The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
We can never go back, but we have the memories Rags. Besides, despite the nostalgia, honestly animation is in much better form these days. I am a big believer in cable/internet and the emergent nöosphere. I just hope I can hold out until I can create my own virtual Sigil to game in.

I will agree with you, (Despite things that make my skin crawl, like 'Beavis & B#tthead', 'Cow & Chicken, & a few others.) But Ther is a LOT of good stuff!

I have recently (last couple of years) actually discovered Anime.
(Not realizing that when I was in grade school and watched Star Blazers & G-Force after school every day I was watching Anime!) ;P

OK, Now a virtual Sigil With you I will definitely signup for! :)

I guess we COULD use the NWN or NWN2 Toolsets,... I've seen some pretty creative stuff done with those,... <Starts thinking too hard> ;)

Rassin' Frassin robes, always getting turned inside out,...

Oh no. I want the needle in the spine full sensorium Sigil. But, it will likely be more something I do once my consciousness gets digitally uploaded

If anybody is interested in joining a Mafia/Werewolf-style game, one is starting soon.

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Lindsey Sterling - The Arena.

Ragadolf wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
We can never go back, but we have the memories Rags. Besides, despite the nostalgia, honestly animation is in much better form these days. I am a big believer in cable/internet and the emergent nöosphere. I just hope I can hold out until I can create my own virtual Sigil to game in.

I will agree with you, (Despite things that make my skin crawl, like 'Beavis & B#tthead', 'Cow & Chicken, & a few others.) But Ther is a LOT of good stuff!

I have recently (last couple of years) actually discovered Anime.
(Not realizing that when I was in grade school and watched Star Blazers & G-Force after school every day I was watching Anime!) ;P

OK, Now a virtual Sigil With you I will definitely signup for! :)

I guess we COULD use the NWN or NWN2 Toolsets,... I've seen some pretty creative stuff done with those,... <Starts thinking too hard> ;)

Beavis and butt head was at its best when it was a short. The longer show was really dumb, but gave us Daria and the movie, which had a b$$&~in' soundtrack.

And you don't like cow and chicken? How is that possible?

Daria was a great satire on all things adolescent. And growing up smart enough to be disgusted.

I have to admit a lot of the Nineties Nickelodeon shows didn't gel with me. I didn't like Courage, or Rockos Modern Life. Too spastic.

I do worship Ren and Stimpy. Lord knows why. It was even more spastic, but it just worked for me.

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Treppa wrote:
If anybody is interested in joining a Mafia/Werewolf-style game, one is starting soon.

Werewolf as in White Wolf style World of darkness?

As in the party game .

Treppa wrote:
As in the party game .

Yup, it's a fun pbp that gets finished in a couple of weeks. So no long term commitment, although it is 'competitive' we have fun.

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captain yesterday wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We had French exchange students every summer, so I loved Asterix! Also some British comic with a kid named Billy I think.

Billy Whizz in the Dandy? Since they were my founding comics the old Beano & Dandy (since unfortunately Topper & Beezer had stopped) & I was too naive/young for 2000AD or Viz. Brilliant comics which always had trouble attempting to adapt to the times.

Of course Asterix & Tin-Tin were the classics for longer stories with more involved plots than the aforementioned.

I remember it being called Billy the Kid, or something similar, I had one book my uncle sent me. It had kind of a Dennis the Menace with cartoony horror elements feel to it. The one book I had he and his friends were trying to build a theme park out of trash and s+$* found around the neighborhood dump.

Apparently Billy the Kid was first published in Topper, then merged with the Beezer & after they went out of business in 93 some characters appeared in Dandy/Beano. But the British comics always had an anarchic feel, with the antagonists being 'normal kids' - which was very nice & relatable even if not as swish as some foreign comics.

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Bird with the word has landed!

Thursday is my Friday and my Friday beings my 9-day vacation.

Packing the RV tomorrow, packing food, sleeping supplies, packing entertainment, packing the PC, packing mom and the chihuahuas..,


That last part didn't sound right.

I will take pictures of Wyoming and the Rocky Mountains. Yes.

Keep the treefort proper and running. Like a terminator, I'll be back.

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I do worship Ren and Stimpy. Lord knows why. It was even more spastic, but it just worked for me.

Yet another fine example of why you're on the List of People to Never be Eaten During the Zombiepocalypse

Never liked Ren and Stimpy, or Rocko's modern life. Liked courage the cowardly dog.


Off to a bit of a slow start today, but I've been updating the PbPs pretty much the last two hours.

I had a really bad day yesterday work wise. Just minor aggravations, but I was in a foul mood by midnight, and I dislike anger. It corrodes you. I am more equanimous now. Breathe in, breathe out.

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Jackie Chan in City Hunters.

Is that the Street Fighter bit that's doing the rounds? (Since Fortune Star Media have blocked it in my country)

Yes. Jackie Chan is several of the Street Fighter characters, ending in him playing Chun-Li. He did a very good job at it.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I had a really bad day yesterday work wise. Just minor aggravations, but I was in a foul mood by midnight, and I dislike anger. It corrodes you. I am more equanimous now. Breathe in, breathe out.

Let the hate flow through you! It will make you powerful!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I am soon to be a player on a game for the first time in awhile. Take a look at the character I'm playing. (yes I did borrow and change a few things to come up with a compelling Oracle mystery.
"My character idea. I want to play a Human (Keleshite) Oracle of Lore. His name is Hassan. Hassan was found on the steps of the Grand temple of Saranrae in Katheer as a baby. The child from the very beginning was a great mystery to the sarenites, as the child had white pupiless eyes as if blind but saw perfectly well. Also when in stressful situations blood would trickle from his eyes like tears, and he would only be able to speak in an (at first) unintelligible dialect, but was later found to be an archaic form of the celestial language. And most intriguing of all a growing birthmark of the child in a script that to this day eludes translation. As Hassan matured and got older the birthmark also grew and now the script snakes all over his body, in a complete mystery of text. The best scholars could only determine that the text was extraplanar in some way, and that the child also had extraplanar blood that did little else than give him these strange features (no in game mechanic). And that the speech and and blood from his eyes were the part of an oracles curse. What do you think of my concept?"

Man, counting calories is a b%+&$

Scarab Sages

In Soviet Russia, calories count you!

I'm feeling a bit like the Russian Bear right now.

Durn tasty margaritas and appetizers!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I do worship Ren and Stimpy. Lord knows why. It was even more spastic, but it just worked for me.

They did give us Stinky Wizzleteats.

Scarab Sages

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Not to mention.....SPACE MADNESS!!!

Treppa wrote:

Made it to my mom's after a 14 hour drive. At least the weather was good - much better than last time.

Got here and asked my mom for the WiFi password because I have a new laptop since last year. "I have WiFi? I don't think I have WiFi." She gave me the password last year with no problem.

Fortunately, I remembered it. But she can't let it go. "What do I do with the WiFi? Should I unplug it? If I'm not using it, I don't want to pay for it."


I hope your visit goes well otherwise. :)

Or ... LOG!

Scarab Sages

Everyone loves a LOG!

Scarab Sages

Scary, I didn't even have to watch the video to remember the song.

Yeah, most of the 90's cartoons did not resonate with me. At all.
(Sorry Zombeh)

(ALthough I will admit that 'I M Weasel' made me smile) :)

But most of those from that era were just mindless nonsense to me. (And yes, this is coming from a guy who grew up on watching Wyle E Cayote and Bugs Bunny as a kid) ;P
And at worst just mindless noise. :/

Have to agree with the original Monkey statement that started this part of the discussion, we are most assuredly at a better place in animation now! :)

The Minis Maniac wrote:

So I am soon to be a player on a game for the first time in awhile. Take a look at the character I'm playing. (yes I did borrow and change a few things to come up with a compelling Oracle mystery.

"My character idea. I want to play a Human (Keleshite) Oracle of Lore. His name is Hassan. Hassan was found on the steps of the Grand temple of Saranrae in Katheer as a baby. The child from the very beginning was a great mystery to the sarenites, as the child had white pupiless eyes as if blind but saw perfectly well. Also when in stressful situations blood would trickle from his eyes like tears, and he would only be able to speak in an (at first) unintelligible dialect, but was later found to be an archaic form of the celestial language. And most intriguing of all a growing birthmark of the child in a script that to this day eludes translation. As Hassan matured and got older the birthmark also grew and now the script snakes all over his body, in a complete mystery of text. The best scholars could only determine that the text was extraplanar in some way, and that the child also had extraplanar blood that did little else than give him these strange features (no in game mechanic). And that the speech and and blood from his eyes were the part of an oracles curse. What do you think of my concept?"

I like it, gives the GM a few hooks, puts forth a few NPC's & motivation/actions to do in towns. A couple of characteristics of Hassan could be good, is he generous/fearful/...etc or does he have any habits? Unless you are going to see what naturally evolves as you play?

The Minis Maniac wrote:

So I am soon to be a player on a game for the first time in awhile. Take a look at the character I'm playing. (yes I did borrow and change a few things to come up with a compelling Oracle mystery.

"My character idea. I want to play a Human (Keleshite) Oracle of Lore. His name is Hassan. Hassan was found on the steps of the Grand temple of Saranrae in Katheer as a baby. The child from the very beginning was a great mystery to the sarenites, as the child had white pupiless eyes as if blind but saw perfectly well. Also when in stressful situations blood would trickle from his eyes like tears, and he would only be able to speak in an (at first) unintelligible dialect, but was later found to be an archaic form of the celestial language. And most intriguing of all a growing birthmark of the child in a script that to this day eludes translation. As Hassan matured and got older the birthmark also grew and now the script snakes all over his body, in a complete mystery of text. The best scholars could only determine that the text was extraplanar in some way, and that the child also had extraplanar blood that did little else than give him these strange features (no in game mechanic). And that the speech and and blood from his eyes were the part of an oracles curse. What do you think of my concept?"

Sounds interesting Jeremy! I could work with it


It's Friday, on a holiday weekend. That means


Seriously, so many people embarrass themselves here on our national holiday. I get it, you're on vacation. That doesn't mean you get to leave your common sense, morals, and basic human dignity at the bridge.


I'd also like to know when the hospital became the drunk tank/halfway house for the town? I had to spend an hour arguing with a drug seeker who was pissed we wouldn't give him

  • drugs
  • a room
  • a sandwich
His parting sarcastic shot as he sauntered out of the ER "You people run a really great place here." Sorry it wasn't up to your Michelin standards. Perhaps the dumpster around the corner will afford you better service :/

Sorry, feeling ranty this morning. I'll desist.

Happy thoughts: It's gorgeous out. The sun is shining, and it is time to go enjoy a little of this fantastic day! Many folks are clamped in a vise of humidity and heat far from the ocean. Time to enjoy what many dream of, lying on the beach on Cape Cod :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Everyone loves a LOG!

If only that were true, I wouldn't have these restraining orders.

RPG Superstar 2012

Your Creepy Neighbor wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Everyone loves a LOG!
If only that were true, I wouldn't have these restraining orders.

Some people have no sense of humor.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Seriously, so many people embarrass themselves here on our national holiday. I get it, you're on vacation. That doesn't mean you get to leave your common sense, morals, and basic human dignity at the bridge.


Yeah, Mom and I have had a nice time doing the town the last few days. But today's the Friday before a major holiday and we're only 3 hours from Chicago, so... onslaught of tourists starts today. We're hunkering down. Some were already coming in last night (you can tell because they always ask where to buy groceries), but today through Sunday will be Tourist Hell. Fuggedaboudit. Staying in.

I think driving home on the 4th itself should be fine, though. People are typically doing the BBQ and fireworks thing that day, so I don't expect a lot of people on the road.

taig wrote:
Your Creepy Neighbor wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Everyone loves a LOG!
If only that were true, I wouldn't have these restraining orders.
Some people have no sense of humor.

And no sense of romance.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I'd also like to know when the hospital became the drunk tank/halfway house for the town? I had to spend an hour arguing with a drug seeker who was pissed we wouldn't give him
  • drugs
  • a room
  • a sandwich
His parting sarcastic shot as he sauntered out of the ER "You people run a really great place here." Sorry it wasn't up to your Michelin standards. Perhaps the dumpster around the corner will afford you better service :/

probably because the police drop them off there. It's happened up(or perhaps to you down) here too. ERs are not what they used to be, they have morphed into a catchall area over time as private doctors vacillated between closing up shop and making incredibly lucrative housecalls, police get sued for throwing non drunks in the drunk tank, and people inside hospitals without morals realize that they can make an awful lot of money quietly selling drugs on the side.

Yep. The police don't like to keep the drunks anymore, so they drop them into the ERs lap

RPG Superstar 2012

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Seriously, so many people embarrass themselves here on our national holiday. I get it, you're on vacation. That doesn't mean you get to leave your common sense, morals, and basic human dignity at the bridge.


Yeah, Mom and I have had a nice time doing the town the last few days. But today's the Friday before a major holiday and we're only 3 hours from Chicago, so... onslaught of tourists starts today. We're hunkering down. Some were already coming in last night (you can tell because they always ask where to buy groceries), but today through Sunday will be Tourist Hell. Fuggedaboudit. Staying in.

I think driving home on the 4th itself should be fine, though. People are typically doing the BBQ and fireworks thing that day, so I don't expect a lot of people on the road.

The road is yours! You can drive in all the lanes at once if you want, and no one will be around to honk at you or shoot you the bird.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yessssss! My road! My rules!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Yessssss! My road! My rules!

We shall drive on to Valhalla, shiny and chrome!

DSXMachina wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:

So I am soon to be a player on a game for the first time in awhile. Take a look at the character I'm playing. (yes I did borrow and change a few things to come up with a compelling Oracle mystery.

"My character idea. I want to play a Human (Keleshite) Oracle of Lore. His name is Hassan. Hassan was found on the steps of the Grand temple of Saranrae in Katheer as a baby. The child from the very beginning was a great mystery to the sarenites, as the child had white pupiless eyes as if blind but saw perfectly well. Also when in stressful situations blood would trickle from his eyes like tears, and he would only be able to speak in an (at first) unintelligible dialect, but was later found to be an archaic form of the celestial language. And most intriguing of all a growing birthmark of the child in a script that to this day eludes translation. As Hassan matured and got older the birthmark also grew and now the script snakes all over his body, in a complete mystery of text. The best scholars could only determine that the text was extraplanar in some way, and that the child also had extraplanar blood that did little else than give him these strange features (no in game mechanic). And that the speech and and blood from his eyes were the part of an oracles curse. What do you think of my concept?"

I like it, gives the GM a few hooks, puts forth a few NPC's & motivation/actions to do in towns. A couple of characteristics of Hassan could be good, is he generous/fearful/...etc or does he have any habits? Unless you are going to see what naturally evolves as you play?

Hassan is NG. So as a result he is driven to know more about his past. Also he as very empathetic person as he has always been an outsider with his curse and strange lineage but the sarenites were always kind to his plight. But also by being raised priests he is very disgusted by evil as well.

Oi, Crazy peeples!

Yeah, as I get older I find that my tolerance for stupidity has drastically reduced.
(And yes, part of it is jealousy that I'm no longer young enough to get away with shenanigans. Not that I ever did of course!) :)

I made it to Oklahoma safely, and my family has my next 3 days all planned out. So Swimming (pool), dining out and movies for me I guess. ;)

And of course burning meat over an open flame as Man was intended to do!


Everyone have a safe and happy, and FUN, holiday weekend!

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