Hell's Rebels: Flight of the Silver Ravens Recruitment Thread


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Liberty's Edge

I'm submitting Isabel Rhelian to the mix. She's not finished yet but I'll have her done tomorrow.

Briefly: Isabel is the niece of the current Baron Jarvis. The baron's younger sister, when out walking one day, came across a street performance by a group of Shelynites led by a particularly beautiful young elven man. She fell completely in love and later that day with her fathers grudging permission she renounced her family name and position to take up a position in the Temple of Shelyn.

She and her elven lover married and, at the birth of their daughter Isabel, she petitioned her father for help. He arranged for her to purchase a minor estate under her mothers maiden name of Rhelian and gave his daughter and granddaughter all the financial assistance they needed.

Isabel's mother died of natural causes and her father has left Kintargo on an extended missionary quest into Nidal, from which Isabel fears he will never return. She is now the sole holder of the Rhelian title, officially a vassal of her uncle, the new Baron Jarvis. She makes her living as a professional dance tutor and socialite (read: spy) on her uncles behalf.

She received the best education at Lady Docur's school for young ladies and it was through the influence of her uncle and Lady Docur that she has been able to establish herself as one of the foremost dance tutors to the nobility. The recent silence from her patron has caused her unease and this in turn has drawn her to the Nail where she hopes to find more information about the school.

Posting so that the GM can give any desired feedback.
Additionally GM I've been talking to Sunset about tying our backgrounds together since we would have been at Lady Docur's together - hopefully that's not a problem, we just thought it would allow for some nice roleplaying opportunities.

Hi Crustypeanut.

I believe I've completed porting my character over using the desired format. One more sorcerer to add to the list, I'm afraid.

I'm still unsure, however, how to add my character to the list above... I can see that posting here, using this alias, has not done so. Do I need to post in the game (in-character) forum for him to appear, or is there another step I have to take?

Sorry for the bother, and thanks again for the help and understanding! :)

@Metsipanyo: That list is just something I'm doing for the benefit of the people following this thread. I'm not the GM. I'll update it later tonight and include your alias :).

So.... here's a possibly troubling question for the DM.

Sunset will be taking levels in Sorcerer (Sorry Master Ray) though this is only to bolster her fire power as a Spellslinger. :)

At 9th level she will gain a Clockwork familiar.

Would it be possible for said item to be crafted so as to appear 'Gun' like (It will actually lose some versatility as it won't run/walk or fly... Though possibly still be able to talk.) and effectively 'shoot' said item with it's ability to project 2D4 acid shots?

So Sunset will have her mage pistol in one hand (Meta-magic still spell) and her 'magic' pistol in the other. :)

Reminisce of this type of image.

Taryn di la Rovissi

"Sunset" wrote:

Ah... *Nods*.

Well.. my build for 'Big shield/Big weapon' is rather cheezy... but here goes.

1) Play an Elf or maybe Half-Elf. (Proficiency in Elven curved blade)

2) Take two levels in "Titan Mauler" then wield said 2H sword ONE handed with only a -2 penalty.

3) Then take Fighter and the "Tower Shield" archetype/specialist. This will eventually remove the penalty for wielding a tower shield.

*Optional extra: If you can stay "Lawful" long enough for a long dip into Torrent Hellknight, that prestige class plus it's armor will take away a lot of the penalties for full plate.

That's my preferred 'Combat build' in home games.. I seem to...um... garner a lot of negative attention when I mention it on the boards.. (>_>)

No idea why....

I also some times opt for this build.

1) Again, Elven or Half-Elven fro curved blade.

2) Again "Titan Mauler" for swinging that wicked sharp blade around.

3) Thence all the levels in Magus you require. Because a four foot piece of razor sharp steel can only be improved with magic, right?

Basically.. an Elven "Calyistran Saracen". A magic wielding defender of the faith as opposed to a 'Paladin' of the faith. So, priests/Priestesses wear yellow and black. The Saracens wear reed and black. :)

Hope the ideas help some.

Na, I've pretty much figured out what I am building, with my main problem being that I want to be a fighter with a rogues skill set D:

Also, I don't know why you would/should get a lot of flack for that build. It seems to be a normal-ish fighter/barbarian hybird that goes sword and board. You can honestly get something very similar by going Phalanx Fighter with a glaive at lvl 3 (which is basically what I am doing).

A favorite "theoretical" build of mine is to go Barbarian (Titan Mauler) 2, then two-weapon style ranger. At lvl 4 you can swing around a pair of earth breakers or Bardiche!
With the build a high str score is needed along with Rage to order to counter the massive -hits, but Weapon focus can help, and you don't need Dex for TWF.

Back on topic, I'm getting some stuff down for you Crustypeanut, it will come soon!

(^_^) Gobo Horde.

*Nods* I kind of think I know what you mean about the skills thing. Advancing Sunset through the levels and worrying about which skill gets that particular point...

Looking forwards to our character walking through the door.

Best of luck every one.

DM Crustypeanut this is Robert Henry's Bloodrager, Taldo the tanner. I will have more fluff to follow soon, working on details now. While purchasing his equipment I am attempting for his gear to be items he would us as a tanner/butcher. I am using a hide shirt and kilt to represent the leather aprons they would wear to protect from accidental knife cuts and I am using the Earthbreaker as the sledge that a butcher would use to kill beef with, Would it be acceptable to refurbish a horse chopper as a tool for cutting apart carcasses?

rough idea:
Taldo the tanner is the youngest son of a well-to-do business man who runs a meat packing plant on the north-west side of town, well actually outside of town. It is near the ocean and the Night road, it is positioned there to be able to process the cattle and old horses that the ranchers from the northern plains of Nidal Which are known as the Atteran Ranches bring to market. Taldo's father started as a tanner but has purchased the local butcher, glue maker and salt packer.

Taldo is very close to his maternal grandmother, who is a celestial sorcerer and servant of The goddess Milani. She has taught Taldo how to control his temper and hide his gift. She has also told him the history of the rebellion. Taldo's grandmother went missing a week ago, after several inquiries he has heard that a contact with information will be at the rally, and he may be able to provide information to help him find his grandmother.

Submitting Galen Mistbringer to the Kintargo protest party! Requests for the submission are (hopefully) all in the alias profile.

DM Crustypeanut:
In thinking about the campaign and the reasons as to "why" the PC's are willing to join the rebellion as active participants, I kept thinking about the notion of the initially reluctant rebel. The character who, if nothing "bad" happened to him, would have sat on the fence (at least for a while) instead of taking the brave stand with other rebel heroes. That concept is what I kept mulling around for Galen, which makes him at creation as "tagging along" to other bolder, braver types than he is. He doesn't like what he sees in Kintargo with the new lord-mayor, but he wouldn't be one to violently oppose it at first, perhaps trying to live with it and explain it away.

So Galen needs a catalyst to push him out of his comfort and complacency, and given the prospects for early trouble at Aria Park (hinted at on pg.4 of the players guide), I thought that would be best served with a confidant or lady love that meets a bad end early on. This is the reference to Danyeren "Dany" Teslias in the background and personality sections. That, of course, can be altered to another name or a different NPC entirely, but I wanted to ask you about it, as without a personal motivation of loss or misery with someone he deeply cared about he probably wouldn't become a rebel.

Hoo boy lots of new posts. I just got off work so I'm pretty tired, but I miiight be able to respond to a few before I fall asleep. However, I have three days off so I'll have lots of time to respond!

Updated Listing

Full BAB
Ellina Sensewi - Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae
Isabel Rhelian - Slayer
Taldo the Tanner - Bloodrager (Spelleater) (Celestial)

Three Quarters BAB
Aada Bladotter - Cleric of Calistria
Ashess - Investigator
Avrora Vikta - Warpriest (Liberty's Blade) of Milani
Darian Aulamaxa - Bard (Arcane Duelist)
Edgar Vashnarstill - Unchained Rogue
Garidan Layafette - Unchained Rogue
Leonardo Vashnarstill - Investigator (Empiricist)
Varian Tanessen - Cleric (Hidden Priest) of Milani

Half BAB
Aleanya Deterion - Sorcerer (Maestro)
Dred Delgeth - Sorcerer (Shadow)
Galen "Zephyrus" Mistbringer - Psychic
Metsipano Rey - Sorcerer (Tatooed Sorcerer) (Harrowed)
Nissim Siverto - Witch (Alley Witch)
"Sunset" - Wizard (Spellslinger)

Hello! I would like to throw my hat in the ring here with Phineas Aceron, an infernal contract lawyer who has had a rather abrupt change of heart in recent years.

Background before Kintargo:

Phineas was born to a wealthy merchant family in Egorian, the capital of Cheliax. He was raised to be a devout worshiper of Asmodeus, and had a fairly boring, normal upper middle class upbringing. He was sent to a college to study contract law, to assist in his family's dealings. While there, he met an ambitious young woman named Erica who was attempting to enter the Asmodean priesthood, and fell in love. Phineas proved to be an excellent barrister with a keen mind, great attention to detail and a natural charm and personal magnetism. He graduated from the college with honors and a specialty in contract law. He assisted his family in their business dealings and opened his own practice to litigate breach of contract claims and write and review contracts, both material and infernal for clients. His practice did well, and he soon married Erica, who was struggling to gain notice as an Asmodean acolyte.

They had two children together, a girl named Eliza and a younger boy named Davis. Life seemed good to Phineas; he adored his two young children, his business prospered, and he lived in Cheliax, the heart of the civilized world. He gave thanks to Asmodeus every day for creating the law and structure that allowed him to prosper in such a way. While his wife was unjustly slighted by her superiors, he had unshakeable confidence in her abilities and her ambition, and was sure that great Asmodeus would soon reward her for her loyalty and perseverence. He was not prepared for the cost the father of lies would require for this recognition.

Erica was viewed by the officers of her church to have excellent qualities of an Asmodean priest; she was smart, loyal and unshakably ambitious. There was concern, however, that she was not sufficiently hardened; her family and young children were viewed as a dangerous distraction. It was decided that she would be offered the chance to lead a potent ritual which required the officiant to present a blood sacrifice of their firstborn child as an offering to Asmodeus. In return, the ritual would grant her great power, and all doubts would be erased regarding her suitability to rise in the church hierarchy. Erica accepted without a second thought, sacrificing her nine year old daughter to complete the ritual. Her devotion proven, she rose to a position of prominence in her temple.

Phineas was devastated. He loved his daughter with all his heart and soul, and could not believe what had been done. It broke something inside of him, and for the first time in his life an anger awoke; anger that he could be so blind as to the consequences of his wife's ambitions, anger that Asmodeus could do this to him, and anger at himself for ignoring the darkess in the country of his birth for so long and his part in fostering it through the practice of infernal law. Phineas could no longer stand the sight of his wife, and was able to obtain a divorce. He was forced to give up his possessions and his son, and fled the capital to the city of Kintargo, far on the outskirts of the empire. He chose the Silver City of Kintargo because it was remote from the capital, so he was unlikely to encounter his wife, and because it had a reputation as a relatively free thinking and independent part of Cheliax. If he could contruct a scheme to strike at the church of Asmodeus anywhere in Cheliax, it would be here.

Living in Kintargo:
Phineas has made a home for himself in Kintargo over the last four years. He opened a small law practice dealing in non-infernal contract law and general representation, with offices located between the Vashnarstill Shipyard and the Noble's district to serve the nobility and various merchants with contract matters. Though small, he has been moderately successful, and has begun to enjoy his time here. He takes his lunch most days at the Long Roads Coffeehouse, as he enjoys the academic atmosphere and has become quite addicted to their coffee. Phineas greatly enjoyed the Chelish opera when he lived in Egorian, and has lost none of his gusto for the art since moving to Kintargo. He tries to make a trip at least once every other week to see the opera.

Phineas has not entirely been idle. He wants to strike back against the church of Asmodeus and house Thrune if he can, but knows he lacks the combat prowess to do anything overt on his own. He has been putting out careful feelers, attempting to gather as much information as he can about the Silver Ravens and the church of Asmodeus in Kintargo. He has been honing his skills in deception and subterfuge, already strong from his training as a Barrister, so that if there is a rebellion against the church, he will be able to assist in his own way.

When news of the Glorious Revolution arrived, Phineas was overjoyed, but uncertain how he could potentially help a group so far away. While still trying to determine what he might be able to do, House Thrune declared martial law and sent Barzillai Thrune to Kintargo. Phineas has grown to love his adopted city, and after the institution of martial law, he is determined to attempt to contact anyone else who may be willing to resist house Thrune and the church of Asmodeus and offer his services. He knows from his careful prying and information gathering that a man from the Silver Ravens will be at the protest, so begins preparations to attend...

Physical Description and Mannerisms:
Phineas is a man nearing middle age, with a pale complexion and a thin, soft body from years of intellectual, rather than physical, labor. He has short black hair beginning to show slight flecks of early graying, and deep blue eyes that gaze out from a narrow, clean-shaven face. While practicing as a barrister, he generally wears fine, if unornamented clothing. He is generally warm and friendly towards most people, especially children. The main exception would be when he is interrogating a participant in a breach of contract case, in which case he can be terrifyingly intimidating.

He is careful and extremely methodical in all of his endeavors. This has been critical in his success reviewing contracts for loopholes, but has also served to keep him safe while gently probing for information regarding dissident elements in Kintargo. He never engages in any questionable activities under his own identity. He wears a disguise when gathering information, as he knows that there might be some lingering suspicion cast on him by his wife and previous actions leading to his divorce, and does not wish to draw any additional attention to his public persona. In disguise, he could be many things; a portly bearded merchant and an elderly gentleman his two favorites, but he mixes it up a fair bit.

I think all of the information is set up in Phineas's profile. Let me know if everything looks ok!

I hope to be able to finish my character within those 3 days. All the crunch is done, but not the fluff.

Something Wicked wrote:
@Metsipanyo: That list is just something I'm doing for the benefit of the people following this thread. I'm not the GM. I'll update it later tonight and include your alias :).

Thanks Something Wicked, but I was actually referring to the Characters tab at the top of the thread. I'm unsure of how to add my character there...

Metsipaño Rey wrote:
Something Wicked wrote:
@Metsipanyo: That list is just something I'm doing for the benefit of the people following this thread. I'm not the GM. I'll update it later tonight and include your alias :).
Thanks Something Wicked, but I was actually referring to the Characters tab at the top of the thread. I'm unsure of how to add my character there...

It'll be automatically added once you post in the gameplay thread.

Oh great, thanks very much. I thought that might be how it worked... I'll likely have time to get into the IC thread later today.

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Hey Edgar - I found something interesting you might like regarding the Arcane Trickster PrC you were looking at.

Located in the Dirty Tactics Toolbox is a feat called "Accomplished Sneak Attacker" - its not yet on the PFSRD, but what it does is grant you a +1d6 sneak attack die, so long as you don't exceed 1/2 your character level (rounded up).

Grabbing one of these feats, you can enter the Arcane Trickster PrC at level 5 with a wizard(or 6 with a Sorcerer/Bard/etc). Since the requirements of the Arcane Tricksters are Here, you can take one level of rogue (or Vivisectionist Alchemist, oddly enough) then 3 levels of wizard (4 of sorcerer or other spontaneous caster - Or magus!), spend one feat (at 3rd level) on it, and then qualify for the Arcane Trickster at 5th (or 6th). Thats two levels earlier than usual.

..I doubt Paizo intended this, as they prefer PrCs to be enterable at no earlier than 6th, but its there! Wonder if its PFS Legal...

Dirty Tactics Toolbox wrote:

Accomplished Sneak Attacker
Your strikes against a foe’s vital spots are extra deadly.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack class feature.
Benefit: Your sneak attack damage increases by 1d6. Your number of sneak attack dice cannot exceed half your character level (rounded up).

*Edit*....man there are some really good feats in this book, heres another one:

Dirty Tactics Toolbox wrote:

Dirty Fighting (Combat)
You can take advantage of a distracted foe.
Benefit: When you attempt a combat maneuver check against a foe you are flanking, you can forgo the +2 bonus on your attack roll for flanking to instead have the combat maneuver not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you have a feat or ability that allows you to attempt the combat maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity, you can instead increase the bonus on your attack roll for flanking to +4 for the combat maneuver check.
Special:: This feat counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of the various improved combat maneuver feats, as well as feats that require those improved combat maneuver feats as prerequisites.


Anything else I can improve?

Thanks DM! I think I might have to stick with Arcane Trickster then, I've always wanted to play one, but prestige class requirements usually put me off. Getting into it earlier and losing only one level of spellcasting is huge.

15 skill ranks at level 1 is fun!

I have to admit, I also like playing a human skill based class, with background skill rules and a high int modifier...skills are pretty great.

The Exchange

Still planning on cleaning up this character's origin. Spent most of the day creating it. So I needed a break.

Perhaps Sunset and Isabel can put their spoilers here? Since the pair are slipping away from some of the prying eyes...

And if other eyes can keep prying? Shame on you! :P

@Aada Bladotter: Looks good!

We’ll talk about the familiar bit when/if it comes up, as level 9 is quite a ways off.

@Isabel Rhelian:
Baroness* Jarvis - Baroness Belcara Jarvis is the head of House Jarvis. Besides that, it isn’t bad - although a level 1 slayer being a professional dance tutor is an odd combination ;P Also, your profile is showing an exact copy of Leonardo Vashnarstill - I’m assuming you’re still working on the crunch?

@Metsipano Rey:
Hmmmmm a pretty vague background, but an interesting one none-the-less. Explains that you were an orphan stuck in Kintargo, how you became one, and with the harrow reading (loved that bit), explains a possible reason why you’d be against the Thrunes(or at least the gov’t) besides the death of your father - that you believe the Harrow intended it.

Overall a great character and although it’s a little vague about what happened after you became an orphan, I like it!

@Taldo the Tanner:
Simple, yet effective. I already know how I’d be able to include why your grandmother went missing, as a matter of fact. (Tis a secret and I cannae tell ye). Anyhoo, Iookin’ forward to you fleshing out his fluff more, it’s a good start!

@Galen Mistbringer:
Interesting background! While I can certainly understand why you’d be a reluctant hero type, I know just the perfect thing that’ll get your character to want to rebel against Thrune - but it’ll happen during the Aria Park Protest and thus I can’t tell you what it is.

Besides that though, looks great!

@Phineas Aceron:
Looks excellent! Great way to tie yourself into why you’d hate the Church of Asmodeus and be willing to rebel against it, as well as how you got to Kintargo, what you’ve been doing here since getting here, etc.

Not going to lie, it’s going to be very hard to pick characters come the end of this recruitment, I can already tell. Probably the hardest part of any recruitment phase >.>

*Hugz DM* (^_^)

One thing of general note in most Paizo maps/dungeons.. is often the lack of general amenities... :P

Kitchens are oft described... but bathrooms and W.C's... not so much... (>_>)

Thats what the bucket in the corner is for.

Eeeeeewwwwwwww !

*Stops hugging DM and steps away...* (>_<)

*Looks for some where to wipe hands*

Okay, hugging feeling gone.

Thanks GM

DM Crustypeanut wrote:

Not going to lie, it’s going to be very hard to pick characters come the end of this recruitment, I can already tell. Probably the hardest part of any...

Yea not going to lie there's allot of good players here. Don't envy you :P

Response to Crusty:
DM Crustypeanut wrote:

Hmmmmm a pretty vague background, but an interesting one none-the-less. Explains that you were an orphan stuck in Kintargo, how you became one, and with the harrow reading (loved that bit), explains a possible reason why you’d be against the Thrunes(or at least the gov’t) besides the death of your father - that you believe the Harrow intended it.

Overall a great character and although it’s a little vague about what happened after you became an orphan, I like it!

Thanks Crusty (can I call you Crusty?). It's intentionally a bit vague, I don't normally like to go on and on about character history because I tend to think people get bored with exposition. I'd rather tell an interesting little story... That middle bit is a bit done-to-death in my eyes, as he was an orphan and that's been told better by others, elsewhere. That said, I'm happy to expand upon the background with another little story specifically about his orphan years. Thanks for the input! :)

I made a slight tweak to Phineas; I swapped out Charm Person for Sleep, since Phineas badly needs a little more in-combat utility. I will probably take Charm Person as the next 1st level spell known at level 2, and swap Sleep out at level 5 for something else.

Liberty's Edge

Hi Crusty

Will edit the Baroness bit :) She's swapped houses three times in my idea development so I lost track slightly! Thanks for the save.

I've got Leonardo because it was a nice character lay-out. Her character sheet under the link is just about done - I just wanted all the details in one place before I changed the layout here (editing is a pain after all!)

re. Slayer: I imagine Lady Docur's school teaches more than just the womanly arts - dueling, lock-picking and other 'practical' subjects make it in too I imagine. I wanted a combat capable chassis that still had skill-points. Ranger would work but didn't have the right fluff really hence the Slayer. If picked I'd eventually want to take her into the Shadowdancer prestige class so that has something to do with it as well!

Question for the GM: Since I have a minor noble house do I automatically get servants with that or do I need to track that personally. Similarly if I hire a ladies maid (1gp/day) do I record and track it?

Forgive Sunset's players posting speed as they endure 90' F heat in 60+deg humidity.


So I've got a bit of an announcement to make.

The new deadline for applications is January 21st at 11:59 PM MST.

Why am I doing this? Well, it has been almost a week since I've started the recruitment and I've gotten a ton of amazing applications - although I certainly haven't yet chosen who I'm bringing along, I've since decided that I *could* probably pick from whats been submitted already - if I give it an extra two weeks, the mess of awesome characters I'll have to pick from will be unbearably painful. Heck even one more week and I'll have to likely pick from even more awesome characters, so I'm half tempted to end it on Saturday instead, but I'm not going to because I need some time to adjust the campaign for 6 players and automatic bonus progression. This means reworking loot and key NPCs and while I have some of it done, I don't want to rush myself.

After the 21st I'll give myself no longer than a week to choose - so the campaign will definitely start on at least the 28th, if not a bit earlier.


Sorry for the lack of posts in the gameplay thread. My wife had surgery and I've been taking care of her. I should be back to my normal schedule tomorrow.

Don't worry, I'm not worried about amount of posts in the gameplay thread - its purely for me to see how everyone interacts with each other.

I made another small tweak to Phineas; I haven't ever played with disadvantages before, so I didn't look into them when creating him, but the Meticulous disadvantage just seemed to fit so well that I had to add it. I also added classically trained to represent his formal schooling.

DM Crustypeanut wrote:
The new deadline for applications is January 21st at 11:59 PM MST.

Good to know GM! Can't wait!

@Isabel Rhelian:
If you're the head of household then yes, you have to manage expenses such as maids yourself - I'm not allowing downtime teams as per Ultimate Campaign, primarily due to the players' hassle of having to manage the Silver Ravens early in the campaign.

@Metsipano Rey:
Sounds good!

Definitely enjoying all the interaction in the gameplay thread between everyone. Plus, this'll help explain how everyone I end up picking knows each other :D

Updated Listing

Full BAB
Ellina Sensewi - Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae
Isabel Rhelian - Slayer
Taldo the Tanner - Bloodrager (Spelleater) (Celestial)

Three Quarters BAB
Aada Bladotter - Cleric of Calistria
Ashess - Investigator
Avrora Vikta - Warpriest (Liberty's Blade) of Milani
Darian Aulamaxa - Bard (Arcane Duelist)
Edgar Vashnarstill - Unchained Rogue
Garidan Layafette - Unchained Rogue
Leonardo Vashnarstill - Investigator (Empiricist)
Phineas Aceron - Bard (Negotiator) 1
Varian Tanessen - Cleric (Hidden Priest) of Milani

Half BAB
Aleanya Deterion - Sorcerer (Maestro)
Dred Delgeth - Sorcerer (Shadow)
Galen "Zephyrus" Mistbringer - Psychic
Metsipano Rey - Sorcerer (Tatooed Sorcerer) (Harrowed)
Nissim Siverto - Witch (Alley Witch)
"Sunset" - Wizard (Spellslinger)

Liberty's Edge

DM Crustypeanut wrote:
If you're the head of household then yes, you have to manage expenses such as maids yourself - I'm not allowing downtime teams as per Ultimate Campaign, primarily due to the players' hassle of having to manage the Silver Ravens early in the campaign.

Since the house was set up to keep my mother and me in a suitable existance and she is dead I'm definitely the head of house... about the only benefit of that is more book-keeping. *Sigh* I need to hire an accountant...

Hey everyone one more announcement to make.. hopefully this won't end up being too short notice.

As it so happens, it has been just over a week since I've started this recruitment for Hell's Rebels - during that week I've gotten far more excellent applications than I figured I ever would. While I could keep it open longer and try to attract even more applicants, I figure quality over quantity is better, and I certainly have enough quality characters to choose from. As a result:

Recruitment ends Saturday, January 16th at 11:59 PM MST.

I am doing this because I've already got a relatively good idea of who I'm going to pick - although I'm certainly going in depth examining everyone who's currently applied now. You've all been amazing and I don't want to end up wasting anyones' time by keeping the recruitment open longer than need be when I have a bunch of great characters to choose from already.

In addition, this allows those who I do not pick (And that means 12 of you as of right now, since I'm picking only 6) a chance at joining the other Hell's Rebels recruitment thread that popped up two days ago, which explains why there has been a slowdown of new applicants. The other recruitment thread ends on tuesday(?) or so, thus giving anyone not picked here a chance to modify their excellent characters to fit Paladin of Baha-Who?'s character creation outlines. Because all of you have submitted excellent characters, those of you I don't pick should have a good headstart for that one.

As a result, you guys have Just under 48 hours to make any major changes to your characters, or for anyone reading this who hasn't yet submitted a character, to do so and post in the gameplay thread. I will still be watching the recruitment thread to post feedback as I can within this time period. Don't worry too much about minor tweaks, especially to crunch - that can all be sorted out later.

For the very few of you who have not yet posted in the gameplay thread, nows the time to do it! I encourage (But not require) everyone else to continue their roleplaying experience and get to know each other better. Six of you will soon be caught up in events that will set you against Paracount Barzillai Thrune himself!

...I won't lie, I'm also itching greatly to get this campaign started and I know all of you are too. Might as well get it started while we're all pumped up for the campaign than have a recruitment process that drags on until everyones no longer interested, right?

@Taldo the Tanner:
Totally realized I missed answering your question about the horsechopper. I suppose thats alright! Its technically a halberd, but having a cheaper, more fragile version to be used as a meat-hacking tool is alright as well.

Wishing every one all the very best. :)

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Thank you for the response DM Crustypeanut, so here is a rough sketch, with your permission Taldo will enter "the Tooth and Nail" keeping his ear to the ground, listening for information leading to finding his grandmother. ;)

Taldo is a proud son of the Silver City of Kintargo and Cheliax. His family has been in Kintargo for generations. As long as his family can remember they have been craftsmen, operating in the tanning business. Their original location was on the riverbank in the Redroof District, as the city expanded they moved the tannery to the outskirts of town on the north-west bank, near the Night road to take advantage of the herds coming in from Nidal.

Taldo’s father is a shrewd business man named Toridan the Tanner, who started his business career inheriting his father’s tanner shop but in time he purchased the nearby slaughter house, meatpacking plant, soap making facility leather works and eventually a large upscale butcher shop. Toridan had several children with his first wife who passed away from a lingering disease. A few years later, seeing a business opportunity, he married the much younger Shaela, the only daughter of the well-to-do butcher, Festidious. As Festidious’ only child Shaela and Toridan became not only husband and wife but business partners as well.

Taldo’s older siblings ran the other aspects of Toridan’s businesses and Shaela ran the butcher shop with her father, Festidious and mother Cecile. When Taldo was little he spent a lot of time with his Grandmother Cecile. It was she who, when he was throwing a temper tantrum, learned he was a bloodrager. She taught him how to recognize when he was losing his temper and how to control it. Being a sorceress herself she taught him about hiding the celestial heritage they shared and how to understand spell casting. During the time they spent together she told him about the different groups that had resisted the thrice-damned House Thrune, focusing on Kintargo history. She also introduced him to her goddess Milanite. They spent many mornings in grandma Cecile’s rose garden talking about all of these things. Of course if anyone asked why she kept roses the answer was simple, they used rose petals in the wash water and soap to remove the smells from the butcher shop and tannery.

As Taldo became a teenager he spent a lot of time working and learning the crafts of many of the other business, but always made time for his grandmother. He learned she was not the only family member who served gods other than Abadar, who his father claimed to serve, using their facilities for banking. Most of his siblings worshiped Desna or Cayden Cailean. He became a worshiper of Milanite, but publically claimed Abadar, like his family members. He learned that his grandmother was one of the priestess.

When Taldo was a young man his maternal grandfather, Festidious died, and he began to spend most of his time at the butcher shop, helping his mother and grandmother. He moved from his father’s house and lived upstairs over the shop. Around the same time he volunteered for the “outer-city” watch that many of his family were part of, putting to use the simple weapons skills he had learned from his grandfather and other family members. It was after he moved to the shop that he learned just how involved his grandmother was in other activities; coming home late in the evening or spending the entire night in Kintargo. When he would ask her about it she would tell him that the less he knew the better.

Everything changed after Thrune’s representative, Paracount Barzillai, arrived. That morning of the seventh of Abadius, Taldo awoke before dawn as was his habit, noting that grandma had not returned from the city, as had become her habit more and more. He noticed the odd smell of sulfur, brimstone and smoke in the usual smell of brine and seaweed as the fog settled, but thought nothing of it. By the time his mother arrived to open the shop Taldo became concerned with his grandmother’s absence. Hearing the Devils Bells ringing off in the distance, His mother, also concerned, agreed that Taldo should go into the city to inquire of grandma’s friends to see what was going on. DM Crustypeanut you can provide me with an appropriate name to place here later.

Taldo arrived near the Opera House a few moments after 7:00, just in time to hear the declarations implemented by the new Lord-Mayor: Paracount Barzillai Thrune. As the city guard and the Dottari began to force the crowd’s dispersal, Taldo was not able to find his Grandmothers friend. He returned home with the oppressive news. Since that morning Taldo has spent the last week carefully asking questions concerning his grandmother and for general news about what is happening. Speaking to each trusted customer he knows at the shop, and in the evenings going into the city to different establishments to hear word of what is going on in the city.

Taldo’s physical appearance, like so many Chelaxian, is a subtle and attractive mixture of heritage. His height, light brown hair warn in a high ponytail and blue eyes reflect the Ulfen heritage that occurs here more in the north than in the south. While his pale skin, thick bone structure, prominent brows and high hairline receding into a widow's peak clearly points back to his ancient Azlanti heritage.

When Taldo is about town he dresses to suit a well-to-do craftsman, properly displaying a bit of the leather work his family does. His doublet expensive spit leather dyed in maroon, His broad leather tooled belt with matching riding boots, a fine linen shirt and lambskin breaches. When you approach close enough the only smell is the slight hint of rose .

When Taldo is at the shop or about shop business, the finery is put away. He wears a heavy leather apron over his heavy double lined hide jacket and kilt. Heavy work boots, sturdy cotton work pants and shirt, usually seen with knife cleaver or hammer in hand, depending on the job his is doing. The smell is no longer roses but blood and offal.

When Taldo rages his features take on an other-worldly appearance. His skin appears white and luminescent, an iron halo appears above his head, his eyes turn deep blue-black and his shadow is cast with large feathered wings.

Taldo is the perfect merchant’s son; a combination of hardworking, industrious, organized but also affable, outgoing and engaging. Because of his bloodline he has learned self-control and patience. Thinking before he acts and weighing every decision. He is proud of his cheliax heritage but desires, above all else, freedom.

On the Myers-Briggs scale Taldo would be:ENFP - The Inspirer

Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.

DM Crustypeanut wrote:
...I won't lie, I'm also itching greatly to get this campaign started and I know all of you are too. Might as well get it started while we're all pumped up for the campaign than have a recruitment process that drags on until everyones no longer interested, right?

I agree. In my personal experience as PbP GM, I've found that keeping the momentum and capitalize on it is one of the most important thing to keep a game interesting and alive.

I also wish good luck to all the applicants and hope to have the chance to play with you!

As a side note, I've added several notes about Varian in his profile tying him further to Kintargo, its culture nd history. You can find these additional notes in the "Ties" entry in his profile.

So as I said earlier that I wanted to build up a human Phanlax Fighter wielding a common weapon (probably either a longsword or shortspear) in one hand and a tower shield in the other, and now I am realizing that I am running out of time! What do I have going on tomorrow? Doctors appointment and thats it. Ill start cracking then!

For this character I am thinking that he will be one of the guards and indeed was there the day that Barzillai burnt down the opera house.
He was appalled that the governing body would condone such an act and ashamed of his and the guards involvement.
Those events have very much left doubt in his mind about the integrity of house Thrune and even such thoughts as dissertation have crept into his head. Maybe events during this next protest might just push him over the edge?
But I have a few questions and aspects about this character that I need to discuss with you first :)
I also have not played this campaign before and only read the primer.
Edit: Big question. I am now confused. I know that there was a fire, I know something about the opera house, and I know that Barzillai did some questionable things to get into power. How exactly did he get into power? (Or rather, what do we as characters know about him getting into power?)

1: I would like to have been a guard on duty when Barzillai forcefully took command during the arson. I dont need to have been the one commiting the arson and can rather just be one of the guards on the very edge.
I just mostly want to be "attached" and therefore feel remorse for my part in Barzillai coming to power.
1a: were the nobles and/or guards involved in the plot? My understanding is that Barzillai forcefully took command, but was the guard involved? Was the Government involved? You answered that they were effectively in Barzillai's pocket. I also found out that Duxotas Vannas is the leader of the Kintargo Dottari (City guard) and that she was recently appointed. So I will use that in my backstory :)
2: The protest. One idea I had was that during the protest I am one of the guards that keeps watch and is on duty during the protest, then, when things get ugly during it (I am assuming), I either end up being separated from the normal guard (ie, im with the other PCs) or I am "on break" at that moment, and therefore in the crowd.
I understand that this is quite off the rails as far as what is expected so I wanted to ask you about it before hand. What would most likely happen is that I am simply off duty that day and am just one of the citizens at the protest, as this is much easier to handle and manage :)
3: Daily work. One of the things that I am anticipating (at least initially) is that I am still one of the guard, even after I join up with the rebels. Something like Guard by day, Rebel by night. Would this work? Or would I have to desert my post immediately when I join the rebels.
3a: Working. As a guard, it is expected for me to be on guard duty at least some of the time :/ How do you want to go about this? One idea is that I work during the day and be a rebel during the night (but I dont really know how exactly the game expects this) and then start taking fatigue penalties because of lack of sleep :) The other idea I had was that my work schedule is extremely flexible (cause mcguffin) and that allows me to play the game as intended without having to worry about shifts or anything.
4: being an Informant: Another idea I had was that If I am a guard that has joined the rebels in secret is that I would have access to the guard house and know about different things like raids and whatnot. I would have a chance to get insider information. That and being a guard means that I am allowed outside at night during Martial Law, cause duty. so that could be exploited as well :)
5: You talked about needing things like licenses to carry silver or other such legislation. Could I purchase those in advance out of my starting wealth because I am a guard? I can easily envision that since I am a guard I had a bit of special opportunities to get these papers.

With all of these, NO is an acceptable answer and I can easily change things around as needed. My hope is to be a guard who was involved (just slightly) and continues to be a guard but secretly joins up with the rebellion. He then continues to be a guard for as long as possible while supporting the rebels with information, a guards uniform and credentials, ect. Eventually he will have to give up his post and go underground as a full fledged rebel if/when he becomes too well known.
Well thats the idea :)

More/some character development:

Str 16
Dex 10
Con 13
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 12
He is a strong and healthy lad, yet he also has a head on his shoulders.
Not min/maxed at all... I wanted Str and Con because I am a fighter, but I also wanted Int and Cha because of the skills I envision a guardsman would need :(
Campaign Trait
Either Fed up Citizen: I would count myself among the Law abiding citizens and indeed, I am even a guard sworn to uphold such laws. Yet with recent events I cant help but feel enough is enough. As much as it pains me to admit, the law of the land is now manifestly and obviously not correct, and something must be done to oppose this misuse of power. Sadly that might even mean aligning myself to a rebel faction such as the Silver Ravens. Has it really come to this?
+1 to Disguise checks and it is a Class Skill. +1 trait bonus to saves against mind affecting effects.
or Natural Born Leader I have always found myself directing others while I work and indeed have taken command of my squadmates while we were in a pinch and unable to take orders from above on more then 1 occasion. While I am not the most well liked or charismatic (not really in the job description for a guard) I do have a head on my shoulders and am able to intelligently direct a squad (rare for a guardsman) and the Higher Ups have noticed my leadership.
Treat you Charisma score as 14 when determining how many teams you can manage and for the bonus you add to your managed teams actions.
Reason to Protest: Meeting a Contact.
My superiors have always warned me to keep an eye out for any suspicious activities or anyone suspected of harboring rebellious thoughts. In fact there is even a wanted list in the hall back in the castle!
Recently I have received a tip of such a person who will be in attendance of the protest, a male human wearing one black leather glove on his right hand and no glove at all on the left. I havent yet reported this to my supervisors, and I am having second thoughts about whether I even should. Maybe I will meet this person first and make my decision then.
+2 to Perception and Sense Motive checks made during the protest.
Background SKills: My background skills will be Profession: Guard (obviously) and Linguistics, as I get orders from above and it is required that I am able to determine that they are legit and not forged (the reverse might just come in handy!).

Will do a lot more later, Im getting pretty tired :/
More later ^-^

@Gobo Horde:
The night before the prelude (or one week prior to the campaign start date), was the Night of Ashes, where three separate buildings burnt down under mysterious circumstances, their occupants assumed dead or lost. That very same morning, Barzillai Thrune announces his arrival and appointment by Her Infernal Magistrix, Queen Abrogail the II as the Lord-Mayor of Kintargo. He was appointed by her due to a combination of the Martial Law thats been put in effect for all major Chelish cities as well as due to the very recent disappearance of Kintargo's previous lord-mayor. Rumor has it she fled to Arcadia.

Barzillai has taken up the Kintargo Opera House, previously owned and operated by the Victocoras (one of the families who's estate burnt to the ground) as his home away from home while in Kintargo.

1) Not applicable. I'm not going to explain why for spoiler reasons.

2) Being 'on Break' is possible. You were off duty that day and perhaps wanted to visit the protest for whatever reason (Tagging along with a friend, keeping up with news, etc). Because you're out of uniform, its very possible you will ge tcaught up in things.

3)The rebels can all have 'day jobs' to hide their activities. It doesn't give a specific amount of time taken to manage the rebellion, so one can assume once per week is dedicated to organizing the rebellion's teams and whatnot. ...being a part of the Dottari however, will cause massive complications due to being forced to sleep at various guard posts for days at a time - shifts if you would. It would get complicated and it would be better if you quit the Dottari due to the events of the Protest. Otherwise you might be forced to sit out on missions since you're stuck say, guarding a watchtower and are assigned said duty for a week. Most guards sleep at where they're assigned.

4)You could easily re-work yourself into the Dottari using disguises/lying/etc, but basically it would get very sticky if you were actually a part of the Dottari for real.

5)Though its rare the Dottari would have silvered weapons, no licenses are needed for them to carry such weapons, as they are considered Allies of Thrune. However, you would have to somehow prove you were one of th eDottari if questioned. In this case, since you would likely no longer be a Dottari, you would simply need to bluff past it (And you'd gain a bonus since you would know specific officer names and whatnot). Though this could possibly get you into trouble too.

A note I forgot to mention in the original post: Everyone may start with a single piece of contraband (a silvered weapon for example) if they can afford it. Obviously having one without a license is risky, unless one is forged or the item well hidden via Sleight of Hand. Being a particularly skilled bluffer might work too.

Anyhoo hope that helps - sleep beckons and I must obey!

Good luck everyone

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