ACG Subscription shows Base Set as part of my subscription

Customer Service

I started my subscription with the Character Add-On deck in August. Looking over my current subscription and what will ship, I see the Skulls & Shackles base set is added on in the list. I don't know if others are in that same boat, but I would like to bring it to your attention to remove from my list before it becomes an order, and verify anyone else that it might be happening to to remove it before they accidentally get charged for it.

Thank you!

The Base Set is an annoying display only issue. And it is just as annoying for Paizo as it is for you. But it is only a display glitch. Paizo will not be shipping it to you. See:

And here
And here
And here
And also here

Authorization is today. They usually run a few "test" authorizations first. They will probably test a PACG subscription that has the base set displaying incorrectly to verify it won't authorize.

Today is only "authorization". While you might see a charge show up on your credit/debit card, it is really just a check that funds exist. You aren't truly charged until you get a shipping confirmation email. If, by chance, something goes wrong, when you get the authorization email if you see the base set on there, contact customer service. They will fix it for you before the shipping confirmation.

Also note, while authorization starts today, it often takes a few days to get through the all the orders. So don't freak out if you don't get an authorization email today or even tomorrow. Wait for Sara Marie to post that authorization has finished and THEN if you don't have an authorization email you can have a minor freak out. By which I mean just contact customer service and they will fix it for you.

SIDE NOTE: I also want to say, I have seen on rare occasions where they did accidentally send a duplicate of a product to a customer, but never on a large scale. And when they do, the resolution they have always seemed to offer is to tell the customer to keep the extra copy for free. Like this or this or this. But notice that in all those cases, it isn't a systemic issue. And they don't actually ask any customer to "prove" they got a duplicate product. They simply fix it and tell them to keep the extra or give it someone else.

So getting an extra base set by accident would actually probably be awesome, because Paizo customer service is pretty awesome at resolving problems. Yes, problems exist, like the display bug, but they inevitably seem to do a great job getting things fixed.

Thanks Hawk. I knew that was the case for August stuff and didn't realize it was a continuing issue. I would prefer they don't ship it by accident as it leaves another copy to get into the hands of folks that want it.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

Well, super-ninja'd by Hawkmoon on that one, who maybe went a little overboard with examples :-P I hadn't really realized how many times we've explained that. Maybe I should have made a sticky thread for that issue as well (notes to Future Sharaya to do things better in the future, since present Sharaya still has not found a TARDIS).

Grand Lodge

Sharaya wrote:
Well, super-ninja'd by Hawkmoon on that one, who maybe went a little overboard with examples :-P I hadn't really realized how many times we've explained that. Maybe I should have made a sticky thread for that issue as well (notes to Future Sharaya to do things better in the future, since present Sharaya still has not found a TARDIS).

You might find out if Sara Marie will get you one.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine


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