Gen Con 2016 Scenario List Out Yet?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 1/5

I have looked for a list of scenarios to expect at Gen Con this year in PFS and have been unable to find it. The list was posted in February last year. Is it out yet somewhere else in the message boards? Thank you!

Grand Lodge 2/5

I've been wondering this too

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

next week maybe?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I believe one of the VCs said they were aiming to have the schedule out by May 15th

Scarab Sages 1/5

Disk Elemental wrote:
I believe one of the VCs said they were aiming to have the schedule out by May 15th

I hope not since event registration begins at noon on May 15. Definitely need it sooner.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Well, I'm sure once the catalog comes out we'll see what's being run. :) That usually comes out the week before I believe.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Well, I'm sure once the catalog comes out we'll see what's being run. :) That usually comes out the week before I believe.

I would have to guess that given the well-oiled machine that is campaign management, the scenarios are already chosen. It sure would make for an easy PFS blog post . . . practically writes itself . . . cough cough . . .

Plus, makes it easier for the planners to get ready for registration, which is only a couple weeks away. Personally, I have a gaming group with eight members that tries to coordinate as many overlapping PFS scenarios as possible, in addition to new games, classic games, and dealer room time at Gencon. Nice lunches are optional. Personal hygiene is not. But none of it happens without a quad-colored spreadsheet laid out by the groups' anal retentive planner. In at least three dimensions. I think the one last year used four. Somehow.

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 c4b9

Event book will be released on May 6.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Captain Tally-Ho! wrote: c4b9

Event book will be released on May 6.

Thanks Cap, but the link was a dead link. What was there?

I saw that the GenCon event schedule is coming out May 6 at noon, which is very exciting. However, that is about four months later than Paizo has regularly released the scenario list for GenCon. Therefore, I was wondering if the info was either already out there or available before the GenCon event release.

Thank you for your response!


Grand Lodge

Akeela Valerian, the Wolf wrote:
Captain Tally-Ho! wrote: c4b9

Event book will be released on May 6.

Thanks Cap, but the link was a dead link. What was there?

I saw that the GenCon event schedule is coming out May 6 at noon, which is very exciting. However, that is about four months later than Paizo has regularly released the scenario list for GenCon. Therefore, I was wondering if the info was either already out there or available before the GenCon event release.

Thank you for your response!


For some reason the link adds a space before the last 4 characters. I believe it's the same announcement from Gencon about the May 6th catalog release date say you saw.

Grand Lodge 5/5

If the list it out before events on Gencon's site, all is fine.

If they don't...

...and youre asking because you are a GM, just figure out which slots you don't want to run in cause of other events at the con, and contact Bahb or Tonya (though to be fair, its likely to late to change. This was something you probably would have needed to specify when you first applied to be a GM at Gencon).

...and youre asking cause you don't know what you want to play, then:
1. Almost always, all scenarios offered at Gencon are offered in all slots, aside from the ones in which there are Specials being run. So you would just need to work around whichever Specials you wanted to play.
2. If its the same as last year, there will be a Special on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights, and one Sunday morning. That said, I don't think that's the case this year, but that's probably not the case. I don't know what or how many they are doing this year.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
godsDMit wrote:

2. If its the same as last year, there will be a Special on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights, and one Sunday morning. That said, I don't think that's the case this year, but that's probably not the case. I don't know what or how many they are doing this year.

I'm not an 'insider' by any means, but if I remember the feedback and brief discussion hinted at from last year, four was way too much and everyone was fried from it?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Pretty sure that during the Know Direction podcast Tonya and John were on a while back, they said we were going to be getting one fewer special this year. I believe they said we're getting one interactive (or multi-table or whatever you want to call it), Serpent's Ire (the successor to Serpent's Rise), and one more special-type thingy. I think. Wouldn't be the first time I'd misremembered something.

Edit: I just remembered hearing that they were talking about also having some tables of Serpent's Rise available at Gencon.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I expect the Gen Con schedule will have the same short blurbs (200 characters or less) that are going in the printed program, but to ensure your curiosity doesn't gnaw a hole through you, we're including full descriptions of those remaining events as part of Monday's blog.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
godsDMit wrote:

2. If its the same as last year, there will be a Special on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights, and one Sunday morning. That said, I don't think that's the case this year, but that's probably not the case. I don't know what or how many they are doing this year.
I'm not an 'insider' by any means, but if I remember the feedback and brief discussion hinted at from last year, four was way too much and everyone was fried from it?

I stepped down from being a VC back in January, and I haven't been following PFS announcements as thoroughly since then, so to be honest, I know the answer (I think), but I don't remember when or where or from who I heard it, and it might be NDA covered, so Im not gonna share it, sorry. :P

Maybe someone else who knows the answer and knows if its NDA covered or not will share, though. :)

Grand Lodge 2/5

godsDMit wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
godsDMit wrote:

2. If its the same as last year, there will be a Special on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights, and one Sunday morning. That said, I don't think that's the case this year, but that's probably not the case. I don't know what or how many they are doing this year.
I'm not an 'insider' by any means, but if I remember the feedback and brief discussion hinted at from last year, four was way too much and everyone was fried from it?

I stepped down from being a VC back in January, and I haven't been following PFS announcements as thoroughly since then, so to be honest, I know the answer (I think), but I don't remember when or where or from who I heard it, and it might be NDA covered, so Im not gonna share it, sorry. :P

Maybe someone else who knows the answer and knows if its NDA covered or not will share, though. :)

This thread has been on the front page since it was made. If someone definitively knew the answer and was allowed to tell us, it would've been posted by now. Or even better yet, John would've just said as much instead of saying "we'll tell you on Monday."

Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

claudekennilol wrote:
godsDMit wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
godsDMit wrote:

2. If its the same as last year, there will be a Special on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights, and one Sunday morning. That said, I don't think that's the case this year, but that's probably not the case. I don't know what or how many they are doing this year.
I'm not an 'insider' by any means, but if I remember the feedback and brief discussion hinted at from last year, four was way too much and everyone was fried from it?

I stepped down from being a VC back in January, and I haven't been following PFS announcements as thoroughly since then, so to be honest, I know the answer (I think), but I don't remember when or where or from who I heard it, and it might be NDA covered, so Im not gonna share it, sorry. :P

Maybe someone else who knows the answer and knows if its NDA covered or not will share, though. :)

This thread has been on the front page since it was made. If someone definitively knew the answer and was allowed to tell us, it would've been posted by now. Or even better yet, John would've just said as much instead of saying "we'll tell you on Monday."

I follow your logic, claudekennilol, though in this case I think you've drawn an incorrect conclusion based on the discussion here. I certainly could have been less cryptic, as Tonya and I first discussed the Gen Con schedule during Know Direction podcast interview around a month ago. It's public information.

There are three special events planned for Gen Con. One is #7–98: Serpents' Ire, a pregenerated character special written by me to follow-up on the events of Serpents Rise; this debuts at PaizoCon, appears at a limited number of conventions, and will run at Gen Con. It's also worth noting that we have some tables scheduled of #6–98: Serpents Rise early at Gen Con so that anyone who missed the chance to place the first part can do so before sitting down to the spiritual sequel.

We have a second pregenerated character adventure written by Linda Zayas-Palmer called #7–99: Through Maelstrom Rift. We haven't said much more beyond that, but you'll be seeing more details in the coming days. This debuts at Gen Con.

The other is a multi-table interactive adventure called #Pathfinder Society Special #8–00: The Cosmic Captive, written by Matt Duval. Again, I don't believe we've said much more about it yet, but details are on their way. This debuts at Gen Con.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The GenCon event schedule is up. Easy link to a PFS filter. You can see what is scheduled for when, and read short blurbs there.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Texas—Austin

Will GM's be getting their slot assignments soon then?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Partizanski wrote:
Will GM's be getting their slot assignments soon then?

I'm working on it as we speak and hope to have it out before open registration goes live

Grand Lodge 2/5

John Compton wrote:

I follow your logic, claudekennilol, though in this case I think you've drawn an incorrect conclusion based on the discussion here. I certainly could have been less cryptic, as Tonya and I first discussed the Gen Con schedule during Know Direction podcast interview around a month ago. It's public information.

There are three special events planned for Gen Con. One is #7–98: Serpents' Ire, a pregenerated character special written by me to follow-up on the events of Serpents Rise; this debuts at PaizoCon, appears at a limited number of conventions, and will run at Gen Con. It's also worth noting that we have some tables scheduled of #6–98: Serpents Rise early at Gen Con so that anyone who missed the chance to place the first part can do so before sitting down to the spiritual sequel.

We have a second pregenerated character adventure written by Linda Zayas-Palmer called #7–99: Through Maelstrom Rift. We haven't said much more beyond that, but you'll be seeing more details in the coming days. This debuts at Gen Con.

The other is a multi-table interactive adventure called #Pathfinder Society Special #8–00: The Cosmic Captive, written by Matt Duval. Again, I don't believe we've said much more about it yet, but details are on their way. This debuts at Gen Con.

Thanks for the update. I was aware of the general info given during the podcast, but I didn't remember the information being this specific (which is at least the kind of answer I was hoping for when I saw this topic). I'm sure the blog on Monday will fill in the rest of the details.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Looking at the description for 7-21 it says it says level 1-5.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I see the Specials for every night will begin at 800p now instead of 700p. Does that mean they will still end by midnight?

The Exchange 4/5

nogoodscallywag wrote:
I see the Specials for every night will begin at 800p now instead of 700p. Does that mean they will still end by midnight?

1AM I believe is the new time.

Grand Lodge 3/5

wow, that really means no 800am games now!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Gary Bush wrote:
Looking at the description for 7-21 it says it says level 1-5.

I think I was having a blonde moment....

The Exchange 4/5

Depends on whom you be, as for me, I told them two slots a day I would GM. I cant do the none to little sleep anymore.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Jeff Morse wrote:
Depends on whom you be, as for me, I told them two slots a day I would GM. I cant do the none to little sleep anymore.

This is part of the reason why Kristen and I have asked for mornings off from HQing last year and this year.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

nogoodscallywag wrote:
wow, that really means no 800am games now!

Yes there are 8 am games.

8am, 2pm and 8 pm start times i believe.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

joe kirner wrote:
nogoodscallywag wrote:
wow, that really means no 800am games now!

Yes there are 8 am games.

8am, 2pm and 8 pm start times i believe.

I believe they are saying that being up until 1am precludes them from playing in 8am games

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Based on A LOT of feedback on slot lengths, having enough time to run properly, etc. the decision was made to extend the slot times slightly.

    AM slot is 8am-1pm
    MID slot is 2pm-7pm
    PM slot is 8pm-1am

This should allow a bit more time to experience the scenario, complete paperwork, clean up/clear the table for the next slot, and set up at a new table, as well as providing time to grab food, use the restroom, etc. Yes, it might mean a tad less sleep for some, but we hope it will improve the gaming experience overall. Depending on how the specials are written and presented, we may not need to be in the room until 1am, but we wanted to be prepared nonetheless.

If this schedule works, it could appear again at future events. If not, we can always go back the previous format. As always, your feedback after GenCon will be valuable in helping us decide what changes, if any need to be made to improve the experience for GenCon 2017.


What about Scheduling for the HQ volunteers? Are you the one handling that as well Bob?

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

I find that most people wanting to play 7pm games don't show up for 8am games. So moving them to 8 pm doesn't do anything for most people except give them more time to enjoy the game and time for food in between.

Seems like an awesome fix, and I just learned of it in this thread.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Casien wrote:
What about Scheduling for the HQ volunteers? Are you the one handling that as well Bob?

No. That's Jon Cary, I believe.

4/5 ****

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Based on A LOT of feedback on slot lengths, having enough time to run properly, etc. the decision was made to extend the slot times slightly.

    AM slot is 8am-1pm
    MID slot is 2pm-7pm
    PM slot is 8pm-1am

Personally I'm not particularly fond of the new schedule. I am however strongly in favor of trying new things like this to see if they work better.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Based on A LOT of feedback on slot lengths, having enough time to run properly, etc. the decision was made to extend the slot times slightly.

    AM slot is 8am-1pm
    MID slot is 2pm-7pm
    PM slot is 8pm-1am

This should allow a bit more time to experience the scenario, complete paperwork, clean up/clear the table for the next slot, and set up at a new table, as well as providing time to grab food, use the restroom, etc. Yes, it might mean a tad less sleep for some, but we hope it will improve the gaming experience overall. Depending on how the specials are written and presented, we may not need to be in the room until 1am, but we wanted to be prepared nonetheless.

I'm simply not able to play until 1:00a and be back by 730a to play again later in the morning :( I've got a drive of about 45 minutes each way. That's OK though, we'll see how the 800pm start time works out, should give us a bit more time to eat and see other things. I'm ok with it. Especially when the Specials (more on this below) always seemed crammed and hurried to start (didn't really start until 730 or so anyway) and finished hurriedly, too.

The lack of previous season scenarios this year is again disappointing for those of us who are not able to play elsewhere. Also, a special each night using pregens really cuts down character leveling. I know we still get credit for it, but that's one adventure without our own character. Add all 3 nights and Sunday, and that's an entire level +1 XP. A lot when the cap for play is pretty much 12-13. On the other hand, it does let us experience a new class we may not have played otherwise, and perhaps even take some risks we wouldn't have otherwise taken.


nogoodscallywag wrote:
The lack of previous season scenarios this year is again disappointing for those of us who are not able to play elsewhere. Also, a special each night using pregens really cuts down character leveling. I know we still get credit for it, but that's one adventure without our own character. Add all 3 nights and Sunday, and that's an entire level +1 XP. A lot when the cap for play is pretty much 12-13. On the other hand, it does let us experience a new class we may not have played otherwise, and perhaps even take some risks we wouldn't have otherwise taken.

Although, with the new slow-progression rules, you can gain 2 XP for those four sessions and still play two more sessions with that PC before hitting a full-level and you don't have to play games making sure that you start the con at exactly Level*3 XP.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

At this time, we are in need of more GMs for GenCon. If you already volunteered and would like to add more slots to your schedule, please email me directly and I can upgrade your status. If you are not a current volunteer, but would like to join the fun, please head over the Gen Con 2016 Call for Volunteers and follow the instructions. There is an online form to complete.

We do have a few more hotel spots available if you upgrade to a tier 1/2.

Any GM willing to take on more slots than what they originally volunteered for is much appreciated. Our intention was not to schedule GMs for more than 8 slots, but if you really want to run the entire show, please let me know.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Based on A LOT of feedback on slot lengths, having enough time to run properly, etc. the decision was made to extend the slot times slightly.

    AM slot is 8am-1pm
    MID slot is 2pm-7pm
    PM slot is 8pm-1am

You mean shorten? :P

Gen Con 2016 Call for Volunteers! wrote:
    Morning 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM
    Afternoon 1:30 PM to 7:00 PM
    Evening 7:30 PM to 1:30 AM

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Mike Bramnik wrote:
You mean shorten? :P

My list is the actual slot times as they apply to the players and was in response to comments above. I was attempting to shed some light on why the slot times are extended this year.

The second list you quoted includes the early arrival expectation for volunteers. GMs need to arrive early to set up and be ready to run their slot.

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