Hell's Rebels Recruitment Maptools / Skype


Looking for two more players to join our current group of 3 PC's. We play online using maptools (free) for virtual tabletop and skype for chat. We have a closed facebook group for weekly chatter/updates. I'm seeking players who are serious about playing weekly and can make a strong commitment for Saturday nights 8pm-12pm Eastern. We are currently finishing up Iron Gods book 6. The game style is equal parts roleplay and combat. You are welcome to check out Iron Gods in order to see if our group is right for you.

Hell's Rebels Character Creation Guidelines
• 20 Point Buy
• Max HP first level, (1/2 HP +1) additional levels
Example Barbarian 2nd lvl (d12) = 7 HP
Example Wizard 2nd lvl (d6) = 4 HP
• 2 Traits and Drawback are allowed (One Campaign Trait requirement - Player Guide)
• Average Starting GP
• All Classes / Archetypes / Prestige allowed
• All races allowed (homebrew races available), Monstrous Races (+20 RP) 15 point buy and subject to GM approval
• Unchained alt rules available for party nomination
• House Rule Proposal: Natural 20 skill check +10 bonus, Natural 1 skill check -10 penalty

As Pathfinder GM, I have ran and completed Jade Regent. I'm about to add Iron Gods to that list and intending to complete Hell's Rebels.

In the event that at least two players are absent from game, then the session is postponed until the following week.


Faceplam is a Good GM,

Not an ass.

Funny Voices, fun experience.

I give him 4 out of 5 picardfaceplan.jpg please join our game.

Right now I think we have like... bards.

PS: Or at least stop by Iron Gods with a high level PC and see how you fit in.

Definitely interested, Saturday nights would work for me. I have experience playing a few Pathfinder campaigns in person but have never played online or at such high of a level, although I have created my characters to reach such a level. I'm a huge RP-er and love immersion, if you'd like to talk more my Skype name is Kageblood. I hope to talk more with you there.

Kageblood wrote:
Definitely interested, Saturday nights would work for me. I have experience playing a few Pathfinder campaigns in person but have never played online or at such high of a level, although I have created my characters to reach such a level. I'm a huge RP-er and love immersion, if you'd like to talk more my Skype name is Kageblood. I hope to talk more with you there.

Thank you for your interest. Tried call on skype. I sent you a request to add to skype contacts. If you use facebook, you can meet the rest of us here Facebook Group and get more info.

If you wanted to get an idea of the online experience, here is a youtube video of one of our past sessions of Wrath of the Righteous
Youtube. We can help you get things set up.

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