![]() So, I am playing a tiefling Soulknife, currently level 1, but level 2 is fast approaching. and the first hard choice comes quickly: What blade Skill to pick!
I am essentially the party's tank, so I was initially thinking Mark of the Challenger, though realized it doesn't scale, so at level 6 may become rarely used.
what do you guys think? what would you guys pick (not just from those two, but in general)? ![]()
![]() Louis Agresta wrote:
I kinda meant space umbrella as a resident evil style umbrella corporation, in space. ![]()
![]() I suppose you could break up the psychic warrior into expanded options for other classes or even an archetype. though I have to say the warrior paths could make for a solid way to make a class viable. Going to be honest, I imagined you guys fusing psychic warrior with soulknife to make a class anew (though making soulknife available to everyone via a feat/archetype is certainly neat and I like it). I WOULD be interested in a few of the Athanitism (anathatism?) powers from seventh path making it to your new core, if in a limited way at first. ![]()
![]() The Ragi wrote:
In the spoiler you mention getting 2d8+7+3d6 damage. but how? the best my math comes to is 2d8+7+2d6 and not being able to swift action Roshan's Inevitable Strike (at level 1 I don't know of any way to have more than 1 psionic focus to expend). ![]()
![]() This is a problem I have with barbarians and unchained barbarians too: they get DR far too late and too small amounts to mean much, in my opinion. However, that is fine here because this is a hybrid of barbarian and witch. speaking of: any chance of a 'universal' spirit power or feat giving you access to a witches hex (pulled from a limited list of some kind)? I don't know about the balance implications, but I think it would be cool to have a feat or something that let you use two stances at the same time, perhaps with a penalty. Or maybe to allow the benefit of a previous stance to linger for a round or two upon switching. heck, that could be a cool premise for an archetype, lol. ![]()
![]() can we talk about those heads for a moment? so are they broken down by their most distinct trait? would a really lucky person produce a luck spirit? someone known for being agile producing an agility spirit? The naming convention just struck me as accurate, but somehow odd to me in fluff-context. So, the Luck spirit channel is fine on it's own* (at early levels anyway), though the Fate's Favored trait may be a cause for concern. Then again, Fate's Favored is the problem child here, not the luck spirit. The Curse Dodger spirit power maybe shouldn't have a level requirement considering the relative rarity of curse effects (unless DSP's path of war expanded [cursed razor discipline, mostly] and malefex class are in the game, which makes curse effects quite a bit more abundant). *And then you reach the luck spirit powers: Fortune's Smile and Fortunate Stance. Luck bonuses do not stack (to my knowledge), and you must be channeling the luck spirit in order to use it's luck spirit powers... Still reading, but these popped out at me for... long winded reasons involving such terrible real life luck that a character of mine has bad luck written into their backstory and is currently the primary drive of the current campaign arc. ![]()
![]() I have made a few PoW character and NPCs in the past. swift and immediate actions will likely get used far more than in most other classes as your players use boost maneuvers and counters. remember that in any one round they can't make both a swift action and an immediate action! this easily forgotten rule will make so many headaches go away. On the DM side, recall that in path of war expanded there is a trait that gives you a single maneuver (not a stance). so tougher monsterous enemies and some bosses I will generally give this trait to them (even if monsters don't generally get traits) and give them a counter or boost or some ability that can throw players for a loop if they know the bestiary just a bit too well. the problem disciplines are broken blade and thrashing dragon, and part 2 of the Path of War errata should be fixing that. ![]()
![]() I'm just going to put this out there: I like this idea. what kinds of recovery mechanics did you have in mind for the classes?
![]() the xiao wrote:
I imagine that would maybe require fleshing out dreamscape combat a bit more. which, in fairness, they have talked about since 3.5, so that would be a cool surprise. ![]()
![]() ok, so Psionics Augmented: Soulknife 2 has a thing that may help you out: Spoiler: "THE ELOCATOR The elocator is the type of class that soulknives would love to have, if they could meet the manifesting requirements of this class. The emphasis on manifesting is minor, and soulknives appreciate the emphasis on speed, mobility, and complete control over their position. To make this more compatible with soulknives, we propose these optional, alternate rules: Prerequisites: Remove the manifesting 1st level powers requirement. Add in the ability to generate a mind blade, mind blade enhancement +1, and the Ghost Step blade skill. Manifesting: Each level of manifesting increases the soulknife’s effective level with his mind blade enhancement class feature. Transporter: Change this ability to grant the blade skill Cleave Space instead as a free blade skill. If there character already possesses this, then the soulknife may choose another blade skill of their choice that they meet the prerequisites for" ![]()
![]() I may need to see some examples, but I can offer suggestion as to things my wife and I would like to see. my wife loves horse people, so some centaur-style half-horse-ness would be interesting to her. In would suggest doing up racial feature sets (templates, I am just going to toss some out till it sticks, lol) for as many races as possible. then do some generic type and subtype racial bio-templates (better?). specifics can come around when/if you do an open playtest. ![]()
![]() so, you are proposing two templates (with each race being broken up into two templates) and an upbringing combined to create your race? if that is what I am understanding then I can totally get on board with that idea. so, to make sure I understand: to get dwarf, you would pick both dwarf templates and the dwarf upbringing. but to get a tiefimar you would pick one tiefling and one aasimar and some upbringing? If I am following along with what you are pitching, how are you handling alternate racial traits? will those be additional templates? that said: maybe templates is a bad term here. ![]()
![]() Ok, so reading up on it, marytial training is indead tracked slightly differently (and seperately from) initiating classes. HOWEVER, it would seem that most of the prestige classes listed in Path of War specifically note that they still grant you maneuvers if you took martial training:
awakened blade for example:
"At every even-number level, an awakened blade gains new maneuvers known from any discipline he previously had access to (either from a martial disciple class or from the Martial Training feat). He must meet a maneuver’s prerequisites to learn it. The character adds his full awakened blade levels to his initiator level to determine his total initiator level and his highest-level maneuvers known." That said, I need to look and see if the errata made any changes to this. Edit: errata ![]()
![]() Is there a line in the book that mentions veils like the Loyal Paladin's Spear of Light to automatically act as a philosophy weapon for a guru? Unrelated, but I recently re-downloaded the book to make sure i have the most up to date version, and there are still some things that I am surprised haven't been corrected (like the alignment section for daevics still saying: Alix`x`x`gnment). Is there some form of planned errata/spelling/grammar fixes in the future?
![]() If you want my personal favorites, paizo only, then:
If 3pp is open:
![]() I realized recently that I wanted a character to have a backstory that wasn't tragic, wasn't too unfortunate, or too goofy. I wanted to create a character who has a family, kids included and adventures specifically to provide for their family (and ensure that they are set for generations to come).