Presenting: The Most Popular 3PP Products for Pathfinder! Maybe!

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Especially not when the next list is for ninety years in the future and I don't believe in IRL psychics.

Liberty's Edge

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N. Jolly wrote:
I really hope we get a year end version of this, it'll be nice to see how everything shaped up!

Hey, did this ever happen?

Liberty's Edge

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Looking at the data, seems Shapeshifter's Handbook didn't make the top 10 for as many weeks as the Destroyer's Handbook did. Oh well. I'll have to do better next time.

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Marc Radle wrote:
Hey, did this ever happen?

But, it's not early January yet. Is it?

Seriously, I'm having stability problems with the spreadsheet. Maybe it's just too complicated. Or just too big. It may take me a while to get it done without destroying all my patience.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So, downloading the newest 64-bit version of LibreOffice helped.

Top 10 Products of 2016:
01. One on One Adventures Compendium (410 points)
02. Kineticists of Porphyra (240 points)
03. Path of War Expanded (187 points)
04. Kineticists of Porphyra II (149 points)
05. Kineticists of Porphyra III (118 points)
06. In the Company of Dragons (112 points)
07. We Be Dragons (105 points)
08. Way of the Wicked Book 1 (84 points)
09. (tie) New Paths 9: The Priest (71 points)
09. (tie) Ultimate Psionics (71 points)

Not too much change since the last report; just a little reshuffling. The 5e Tome of Beasts ended up in 12th place (59 points).

Top 10 Publishers of 2016:

01. Purple Duck Games (509 points)
02. Dreamscarred Press (451 points)
03. Expeditious Retreat Press (410 points)
04. Legendary Games (283 points)
05. Kobold Press (258 points)
06. Rogue Genius Games (218 points)
07. Drop Dead Studios (172 points)
08. Zenith Games (165 points)
09. Rite Publishing (148 points)
10. Fire Mountain Games (109 points)

There's a bit more shuffling here, but it's still the same ten names as the last 2016 list. If you want to add Everyman Gaming in with Rogue Genius Games, Rogue Genius rises to 252 points, which doesn't quite change their ranking. Tenth place got 3 times the points of 11th place.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My data/calculation spreadsheet is still undergoing some modifications, so it's not yet available.

Top 10 Products of All Time (through 2016):

01. One on One Adventures Compendium (673 points)
02. Ultimate Psionics (663 points)
03. Way of the Wicked Book 1 (432 points)
04. Psionics Unleashed (387 points)
05. In the Company of Dragons (358 points)
06. Pathfinder Legends---RotR 1 (289 points)
07. Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide (274 points)
08. Kineticists of Porphyra (246 points)
09. Spheres of Power (243 points)
10. Spheres of Power: Expanded Options (207 points)

Again, just some shuffling of the same names since the last list.

Psionics Expanded + Psionics Expanded: Work in Progress is 425 points.
Path of War Expanded + Path of War expanded work in progress is 296 points.

Runners-up include: Book of the River Nations: Complete Player's Reference for Kingdom Building and Longest Book Title Ever (188 points), Path of War + Path of War work in progress (165 points), Kineticists of Porphyra II (149 points), and Making Craft Work (140 points)

Top 10 Publishers of All Time (through 2016):
01. Super Genius Games (3295 points)
02. Kobold Press/Open Design (2867 points)
03. Dreamscarred Press (2397 points)
04. Pathfinder Paper Minis (1421 points)
05. Legendary Games (1380 points)
06. OtherWorld Creations (1097 points)
07. Rite Publishing (966 points)
08. Fire Mountain Games (796 points)
09. Big Finish Productions (755 points)
10. Expeditious Retreat Press (685 points)

Only a few changes from last time. If one conglomerates OtherWorld Creations, Super Genius Games, Rogue Genius Games, and Everyman Gaming, they get 5243 points. Runners-up are Rogue Genius Games (by themselves, 669 points), Drop Dead Studios (654 points), Louis Porter Jr. Design (618 points), Purple Duck Games (529 points), and Jon Brazer Enterprises (408 points).

So far, 765 different products and 78 different publishers (depending on one's definition of "different") have been on the lists.

Shadow Lodge

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Zenith Games at #8 for 2016. Wow! Not too bad for a company that didn't exist for the first third of the year.

It's also nice to see We Be Dragons on that list. I'm sure that and the Colossal Creatures Bestiary did the trick. Thanks for the data DS!

Silver Crusade

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3/5 of the top 10 of 2016 and one of the most popular products of all time? #hashtagDOMINANT

Seriously, I know the data's rough and doesn't account for TONS of variables, but damn if this isn't encouraging to a young and heroic author like myself. One year and I make this kind of impact; and I haven't even hit my stride yet. It only gets better from here, and I can't wait to see the results of 2017 as the year goes on!

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I'm working on the lists for the first quarter of 2017, and I noticed something: I don't have a This Week at Paizo email for the weeks of February 10 or March 3.

If someone has those, or has confirmation that they didn't send one out those days, I'd appreciate it. There may be a prize in it for you.

Silver Crusade

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Distant Scholar wrote:

I'm working on the lists for the first quarter of 2017, and I noticed something: I don't have a This Week at Paizo email for the weeks of February 10 or March 3.

If someone has those, or has confirmation that they didn't send one out those days, I'd appreciate it. There may be a prize in it for you.

I think those weren't sent out to a lot of people, maybe everyone. There was some oddness there.

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Special Note: I've changed how I'm handling the spreadsheets (now plural) for the data. I think that, if one keeps all these files in the same directory, the links between files should work correctly. And I also think the following link to the data should work correctly. But let me know if it doesn't.

The data files will soon be updated to include July as well---"soon" meaning "an hour or so from now".

Link to Data Files

Top 10 Products of 2017 (through June):

01. One on One Adventures Compendium (169 points)
02. Starjammer: Core Rulebook (138 points)
03. Ultimate Psionics (73 points)
04. Aethera Campaign Setting (59 points)
05. Way of the Wicked Book 1 (58 points)
06. Skill Challenge Handbook (52 points)
07. (tie) Starjammer: Medical Marvels (40 points)
07. (tie) Ultimate Factions (40 points)
09. Big Book of Everything Bundle (38 points)
10. 60 Books, 30 Bucks Legendary Games Mega-Bundle (31 points)

7 of the top 10 are new to 2017, I believe. Although, two of those are bundles that may not hold any 2017 products. Still, even 5 out of 10 being new is pretty impressive.

There are 6 products in the 26-29 point range, although half of them are bundles. The non-bundles are 101 Spells for the Common Man, The Kobold Guide to Gamemastering, and Legendary Kineticists II.

Top 10 Publishers of 2017 (through June):
01. Legendary Games (306 points)
02. Dreamscarred Press (207 points)
03. Publishing (178 points)
04. Expeditious Retreat Press (170 points)
05. Rogue Genius Games (129 points)
06. Fire Mountain Games (70 points)
07. Zenith Games (46 points)
08. Jon Brazer Enterprises (42 points)
09. Kobold Press (31 points)
10. Raging Swan Press (31 points)

I think this may be the first time Raging Swan Press has shown up on these lists. comes on strong, thanks to Starjammer.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Distant Scholar wrote:

Special Note: I've changed how I'm handling the spreadsheets (now plural) for the data. I think that, if one keeps all these files in the same directory, the links between files should work correctly. And I also think the following link to the data should work correctly. But let me know if it doesn't.

The data files will soon be updated to include July as well---"soon" meaning "an hour or so from now".

Link to Data Files

Top 10 Products of 2017 (through June):

01. One on One Adventures Compendium (169 points)
02. Starjammer: Core Rulebook (138 points)
03. Ultimate Psionics (73 points)
04. Aethera Campaign Setting (59 points)
05. Way of the Wicked Book 1 (58 points)
06. Skill Challenge Handbook (52 points)
07. (tie) Starjammer: Medical Marvels (40 points)
07. (tie) Ultimate Factions (40 points)
09. Big Book of Everything Bundle (38 points)
10. 60 Books, 30 Bucks Legendary Games Mega-Bundle (31 points)

7 of the top 10 are new to 2017, I believe. Although, two of those are bundles that may not hold any 2017 products. Still, even 5 out of 10 being new is pretty impressive.

There are 6 products in the 26-29 point range, although half of them are bundles. The non-bundles are 101 Spells for the Common Man, The Kobold Guide to Gamemastering, and Legendary Kineticists II.

Top 10 Publishers of 2017 (through June):
01. Legendary Games (306 points)
02. Dreamscarred Press (207 points)
03. Publishing (178 points)
04. Expeditious Retreat Press (170 points)
05. Rogue Genius Games (129 points)
06. Fire Mountain Games (70 points)
07. Zenith Games (46 points)
08. Jon Brazer Enterprises (42 points)
09. Kobold Press (31 points)
10. Raging Swan Press (31 points)

I think this may be the first time Raging Swan Press has shown up on these lists. comes on strong, thanks to Starjammer.

Woohoo, it's been a very good year! Congrats to everybody on the list!

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Slightly stunned to see Ultimate Factions up there in the top 10, but hugely exciting, too, and some very awesome products above it. Well done, all.

Anyway, time for me to get back to my wordsmithing.

The Exchange

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Distant Scholar wrote:

07. (tie) Starjammer: Medical Marvels (40 points)
... comes on strong, thanks to Starjammer.

I'm curious why/where the Starjammer Core Rulebook shows up? That book was #1 for several months, whereas the Medical Marvels book was much shorter?

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It's on No.2 spot on the same list?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Shhhhh! We were trying to keep that a seeeeeeecret...

The Exchange

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errgh Perception Check FAIL!

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Always nice to see Zenith Games make the cut - and bumped up a spot from last year! Nice work to everybody who made the list (and to anybody who published anything at all)!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Broken Zenith wrote:
Always nice to see Zenith Games make the cut - and bumped up a spot from last year! Nice work to everybody who made the list (and to anybody who published anything at all)!

Amen to that! If you've ever had the itch, get in the game and make something awesome!

Liberty's Edge

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Jason Nelson wrote:
Broken Zenith wrote:
Always nice to see Zenith Games make the cut - and bumped up a spot from last year! Nice work to everybody who made the list (and to anybody who published anything at all)!
Amen to that! If you've ever had the itch, get in the game and make something awesome!

Hallelujah! Testify brother!

Grand Lodge

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I very much hope to see Spheres of Might come up in this thread, once it comes out. I was part of the kickstarter, and I have to say what was put together is pretty awesome.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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Jonathon Wilder wrote:
I very much hope to see Spheres of Might come up in this thread, once it comes out. I was part of the kickstarter, and I have to say what was put together is pretty awesome.

You should keep an eye out around August 9th. About half the team from Spheres of Might and many other talented designers and artists are working on a new Kickstarter for Lost Spheres Studios called "City of Seven Seraphs" that will be going live that day.

Lots of teasers and info to be found at Lost Spheres' Blog.

Silver Crusade

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Ssalarn wrote:
Jonathon Wilder wrote:
I very much hope to see Spheres of Might come up in this thread, once it comes out. I was part of the kickstarter, and I have to say what was put together is pretty awesome.

You should keep an eye out around August 9th. About half the team from Spheres of Might and many other talented designers and artists are working on a new Kickstarter for Lost Spheres Studios called "City of Seven Seraphs" that will be going live that day.

Lots of teasers and info to be found at Lost Spheres' Blog.


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I had this dream once where The Flying Pincushion got on this list...then I woke up ;)

Someday...maybe...just maybe!

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I was updating my files for this just now, when I noticed:

Skill Challenge Handbook is currently 3rd for 2017, and 19th overall. Not bad for being out for just over 3 months.

Edit: I'm a bit torn. Now that Starfinder products are regularly showing up on the lists, does this still belong in the Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products area?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Distant Scholar wrote:

I was updating my files for this just now, when I noticed:

Skill Challenge Handbook is currently 3rd for 2017, and 19th overall. Not bad for being out for just over 3 months.

Edit: I'm a bit torn. Now that Starfinder products are regularly showing up on the lists, does this still belong in the Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products area?

Thoroughly well-deserved for the Skill Challenge Handbook - anyone who reads this thread who doesn't have it yet, go and get it. Now. We'll wait.

As for the Starfinder question: keep updating this thread as normal, including the SF books, and send an email to Paizo about whether this thread should be here, duplicated to the Starfinder board somehow (doubtful) or needs to move to another forum section to be more holistically applicable to 3PP.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I think Starfinder products should absolutely be a separate list. It I separate game from Pathfinder, the 3PP offerings shouldn't be lumped together

I would imagine Starfinder is a separate game, while these should be Pathfinder. If you're up to it, I'd love to see SF stuff, as well, but obviously it's up to you.

This is an amazing thread, by the way - I remain extremely grateful that you're doing this!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The difficulty being that the data are taken from the weekly 3PP downloads info released by Paizo which doesn't differentiate between PF and SF at all. Taking last week as an example, positions 2, 6, and 7 were the only PF products, all the others were taken by SF products, but should the Aethera setting count as 1st place for Pathfinder that week, or 2nd place since that where it was in the download chart, and the answer to that can affect the points a product gains, and thus where it (and the publisher) stand overall.

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Love the suggestions in this thread.

And if anybody has looked at the This Week at Paizo email that just came out, we have a very unique situation today. The 10 ten list from other companies is entirely comprised of one company, Kobold Press. Their Kobold Quarterly sale for $1.00 for all their PDF's, has driven everyone else off the list entirely. We've seen lists where a company had upwards of more than half the list, but never 100%.

Which in light of some discussion upthread, is that KQ not only encompasses Pathfinder, but 13th Age, 4th Ed. So how do you classify this week since there was opinions expressed about Pathfinder vs Starfinder vs other.

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Top 10 Products of 2017:
01. One on One Adventures Compendium (314 points)
02. Starjammer: Core Rulebook (138 points)
03. (tie) Skill Challenge Handbook (124 points)
03. (tie) Ultimate Psionics (124 points)
05. Way of the Wicked Book 1 (92 points)
06. Starfarer's Companion [SFRPG] (91 points)
07. Aethera Campaign Setting (88 points)
08. Spheres of Might (57 points)
09. In the Company of Vampires (49 points)
10. (tie) Kobold Quarterly 21 (40 points)
10. (tie) Starjammer: Medical Marvels (40 points)
10. (tie) Ultimate Factions (40 points)

Kobold Quarterly 21 is up there because of a sale that lasted through four of five weeks of December. All the bundles have been bumped off the list. Only one Starfinder book made the list (The Starjammer stuff listed, and the Aethera Campaign setting, are for Pathfinder). Both Spheres of Might and In the Company of Vampires did very well, for only being available since mid-October (and KQ dominating sales in most of December).

Top 10 Publishers of 2017:
01. Rogue Genius Games (442 points)
02. Legendary Games (413 points)
03. Expeditious Retreat Press (354 points)
04. Dreamscarred Press (289 points)
05. Kobold Press (269 points)
06. Publishing (202 points)
07. Drop Dead Studios (119 points)
08. Fire Mountain Games (108 points)
09. Zenith Games (99 points)
10. Rite Publishing (91 points)

If one wishes to ignore the 220 points Kobold Press got from its KQ sale, they drop to 49 points, below Louis Porter Jr. Design (76 points) and newcomer Stroh Hammer (52 points), which I believe is Starfinder-only. Jon Brazer Enterprises is at 42 points.

[Edit: fixed ranking numbers, minor formatting]

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Top 10 Products of All Time (through December 2017):
01. One on One Adventures Compendium (987 points)
02. Ultimate Psionics (787 points)
03. Way of the Wicked Book 1 (524 points)
04. Psionics Unleashed (387 points)
05. In the Company of Dragons (379 points)
06. Pathfinder Legends--Rise of the Runelords part 1 (289 points)
07. Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide (274 points)
08. Kineticists of Porphyra (249 points)
09. Spheres of Power (245 points)
10. Path of War Expanded (217 points)

Adding the Psionics Expanded Work in Progress points to Psionics Expanded puts that book at 425 points. Adding the Path of War Expanded Work in Progress to Path of War Expanded puts that book at 326 points.
One may wish to ignore Pathfinder Legends. The next few books are Spheres of Power: Expanded Options (207 points), Book of the River Nations: Complete Player's Reference for Kingdom Building (188 points) and Kineticists of Porphyra II (150 points).

Top 10 Publishers of All Time (through December 2017):
01. Super Genius Games (3295 points)
02. Kobold Press/Open Design (3136 points)
03. Dreamscarred Press (2686 points)
04. Legendary Games (1793 points)
05. Pathfinder Paper Minis (1446 points)
06. Rogue Genius Games (1111 points)
07. OtherWorld Creations (1097 points)
08. Rite Publishing (1057 points)
09. Expeditious Retreat Press (1039 points)
10. Fire Mountain Games (904 points)

If one wishes to conglomerate Super Genius Games, Rogue Genius Games, OtherWorld Creations, and Everyman Gaming [products from each have fallen into Rogue Genius Games' current catalog], that adds up to a whopping 5685 points. One may wish to ignore Pathfinder Paper Minis. The next few publishers are Drop Dead Studios (773 points), Big Finish Productions (755 points), Louis Porter Jr. Design (694 points), and Purple Duck Games (553 points). Jon Brazer Enterprises is at 450 points; the rest are below 300.

[edit: minor formatting]

Shadow Lodge

Well that was speedy!

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