Civil War


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Liberty's Edge

Just blew me away. Marvel do such an amazing job of blending action, comedy and emotion.

Absolutely awesome.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yep, high recommendation from me, too. Already saw it twice.

Liberty's Edge

Can't wait to see it! Marvel does a great job indeed with these movies!

... wait, release date is 6th May. Early review parties?

JamZilla wrote:

Just blew me away. Marvel do such an amazing job of blending action, comedy and emotion.

Absolutely awesome.

Same directors that made Winter Soldier gives me high hopes. Glad that the preliminaries are resoundingly positive!

Silver Crusade

If our friends are overseas, they got to see it a week before us. Can't wait to see Civil War myself. Taking the fam to see it in theaters.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Yes, for example: In Finland it came out last wednesday. And yes, it is pretty much the best out of MCU so far.

Liberty's Edge

Yep it released in international markets already. I am in the UK for example.

No spoilers of course, but I was so impressed with how they - Marvel and the Russo brothers in particular - are able to give every character their moments to shine. My friends and I came out of the theatre and none of us had the same favourite moment because there was so many awesome ones to choose from!

Scarab Sages

Since Civil War has began across the Globe, I'm moving my boxofficemojo analysis of this year's comic relevant movies here from the BvS thread.

First off, Civil War seems to have had a pretty good weekend in it's infant stages of its staggered release schedule, pulling in over $200M outside of the "n/a" US. In the back of my mind, I see this "Euro First" strategy as a hype machine that Disney is revving to 11 to entice folks to the US cinema this weekend, but still a pretty strong showing for a narrow release weekend.

BvS continues its creeping along, earning a stronger than I anticipated 3.8M this weekend domestically. US figures are still well below Deadpool's, but a 325M local take isn't anything to be disappointed about over a six weekend screen time. International figures give us another 537M to bring its overall total up to 862M. A big note, however, is the deep drop off on foreign numbers. This weekend only saw 7M overseas, as the 50% drop per week starts to hit its strong international appeal. 10M overall for the week. Still showed on over 2000 screens domestically.

Deadpool is still kicking, pulling in almost half a million domestically, and keeping its domestic lead a strong 36M+ over BvS. The Jungle Book (not a comic movie, but added bc of a discussion on the BvS thread) pulled in a commanding 42M this weekend, bringing its domestic up to 252M (only 70M short of BvS, mind you) and has an international total of 432M bringing it up to 684M. It has a chance to beat Deadpool, but likely won't touch BvS's overall.

Putting some numbers into perspective, Civil War, in just one narrow release weekend, has already earned near a 1/4 of the take that BvS has. If we get a 200M weekend in the US and a 200M weekend internationally, which I don't see as a big issue whatsoever, we'll be looking at Jungle Book's 2 week numbers in 1 weekend, and probably overtaking Deadpool's overall next weekend. BvS is just a matter of 1 more weekend past that, and Civil War is likely going to try shooting for TFA's Billion.

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I think that the Captain America movies are the best out of the MCU though, especially Winter Solider.

Liberty's Edge

I think releasing their movies in smaller markets generates an amazing amount of hype in readiness for the two biggest markets - domestic US and China.

Based on the amazing critic and audience reviews, as well as the numbers already generated internationally, I think it's safe to say Civil War will make $550m in the US (in fact I think that's slightly conservative).

Add in $150m from China and $30m from Russia then yeah I can easily see CW reach the $1b mark with additional international revenue.

The other big thing it has in it's favour is Spiderman. I think word of mouth is going to spread over his role and just how good the character is in this movie (no spoilers) and that character alone is probably worth about $100m all told for this movie.

Liberty's Edge

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I loved it and was really impressed with how well they managed to give everyone screen time.

Minor Gripes:
I would have liked Scott's explanation for joining the team. I was shocked when he casually agreed to participating in something that would make him a fugitive again.

Ironman flipping out at the end seemed a bit forced. Ironman's known for being narcissistic and an egomaniac but he's also usually pragmatic and logical. He knows Bucky was programmed for the hit.

Saw it. It felt cluttered, with so many side characters. True, you did have a chance of keeping track of them, but it took a lot of energy. The final showdown felt forced. Other than that, I suppose it was fun. Avengers was far better.

Quite good, much better than A:AoU. Larger cast but better handled. Spidey was great (and looks like an actual teenager!), Black Panther was awesome (I'm really hyped for his movie now), and both sides of the disagreement were generally handled well.

The bad: the first fight suffered from ridiculously bad shaky-cam and poor editing. I could barely watch it. Some characters have little to no presence or are generally just annoying, like Hawkeye and Vision (I forget they exist when they aren't on screen and wish them off-screen when they are).

The meh: the guys supposed to be in charge of oversight seemed stupid and needlessly vindictive, and really did nothing to sell Tony's position, even if I agree with it. A few weird things like why are German police operating in Romania, and how does the world expect to keep tabs on and control someone like Thor. A lot of the action was would have been pretty damn good but was marred by excessive shaky-cam (though it got better as the movie wore on).
The fact that this is billed as a CA movie, when Cap really is only half the story. It would have been better to just call this Marvel's Civil War and make a proper CA movie later.

The good: great action here and there when not so shaky, an amazing villain who comes off as far more effective and competent than just about any other in the MCU given what he had to work with, and an excellent introduction of Spidey and BP. Most importantly, Tony and Cap really sell their respective positions and motivation, both essentially having good reasons and motivations and being a bit too stubborn to properly work with the other. The teams respect and care about the opposition even if they disagree, which was to my mind key to making this plot work. Sure, the final showdown was maybe a bit forced but they had built up to it during the movie and given what everyone involved had gone through recently it wasn't entirely out of character.
Oh, and did I mention SM and BP were great?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The one thing which bugs me is that Tony Stark is the one pushing the registration thing on everybody and nobody thinks to mention that he is the one responsible for Ultron and so maybe is emotionally compromised when making this decision.

@Bjorn: That guy is Thunderbolt Ross. "Needlessly vindictive" is kind of is defining character trait.

I personally don't feel that the final showdown felt forced. Tony has been shown to have issues with his parents death for some time now. Seeing their death of the hand of the guy who did it (even though he was mindcontrolled), together with the recent stress of seeing his best friend get paralyzed and all the other crap going down... I can see how he snapped. Stress accumulates, after all and this was a film about human reactions to bad s$%$ happening.

I saw it, thought that most of the people pushing the registration were absolute IDIOTS. I mean, these people wouldn't listen for a second!

It's like remove brain and be stupid, which kind of annoyed me.


For starters, the second the UN finds out that the sponsor of the Bill, Wakanda, were actually NOT signing up their superhero guy, aka...faking it...I'd imagine half the nations would rebel and nullify the accords as they were deceived. In fact, any nation would probably ask why Wakanda was wanting everyone BUT THEIR GUY to sign the accords.

That should have killed the accords almost instantly when that was discovered, and that entire thing flushed down the toilet.

Next, That they made Black Panther so narrow minded that he didn't exhibit any of the brilliant intelligence he has in the comics. He, of any of them, should have put two and two together and started to figure something else was up before he did.

Things like that made me shake my head in disgust at one of the sides in Civil War. You'd think it was manned by idiots rather than people thinking about what they were doing.

Otherwise, it was fun overall. I liked Ant-man's surprise, and enjoyed the parts with spiderkid...and the others.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

On New York:

When they're setting up the reasons for the act and show New York being trashed with Hulk breaking a few buildings here and there, why didn't anyone go ":Ahem: Looks like much less damage than, oh, I don't know, nuclear frickin bombs. Am I right?"

On stealing the Quinjet:

Didn't Tony Stark create the Quinjet? Wouldn't he, maybe, I don't know, have built in overrides he could access with his suit?

Wouldn't that mean he could basically have shut down the plane instead of chasing it?

I really, really enjoyed the movie, but those were a few snarky thoughts I had on the way home.

The action was great, the acting terrific, and the fun of the mid-game fight alone was more than worth the price of admission.

Our villain was, indeed, one of the best/most brilliant (and successful!) MCU villain to date.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I liked it.

Among other things... it serves as a sort of origin movie for Black Panther. Complaints that he's not as "brilliantly intelligent" as he is in the comics/spinoff media miss the fact that he's emotionally compromised for the entire run of the movie, and eventually realizes it and almost immediately does better.

That said...

1.In the opening fight with Crossbones... where the hell was Vision? I ask because for a guy with no outside life, cold judgment, and phenomenal power, he sure found the right mission to take a powder on.

2. Bucky is the new Forrest Gump: Secretly behind or involved in everything.

3. Sure, Hawkeye will come out of retirement... and Scott Lang will get involved. Sure.

4. Nothing like mixing light-hearted quips into a fight where people normally on the same side are trading blows with potentially fatal consequences.

The villain... was it ever explained how and why he knew what he did to start with? I feel there is a pretty big plot hole there. The key scene there is far from common knowledge, right?

In CA: Winter Soldier the Black Widow dumped all the SHIELD/Hydra files on-line by the end of the movie, so as to reveal Hydra's presence to the entire world. Anyone, including the villain behind CA: Civil War, could have snapped them up. He did admit that de-crypting them was extremely difficult, but that's how he got the info that he needed for the events of CA: Civil War.

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Bellona wrote:
In CA: Winter Soldier the Black Widow dumped all the SHIELD/Hydra files on-line by the end of the movie, so as to reveal Hydra's presence to the entire world. Anyone, including the villain behind CA: Civil War, could have snapped them up. He did admit that de-crypting them was extremely difficult, but that's how he got the info that he needed for the events of CA: Civil War.

Yeah that was pretty clearly explained in the movie. I dont know how people missed that. The fact that he was looking for something ANYTHING he could use against the AVENGERS was crucial. Obsession married with desire for revenge is a powerful motivator.

The central motivation and emotional center for more than a few in the characters in this movie are GUILT & REVENGE.

When Zemo is talking to T'challa at the end telling him why he did what he did you know he's CLEARLY motivated by revenge but there's something in his delivery that makes it seem that he feels guilty for not having been there and not having died along with them. It's important at this point that he's telling this to T'challa because he knows that he can more than relate.

magnuskn wrote:

@Bjorn: That guy is Thunderbolt Ross. "Needlessly vindictive" is kind of is defining character trait.

I recognized the name, I just thought that whoever put him in charge really didn't do their homework. If you want the Avengers to go along with some international oversight, perhaps it would be best to have someone a bit more sympathetic and not have it in for one of your most volatile and dangerous members be in charge.

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magnuskn wrote:

I personally don't feel that the final showdown felt forced. Tony has been shown to have issues with his parents death for some time now. Seeing their death of the hand of the guy who did it (even though he was mindcontrolled), together with the recent stress of seeing his best friend get paralyzed and all the other crap going down... I can see how he snapped. Stress accumulates, after all and this was a film about human reactions to bad s++! happening.


Seriously. I dont know how people can watch these movies and not pick up on these things about the characters. Tony Stark's ENTIRE ARC in the first movie is driven by guilt and the need to make recompense for things that he's done. Ho Yinsen dies to buy Tony time to boot up the mark I armor. That affects him GREATLY. He's never had to process those feelings before because I dont think that he's ever processed losing his parents.

Which is why when we meet him at the beginning of IRON MAN he's pretty much a drunken playboy who takes almost nothing but engineering seriously.

When he sees his tech being used by terrorists IN THE FIRST MOVIE and how it affects people who cant defend themselves against it that drives him to keep his tech out the wrong hands (i.e. all hands but his own).

By the start of IRON MAN 3 he's pretty clearly suffering from PTSD not from the ground battle in the battle of NY itself but from what he saw when he flew through that wormhole (and almost dying). Almost every action he's taken since then has been in preparation to protect the things that matter the most to him, Pepper, his friends and oh yeah...THE EARTH. He LITERALLY talks about creating a suit of armor around the earth at some point in AGE OF ULTRON.

Tony is a logical man but if anyone who has been watching these damn movies for the past NINE YEARS, he's clearly driven by both OBSESSION and EMOTION.

CIVIL WAR Spoiler:
So yes he knows that Winter Soldier was following his programming. But it still doesn't change that this guy MURDERED HIS PARENTS. And it doesn't make it easier that he's WATCHING THE VIDEO OF HIM DOING IT. HE never processed that loss. This movie has one of the most earned climaxes of any of the Marvel films out there. It's less a bombastic epic climax than an emotional one where everyone has an understandable reason for acting the way that they do. If everything was solved by logical decision making you wouldn't have a story. Well not a story and characters that I'd be invested in. Geez.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

@Bjorn: That guy is Thunderbolt Ross. "Needlessly vindictive" is kind of is defining character trait.

I recognized the name, I just thought that whoever put him in charge really didn't do their homework. If you want the Avengers to go along with some international oversight, perhaps it would be best to have someone a bit more sympathetic and not have it in for one of your most volatile and dangerous members be in charge.

No they DID their homework. The overall point is that The Avengers needed to be reined IN. You don't send some one is perceived as sympathetic to them to do that. You send someone in who gives ZERO F**KS about how they feel about it and someone that the Avengers knows will hunt them down to the last man to keep them in line.

Your not looking at cat wrangling. Youre looking at hundreds of thousands of human lives and BILLIONS in property damage. Youre looking at an ENTIRE COUNTRY that doesnt exist anymore because of Tony Stark's obsession with trying to proactively protect everyone.

So send in someone EXACTLY like Thunderbolt Ross.

Who proceeds to alienate half of them right out of the gate, do all he can to make sure no one wants to change their mind in favor of oversight and tries to drive those on his side away.

Scarab Sages

The movie was pretty great. 8.5

Crossbones battle was bad visually. Airport fight was fun but ultimately could have served with a 2 or 3 on 3 not a 12 melee. The final act was perfect, Tonys rage and grief is everything right with the rest of his films. I wish BP was a bit less omg revenge the majority of the fims, but it wasn't a bad intro for him.

Also Tom Holland nailed Spider-Man. Perfect.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Who proceeds to alienate half of them right out of the gate, do all he can to make sure no one wants to change their mind in favor of oversight and tries to drive those on his side away.

I'm not sure of what movie you were watching but Cap, Wanda and Falcon weren't alienated by Ross, they were alienated by THE IDEA he presented. He wasn't there to convince them, he was there to tell them that this thing was happening with or without their approval. The film was very clear on that point.

With certain things there's no amount of sugar coating or diplomacy that's going to make people that strong willed go against what they feel is their own interest.

Ross drove no one away from his side because they agreed with, again, THE IDEA.

Ross is very direct in his delivery. But he wasnt wrong. He had a mandate and he was simply giving them notice.

Agreed that Holland nailed Spider Man. The two spoilers at the end were nice.

My thoughts with spoilers (including Ant Man spoilers... just in case)


1: Iron Man Vs. Cap at the end. Cap showed mercy, showing he understood Tony's feelings. I truly thought that Cap would die given the lasers in concrete blocks above him.

2: Scott Lang in Avengers, spoiler also for ant man it's one of the end scenes where they find out Falcon was looking for him. Lang actually LIKES Falcon and obviously likes Cap. Help Captain America? Yep. That's a good idea.

3: My original prediction, which was NOT posted, was the slaughter at the farm and Cap's death would occur. I was pleased with how they handled Civil War without either of those. If Cap had died, I would have guessed he would be raised when Infinity Gauntlet happened.

4: Bucky's involvement with many of Hydra's events really made me happy. Oddly, I was not upset by Nemo shooting (and killing) the extra winter soldiers. One less danger, honestly.

5: Zemo, as a villain, was wonderful. He did a good job of turning the heroes inward, which will play very well into Infinity Gauntlet, giving Thanos the upper hand initially. He planned, he played them against themselves, and fear was the motivation. Sadly, I don't see him as having the resources for half of what he did, so there's a plot hole here somewhere.

6: I'm glad the New Warriors were not involved. I was glad to see the Raft, but who the heck is on the raft other than the Avengers in the movie? This is where I get confused.

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Well, the comic version of Civil War was an awful travesty. It was what got me to stop reading Marvel comics. Let us just be glad they chose something entirely different.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, when I first heard the MCU was planning on a Civil War movie, my initial thought was, 'Whelp, it was fun while it lasted'; fully expecting it to be the movie that finally killed the franchise.
Glad to hear the movie writers/directors managed to do a better job.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Darkmeer wrote:

Agreed that Holland nailed Spider Man. The two spoilers at the end were nice.

My thoughts with spoilers (including Ant Man spoilers... just in case)

** spoiler omitted **

I think the villains that are still alive could be there....mainly the Hulk's villains Abomination and Leader. Possibly some of those gifted folks from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I hoped for some cameos or shout-outs to some old school villains though.

I just have to add again that I think RDJ was on the top of his game in this movie in terms of acting. The end fight alone was build up beautifully.

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Rosgakori wrote:
Darkmeer wrote:

Agreed that Holland nailed Spider Man. The two spoilers at the end were nice.

My thoughts with spoilers (including Ant Man spoilers... just in case)

** spoiler omitted **

I think the villains that are still alive could be there....mainly the Hulk's villains Abomination and Leader. Possibly some of those gifted folks from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I hoped for some cameos or shout-outs to some old school villains though.

I just have to add again that I think RDJ was on the top of his game in this movie in terms of acting. The end fight alone was build up beautifully.

I agreed. RDJ did a great job of handling the very mentally scarred Tony Stark. The entire situation with Tony made perfect sense.

I'll add that Chris Evans did a phenomenal job as Cap (again). He hits that "good guy doing the right thing" idea in my mind very well. The entire situation made perfect sense.

As to Black Panther

I think that, since he is primarily an Internal warrior, generally outside of international affairs, I think he's a non-issue for the accords, except in the case of his hunting of Bucky.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Enjoyed the movie immensely. Gotta say, that one of my favorite moments was a small one. Not sure of this threads policy on spoilers so I'll be on the safe side.

The scene where Peter is about to explain how he got his powers and is cut off before he can get started. It made me laugh, as I (and I doubt I'm alone) have seen Spiderman's origins about a billion times. It would make me laugh if in his own movie every time he tries to explain what happens he gets cut off.

Scarab Sages

My favorite spider man part is how Tony talks about how Peters aunt is a hottie, and tomei, as always, doesn't disappoint.

Scarab Sages

Also when she was cast, folks were complaining about her age. I don't think it's an issue as I'm 31 and my aunt is only 2 years older than tomei...

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I really enjoyed it the movie and was extremely glad that time was spent building up each characters reaction to events to avoid making it feel forced. Sure there's a lot of moments where the arguments felt really really weak to logic, but most of those were emotional arguments which by and large tend to be.

Minor Spoiler:
The woman whose son died in Sokovia (and Zemo to) argument that somehow the death was the Avengers fault should really have to tell all the people who were saved that their son (wife and child) are more important then everyone else before getting up on a high horse.

And I had one minor complaint regarding the sheer improbability of:

Where did Zemo get that footage of Bucky killing Tony's parents from? No really, the assassination is done on the road in a forest. What's the camera even doing there? I mean this is in 1991! And the camera has like three different angles and manages to somehow perfectly capture everything. And the tape somehow survived being shot. And for some reason wasn't destroyed by Bucky afterwards to ensure secrecy. And was somehow located by Zemo.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Well, when Stark first saw the video, he said "I know that road". I assumed that it was thus part of or near to the Starks' home, which might justify the presence of additional security cameras in the area.

Those kind of cameras usually don't record locally (at least in movies), they're connected or broadcast to a local security station where the recording is captured. So shooting the camera wouldn't damage the tape.

As for where Zemo's got it, they show the bunker's records room in the film, and in it a box labeled with that mission's date. I assume Zemo got it from there.

Shadow Lodge

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Sissyl wrote:
Well, the comic version of Civil War was an awful travesty. It was what got me to stop reading Marvel comics. Let us just be glad they chose something entirely different.


Purely a matter of opinion, but I thought Civil War was an amazing series.

archmagi1 wrote:

BvS continues its creeping along, earning a stronger than I anticipated 3.8M this weekend domestically. US figures are still well below Deadpool's, but a 325M local take isn't anything to be disappointed about over a six weekend screen time. International figures give us another 537M to bring its overall total up to 862M. A big note, however, is the deep drop off on foreign numbers.

"Deep drop" is kind of that movie's box office slogan, though. :P

I haven't heard much good about the comic series (my understanding is that the writers seriously disagreed about who the bad guys were, which ended up sort of creating this very discordant tone). I also didn't love Winter Soldier (I thought it was okay, but maybe a bit preachy, and with a questionable moral). But I have high hopes for Civil War.

Shadow Lodge

Saw it last night, and I liked it. It had a few problems, but still well worth it, and I'll probably go see it again. Watched it in 4D, which was pretty cool, though for this one there where a lot of parts where the 3D aspects I think hurt the experience more than helped. While there are not too many of them, many of the more important parts of the movie are very fast paced, and 3D tends to have problems with that. The 4DX parts though are great.

I liked and I didn't like how Sharon's speech borrowed so heavily from the comic book's major Captain America Civil War speech, as it sort of deprived Cap one of his really iconic moments and roles.

I also felt the whole scene where they are sitting at the table with "Thunderbolt" to see all of their past "failures" was really poorly done. I mean the most common sense counters where sort of ignored:

*Ok, so next time an alien fleet out of nowhere attacks, we will just sit back and let them. Yah, that's what I thought.
*Oh, the UN had a plan B for a surprise All-Life-On-The-Planet ending comet. If we would have known we would have taken a step back and let you handle it. I guess you where so good, we didn't even see you. . .
*Um, . . . my own Twin Brother died there too.
*Wait, didn't YOU GUYS sort of cause the Hulk. And that other Hulk, too?
*So, um, where exactly are they. You just said that if you lost two nuclear warheads, there would be some questions and oversight. So where exactly are the Hulk and Thor. Yah, that's what I thought. . .
*I tried and failed. I didn't have time to think or plan, I reacted. But next time, I will totally just let that bomb go off and kill Captain America, and you know the entire crowded street at street level in the middle of a market. . . Yah, it would have probably collapsed that entire building instead of just hit the corner area or two floors, but you are totally right. Would have been better all around if we wouldn't even have been there, with the whole biological weapon and poison gas that would have killed your police team and escaped into the population.
I get it, needed to be crammed into a single movie and set up, it just seemed like it lacked the "umph" from the comics, and was too thin. I did think it was a bit odd tat they didn't mention the events in Thor 2 as one of the causes, at least to remind the viewers it happened too, but it might have been cut short by the conversation.

All in all, it just came off as a really weak and forced position. I was also a little annoyed that so few folks, (and this might have been done to make it all fit into a 2hr movie), trusted Cap, who is generally seen as nearly beyond reproach.

I think I loved Ant-Man a lot more in this movie that I thought I would. Hawkeye and Wanda where fantastic as well.

I also have to agree that Tony, even snapping, just felt really odd that he would react how he did with Bucky.

He knows that that guy hiding behind the blast wall is intentionally trying to push his buttons, is in a lab that literally stores people who are woken up and mind controlled against their will, and Bucky was one of those, and he knows, first hand now, that everything Bucky/Winter Soldier did was because he was forced to by someone else. Thin, but it might have been more acceptable it Tony was not otherwise so calm and collected during the fight, (for instance swapping tactics to analyze Cap's fighting style, saying stay down so the fight would be over).

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It's funny, because I've heard from others who thought that Stark actually had the better case and Cap was the one who needed more time to justify his side. There's always going to be an ideological split in how we view this story, I think. Hopefully the movie does a better job of portraying both worldviews than I understand the comics did.

Shadow Lodge

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
It's funny, because I've heard from others who thought that Stark actually had the better case and Cap was the one who needed more time to justify his side. There's always going to be an ideological split in how we view this story, I think. Hopefully the movie does a better job of portraying both worldviews than I understand the comics did.

I actually felt that way, too. Mostly because a lot of the grounds that Cap had from the comic didn't really apply here. In the comic, it was about the Registratin Act (from the X-Men, expanded to all "superheroes" world wide, and part of it was that they had to publicly unmask, which to many meant that not only where they putting themselves (their normal identity) at risk, but also their friends and family), and there where cases where some of the villains did get their revenge on family members, or they themselves got attacked in the streets once the world knew who they where.

In the movie, at least from what we are show, public opinion, as well as that of the government comes off as much more single minded, while in the comics it was much more divided. We do get some of it from the other movies, Avengers.

other cool things I liked
Part of Cap's Speech

Great visual that made it into the film.

Cap was kind of thrust into it part 1

Cap was kind of thrust into it part 2

I also thought it was a little bit weird that the UN would

confiscate Cap America's Shield and uniform, but especially the Falcon's gear, which is established as the last surviving version of the US Air Force's "aircraft" technology, and the US has no problem with that. Even Warmachine, a military rep on the ground doesn't even bother to consider it.

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I actually hated the Civil War comic. It's a prime example of a writer writing all of the characters in "his" voice instead of the voices of the characters.

Maria Hill, as brash, no nonsense and insubordinate as she is would never disrespect Cap like the way she does in Civil War. She would have done what she needed to do without question but the way she responds to Cap verbally? nah.

Millar's writing was at his absolute worst in that book. It's the only Marvel event that I dont have in trade form, which is how much I loathe it. Oddly enough the other stories AROUND the main conflict are pretty decent especially what was going on in New Avengers at the time. Also Christos Gage's Casualties of War, his Civil War one-shot has a conversation between Cap and Tony that should have been IN THE MAIN STORY. It effectively explains WHY Tony was acting with such urgency to get everyone on board with registration. Tony's dickish behavior on the other had was entirely Millar's doing because that's just how he writes almost all of his characters. UGH.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
ShinHakkaider wrote:
Millar's writing was at his absolute worst in that book. It's the only Marvel event that I dont have in trade form, which is how much I loathe it. Oddly enough the other stories AROUND the main conflict are pretty decent especially what was going on in New Avengers at the time. Also Christos Gage's Casualties of War, his Civil War one-shot has a conversation between Cap and Tony that should have been IN THE MAIN STORY. It effectively explains WHY Tony was acting with such urgency to get everyone on board with registration. Tony's dickish behavior on the other had was entirely Millar's doing because that's just how he writes almost all of his characters. UGH.

In support of ShinHakkaider's point, an entirely screen-cap re-write.

Although I have to admit, upon re-reading, I could have wished the misogyny was toned-down, or better yet not used at all.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I wish there had been a bit more detail about the accords. Was it Avenger specific laws only? Or just for the individual team members? Did they apply to other enhanced beings, who exist in the MCU, such as Ant-Man, Spidey, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, the Agents of Shield secret warriors, the other inhumans? Hard to know how this impacts the rest of the MCU.

Just watched it a few hours ago. I enjoyed it, fun movie.

Saw it today, it was great. There was applause in the theater when


Scott Lang became Giant-Man

Grand Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was so glad they kept that under wraps in the trailers. It was a genuinely pleasant surprise.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am surprised that no-one pointed out the rather large plot hole.

Namely that the world's best assassin did not disable that camera before attacking.

Remember, his orders were "no witnesses." The camera counts as a witness.

Correction: Anzyr did see it, but came to a different conclusion.


the camera was placed there by the people he worked for and he wouldn't have cared?

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