Magic Beans!!

Homebrew and House Rules

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288: An unremarkable brown satchel appears filled with light, soft, brightly colored balls. These balls are so light that they can only be thrown 15 feet before they start taking range penalties, and cannot deal any damage of any kind no matter how hard you throw them.

However should you yell the name of select spells in common loudly while throwing the ball, the spell effect will occur (at caster level 10) wherever the ball may hit. When used in this manner, the ball is destroyed. Use Spellcraft to identify the spell each ball contains.

Roll 1d4 per color to determine the number of balls in the satchel.
Red: Fireball
Yellow: Lightning Blot
Green: Acid Arrow

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289. A pod grows up. Inside the bean pod is a Potion of Youth. One dose of the potion takes off 10 years of your appearance and make you feel ten years younger (in other words, your actual age is 10 years less). A new dose appears in the pod every 5 days. The limit the potion can take off or reverse is 18 years old.

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289a. A certain subset of the Potion of Youth beans have mutated so that they no longer have the lower limit. When overdosing on the potions from these (which is easy to do because the potions act slowly), you can un-age to negative ages, requiring a truly bizarre quest to get you back.

The Exchange

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290: A beggar who's actually a shape-changed demon.
291. A woman who's actually a shape-changed harpy.
292. A highwayman attempting to return stolen valuables to the guy he stole them from.
293. A giant magical glowing rock. It hums louder when a bomb.
294. A rift to another dimension.
295. A pile of dead bodies arranged in a pentagram and with ever-burning magical flames licking them.
296. An illusion of a ten mile deep chasm stretching to the horizon.
297. A toll booth requiring all magic items be surrendered to enter the country.
298. A goblin warrior proclaiming himself the "King of Thieves". He carries a dagger and can whip the party's ass.
299. A lake of molten lava.
300. An archway that calls a 10d6 lightning bolt whenever passed under or around.
301. A massive hedge maze, invulnerable, cast by a nearby mad enchanter.
302. The villain of the adventure en-route to another evil deed.
303. An army camps here.
304. A strange, glowing magical fog.
305. A fifty way intersection marked with bad directions to odd locations.
306. A deserted city made completely of glass which appears out of nowhere in the middle of fog.
307. A parasitic dimensional traveler who will accompany the PCs until attaching to one and sucking his life out. Any attempt to remove him will harm the character he's attached to.
308. A company of knights on a quest which turns out to be hunting the PCs down for a crime they didn't know they committed. The knights don't recognize them and insist they join the 'noble quest' to capture the 'evil criminals'.
309. A mysterious cloaked and hooded stranger who pitches over dead at the character's feet before he can do anything.
310. A beat up princess screaming and fleeing a fire rhino ridden by a knight in molten armor.
311. A tyrannosaurus rex chasing down a triceratops.
312. A chest lies forgotten in the middle of the road. Inside is a cursed magical artifact or treasure best left untouched.
313. A skeleton lies at one side of the path. It shakes it's head as if to say 'don't go this way' when someone tries to head north.
314. A band of 20 storm giants who are incredibly stupid and bad at math. When they capture travelers they can be 'paid off' for 1 copper coin a head.
315. Part of the road turns to quicksand and pitches the party to the bottom of a 1,000 level dungeon before sealing up over top of them. The mad laughter of their most hated enemy echoes magically in their ears.
216. A peasant demands the party accompany him and listen to his tales of pigs. If any refuse he becomes enraged and whips the whole party's butt.
317. A thief runs by holding an overflowing magical bag of at least 250,000 gp. Seconds later what appears to be every magical law enforcer in the universe comes yelling by while screaming: "He went that way!"
318. A magical floating Inn owned by a halfling named "Weird Joe" who attempts to sell the PCs fire wine which is literally 99% alcohol on fire.
319. A rainbow bridge to some weird magical dimension.
320. A wagon stuck in the mud. Anyone who helps out learns the wagon is carrying bricks of gold on their secret mission to ransom a prince. The wagon driver gives several bricks to the party for their help in the mission.
321. A tank rolls by and fires a shell at a space fighter. Several seconds later everything appears normal and they're both gone.
322. A woodsman asks for directions to an old woman's cottage so he can attack a Werewolf.
323. A vampire with an umbrella runs past screaming his head off about forgetting his sun tan lotion.
324. A landmine.
325. A merchant who follows you everywhere insisting he was going that way anyway and tries to sell you stuff.
326. A really annoying bard who insists on joining the party.
327. A magical river of energy bisects the road in which undead ghosts scream as if in mortal agony.
328. A crashed alien spaceship has struck near the highway.
329. One copper coin lying on the ground. What luck!
330. A dead magic user clutches a scroll in his stiff hand. It says something very important...
331. Several chariots blow by screaming after a large wild boar "In the name of the Prince!"
332. A time rift appears to another timeline.
333. A portal opens and 1d20 demons spring out. The leader says, "This isn't the slave city?" Then they grab the PCs as a substitute.
334. A tree falls over on the road. Then a fireball blows up the tree. It appears druids and fire wizards have started a war here with the road and the party of characters in the middle.
335. An annoying writer shows up and tries to sell the party his book. He proclaims it the, "Most awesome best thing since Swiss Bread."
336. A sundial is in the middle of the road. When turned it turns the entire globe except for the sundial with a great shaking noise. A large voice says "Oops" and the sundial disappears.
337. The road ends with...nothingness. What happened here? How can the PCs still make it to their doughnut shop/destination?
338. A crazed halfling, starved out of his mind, attacks the party and rips their packs apart with his teeth in search of food. He cannot be fought or the party will be severely beat up in his hunger-maddened state.

Not sure if all of this counts, found it on some random RPG site.

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Theliah Strongarm wrote:

290: A beggar who's actually a shape-changed demon.

291. A woman who's actually a shape-changed harpy.
292. A highwayman attempting to return stolen valuables to the guy he stole them from.
293. A giant magical glowing rock. It hums louder when a bomb.
294. A rift to another dimension.
295. A pile of dead bodies arranged in a pentagram and with ever-burning magical flames licking them.
296. An illusion of a ten mile deep chasm stretching to the horizon.
297. A toll booth requiring all magic items be surrendered to enter the country.
298. A goblin warrior proclaiming himself the "King of Thieves". He carries a dagger and can whip the party's ass.

There you go again. Success is never guaranteed.

A goblin warrior proclaiming himself the "King of Thieves". He carries a dagger and can whip the party's ass, unless the GM rolls a lot of 1s.

Besides, the party might not have a donkey.

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Theliah Strongarm wrote:

{. . .}

302. The villain of the adventure en-route to another evil deed.
{. . .}

When confronted by the party, the villain blurts out "BUT . . . BUT . . . BUT . . . I was over there!" (Points to a nearby evil-looking castle, then runs over to look in, but as the Villain is about to look in the door . . .) "No -- I better not look. I just might be in there."

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339. Roll three times on this table and draw a triangle between those three points. The bean equals the area of the triangle.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
339. Roll three times on this table and draw a triangle between those three points. The bean equals the area of the triangle.

In area?

How do any of these bean results equal a point in space?
Is this some gordian knot that you posted because you are about to junk your computer and go full Amish?

The Beardinator wrote:
Like...San Francisco Smog Cloud?

SF fog dates back into the 1700s, several ships wrecked there as it was being settled. Friends dove one just north of the bay beck in 1970s. Long ago 'souvenir looted. Only the ballast stones were left.

Federal time if you go there now.

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340: A fist sized crystal appears. Whenever a living creature touches this crystal, it will play music rather loudly. The song it plays is always different from creature to creature, but is always somehow appropriate.

example: if picked up by a dwarven miner, something like this may be heard.

Volvagnos wrote:

340: A fist sized crystal appears. Whenever a living creature touches this crystal, it will play music rather loudly. The song it plays is always different from creature to creature, but is always somehow appropriate.

example: if picked up by a dwarven miner, something like this may be heard.

A musical stone of destiny. Nice!

The Exchange

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341: A gun. (A mwk blunderbuss)
342: A Blundering (-2 Dex and Dex related stuff) Blunderbuss.

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343: Once the bean is planted, a green suit of power armour grows from it.

Keep them coming! Keep this Kudzu vine growing!

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344: You become aware that the act of planting the bean somehow halved the remaining lifespan of the universe.

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345: Your character is specially cursed. Anyone who begs or even asks you for money gets hit in the head by a falling gold brick. It does 6D6 damage, reflex save for 3D6. If the person avoids the bludgeoning damage, anyone with better initiative can grab it. Each person can be so bludgeoned only once a day. I think a 500GPV brick should do the job.:)

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346: Instead of a beanstalk, it's a gigantic cornstalk that grows, so gigantic that the Green Giant will step out of it when it ripens

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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347: The planter must make a DC 25 Will save or be cursed. The planter must answer any question with a question until the curse is lifted.

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^This could have an interesting effect if two planters of #347 meet up after being thus cursed . . . .

The Exchange

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348: A kudzu vine.
349: A bean of eternal youth. Your character never dies.

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350: a kind old man comes out of the ground and insists that he his your step father, and just wants to spend time with you

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350a. A terrifying eldritch warrior in black armor and with a mask completely covering his face comes out of the ground, attacks you, forces you onto a bridge to nowhere over an abyss, hacks off your weapon-wielding hand, and insists that he is your father . . . .

UnArcaneElection wrote:

350a. A terrifying eldritch warrior in black armor and with a mask completely covering his face comes out of the ground, attacks you, forces you onto a bridge to nowhere over an abyss, hacks off your weapon-wielding hand, and insists that he is your father . . . .

Only do this to the killjoy he refused to create a backstory!

Grand Lodge

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Wait, this is still going on?

351: You may cast Speak With Animals 3/day

352: You MUST cast Speak With Animals 3/day. Every day you do not cast speak with animals and proceed to speak to at least one animal with said spell, you must make a DC 18 fortitude save or gain one permanent negative level. Going one week without losing a level reduces the amount of Speak With Animals you must cast per day by one (week one is 2/day, week two is 1/day). On the third week, you no longer need to cast Speak With Animals.

353: You gain another nose next to your nose. Noseless characters gain a nose. +2 on scent based perception.

354: Your unarmed strikes now resolve as touch attacks, but deal two die sizes less damage. Your fists are covered in green vines that lash out at enemies.

Grand Lodge

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Goth Guru wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

350a. A terrifying eldritch warrior in black armor and with a mask completely covering his face comes out of the ground, attacks you, forces you onto a bridge to nowhere over an abyss, hacks off your weapon-wielding hand, and insists that he is your father . . . .

Only do this to the killjoy he refused to create a backstory!

Come to think of it, this doesn't have to be restricted to killjoys who refuse to create a backstory -- you just have to work harder to drive the others crazy.

Note that it is technically possible for bean #350a to come up more than once . . . including in #355.

Grand Lodge

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356: Once planted, the bean grows into a tree that bears a single fist shaped fruit that tastes horrible. This fruit permanently grants whomever consumes the entire fruit the feat Improved Unarmed Strike. Should the consumer already have that feat, they instead get a Style feat randomly determined by the GM.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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357: A geyser of coffee erupts from the ground and lasts 2d12 hours. Any who drink from it become immune to sleep for 6d6 hours, but become jittery and suffer -1 on Dexterity-based skill checks.

I wonder why none of the Paizo staffers haven't weighed in.

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Plausible deniability?

Grand Lodge

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358: The nearest corpse on the surface of the planet that the bean is planted on becomes a plague zombie.

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359: The planter begins bleeding profusely from the eyes. Aside from the mess, this is not debilitating in any way. The effect lasts indefinitely, and upon death passes to the nearest living humanoid with eyes.

The afflicted may spend a feat to learn how to squirt blood at creatures' eyes, as a touch attack with a range of 30 ft. A creature hit is blinded until it takes a move action to wipe off the blood.

Also, you can supply any blood mages or vampires in the party.:)


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360:A wooden alter grows. It's trimmed with vines and leaves. Any metal weapon placed there rusts away to nothing and is replaced by a wooden club with a constant shillelagh spell on it. A metal shield or buckler is replaced with a hardwood tower shield. This works once per person, per day.

The Exchange

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361: Every character in the party (including NPCs, if any) must succeed at a DC 20 Will saving throw. On a failed save, that member of the party becomes extremely ugly and warty, and hair grows in profuse on his/her face. The character is blinded until he spends 5 rounds shaving off the hair of his face.

362: As soon as the bean touches the earth, it poofs into a life-sized replica of the last person to touch the bean, naked and with a ridiculous grin on its face. The body is entirely inert and despite its realistic appearance, is made of plastic.

Cellulose plastic of course.:)

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363. The bean grows into a tree made of bone. This tree is permanent, & cannot be destroyed. Every day, the tree spawns 1d10 skeletons, & a graveknight.

Grand Lodge

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364: The bean grows into a cup that can produce an infinite amount of salt, but only if the salt is scooped out from the cup (turning the cup upside down does not do anything).

365: One year passes immediately. Hilarity ensues.

Grand Lodge

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366: The planter gains a fear of beans. This functions as per the Phobia insanity, and cannot be cured by anything short of a miracle, wish, or divine intervention.

Grand Lodge

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367: A holy avenger grows, but GOOD characters that touch it gain negative levels.

368: The bean rises up out of the ground and begins glowing, as per the light spell, with a couple exceptions.

1) the light counts as natural sunlight for the purposes of harming creatures and growing plants.

2) the light cannot be extinguished by anything short of a miracle or wish (though covering it in many layers of fabric or other such material still works to dampen the light).

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369: Once planted the bean immediately explodes out of the ground, transforms into a strange looking mask, and wraps itself around the head of the person who planted it. This mask can only be removed by a Remove Curse spell or a similar effect. Once removed, the bean mask is destroyed.

Characters wearing a bean mask will have their natural ability to see or smell blocked and will lose any Sight or Scent abilities. They will gain Blindsight (30 ft) instead. The mask will also provide enough food, water, and air for the wearer to survive.

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370: A grape vine grows up with ordinary grapes and 2 masks. The masks are wooden coated with white paint. One is the mask of tragedy, that provides the wearer with the full benefits of an oracle curse if they have the appropriate curse. Thus if they are blind they gain the oracle curse of clouded vision instead and all levels count. The mask of comedy provides the spells hideous laughter, rage, and confusion once a day each as gaze attacks at the minimum level.

Grand Lodge

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371: The planter is affected by Insanity as per the spell, but only when someone around them farts.

Grand Lodge

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372: the bean grows into a small booklet that functions as a codex of the infinite planes, but only weighs 1/2 a pound. Sadly, the compression of all of this magical energy increases the DC of any spell effects created by the book that apply to the caster 10 higher.

Grand Lodge

373: The Terrasque awakens in the demiplane of intelligent cats. Only the planter knows of the feline's plight!

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