Weasel Attachment

Rules Questions

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It sounds like once a Weasel attaches it automatically maintains the grapple and inflicts Bite damage each round. That's rather different from the Stirge, which makes a CMB check each round to maintain the grapple but gets a +8 on it. Of course the stirge also attaches with a touch attack and does Con damage, so that's not the only difference.

Is it correct to assume that once a Weasel Bites somebody it keeps on doing 1d3-4 damage each round until killed or removed with a successful CMB check? It doesn't seem like that should be tough given the Weasel's CMD of 6, but since somebody is taking a Weasel familiar I'm guessing this will come up at some point.

Scarab Sages

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Just note: as a familiar the CMD is not going to be the normal for a weasel. It will be the masters BAB + the familiars Str and dex and size modifier. If the weasel is the mauler familiar of an eldritch guardian fighter, that can be pretty darn high.

Now I want to make one...

Shadow Lodge

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Because that fighter has more HP and BAB than a wizard, throw your weasel at someone as an early distraction in the fight! Just make sure to engage the target on the same turn. Don't give your foe a standard action to spare, or they'll just pull off or stab your familiar.

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I agree that an Eldritch Guardian's Mauler familiar could be a great combatant though I'd probably go with a crab instead of a weasel. This weasel (who might be named Zeke) is a Bard's familiar though, so he probably won't be that tough.

I agree with the Shifty Mongoose's assessment that the it might be nice to keep the opponent busy. The problem I'd expect to see is that an enemy might decide that the easiest way to get rid of the weasel for good is to attack and kill it rather than just pry it off.

Anyhow, it doesn't seem like anybody is contesting the "automatic" nature of the weasel's Bite damage each round. As long as the weasel isn't a Mauler the damage is likely to be pretty insignificant. Even a Mauler with Constrict probably wouldn't do enough damage with a single Bite per round to warrant putting a familiar on the front lines. I expect to see weasel attacks come up mostly in a comedic fashion or perhaps when things are desperate.

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saw thread title
had to click on it


A non-Mauler weasel could be designated as the toucher for touch spells and add, say, Cacific Touch to its bite damage each round.

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OP please tell me your GM will allow you to reskin your weasel as a hamster named Boo

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Lamontius wrote:
OP please tell me your GM will allow you to reskin your weasel as a hamster named Boo


Also, I'd like a Pauly Shore brawler/monk archetype too.

viva los bio-dome

Note that the weasel attach ability does not give the target the grappled condition. So your weasel will just happy munch away for 1 non-lethal damage per turn and not hinder the enemy in any way, barring shenanigans... speaking of that, my familiar died last game and this sounds like a good idea for a replacement...

DM Livgin wrote:
Note that the weasel attach ability does not give the target the grappled condition. So your weasel will just happy munch away for 1 non-lethal damage per turn and not hinder the enemy in any way, barring shenanigans... speaking of that, my familiar died last game and this sounds like a good idea for a replacement...

Not explicitly. But it does say the weasel grapples the target. And the combat section says that when one target grapples another, they both gain the grappled condition.

Furthermore, the weasel automatic grapple damage doesn't take an action, so the weasel is still free to take its standard attack against the target each round. Of course, without any other weapons, it's limited to unarmed strikes.

Scarab Sages

Melkiador wrote:
DM Livgin wrote:
Note that the weasel attach ability does not give the target the grappled condition. So your weasel will just happy munch away for 1 non-lethal damage per turn and not hinder the enemy in any way, barring shenanigans... speaking of that, my familiar died last game and this sounds like a good idea for a replacement...

Not explicitly. But it does say the weasel grapples the target. And the combat section says that when one target grapples another, they both gain the grappled condition.

Furthermore, the weasel automatic grapple damage doesn't take an action, so the weasel is still free to take its standard attack against the target each round. Of course, without any other weapons, it's limited to unarmed strikes.

And if you are an eldritch guardian fighter, Improved Unarmed Strike is combat feat.

A grappled character can't make attacks of opportunity, so IUS isn't very needed for this. It could still come in handy if your target has friends though.

Melkiador wrote:
DM Livgin wrote:
Note that the weasel attach ability does not give the target the grappled condition. So your weasel will just happy munch away for 1 non-lethal damage per turn and not hinder the enemy in any way, barring shenanigans... speaking of that, my familiar died last game and this sounds like a good idea for a replacement...

Not explicitly. But it does say the weasel grapples the target. And the combat section says that when one target grapples another, they both gain the grappled condition.

Furthermore, the weasel automatic grapple damage doesn't take an action, so the weasel is still free to take its standard attack against the target each round. Of course, without any other weapons, it's limited to unarmed strikes.

The Weasel entry in the bestiary only includes a paraphrase of the attach rule, the rest of the rule can be found in the Universal Monster Rules

Universal Monster Rules wrote:

Attach (Ex) The creature automatically latches onto its target when it successfully makes the listed attack. The creature is considered grappling, but the target is not. The target can attack or grapple the creature as normal, or break the attach with a successful grapple or Escape Artist check. Most creatures with this ability have a racial bonus to maintain a grapple (listed in its CMB entry).

Format: attach; Location: individual attacks.

I'd say it's questionable, as the weasel has its own version of attach in its stat block. Specific trumps general. Expect table variation.

From universal monster rules:
"The following rules are standard and are referenced (but not repeated) in monster stat blocks."

So, if a rule is repeated in the stat block, you don't use the universal monster rule version.

Saw thread title, immediately imagined a Weasel being used like a bayonet (a rifle 'attachement').

Now envisioning a Weasel on a stick.

Can I get a +4 weasel of wounding please?

Shadow Lodge

Dark Lord Fluffy wrote:
Can I get a +4 weasel of wounding please?

fresh out, can I interest you in a +1 flaming, holy weasel?

My weasel attachment came with a 20% off coupon for a badger option.

Shadow Lodge

Ooh now if you want badgers you best talk to me brother, bill. He'll set you right up, but from the looks of it that coupon is for badger sandwiches, and badger sand witches (while supplies last.)

Lord Foul II wrote:
Dark Lord Fluffy wrote:
Can I get a +4 weasel of wounding please?
fresh out, can I interest you in a +1 flaming, holy weasel?

Naw, I guess I'll just take a Vorpal Bunny instead. I know they come in white, but I was looking for black. You know, to help hide the blood stains.

Shadow Lodge

Dark Lord Fluffy wrote:
Lord Foul II wrote:
Dark Lord Fluffy wrote:
Can I get a +4 weasel of wounding please?
fresh out, can I interest you in a +1 flaming, holy weasel?
Naw, I guess I'll just take a Vorpal Bunny instead. I know they come in white, but I was looking for black. You know, to help hide the blood stains.

if you're willing to wait for back order I can get you a dire unholy vorpal bunny, it comes in your choice of black or red,

May or may not be intiligent or vampiric, and your coupon doesn't apply.

Lord Foul II wrote:
Dark Lord Fluffy wrote:
Lord Foul II wrote:
Dark Lord Fluffy wrote:
Can I get a +4 weasel of wounding please?
fresh out, can I interest you in a +1 flaming, holy weasel?
Naw, I guess I'll just take a Vorpal Bunny instead. I know they come in white, but I was looking for black. You know, to help hide the blood stains.

if you're willing to wait for back order I can get you a dire unholy vorpal bunny, it comes in your choice of black or red,

May or may not be intiligent or vampiric, and your coupon doesn't apply.

Also highly vulnerable to +1 holy hand grenades.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Weasel attachment? Does that include the slicing and dicing blades?

One of my favorite memories from 70s D&D was that one entry on the wandering monster table:

"giant weasel/hogs"

We always wondered if that was an either/or option, or if it might be a hybrid creature, like the infamous owlbear.

Giant weasel-hogs that can attach and suck your blood would be... either terrifying or awesome.

I'm the DM rather than the player in this case. I hadn't considered the weasel using unarmed strikes while attached though the idea is sort of amusing. It also makes me think of "Golden Hamster Style" from the movie "Orgazmo" (which I guess means that I just admitted to having watched that movie)

The idea of adding a spell is interesting, but this weasel will be a Mauler. The idea struck me that when the weasel is man-sized maybe it would make more sense to give it Grab instead of Attach. I notice that there's a Medium sized "Giant Weasel" from Bestiary 4 which can serve as an animal companion. I guess that I could potentially model the weasel familiar's Medium sized form off of that if we decide that Attach is problematic or just too vague.

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