Pizza Lord |
423. A large bean stalk grows about 8 feet to 10 feet into the air. It bends and whips around slowly at first, like it was in a breeze (assuming it isn't). After a few rounds, the motion becomes more pronounced, like the wind was building. After a few more rounds, anyone nearby actually hears the wind and the beanstalk starts coiling and uncoiling until it finally bursts apart into a tornado that rises hundreds of feet into the air. Unless it picks up lots of dirt, dust, or other debris to form a typical dark funnel, it has a vaguely greenish hue because its mostly comprised of beans; a funnel full of beans (mostly lima beans, but it can be a mix of others). Treat this as an ordinary, natural tornado that will pick up creatures, objects, and anything else it can, but any damage dealt by the tornado to creatures caught within is only half lethal and half non-lethal, somehow the beans are just all over the place cushioning any major damage from other debris (falling damage from getting flung out of the tornado is normal).
Once its devastation ends, the area might be greatly damaged, but of course, any fields or viable lands will be well-sown with beans in the immediate future.
If this bean was planted underground, a blast of hurricane force wind appears from nowhere instead and blows a howling gale of beans-filled fury down any nearby passages (approximately 500 feet). This will extinguish unprotected (and some protected) flames and might blast down any doors and leaves [ordinary] beans everywhere.
424. A column of searing fire springs from the ground and rises 12 feet into the air. The upper half appears to be the planter's torso, head, and arms. It gestures dramatically around and occasionally points at creatures nearby while bellowing in thunderous and commanding tones in Common or its planter's predominantly used language. It says things like, "Be in awe of me!", "Fear my wrath!", or "I. AM. MIGHTY!". It makes an Intimidate check against any non-allies of the planter within 60 feet (if they can see it). Its Intimidate modifier is equal to the planter's, but it counts as a Large creature and always has at a least a +1 Charisma modifier if the planter's is lower. Most animals will flee or avoid the area unless handled or controlled. Additionally, the column gives off waves of heat in all directions around it as a wall of fire (CL 10). Standing within the column deals damage as passing through a wall of fire each round. Anything that can dispel or end a wall of fire can dispel the column, otherwise it lasts for 10 rounds.
If the ceiling above is too low for the full-size column of flame, the area is just filled with a column of flame for the duration.
Senko |
425: A gleaming golden bean grows on a stalk. If eaten there is a 50% chance the person eating it will be transported to a realm where their deepest desires will be granted. There is also a 50% chance each of their limbs, their head and their body will be transported to different realms. This does not kill them.
Pizza Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
426. a giant slug grows from the ground and attacks any enemies of the planter in the area. It is not under any control and will mill about the area (sliming things up) unless attacked, in which case it defends itself. It cannot be dispelled, but vanishes after 1 hour or if slain.
427. A random wooden wand with 25 charges grows from the ground. The command word is written in Sylvan along its length.
428. The Beardinator's second-most loved bean effect occurs.
Rwbywhistler138 |
Wolfsnap wrote:3. In the morning, the entire area in a 1 mile radius from where you planted the bean is covered with a Fog Cloud.Likes regular hydro Cloud or San Francisco Smog Cloud?
I don't see this working because the effects of the beans happens after 1 minute. Though it is a good idea for smoke after 1 minute.
Goth Guru |
A tree emerges from the ground, over the course of a week it continues to grow, and plant life gradually withers and dies within 1 mile, as per the witch's blight hex. At the end of a week the tree stands at 200 foot tall, and produces 1d4 fruit. Anyone who eats one of these fruits receives a +2 inherit bonus to all ability scores. (Tree of Might)
A pea plant slowly grows from the ground, taking 1 year to fully grow. This plant must be continuously cared after, given acid flasks, alchemist fire, water, and goat milk weekly, as well as a constant source of light during the nighttime hours, and dark during the daytime hours. Failing this the plant withers and dies. Provided it is adequately cared for and this care continues the plant will produce 1d4 pea pods, each containing 3d6 magic beans on a monthly basis for up to two years after it reaches maturity. Care must be taken to harvest the beans before more pods are produced, otherwise the old pods will spill their beans, producing as many magic bean effects as the number of beans in each pod.
Oxylepy beat you to it.
Goth Guru |
A tree emerges from the ground, over the course of a week it continues to grow, and plant life gradually withers and dies within 1 mile, as per the witch's blight hex. At the end of a week the tree stands at 200 foot tall, and produces 1d4 fruit. Anyone who eats one of these fruits receives a +2 inherit bonus to all ability scores. (Tree of Might)
A pea plant slowly grows from the ground, taking 1 year to fully grow. This plant must be continuously cared after, given acid flasks, alchemist fire, water, and goat milk weekly, as well as a constant source of light during the nighttime hours, and dark during the daytime hours. Failing this the plant withers and dies. Provided it is adequately cared for and this care continues the plant will produce 1d4 pea pods, each containing 3d6 magic beans on a monthly basis for up to two years after it reaches maturity. Care must be taken to harvest the beans before more pods are produced, otherwise the old pods will spill their beans, producing as many magic bean effects as the number of beans in each pod.
Oxylepy beat you to it. You can provide the bag.
Pizza Lord |
430. Leomund's tiny outhouse (CL 10) springs up except the wooden door has a bean-shaped cutout instead of a crescent moon.
431. 1d4 belts in the area (worn take precedence over others) turn into serpents for 10 minutes and slither away from their previous owners. They only bite if attacked or grabbed at. If damaged or reduced to 0 hit points, they return to belts with equal damage or destroyed. Owners may have trouble chasing them if their pants are falling down.
Pizza Lord |
432. A large peapod with up to four large empty pods, each suitable for a medium-sized creature to use as a bedroll. Creatures getting a full rest in a pod regain twice the hit points for resting and an additional 4 temporary hit points that last 4 hours after leaving the pod. The plant and its pods lasts for 24 hours before shriveling away.
433. As 432, but the plant is a Venus-fly trap variant (DC 12 Knowledge: Nature or DC 15 Intelligence check to identify) which activates its pods after a creature has been inside them for 1 hour.
434. 2d4 vine-like creatures that resemble green skeletons (use medium Human Skeleton stats, including Con (—) but they are Plants, not Undead), and carrying leafy clubs for weapons spring forth after 1 minute. They attack any enemies of the planter if in the area and ignore any other creatures unless attacked. They are not under control and mill about the area otherwise, existing for 24 hours or until slain, when they and any equipment they appeared with rot away.
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
438. The bean sprouts into a massive, leaf-covered vine with one ancient Thassilonian rune on each leaf. It's all encoded, and if you decipher the code over the course of 1d100 + 4 weeks, you learn the meaning of life. Obviously, because no mortal mind can comprehend the meaning of life, your brain explodes, killing you instantly.
Pizza Lord |
440. The bean grows into a wand that can conjure 1d8 random saplings before falling apart. The saplings are real and if created in an area with appropriate soil for the type of tree, they will grow.
Actually a variant magical rod that resembles a wand, it can be used by anyone capable of wielding it and speaking the command word, 'Arboretum' which is written on its side.
441. A glittering bean sprout appears. It tinkles and sparkles but is otherwise ordinary. Unrelated to this, however, the next 1d4 times someone says the planter's name (including the planter themselves) within 60 feet of the planter, a random bean effect occurs from the Magic Beans!! table, centered on the planter or as close as reasonably possible. If the planter is under a silence effect, this will not occur, regardless of if the speaker is silenced or not. If the planter has no given name, then anyone stating the planter's racial type causes the effect, ie. 'elf' (though most elves have names), 'dog', 'clay golem, etc.
442. A 4-foot tall bean sprout with red bean-pods grows 1 round after planting. On the next round, the beans emits a red glows that illuminates a 40 radius around the plant with shadowy/dim light and a brighter red line scans all creatures from top to bottom. If there are any creatures with Intelligence greater than 3 and with 10 or more HD, a voice announces in Common, 'Potential threat detected.' On the next round, a bean-like projectile is fired from the plant at each of those creatures if still within range (+5 ranged touch), dealing 5d6 fire damage on a hit (splash damage: 5 fire; DC 15; Reflex half). Use the Splash Weapon Miss Chart on a miss. The plant then shrivels away on the following round, regardless of the outcome.
Note: The bean cannot detect invisible creatures or creatures with total concealment from the bean, such as fog or smoke, but nondetection or other protections against magical scrying or detection are ineffective. The plant will fire at the creature's last known location if the target becomes invisible or it loses sight after it's detected them on the previous round.
Goth Guru |
429:A black 10 ft radius hole appears where planted. All dead spirits in the area come out of it as ghosts. 2D4 random ghosts come bursting out immediately. Free spirits retain their class levels. This hole lasts till somehow closed. The living can now visit the land of the dead.
I meant prepetitioners. Free Spirits is a term I use for chaotic outsiders.
Pizza Lord |
444. A pouch of one dozen (12) jellybeans of various indeterminate (until eaten) flavors. Decide randomly or roll on Goth Guru's Ice Cream Flavors chart to determine each bean's flavor upon tasting. Each bean sells for 1 sp to an interested buyer who knows of their nature (not necessarily their flavor).
445. A 5-foot patch of green slime grows at the bean's location. It forms slowly enough to be avoided by any creature observing the area and able to move. If it forms in sunlight, it is protected from the effects of sunlight for 1 hour but is otherwise permanent and normal.
446. A pile of crisp, dry, brown autumn leaves forms in a 10-foot area. It is 5-feet high at its tallest point in the center of the pile, It is an otherwise normal pile of leaves and can be burrowed into for fun or shelter, set on fire, scattered or kicked around by people or wind, or used as a cushion if fallen into (10 feet of falling damage is converted to non-lethal). The pile counts as difficult terrain to move through (unless burrowing) if the leaves are at least knee-high to a creature.
Senko |
444. A pouch of one dozen (12) jellybeans of various indeterminate (until eaten) flavors. Decide randomly or roll on Goth Guru's Ice Cream Flavors chart to determine each bean's flavor upon tasting. Each bean sells for 1 sp to an interested buyer who knows of their nature (not necessarily their flavor).
445. A 5-foot patch of green slime grows at the bean's location. It forms slowly enough to be avoided by any creature observing the area and able to move. If it forms in sunlight, it is protected from the effects of sunlight for 1 hour but is otherwise permanent and normal.
446. A pile of crisp, dry, brown autumn leaves forms in a 10-foot area. It is 5-feet high at its tallest point in the center of the pile, It is an otherwise normal pile of leaves and can be burrowed into for fun or shelter, set on fire, scattered or kicked around by people or wind, or used as a cushion if fallen into (10 feet of falling damage is converted to non-lethal). The pile counts as difficult terrain to move through (unless burrowing) if the leaves are at least knee-high to a creature.
Oil flavoured beans?
Pizza Lord |
Pizza Lord wrote:Oil flavoured beans?444. A pouch of one dozen (12) jellybeans of various indeterminate (until eaten) flavors. Decide randomly or roll on Goth Guru's Ice Cream Flavors chart to determine each bean's flavor upon tasting. Each bean sells for 1 sp to an interested buyer who knows of their nature (not necessarily their flavor).
I suppose, if that's what you, as the GM, determine randomly (for at least one of the beans, though I guess there could be beans with different oil flavors; olive, castor, corn, motor, etc.).
If you mean from the Ice Cream Flavors table, I don't believe oil flavor is one of the options. Nothing stopping anyone from adding that to the chart, though.
Senko |
Senko wrote:Pizza Lord wrote:Oil flavoured beans?444. A pouch of one dozen (12) jellybeans of various indeterminate (until eaten) flavors. Decide randomly or roll on Goth Guru's Ice Cream Flavors chart to determine each bean's flavor upon tasting. Each bean sells for 1 sp to an interested buyer who knows of their nature (not necessarily their flavor).
...I suppose, if that's what you, as the GM, determine randomly (for at least one of the beans, though I guess there could be beans with different oil flavors; olive, castor, corn, motor, etc.).
If you mean from the Ice Cream Flavors table, I don't believe oil flavor is one of the options. Nothing stopping anyone from adding that to the chart, though.
I was thinking of Harry Potter's every flavour beans which are literally every flavour (one flavour per bean not one bean of every flavour) so you could find yourself eating a caramel flavoured bean or a human flavoured bean or a oak flavoured bean.
Now here's a few more.
447: A seemingly simple brown bean that when eaten causes the person to see dead people. Specifically they see an image of a person who died in the state and place they died. For example they might see a floating corpse in a river or a maimed and bloody warrior standing at the place they were run through.
448: This strange bean almost seems to twist and writhe as if it were a living being, once a person has seen it however it will be with them until they eat it. The problem with this is that the bean exists in a perpetual state of uncertainty where on any attempt to eat the bean they must roll a d10 to determine the state of the bean.
1: The bean is in their mouth ready to be eaten.
2-4: The bean is actually in a random pocket on them.
5-6: The bean is in one of their hands.
7-8: The bean is on a nearby surface.
9: The bean is back where they first saw it for 24 hours then roll again to determine its state. This also applies if they don't take it with them on seeing it.
10: the bean has already been eaten by them.
448: A multicoloured bean that on being eaten causes the person doing so to hallucinate a very vivid, detailed life as a bean from the moment they are planted as a seed to the moment they are eaten by themselves. At which point they return to their normal senses with a lingering concern they may have just eaten a living being.
Pizza Lord |
449: A multicoloured bean that on being eaten causes the person doing so to hallucinate a very vivid, detailed life as a bean from the moment they are planted as a seed to the moment they are eaten by themselves. At which point they return to their normal senses with a lingering concern they may have just eaten a living being.
450. A plant stalk grows after 1 round. It will extend up to 8 wrist-thick vines in roughly 8 directions, like a compass rose. Within 1 minute, the vines will have extended 50 feet in each direction if possible. Every 10 feet or so, each vine will have a cluster of glowing, bioluminescent blooms which illuminate the area like a torch. These nodules are inert or suppressed in sunlight, but will begin glowing once it becomes dark. New blooms grow each day to replace old or removed ones. Glowing blooms rot away shortly after being removed from the vine.
Each day, the vines grow 5 feet in a direction away from the stalk. They can wind or twist around obstacles or move through windows or open doorways but if encountering a dead end, such as an unfinished tunnel, they cease growing. Individual vines grow to a length of 100 feet with enough time. A severed vine ceases growing, but the plant is unharmed unless the main stalk is uprooted, cut down, or dies naturally.
Pizza Lord |
451. A pod of 6 black-eyed peas grows. If a pea is dropped into any food or drink it dissolves instantly. The peas and any food or drink imbued with them detect as faint divination. They are not poisonous nor do effects that affect poisons alter them. The peas have no effect if consumed by the planter.
If a pea or a pea-infused food or drink is imbibed by another creature within one hour of the pea being added, the planter can see through the imbiber's eyes for 10 minutes by concentrating. The planter becomes aware of this when a creature imbibes the pea. The imbiber receives a Will save (DC 15) to resist this effect. A successful save does not alert the imbiber to anything amiss.
452. A 5-foot patch of electrified ice grows at the bean site (treat as grease, DC 11). Any creatures within that space take 1 cold and 1 electricity damage each round (as well as checking for falling prone from the grease effect). Creatures in greater contact with the ground, such as prone or crawling, like most snakes or lizards, receive double damage each round.
For the next 1 minute (10 rounds), each 5-foot patch of ice will spread to an adjacent 5-foot space at random each round, ignoring spaces already occupied by electrified ice. Any square that receives 5 points of area effect fire damage in a round is cleared of electrified ice, though that space may be refrozen on the next round from an adjacent patch. If the original patch is cleared, it will always refrost itself the next round. The electrified ice remains potent for 10 minutes after it stops spreading or until removed from its space, at which point it melts away harmlessly.
Pizza Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Finally got to attempt to use this in a new game (players are level 1, so big risk when they just decided to start planting magic beans).
The three PCs saved a merchant from a group of dust boars that had run him up a tree and he offered them a magical bag of beans (replenishes beans everyday), but they didn't want, or felt they didn't want to spend their money on, them. It's almost like when your GM tells you someone is offering you magic beans, people automatically assume something fishy is going on.
When they declined, he gave them each 1 magic bean for saving him and left.
The druid stepped 20 feet away from their camp and immediately planted his. #287 (Glabrezu demon appears in disguise and grants a wish). So a beautiful magical maiden appears and offers a wish and he immediately wishes for everyone back at their village, which they just left on a week-long errand to a wizard's tower, to have good and happy things happen to them.' One of the PC's is playing a custom race from the PaRaMo stuff we did; Tindervine, a race of plants that love setting themselves on fire... Her family and some of her people live there, so happy good things happening for them might not equate to normal, non-pyromaniacal townsfolk. It'll be interesting when they come back home and hear what an amazing time those townspeople had.
The next day, they come across the scene of a former bean user the merchant had sold three beans to the day before. Off the road (scrub plains), a Eucalyptus tree (very unknown here) was next to a house that looked like it was falling down and collapsed (it had dropped from the sky on the bean user after he'd grown the tree with one bean.
They went to explore the house, the druid finding the dead body crushed underneath, Wizard of Oz style, while the dragon shaman took the tindervine's bean (with her permission) and planted it at the base of the Eucalyptus tree, getting #107 (planter gets an eidolon as a summoner equal to their level -3). I had it take the brief form of an ethereal koala (with a symbol on its forehead matching a faint one now on the dragon shaman's head; he didn't know until the others told him), that said he wasn't strong enough yet to call [the eidolon] forth, but it would be waiting (for him to reach level 4).
They worked together to pull the crushed body of the man from beneath the house, using Eucalyptus leaves stuffed into their nostrils to help with the smell, and found he was holding a third bean he hadn't gotten to plant. So they yoinked it and within the minute had planted it and #275 (bean grows into a magical staff). I altered it to a +2 glowing long spear (since that was his primary weapon) and he grabbed it up happily (but probably suspects there's something wrong with it. There isn't).
The Beardinator |
438. The bean sprouts into a massive, leaf-covered vine with one ancient Thassilonian rune on each leaf. It's all encoded, and if you decipher the code over the course of 1d100 + 4 weeks, you learn the meaning of life. Obviously, because no mortal mind can comprehend the meaning of life, your brain explodes, killing you instantly.
The Book of Leaves...
The Beardinator |
Finally got to attempt to use this in a new game (players are level 1, so big risk when they just decided to start planting magic beans).
** spoiler omitted **...
I'm glad you enjoyed it! The Magic Beans can be extremely fun and very risky. I'm extremely happy this thread is still going. Soooo many good ideas.
Senko |
Glaberazu wishes don't work out well for anyone involved.
This plain brown bean radiates strong transformation and creation magic. Upon being eaten a clone of the opposite sex is created of the eater. Aside from two minor details they are identical equipment, level, skills, memmories to the eater. The first difference is obviously them being the opposite sex. The second is they are utterly convinced they are both the original being and that killing the imposter will transform them back into the correct gender. No amount of logic, reason or proof can convince them otherwise and they will dedicate the rest of their life to killing the imposter so they can reclaim their life.
This plain brown bean radiates strong transformation and creation magic. Upon being eaten the eater is transported 5 feet in a random direction and changed to the opposite sex while a clone is created where they were standing at the same time. This happens instananeously so to any outside observer a clone of the opposite sex was created on eating the bean. The clone is convinced that they are the original and as the transformation is instantaneous it can't be dispelled though their gender can be changed back by any appropriate magic.
This plain brown bean is a perfectly ordinary plain brown bean.
This white bean causes eye pain and headaches in anyone looking at it. Eating the bean causes the person who did so to have their vision moved 1 foot in front of their face looking back at themselves as if they were standing there. This effect lasts for 3d6 weeks before reverting to normal. Any attempts to dispel it before this time must overcome a DC 23 check to do so.
This rainbow coloured bean on being eaten inversts the wearers perception of colour (flipping it to the opposite hue on the colour wheel). So for example the previously blue sky will now appear red. This effect is isntantaneous.
This odd bean narrows in the middle with wider ends. On being eaten the eaters memories of everyone they know is randomly changed so for example they may be convinced a male best friend is there mother while their mother is the local inn keeper. Although it might be possible to convince them their memories are false this should not be easy as they will ignore minor conflicts like their "mother" not having breasts to breast feed or being the same age. However once 24 hours have passed their memories will return to normal, albeit perhaps with some embarassment.
Pizza Lord |
458. An metallic-looking (but not metal) bean grows on a pale green stalk immediately from the planted bean. If eaten, the imbiber feels a tingle in their skin. Every hour that passes thereafter, their natural armor increases by +1 (max +10 increase) as metallic scales grow on their body (or their own scales become metallic if present and not already metallic).
These scales are stiff and tough and impede as well as protect. For every +2 natural armor bonus granted, the imbiber receives a -1 Armor Check Penalty and a 5 foot speed decrease to their base Movement speed (before modifiers for magic items, spells, or class abilities). Anyone reduced to 0 or less base movement cannot effectively move from their spot and requires a DC 15 Strength check to even be able to manipulate their limbs or body each round (cannot Take 10).
If 10 minutes are spent working or cutting or beating at the scales (requiring a tool, like a dagger, knife, hammer, or suitable claws), the natural armor bonus is reduced by 1, with a commensurate effect on any penalties for the new current bonus. This does not stop the natural armor bonus increase during the next hour(s).
This effect lasts for 1d4 days. The metallic bean will also last that amount of time if not picked and consumed, crumbling away if not imbibed.
Pizza Lord |
459. When planted in soil, this bean grows into a 30-foot tall vine that immediately widens into a green, viney-wood tower, similar to an instant fortress.
The vine grows from the planted bean in one round, it harmlessly pushes any creatures of Large or smaller size out of the way. Larger sized creatures or objects, like solid rock, halt the vine's growth. If the vine has sufficient room and height it turns into a tower with a wooden door facing the planter.
The tower is 30 feet high and has 3 interior storeys, a wooden hatch and ladder to the roof, and a 10-foot deep basement with ladders to access between floors. It has a 20-foot interior radius. The tower walls count as wood and are 10-feet thick at the base and 5-feet thick above). They have fire resistance 5 and count as living matter. The walls have small vines and leaves along the exterior, making it relatively easy to climb and scale (DC 15).
Beans grow on the interior in a quantity sufficient to feed 4 Medium-size creatures for one day (requires 1 hour of gathering per day of bean rations). The door and roof hatch are not magical and there are no command words. They are not locked unless a lock is installed on them.
The tower remains in place for 3 days before it shrinks back down, leaving any creatures inside behind (depositing any on the upper storeys safely on the ground) but keeping any unattended objects left inside. The bean can then be dug back up and reused, but no more than once per week. When reformed, the tower has repaired any damage and replaced any destroyed or missing doors with original wood. Any modifications to doors, such as adding locks or replacing them with different materials remain. Time still passes for objects held while the tower is in bean form (stored food will spoil over time).
459. The planted bean grows into an upright 10-foot wooden pole, similar to the piece of equipment used by countless adventurers. The bean's planter can easily pluck it free, but until then it is as strong and rooted as a 1-foot thick wooden pillar to anyone else (Strength DC 20 to knock loose if not anchored into a ceiling). It can even be used as a support beam if planted in such a location. If planted without enough clearance, the pole grows high enough to butt against and anchor into the ceiling or overhead obstruction.
460. Three blind mice (wearing tiny black glasses burst from the planted bean and immediately run in different direction (roll initiative separately for each one; stats as a normal mouse with Improved Initiative). Being blind they move at half speed. They do not attack. If they are all killed within the hour or gathered and bought into the possession of the planter, they all vanish and leave behind a +1 carving knife sized for the planter (1d3 Medium). It also grants a +2 competence bonus to checks involving cooking (when the knife is used). If not captured or killed, the mice remain as ordinary blind mice.
461. A rosebush grows with a dozen flowering buds. Tiny elven and human female bodies (from the waist up) appear from the roses as they immediately bloom (illusion, DC 20) and begin to sing a beautiful, wordless ensemble chorus. The singing appears to be coming from the women, but is not illusory and is coming from the rosebush. Once finished, the illusory images fade, leaving an otherwise ordinary rosebush in place.
The singing counts as a 5th-level bard's inspire courage (+2) for the planter and their allies. The singing lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds). If there is no combat during that period, the next time the planter is attacked or in combat, they and any allies who were present at the original song hear it once more and are affected again for 5 rounds (counting the planter as the origin for purposes of determining distance or hearing.
Pizza Lord |
462. When planted in soil, this bean grows into a 30-foot tall vine that immediately widens into a green, viney-wood tower, similar to an instant fortress.
Bean's Instant Fortress should be #462 since I doubled #459.
463. The planter is surrounded by a sparkling silver aura that quickly fades. The next time someone attempts to rob, pickpocket, or steal an item belonging to the planter from their person or immediate vicinity, they must inform them beforehand (compulsion effect; Will Save DC 20).
464. The planter is surrounded by a crimson aura that quickly fades. The next time the planter is struck with a slashing or piercing attack, they also bleed 1 (or an addition 1 bleed if that attack also caused hit point bleeding).
465. The planter is surrounded by a flickering orange aura that quickly fades. The next non-personal spell to target the planter causes them to appear to explode (treat as CL5 fireball; DC 14 Reflex). The are actually safely dimension door'd to a random safe location, preferably out of line of sight and effect from the caster (the planter is still affected by the spell, but not the fireball).
The Beardinator |
Pizza Lord wrote:462. When planted in soil, this bean grows into a 30-foot tall vine that immediately widens into a green, viney-wood tower, similar to an instant fortress.Bean's Instant Fortress should be #462 since I doubled #459.
463. The planter is surrounded by a sparkling silver aura that quickly fades. The next time someone attempts to rob, pickpocket, or steal an item belonging to the planter from their person or immediate vicinity, they must inform them beforehand (compulsion effect; Will Save DC 20).
464. The planter is surrounded by a crimson aura that quickly fades. The next time the planter is struck with a slashing or piercing attack, they also bleed 1 (or an addition 1 bleed if that attack also caused hit point bleeding).
465. The planter is surrounded by a flickering orange aura that quickly fades. The next non-personal spell to target the planter causes them to appear to explode (treat as CL5 fireball; DC 14 Reflex). The are actually safely dimension door'd to a random safe location, preferably out of line of sight and effect from the caster (the planter is still affected by the spell, but not the fireball).
I Love them! Keep it going! Let's get to 500!
466. This bean is electric blue and slightly squishy. When planted, a small blue teardrop-shaped slimy creature with a vacant smiling face grows from the plant in a matter of 1d4 minutes from a curled vine that curves its way around a large flower. If there are no bushes nearby, some grow a couple of feet away. Once this slimy creature manifests, it looks around, and if it sees anyone, it hops in surprise, seeming alarmed without ever changing its expression, and bounces quickly into the bushes. If anyone checks the bushes afterwards, the slime is gone, and the bushes shrink to nothing soon after.
laumer |
Out of the ground grows a legendary ranger, or rather, the whole world grows out of the rangers mind. The ranger, a good looking tall human with reddish wavy hair, a well groomed three-day stubble, wearing a cowboy hat brown leather jacket and a pair of buckskin pants, presents himself proudly as Chuck Norris. Norris will help you out of trouble but only once and only in the most desperate situation possible. There is no challenge that can not be overcome by Chuck Norris because the challenges have to overcome Chuck Norris, and he will not show merci. If you are not in trouble immediately he will go his way to help others who need him more. But have faith, just speak the name of this humble and brave lone ranger, and he will be there for you right in time to kick your enemy´s ass.
Pizza Lord |
467. [A ranger with a walker]
468. A large sunflower grows from where the bean is planted. One round after sprouting, it blossoms, showing its brilliant yellow petals but they slowly begin to glow with a blinding white light. The next round, any sighted creatures within 60 feet that haven't specifically closed or covered their eyes make a DC 15 Fortitude save or become blinded for 10 minutes as the sunflower flares to the brightness of a sun. Any creature failing this save must make another Fortitude save after one hour if the blindness hasn't been cured or the blindness lasts 24 hours. After that time, a third failed save indicates the blindness is permanent. Corporeal undead are not immune to these saves but use their Will save in place of Fortitude.
The flower's light has the warmth of sunlight but it is not hot enough to cause harm normally (unless a creature is harmed by sunlight). After the initial burst of blinding light, the sunflower continues to shed bright light in a 60-foot radius for 24 hours unless destroyed, though it's not blinding to most creatures unless they have light sensitivity. This light counts as sunlight.
469. A patch of belladonna grows from the planted bean (Knowledge: Nature DC 12 to identify). Up to three doses of belladonna can be harvested from the patch. Harvesting each dose take 10 minutes and requires a DC 12 Profession (gardener or herbalist) check or a DC 15 Survival check. Failure by 5 or more or a roll of 1 indicates the character has inadvertently poisoned themselves and ruined that dose.
470. The bean sprouts into a heavy rock (Small size rock, typically the same size a Large creature like a hill or stone giant would use. Damage: 1d8 + 1-1/2 Str). While not magical, the planter treats this rock as weighing 1/10th its normal weight while carrying it (this doesn't mean it's easy to carry, being a sizable rock). They also count as having the Rock Throwing (+1 to attack) and Rock Catching abilities in regards to this specific rock. They still receive any penalties for using an inappropriately-sized weapon when throwing it.
Pizza Lord |
468.... Any creature failing this save must make another Fortitude save after one hour if the blindness hasn't been cured or the blindness lasts 24 hours. ...
This should be 'after 10 minutes', when the original blindness would end. I had originally had the blindness lasting one hour, but decided to lower the duration on a failure but add the potential for longer lasting blindness on a failed series of saves.
Pizza Lord |
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471. A thorny vine bush grows from the planted bean, filling a 5 foot space. It takes 5 rounds to grow completely and moving through its space at this time deals 1d6 damage and counts as entering an entangle effect. After 5 rounds, the vine suddenly begins to crystalize and turns into nearly indestructible glass.
Creatures larger than tiny can longer push through the vines as they are now rigid and unyielding (unless their shape would otherwise allow it, like a serpent). A creature already in the thorn bush as it crystalizes is trapped unless the vines are broken. Tiny (or suitably-shaped) creatures require a DC 25 Escape Artist check to move through it. Smaller creatures can pass through the thorn bush without damage. Creatures trapped or attempting to squeeze through the thorn bush takes 1d6 piercing damage per attempt or action spent struggling, even on a successful check.
The glass thorn bush is otherwise permanent and has 40 hit points. It is also considered to have hardness, damage reduction, and resistance 10 against all forms of damage other than sonic. Three successful DC 20 Strength checks (dealing 1d6 damage per attempt) can also break off enough vines to make the space passable. The thorn bush counts as glass for spells that can affect it and if destroyed it shatters into caltrop-like shards in its space.
472. A bean plant grows from the planted bean. The plant itself is not any known type (unless this result has been rolled before) and its pods have a curved, sickle-like shape. There are 1d4 bean pods on the plant and each pod contains 1d4 crescent-shaped beans. Anyone examining the beans most spend 2d4 days studying them and succeed at two DC 25 Knowledge: Nature or Profession: Herbalist checks (one at the halfway point of the study and the other at the end).
The bean plant, if kept alive and watered as any other plant, grows 1d4 bean pods per month (max 4). Each pod will have 1d4 beans within. The beans are safe to eat and nutritious as most other beans. However, the crescent shaped beans possess an odd natural quirk that either requires the examination above, or observation of it happening.
When the moon is crescent shaped, whether waxing or waning (so typically twice a month), harvested beans bifurcate into a new identical bean, doubling in number. This only happens once per bean.
Further, there's a 10% chance per bean that it inflicts lycanthropy on its imbiber (typically werewolf; DC 20 Fort to resist). Beans that can inflict lycanthropy also have a chance to remove it if imbibed by an afflicted lycanthrope (as Belladonna, though there's no time limit on the affliction.)
A character that has successfully studied such beans can spend one hour and succeed on a DC 20 Knowledge: Nature or Profession: Herbalist check to identify a lycanthropy-afflicted bean).
473. Planter's skin glows with a lima bean green light (no illumination). Unknown to them, they are now impervious to any bludgeoning weapon ( not forged on this plane (weapons, not bludgeoning damage from natural attacks, from falling or rockslides, etc.) The effect (and glow) remains until successfully dispelled (CL 20) or 100 damage has been negated (counted before any other effects that might reduce bludgeoning damage, such as DR).
474. A vine grows from the planted bean and blossoms into a juicy, plump-looking fruit. The fruit smells sweet and of honey and, if eaten, tastes just the same. The imbiber regains 6 hit points if injured and is nourished for 24 hours.
When the imbiber says any word, including command words or names, that have a letter 'b in them (GM's call if the 'b is absolutely silent, like in 'plumbing'), a swarm of bees flies from their mouth. This interrupts the rest of their talking after the word is spoken.
The imbiber is not attacked or damaged by the swarm unless they attempt to damage or harm the swarm themselves. The swarm is not under their control and otherwise functions as a summon swarm in regards to chasing targets. If not dispersed sooner, the swarm lasts for 2 minutes before dispersing magically. As long as the swarm is in existence, all the imbiber's words and speech are just an unintelligible, droning buzz. There can be only one such swarm in existence at a time, and this effect remains until 10 swarms have been summoned. The swarm does not count as a summoned creature for such effects and cannot be dispelled.
The Beardinator |
466. This bean is electric blue and slightly squishy. When planted, a small blue teardrop-shaped slimy creature with a vacant smiling face grows from the plant in a matter of 1d4 minutes from a curled vine that curves its way around a large flower. If there are no bushes nearby, some grow a couple of feet away. Once this slimy creature manifests, it looks around, and if it sees anyone, it hops in surprise, seeming alarmed without ever changing its expression, and bounces quickly into the bushes. If anyone checks the bushes afterwards, the slime is gone, and the bushes shrink to nothing soon after.
Dragon Quest Slime?
Pizza Lord |
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475. A small stone shrine rises from the planted soil. It bears the carving of a dragon-like beast on its surface. It is a holy site, but rather than being to any particular god or even alignment, it will be considered consecrated and useful to any follower of a deity or religion of a particular portfolio or two depending on its location. If near a road, it will be of use to divine classes that worship a deity or philosophy of travel or roads (possibly nature as well). If in the wilderness away from roads it will be to nature and forests, swamps, mountains, etc. depending on its location (farming if in a crop field or pasture). If in a city or urban environment, it will be to related to community or cities, etc. The GM has final determination.
Such a divine follower can pray and perform a ritual (decided by GM, likely based on the priest or religion's alignment and outlook) to utilize this shrine in a similar manner to prayer beads.
Using the shrine requires a divine caster or class to be next to or touching the shrine and praying or beseeching for 1 minute. Such rituals also require materials of certain cost to be used and expended; oils, powders, icons, incense, etc., though the details vary by the religion or alignment of the priest.
Blessing: Frequency: 1/minute; Cost: 1 gp materials.
Healing: Frequency: 1/hour; Cost: 100 gp materials.
Karma: Frequency: 1/day. Cost: 200 gp materials.
Smiting: Frequency: 1/week; Cost: 200 gp materials.
Summoning: Frequency: 1/year; Cost: 1,000 gp materials.
Wind Walk: Frequency: 1/month; Cost: 500 gp materials.
The priest must be high enough level to cast spell effects (Karma effect can increase this) and such effects use the caster's level to determine duration, number of targets, range, etc., including DCs for the Smiting ability.
Note that the frequency of use is for each individual priest. Multiple users could cure serious wounds or remove blindness all within one hour of each other as long as they paid the cost in materials and performed the ritual, but only one ritual can be performed at a time, so no more than any one ritual every minute.
Abuse of the shrine, not just its summoning powers, can result in some deity or force taking notice of abusers.
476. As 475. above, except a massive, Colossal red dragon will appear rising and roaring above it. If there's not enough space, it makes the space in whatever impressive, awe-inspiring/terrifying way it has to. It's covered in a flaming aura and its eyes glow like molten orbs as it focuses on the planter and demands tribute in exchange for power or it will rain great horror on the world for being disturbed (though it really will just be the local area).
It immediately focuses on the planter and declares (in draconic for bystanders, but the planter will always understand its words) that it demands tribute before the month has passed and it will grant a boon. Failure will be biblical. Its actions may be anything the GM determines to be frightening, scary, or inspirational. Whether that be scooping up the caster in a claw and breathing hot sulphur on them while one molten eye regards them up close or just beating its wings and sending hot wind over people nearby. Otherwise, it doesn't answer questions and when it's done it vanishes, leaving the slightly-scorched shrine behind (it was there the whole time, but probably not easily noticed during the dragon's appearance).
If it's attacked, it should swat the attacker(s) as mightily and decisively as a Great Wyrm Red Dragon could, and any protective magics it might have available will already be in place on it. It doesn't really bother sticking around, it doesn't have to, and it won't. Note that the shrine's powers have no effect on this creature unless it wants to be affected.
The tribute needs to be placed on/at the shrine by the planter before the month is out. Anyone else leaving treasure or offerings at the shrine doesn't count (though they can give it to the planter to do so), but note that the altar is a holy/unholy site and such offerings can appease spirits or deities of the shrine in other ways (protection for travelers if a road shrine or bountiful crops if in a farm or village).
The tribute needed is 1,000 + (1,000 x planter level at time of planting) gp value in coins, gems, or permanent (non-cursed) magical items. The planter does not know the exact value, but they do know whether its not enough if they do leave an offering below that value.
If this amount is placed by the planter, it vanishes (other tributes or offerings, such as by other pilgrims or visitors to the shrine, do not unless a deity, power, shrine caretaker or priest, or passing thief decides to take them.)
If this is done before the month is passed, the great dragon entity (who might be researched, but is not a common or even uncommonly known entity) will appear in a vision before the planter that only they experience and grant the planter a +1 inherent bonus to their favored ability (GM choice). This bonus will stack with inherent bonus of up to +2. Any more than that and it just counts as one use of a wish for purposes of increasing the ability (though it remains potent permanently, not requiring immediate subsequent casting or use of such powers to raise the ability later).
If the planter fails to bring the tithe by the end of a month's passing, they get successively more noticeable dreams, nightmares, dread, foreboding, etc. Ultimately causing the dragon spirit to decimate the immediatel surrounding area (or not so immediate if a certain location would be more dramatic), focusing mostly on places and people the planter cares about or wouldn't really want destroyed. It doesn't necessarily come after them unless they are in such a location. The devastation is immense before it vanishes or is driven off (GM's discretion).
Pizza Lord |
477. A bean vine sprouts and bears one large, single bean. The bean is approximately fist-sized for a human and is transparent, with what appears to be a wooden sailing ship inside it, like a ship-in-a-bottle. If the bean is ruptured or tossed down, it functions like a swan boat feather token. The boat it creates will look nothing like the ship in the bean, nor like a swan. It will look like a large bean hollowed out like a boat or canoe, but otherwise will function identically.
If the bean is somehow swallowed or placed inside a creature, it deals 1d6 damage and the creature requires a DC 15 Fortitude save or they will take 1d6 damage again next round, continuing until a successful save is made. The bean is destroyed and otherwise useless after this.
478. A thick, 4-foot high rock column, like a stalagmite, grows from the planted bean. It resembles granite with veins of iron ore (appearance only) shot through it. This stone acts like an attractive force or gravity plane in regards to creatures in a 60-foot hemisphere around and above it, not to creatures below its base.
The stone has no affect on objects, including ammunition, thrown weapons, or spells. Creatures within 60 feet, except the planter (and their familiars) and constructs, require a DC 15 Fortitude save to be able to move predominantly parallel or away from the stone. Creatures between 31 and 60 feet receive a +2 bonus on this save. On a failure, they can only take a single 5-foot step. On a success, they move at half speed (which may require Fly checks for certain creatures who don't move a minimum distance). Creatures move at double speed towards the stone. Familiars or creatures hanging onto others still need their own saves to move with their 'mounts' or masters unless entirely held contained in a pocket or container, but may receive a +2 bonus if otherwise securely anchored or held by another creature (a military saddle counts in addition to its own bonuses).
The stone has hardness 8, 100 hit points, and is otherwise permanent until destroyed. Objects or weapons not suitable for crushing, mining, or breaking stone can and should be damaged, blunted, or otherwise less effective if used to hack at it.
479. A large, cauldron-shaped bean grows from the ground. It's filled with boiling water when it forms.
Similar to a bubbling cauldron, this bean counts as an iron cauldron for fire or heating purposes (it's not iron otherwise, it is hardness 1 and has 10 hit points to smash in a side of it).
The water inside is suitable for cooking or sterilizing and the plant is relatively unharmed by cooking unless it cooks herbicidal or caustic ingredients (or harsh cleaning chemicals if used for laundry). Otherwise, the water can be refilled manually or by rain if outside. While it forms with boiling water and can be heated by fire safely afterwards, the plant also secretes a chemical inside that causes water to effectively boil. It only does this in sunlight, however, so at night it won't boil water, though the water will remain hot or warm naturally for about an hour after darkness. In the morning, or when bathed in sunlight, the plant again begins boiling the water, taking about an hour to boil a full amount if filled, less for lesser quantities.
The bean cauldron is otherwise anchored and rooted in place, but can be tipped as a normal bubbling cauldron but doing this rips out the roots and will cause the bean cauldron and plant to die and wither shortly thereafter.
Pizza Lord |
480. A weeping willow tree grows from the planted soil. With enough room, it will grow to 20 feet tall with long, trailing limbs enclosing a 10-foot radius around the trunk. This area can provide shelter from wind or some insulation from cold for anyone sheltering underneath and does provide concealment from those outside.
This plant does not release oxygen like a normal tree or plant, instead it generates flammable vapors, similar to the bad air hazard. Creatures with scent can detect the odor within 20 feet, and most animals will avoid the vicinity. Others require the Survival check listed to detect it.
If the tree is in an open or outdoor area, the Fortitude DC does not increase every hour. Flammable sources already in the vicinity when the tree grows do not ignite it automatically, as the tree takes time to fill the area around it. If still there after 2 hours, the explosion will occur, but since the flames were burning some of the gas, the explosion will be 1d6 less for a torch or two, or 3d6 less for a campfire or bonfire size. Otherwise, bringing or igniting flames in the area works as listed for bad air.
The tree is otherwise normal and will grow or thrive as its environs allow.
481. The ground around the planted area begins to rumble and anyone in the area can attempt a DC 12 Survival check to sense that there may be an impending danger. Anyone beating the check by 5 or more may suspect a steam vent or volcanic rupture. 1d4 rounds later, the planted area bursts with a steam vent, cracking the earth in a 10-foot radius with web-like cracks. Most are inches wide but some could be as big as a foot across near the center. Creatures within 20 feet of the planted bean receive 5d6 fire damage from the steam (Reflex DC 15; half). After that time, the steam only deals 1d6 fire damage per round to those above the vents.
The steam vent only descends about 10 feet below the surface if excavated out, but that area is actually a (tenuously) connected portal to the para-elemental Plane of Steam. There's only a 1% chance per day that a creature from there transfers over (like a steam mephit), possibly attacking anyone in the area, but most won't stay unless the environment is conducive (and they can return by reentering the vent). Creatures from this plane that somehow delve into the narrow vents have a 1% chance per hour of finding themselves somewhere in the para-elemental Plane of Steam (which probably isn't good). They have a 1% chance per hour of returning as long as they stay in the area.
Otherwise the steam vent is permanent and what occurs depends on the area. It could form a bubbling mud pit or a sauna if near a pool, or it could become a geyser spouting off at regular or irregular intervals. It could even be used to harness steam power if such technology or engineering is utilized.
Senko |
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Roaming Mole:
482. When fully covered by dirt there is a hisss and smoke puffs up striking everyone in 10 feet of where the bean is planted. Those in the smoke must make a DC 16 fortitude or be infested by a roaming mole. This is a large, hairy mole that moves randomly around the persons body. If they don't pass a DC 20 will save they wont be aware of this mole no matter how obvious it unless someone points it out. At the end of one week a small beanstalk sprouts from the mole rapidly growing 6 more randomly determined beans that fall off after which the sprout rots and falls away leaving a scar. A cure disease spell can get rid of the roaming mole before it sprouts.
483. This seemingly ordinary bean on being eaten causes the person to constantly hear background music appropriate to what is happening in their life. When they are under extreme stress or tension they must pass a DC 20 will save or burst into song about the cause of that stress. Anyone hearing the song must pass a DC 15 will save or join in on a seemingly choreographed song and dance routine. This effect doesn't affect beings that can't hear but otherwise seems to have no limits affecting people, animals and even plants. The changes caused during this song such as a barren frozen meadow bursting into springtime flowering plants rever to normal within 1d4 rounds after the song ends.
Gilt by association:
484. This seemingly small, hard black bean explodes when thrown in a puff of pink smoke with a radius of five feet. Any item touched by the smoke turns into a stage version of its self. Armour becomes cardboard, gold becomes tinsel, gems become paste and magical items become mundane versions of themselves. These changes last for 1d10 minutes.
Pizza Lord |
485. A wooden counter with a freshly painted sign reading 'Shop' in a predominant language of the planter rises from the planted bean and also bearing a merchant sigil or symbol unique to its merchant (use a random sigil or symbol generator if necessary). No sooner does this happen than a demonic quasit appears, perched on the counter and wearing a merchant's vest and hat. It is friendly to anyone except devils or their obvious ilk or associates, but doesn't attack or engage in combat and it will very clearly appear in a friendly (despite looking like a tiny demon) stance and stating both out loud and telepathically that it's here to help.
There are no goods of any kind on the counter or quasit, but if given money, it can provide any goods that could be found in a general store and it charges normal prices (for the location, so if there's a shortage or price war going on, that applies to its goods as well). Almost any standard adventuring equipment, including silver daggers, ammunition, and basic weapons and armor, can be procured by passing it the money or appropriate gems or other trade goods in barter, including some alchemical gear, like antitoxins.
It will also purchase goods, including magic items, but informs the customer it will be 3–12 days (3d4) before it can get the money to them. If they agree, the money actually does appear near the seller (in a bag or pouch bearing the same sigil as the counter) at the appropriate time in the form of coins or precious stones depending on the amount or appropriateness. The quasit will accept goods from devils, but the payment never arrives for them. A successful DC 16 Sense Motive check can determine his truthfulness (or not in the case of devils). All payments or goods given over for sale vanish to another plane and into the possession of a protective area and guardian, possibly the quasit's master.
A typical quasit, Zustrez identifies as male and has a level of expert, focused on mercantile skills, such as Appraise (+6) and Spellcraft (+6) to aid in identifying magic items. He also has read magic at will. He will not purchase magic items he cannot identify.
He is friendly and speaks Common and Abyssal, but unlike most quasits, his telepathy functions within 15 feet of his counter, not just touch range. Despite his alignment, some power has contracted or forced him to deal and act as relatively honest merchant (though he won't reveal this unless under extremely extraordinary circumstances). As such, he doesn't cheat people (except devils) and does not threaten or fight except to defend himself, but it's almost a moot point, since if any creature attacks him, both he and the counter vanish in a cloud of smoke.
If a beast or monster attacks or endangers him, he'll just leave, but most intelligent creatures that attack him, for any reason, will arouse and attract the attention of some nebulous power or entity. This will result in something unpleasant in the very near future, this applies to anyone agreeing or not clearly opposed to the assault, even if they didn't get to take a direct action before he vanishes at the first attack. Some example punishments could be that no matter what power, spells, persuasion or intimidations attempted, all goods, services, and sales are 10% worse for the attackers or if the attackers aren't prone to engaging in commerce, 10% of their personal funds or hoard will just disappear over the next few days (it need not just vanish, but it could fall through cracks, get lost in a fire or flood, or be carried off by rats or ravens) until they atone (at cost, unless they were charmed or otherwise forced).
Otherwise, the counter and merchant remain in the area (unless it's harmful to quasits) for 1d4 hours. The merchant knows the time and generally will make this known, but is willing to stick around for an extra hour per 100 gp given to it for that purpose.
486. As 485. above, except the merchant is a lantern archon, named Conah (if that's important). It otherwise acts the same, except treating both demons and devils and their ilk as above and using its truespeech to communicate instead of telepathy (and it's not wearing clothes).
If attacked, it vanishes and, within a day or two, the attackers are attacked by 8 summoned (CL 18) lantern archons that do not hesitate to send their targets to the afterlife.
487. A crimson-tinged vine grows from the ground and bears a single beanpod that contains a tiny, kidney-bean sized bean. The bean is rusty red in color and slowly drips blood, about 1 drop every ten seconds or so.
If eaten, the bean functions as a goodberry and that's it. Otherwise, whatever it's stored in tends to get stained or tinged rusty-red from blood drops. This blood tends to evaporate or flake away quickly (stains and rust spots remain) unless magically preserved or stored.
The blood is real, and can nourish stirges or vampires. Each minute spent sucking at the bean counts as draining 1 Con for such purposes. The bean is not harmed by bleed damage or similar attacks that drain blood. The bean's blood counts as vegan, for any reasons that matter.
If, for some inscrutable reason, a person directly uses a spell or affect on the blood bean that could stop bleeding or stabilize a creature, such as stabilize or a cure spell, or making a DC 15 Heal check to bandage or wrap it up, then the bleeding stops. After a minute, if they can still observe the bean (it's not in a container or wrapped in bandages), a DC 15 Perception check notices that it seems to have swollen a bit. After 10 minutes, the size is noticeable, it's now the size of a plum. Rupturing it at this time, causes a spray of blood (about two mouthfuls) and destroys the bean.
After an hour, the bean is the size of a grapefruit and every minute thereafter, a d20 is rolled, and on a 10 or less, the swollen bean explodes dealing 1d6 nonlethal damage to any creatures within 5 feet (Reflex DC 15; half), unless it was inside a durable container or backpack, in which case only the possessor takes the damage. In either case, there is no save for anyone carrying or holding the bean. Creatures in the radius (unless they evaded the damage, not just resisted it) are also coated in blood, making them easier to track or attractive to certain insects and creatures. The blood itself resists cleaning, even from most spells like prestidigitation (though they might help with any staining later), and requires an hour of scrubbing at least (depending on the material) to launder them and a good thorough bathing or dunking to remove it from hair or skin.
Pizza Lord |
488. A 4-foot tall rocky stalagmite grows from the earth. It's 2-feet in diameter at the base and glows with a soft orange light, illuminating as a torch. It gives off heat as a campfire.
489. A Large earth elemental rises from the ground, as though summoned. It serves the planter for 1 hour but cannot move more than 100 feet from the planted area.
490. A massive, muscled, mauve (light purple) arm rises 30 feet into the air (room permitting). It has a five-fingered hand tipped with black claws. The earth around it rumbles and roils, but not enough to knock anyone over. The next round, the hand and arm attack any creatures in the area except the planter (unless they try to attack or damage it).
Treat as a crushing fist (CL 20; AC 20; 50 hp) for most purposes. It remains immobile below the biceps, where the shoulder would be at the planting site and it has a 30-foot range of attack.
The arm attacks once per round, basing its attack on number of creatures or viable targets. It can make a slam attack (+32 to hit, 2d6+12 damage), it can grapple (CMB +33) or, as a standard action, it can make a sweeping attack that affects a 90° arc, dealing 2d6+12 damage to all creatures in the area (DC 23 Reflex; half).
The arm persists for 20 rounds or until destroyed, at which point it pulls back into the earth, shriveling up. If it was destroyed, anyone digging up the planted area finds a CR 10 treasure hoard buried four feet down.
491. A massive, 20-foot radius beanstalk grows up into the sky. It pierces into a cumulus cloud 8,000 feet in the air (forming around the top of the beanstalk if there wasn't one). If planted more than 100 feet below the ground, the bean instead pops back up, able to be planted in a more suitable place.
The beanstalk pierces the cloud above and rises all the way through it to the very top (approx. 10,000 feet) and allows anyone climbing it to move through any potentially solid areas of the cloud-stuff.
The beanstalk is easy to climb (DC 8, unless wet +2). It gets rather more difficult as the climber enters the cloud, which may restrict vision and naturally makes the beanstalk wet with moisture. It beanstalk has bean pods and leaves that begin growing about 100 feet above the ground. The leaf and pod vines twists and curl, creating alternate routes that could lead to dead ends but often twist back to the main stalk.
Anyone falling off the vine above the 100 foot mark, has a chance to land on a leaf or pod (about 20% per 50 feet fallen), otherwise they can try and grasp at smaller vines to halt their fall as normal. The give of the leaves and vines reduce falling damage by 100 feet and convert any remaining into non-lethal.
It takes a creature with speed 30 (climbing at half speed) a little over an hour to climb (667 rounds). The first time the planter touches the vine, they sink in, as though using a tree stride spell, and begin ascending at 1,000 per round, reaching the top in one minute. The planter can see the surrounding area while inside the vine and they can choose to change their ascent or descent (by 1,000 feet) but cannot halt themselves inside. They cannot bring other creatures along (except familiars). After the first time, the planter can choose whether or not to enter the vine or interact and climb it normally.
If the beanstalk is cut down or destroyed, creatures on it fall. If the planter is in the vine, they appear at that height and fall, though such creatures can choose to continue clinging to the stalk as it collapses, which may result in less damage depending on which side they're on when it hits the ground.
The lowest parts of the cumulus cloud start about 8,000 feet above ground and it is approximately 2,000 feet high and about 2,000 feet in circumference, though its edges fluctuate and change amorphously depending on winds or other clouds melding or flowing into it. It otherwise resembles a normal cloud, varying in coloration from white to light-gray most commonly, and rarely a stormy-black.
Atop the cloud, an area of 1,500 feet of fertile earth, descending about 200 feet into the cloud, extends in either a grassy field or a grassy meadow, or otherwise picturesque lawn. The vine grows up at the edge of this solid earth and remains anchored there. It also anchors the cloud, though it can drift several hundred to a thousand feet around the area. If untethered from the vine, it floats as the winds dictate unless magic is involved.
The cloud-stuff bordering this solid earth has a muddy consistency out to about 100 feet, where someone could quickly move back to safety (sinking about 5 feet per round), but further out it becomes increasingly less dense, where things start sinking more and more rapidly through the cloud.
The cloud island can support the weight of a small terrestrial mountain.
Goth Guru |
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492: Like 491, except if planted underground, it opens a passwall like portal to the room above, till it reaches the cloud. If planted in The Cleaves it opens a portal to the planter's home plane. If their home plane has been destroyed, it opens to a parallel branch one year before it was destroyed.
Senko |
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493: Bean of gender exchanging: This bean that seems to shift colour if eaten changes the eaters gender with that of the nearest creature.
494: Bean of every flavour: This bean that seems to have a shimmering rainbow spill of colour shifting over its surface if eaten tastes like every flavour at once.
495: Bean of obvious commentary: This otherwise unassuming brown bean has a small mouth which comments loudly on anything obvious happening around it. "There's a cloud over there, that tree has leaves, you are walking."