Dark Sun - Boiling Blood and Bleached Bones (Shadowdark Ruleset)

Game Master Zedth

Where flesh is king and life is cheap, where water is more precious than gold, where magic strips the very lifeblood of the planet - this is Athas, the unforgiving world of Dark Sun.

I am prepping to run a Play-by-Post Dark Sun adventure using the award-winning
[b]Shadowdark[b] rule set by Kelsey Dionne of the Arcane Library. Recruitment will begin sometime in the relatively near future.

Stay tuned for my official recruitment announcement --

*taps fingertips together*

Athas always is… I won't call it a "fun" place to visit, exactly, but certainly an interesting one. :)

Will players be required to have access to the game's full rules, or might the quickstart guide suffice?

Some familiarity with the Shadowdark game rules will be preferred, but the game is so intuitive and simple that it can mostly be picked up as we go. The quickstart will certainly be a tool worth downloading. I will also be using some material from a 3rd party publisher (one of his books is a Shadowdark-Dark Sun tribute called 'Shadowsun').

When I'm officially ready to open recruitment I will post a more comprehensive set of expectations.

Good to know. Thank you!

Big fan of Dark Sun, and familiar with the Shadowdark game rules, so definitely interested - great initiative Gamemaster Zedth!

I like a lot of Dark Sun, and have played a Dark Sun PF1e game here on the boards, so I’m interested.

Shadowdark (and third party Shadowsun) could be a welcome change of ruleset.

Really it will be dependant upon the tenor and theme of your Athas setting/campaign. And general prevalence of cannibal halflings or the welcome lack thereof… ;)

I wanna be a Mul Gladiator

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Really it will be dependant upon the tenor and theme of your Athas setting/campaign. And general prevalence of cannibal halflings or the welcome lack thereof… ;)

Oh, there will be ravenous cannibalistic halflings. Oh yes.

The tenor I aim for is classic Dark Sun vibes, brutal themes, PC danger always on the table.

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