I have a much stronger appreciation for how creepy Joliryn is. Also had a good group at my Captive in Crystal table this morning. Queen Abrogail visited, and only condemned one or two of us to die, so we got off easy.
Friday afternoon, time to take a nap.....!
Eliandra Giltessan |
11am: Starting Scenario 1-1A of the Wrath of the Righteous. We have an Ostog (barbarian) and Ramexes (oracle) and an Varril (squishy Inquis) and I'm going with my new Imrijka. I can't wait to misplay her all over the board.
Hey, Varril was not the squishiest person at that table. That honor goes to Ostog. But it was a good game. We won and no one died.
Been running Mummy's Mask demos this afternoon. It's promising to be a great ACG box!
Preston Hudson Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane |
Well after a bit of running around to get my wife's phone fixed (had to go with a wireless charging solution), I am taking a break before the return to the ACG tables this evening. Grabbed my Inquisitor class deck and dual deck box for both the Inquisitor and Alchemist decks.
Looking forward to see what is in store for tonight.
Painlord |
Yeah, I'm still liking the ACG Guild. I've played Season of the Righteous scenarios 1-1A, 1-1B, & 1-1C with my new Inquisitor. Had fun playing her, only mostly made a lot of mistakes in my intro runs.
All my games have been 4 players (a sweeter spot than playing with 5 or 6) and, for the most part, today has been mostly reintroducing the game to new and returning players. Most players are initially confused about rules and routines in their play.
I may finish up the season tonight or tomorrow.
* * *
Saw Jon Cary and his wife, Jenny. Good peeps.
Dinners get with Andrew Christian, Rusty Ironpants, & Auke. The burger in the bar is pretty good.
Got a hug from Thursty. I don't think he's mad at me (yet).
* * *
Sadly, I missed some of the cooler seminars that happened today, mostly importantly the diversity seminar. If anyone could post about that, it would be appreciated.