Poll: Do you like playing Martials or Casters more?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Title says it all.

Me personally, I like casters more because they are more versatile and have more things to do.

I will post a post for Martials and one for casters favorite the one you like more.

Edit: to clarify anything below a 6th level caster is a martial so Paladins and Rangers are Martials, but inquisitors and bard are not.

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I reached a point where I simply can't play pure martials anymore, at very least, not the ones designed by Paizo... Their lack of options makes the game frustrating and painfully boring. I recently dropped out of a game because I simply couldn't bother to play my (martial) character.

Fighters are the worst of all since once you build the character, the player can be effectivelly replaced by a parrot saying "I full attack" over and over again... But the problem affects all martials to a degree.

Lemmy wrote:

I reached a point where I simply can't play pure martials anymore, at very least, not the ones designed by Paizo... Their lack of options makes the game frustrating and painfully boring. I recently dropped out of a game because I simply couldn't bother to play my (martial) character.

Fighters are the worst of all since once you build the character, the player can be effectivelly replaced by a parrot saying "I full attack" over and over again... But the problem affects all martials to a degree.

I completely agree.

May I ask what your favorite class is then?

Also casters are in the lead right now

Does anyone think I should separate full casters and two third casters?

Scarab Sages

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Yoshu Uhsoy wrote:
Does anyone think I should separate full casters and two third casters?

Nah. What's the point? 2/3 casters typically have the kind of wild options that full casters get; it just takes longer to get them. Dimension Door is Dimension Door, whether you get it at 7th level or 9th level. I will say that 2/3 casters are TYPICALLY more balanced, and are usually some of the most balanced classes in the game (Bard/Inquisitor/Skald/Magus/etc.). That ALONE is enough of a reason for me to pick casters over martials.

Right now casters is beating Martials 6 to 3.

Also can you plz post and not just favorite a comment


You...asked for votes via favorites?

Anyway, I like either just fine, but I don't really like heavy bookkeeping or closely tracking limited-quantity abilities, which is why martials tend to get my vote. I tend to find that I just wind up hardly using my (blank) per day abilities, either because I forget about them or I'm worried about saving them for that time I'll really need them.

I also don't like the idea of being left without something to do, especially in a fight, so even on my caster characters I tend to focus on building up abilities that don't have limited use, like Aid Another or skills.

Scarab Sages

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Rennaivx wrote:

You...asked for votes via favorites?

Anyway, I like either just fine, but I don't really like heavy bookkeeping or closely tracking limited-quantity abilities, which is why martials tend to get my vote. I tend to find that I just wind up hardly using my (blank) per day abilities, either because I forget about them or I'm worried about saving them for that time I'll really need them.

I also don't like the idea of being left without something to do, especially in a fight, so even on my caster characters I tend to focus on building up abilities that don't have limited use, like Aid Another or skills.

I remember once playing a 5e game where we were running through a scenario at 1st level, and the Wizard player burned all of his spell slots on Magic Missile in the first encounter (It's actually pretty effective in that system). The DM seemed really surprised that he would do that, and the player said that his resources were there to make the encounters easier, not for him to waste time hoping for the perfect play.

It really opened my eyes in regards to playing spellcasters.

Yoshu Uhsoy wrote:
Lemmy wrote:

I reached a point where I simply can't play pure martials anymore, at very least, not the ones designed by Paizo... Their lack of options makes the game frustrating and painfully boring. I recently dropped out of a game because I simply couldn't bother to play my (martial) character.

Fighters are the worst of all since once you build the character, the player can be effectivelly replaced by a parrot saying "I full attack" over and over again... But the problem affects all martials to a degree.

I completely agree.

May I ask what your favorite class is then?

Also casters are in the lead right now

I really like Inquisitors and Bards. Druids and Magus are pretty cool too. I also enjoy certain Oracle and Shaman builds and I'm starting to enjoy Shamans, but I don't know the class very well yet... The new Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue seems promising as well.

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Well, you did ask us to vote with favorites...

In general, I prefer casters because the sheer number of options they have means you might as well not even be playing the same game as the guys without spells. My first Pathfinder character ever was a buff/control wizard. He was the linchpin of most of the party's plans, and that campaign still stands as some of the most fun I've ever had with the game.

I say "in general" because the paladin is cool enough that it's actually my favorite class despite all that stuff I just said.

If they're even remotely balanced, I like both.
When they're egregiously not but pretend to be -- as with 3.0/3.5/PF -- I generally prefer not to play using that system.

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Kirth Gersen wrote:

If they're even remotely balanced, I like both.

When they're egregiously not but pretend to be -- as with 3.0/3.5/PF -- I generally prefer not to play using that system.

There's a reason my list of PF house rules is approaching the size of a hardcover release.

Silver Crusade

I prefer to play martials, specially if it is a low magic world. But, Core fighters ?, never again, what a waste.

Full caster I would play only druid, because mother nature.

2/3, Havent had the chance to try one, but i hope to play an Investigator soon.

Sovereign Court

Casters have more narrative options open to them, so I generally have more successful characters with them, which usually means I enjoy them more often than martials.

That said...

4th level casters have just enough options for me to typically enjoy them as well.

Also, I occasionally enjoy playing with a handicap by playing non-casting classes, particularly if I am looking to roleplay a "has to make hard choices because can't solve it with magic" character.

I do agree that Martials can be fun every one in a while but I just love the complexity and versatility of full casters.

So logically my favorite is a wizard but I have been itching to try out a witch. I find clerics also fun.

Casters by far.

In the end i enjoy droping every stat and pumping CHA to as high as i can get. I do like having really high performance and good diplomacy... tests.

That wont cut it for martials.

Wow casters are winning 11 to 5 not really surprised though.

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Casters. Teleportation wizards are my favorite. Were I to be teleported to D&D land that's what I'd choose to be given the option. Also, elven, naturally

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Casters are more fun in game but I love martials so much. Just wish they could do more.

Alchemist is my favorite class followed by Slayer.

Wow casters is triple Martials.

Used to be Martial for me all the way, mostly Rangers, however I have recently been introduced to the new class Hunter (at least new to me) and it seems Caster will be my choice going forward.

Liberty's Edge

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Depends on what you mean.

I hate playing full casters. I like skill points and being effective at skills, especially social skills, and I like my character doing things other than casting spells during combat. I like them to wield a weapon and engage in battle physically, just visually and in terms of thematics. That combination of wants leaves out almost all full casters pretty thoroughly (Oracle's something on an exception).

But I also tend not to be super enthused about most fully martial characters. The lack of options is often painful (Slayer is something of an exception, just like Oracle is for full casters). I basically like 4 or 6 level casters. They do stuff physically in their own right, most have good to excellent skills, and they have some options and tricks up their sleeves. Investigator, Bard, and Inquisitoir are all particular favorites.

Grand Lodge

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I still enjoy playing martial characters for the challenge, but I vastly prefer casters.

My favorite setup right now is my Winter Oracle in Reign of Winter, who buffs my wife's Cavalier and sets her on his enemies. As a proper god caster does.

Casters, especially alchemist. Alchemist is awesome.

Hunter and Magus just seem so much more effective, in and out of combat, than something like a fighter. I also like druids, because nature, and I feel a blaster caster sorcerer would be rather fun (I prefer spontaneous casting).

Unchained rogue is interesting because of the plethora of skill points and skill unlocks but I am morally against dex to damage.

The slayer looks like an effective martial too, getting ranger combat feats and the like, more or less matching the fighter's feats but with less gear reliance, able to skip prerequisites and more skill points. But still hard to compete with actual casting....

Shadow Lodge

personally, casters are too easy and boring for me, they usually have a spell that solves any issue at any moment. Playing a martial forces me to be creative to solve situations, martials for me

Dark Archive

I remember once playing a 5e game where we were running through a scenario at 1st level, and the Wizard player burned all of his spell slots on Magic Missile in the first encounter (It's actually pretty effective in that system). The DM seemed really surprised that he would do that, and the player said that his resources were there to make the encounters easier, not for him to waste time hoping for the perfect play.

It really opened my eyes in regards to playing spellcasters.

and the second encounter was a TPK from a pair of Goblin archers in trees??

(sounds like your talking about a game i played in)

But for the record, I love my mean Ol'Martials.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Depends on what you mean.

I hate playing full casters. I like skill points and being effective at skills, especially social skills, and I like my character doing things other than casting spells during combat. I like them to wield a weapon and engage in battle physically, just visually and in terms of thematics. That combination of wants leaves out almost all full casters pretty thoroughly (Oracle's something on an exception).

But I also tend not to be super enthused about most fully martial characters. The lack of options is often painful (Slayer is something of an exception, just like Oracle is for full casters). I basically like 4 or 6 level casters. They do stuff physically in their own right, most have good to excellent skills, and they have some options and tricks up their sleeves. Investigator, Bard, and Inquisitoir are all particular favorites.


May I ask what some of the people who are voting casters favorite classes are?

Scarab Sages

Gurby wrote:

Davor wrote:

I remember once playing a 5e game where we were running through a scenario at 1st level, and the Wizard player burned all of his spell slots on Magic Missile in the first encounter (It's actually pretty effective in that system). The DM seemed really surprised that he would do that, and the player said that his resources were there to make the encounters easier, not for him to waste time hoping for the perfect play.

It really opened my eyes in regards to playing spellcasters.

and the second encounter was a TPK from a pair of Goblin archers in trees??

(sounds like your talking about a game i played in)

But for the record, I love my mean Ol'Martials.

LOL. Actually, I convinced the fighter to chuck my halfling up into the trees. Those goblins didn't know what hit them! (Actually they did. They saw me coming. It was really obvious.)

Inquisitor, battle oracle, I'm gonna try warpriest next. So mostly divine martial-caster.

Grand Lodge

Oracle and sorcerer. Paladin, bard, cleric.

Yoshu Uhsoy wrote:
May I ask what some of the people who are voting casters favorite classes are?

Wizard. I just love the lore and versatility.

Wizard is my favourite, followed by Witch, and then Cleric. I also liked my Inquisitor.

The main reason I prefer not to play martials (and also why my group prefers me to not play martials) is because my d20 rolling sucks.

I can fail saves where I only need a 2 to succeed more often than any other player fails where below eg 8 fails. My GM allowed my half-orc to take Lessons of Chaldira because it is so bad.

On the rare occasions that I do play a martial, it turns into a comedy character because I miss so often.

Would you guys recommend playing a bard or a oracle then for my up coming campaign? They both seem interesting with great rp potential.

P.s. I like being effective also

Edit: witch seems really cool too

My first pathfinder character was a Barbarian. That was a hoot for a half-dozen sessions. Then I gave Samurai a try. That was fun too.

Then I switched gears and tried Druid on for size. (Specifically Serpent Shaman with the trickery domain who utilized Snake Style as a huge emperor cobra better than any Monk ever could, and also had that sweet sweet spellcasting..) I haven't gone back to pure martials since.

Plz remember to also vote

So anyone else have anything to say?

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Lemmy wrote:

I reached a point where I simply can't play pure martials anymore, at very least, not the ones designed by Paizo... Their lack of options makes the game frustrating and painfully boring. I recently dropped out of a game because I simply couldn't bother to play my (martial) character.

Fighters are the worst of all since once you build the character, the player can be effectivelly replaced by a parrot saying "I full attack" over and over again... But the problem affects all martials to a degree.


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I have no favorite class yet. I'm too much drawn between wanting to play martials and realizing that they suck compared to casters.
So now I "playtest" various caster classes.

Just a Guess wrote:
Lemmy wrote:

I reached a point where I simply can't play pure martials anymore, at very least, not the ones designed by Paizo... Their lack of options makes the game frustrating and painfully boring. I recently dropped out of a game because I simply couldn't bother to play my (martial) character.

Fighters are the worst of all since once you build the character, the player can be effectivelly replaced by a parrot saying "I full attack" over and over again... But the problem affects all martials to a degree.



Sort of wish there was a middle option. I adore nearly every 6th level caster and a good chunk of the 4th level casters, but don't really like most full casters or most full martials. With a few exceptions.

Picked caster though.

Squiggit wrote:

Sort of wish there was a middle option. I adore nearly every 6th level caster and a good chunk of the 4th level casters, but don't really like most full casters or most full martials. With a few exceptions.

Picked caster though.

In the beginning I asked if I should put a middle option but people said no.

Scarab Sages

I think the main thing that did it for me in regards to casters is that I can play a 6th level caster and still be a fully functional "martial" character. Wanna be a frontliner? Why go fighter when you can go Magus? Why would I NOT want bardic buffs/spell selection? Why go ranger when I can get WAY better spellcasting and a better pet through hunter, without the metal restrictions of druid?

The short answer is, because you don't wanna play those classes. And that's totally fine, but given the chance, I'm not going to turn down access to spellcasting AND being a great weapon-based combatant.

My table heavily encourages third party, especially when i DM. That said would Path of War classes count as martials or casters? I like martials. and soulknives and aegis probably count as martials.
that is my vote.

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I tend to play the mixed 6th level casting classes. They give you the full run of options. So really, neither for the original answer.

If I play a martial, it'll be a tricked out one. I'm going to try out a fighter with the new weapon master book options. May wait for the armor book for the full set of options though. And I'm having fun with my Eldritch Scoundrel rogue though it's cheating as it gains casting.

Tend to avoid full prepared casters. oracles and sorcerers rock though.

As far as favorite... None really. it depends on my mood and the game.

Davor wrote:

I think the main thing that did it for me in regards to casters is that I can play a 6th level caster and still be a fully functional "martial" character. Wanna be a frontliner? Why go fighter when you can go Magus? Why would I NOT want bardic buffs/spell selection? Why go ranger when I can get WAY better spellcasting and a better pet through hunter, without the metal restrictions of druid?

The short answer is, because you don't wanna play those classes. And that's totally fine, but given the chance, I'm not going to turn down access to spellcasting AND being a great weapon-based combatant.

sry I am confused is your favorite class bard, witch or paladin cause I have seen you say those in different threads.

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