battle spirit shaman ability lvl 1

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

It doesnt says wich action can prompt this.
Since the real short duration of this, i say move or swift or free
not standard... i hope

Battle Spirit (Su): A shaman surrounds herself with the spirit of battle. Allies within 30 feet of the shaman (including the shaman herself) receive a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level and again at 16th level, these bonuses increase by 1. The shaman can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Supernatural abilities require a standard action unless they state otherwise.

Sovereign Court

if it's so, basically the starting round in wich the Ability is used is a wasted round for the shaman to use it's effect, since it can't attack anymore, right ?


Tommaso Gollini wrote:
if it's so, basically the starting round in wich the Ability is used is a wasted round for the shaman to use it's effect, since it can't attack anymore, right ?

Everyone keeps saying this about abilities that affect more than just the person using them. Just because the Shaman himself doesn't get to immediately use the +1 to attack and damage does not mean it is "wasted" It is not "wasted" because the shaman's allies can still gain the benefits. He used his standard action to provide his allies with a buff with the added benefit that next turn he will get the same bonus.

Sovereign Court

i am not saying the ability is wasted, i am saying the ability is wasted for the shaman in the round he casts it. But, if we build on this, i can say it goes on until the next round so it's effects in the round after the casting are actually the first round of duration completion for the ability itself.

example: the shaman is the last one acting in the initiative count
the shaman uses his standard action to activate this ability
the "active" round starts at the beginning of the next round and lasts until the end of the shaman round.
or the round 1 is totally wasted since the shaman is the last one to act ?

the first round is the round that he used it. If it lasted only 1 round it'd be off at the start of his next turn.

Grand Lodge

Durations count from when you activate them to just before the same count next round.

Sovereign Court

so in any case or circumstance, the first round for the shaman herself, the power is wasted (not for his allies toh)

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That's why you use a reach weapon! because you'd get it on your AoOs :D

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

It is interesting that every other spirit ability specifically calls out a Standard Action, while this one does not call out an action type.

Sovereign Court

yep and not all are standard, there are some that are swift actions aswell (bane weapons, the same battle spirit, lvl 8 greater spirit power)

My guess would be it was actually intended that this be a free action, but since that wasn't specified, the rules say it takes a standard action. Technically, I'm not even sure that you wouldn't have to spend the action to activate it each and every round that you wanted it active, since it doesn't have a duration, just a number of rounds that it can be used.

RAW: this is a standard action, period. All spell like, supernatural, whatever, are standard unless stated otherwise. no real wiggle room

Sovereign Court

yep i agree, but. Take a look at ALL the others spirit powers of all spirits. Where needed there is ALWAYS the spelling of the action. Some are swift actions for example. In this power the wording is incomplete. So we act by raw, but you cannot deny is weird (the lack of the proper wording...)

its not weird. Sometimes they leave phrases like that out if they need a bit more space in the book for other things. they cut like 25% of a book from when its done by the writers to when its published, and often they make choices like that because the rules already written cover it, and they just need that one more sentence elsewhere.

Sometimes they're just human and fallible, though. but errata has come out for that book i believe and they havent changed the ability, so thats the point where you can really say they probably intended it to be like that

Sovereign Court

can you point out to me the errata ? i didnt found them in the download section of this website

Sovereign Court

found them ! thanks anyway

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