Advice Needed: Best Adv Path for Roleplaying?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Our group is planing to take up an Adventure Path and looking for recommendations on which one offers the most roleplaying opportunities. Any favorites?

Dark Archive

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I absolutely loved Curse of the Crimson Throne. Great RP opportunities all the way through. Each book ties in very well to each other, and the adventures never lose sight of who the bad guy is. I've found that in several AP's the villain never really appears till the latter half, except in foreshadowing (Rise of the Runelords, Kingmaker, Carrion Crown, etc) so they lose some of the impact.

Unfortunately, Curse of the Crimson Throne, while I think it is Paizo's finest AP ever, is not sanctioned for PFS, and it is written for 3.5.

I would buy the heck out of an updated version.

For PFS sanctioned ones, Jade Regent has a lot of good opportunities, due to interactions with NPC's and exotic locales (Crown of the World, Minkai)

Silver Crusade

Rise of the Runelords has plenty of RP opportunity.

Soon, Iron Gods will be sanctioned. That one is amazing for RP. But only if sci fi is your thing.

Reign of Winter is another good choice.

Silver Crusade

Are you specifically looking for APs that are sanctioned for Pathfinder Society, or did you just post in the wrong subforum?

The only AP I have any experience with is Rise of the Runelords, which is a lot of fun. There are plenty of parts that allow a lot of RP opportunities, though they're not mandatory to RP heavily, either. It's very flexible that way.

Rise of the Runelords is by far my favorite AP and there's a ton of RP in it. I also really like Reign of Winter, but the traveling nature of that one means the RP (and it is fantastic) is with a rotating cast.

Silver Crusade

I'm loving Hell's Rebels for the RP. Lots of the NPCs in the galleries are allies who you have to win to your cause in various ways. And there's a great gazetteer of Kintargo that gives you even more setting to work with.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have not started Hell's Rebels yet, but from the looks of it, there is quite a lot of RP available.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Short answer: All of them or none of them, depending on your group.

But some of them do provide more opportunities than others. Seconding the Jade Regent recommendation. Shattered Star, in spite of having a fair amount of dungeon-crawling, is also quite good for RPing, as you can recruit any number of (sometimes questionable) allies and you have a "home base" city. Carrion Crown has a lot of good inter-party RP opportunities, though the changing locations mean you aren't interacting with the same NPCs all the time.

Generally, though, what I've found is that the amount of RP occurring depends less on the adventure and more on the players.

Shadow Lodge

Gnasher wrote:
I absolutely loved Curse of the Crimson Throne. Great RP opportunities all the way through. Each book ties in very well to each other, and the adventures never lose sight of who the bad guy is. I've found that in several AP's the villain never really appears till the latter half, except in foreshadowing (Rise of the Runelords, Kingmaker, Carrion Crown, etc) so they lose some of the impact.

Hell's Rebels is very good at keeping the main villain in the spotlight. He's like Rasputin, in that the PCs get to fight him three times before ending him, and get to interact with him more times than that, but stretched out over a whole AP rather than just one volume.

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The Kingmaker AP is less of an "Adventure Path" and more of a framework, but in the hands of a creative GM, it has great opportunities for RP with consequences.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We have had Lots of role playing during our Jade Reagent Run. Carrion Crown with the same group was much more roll playing

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One more thought: A story your group truly enjoys will probably encourage roleplaying. For example, if everyone at the table really likes pirates, go Skull & Shackles. If everyone likes Asia, go Jade Regent. And so on.

Skull & Shackles has lots of potential. A ship full of crew. Lots of potential allies (including a wedding) politic of the council. lots of stuff.

1. Skull and Shackles
2. Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
3. Hell's Rebels
4. Iron Gods
5. Wrath of the Righteous (say what you want about Mythic Adventures, WotR has tons of role-playing potential).

All those are great, I only numbered them for simplicity, if I wasn't on my phone I'd put Hell's Rebels and Iron Gods one and two, but oh, well.

I'd also recommend Skulls and Shackles, role playing with crew and NPC encounters throughout all 6 books and its PFS sanctioned.

Jade Regent has lost of role playing encounters with the caravan but can get dungeon crawly.

Rise of the Runelords, lots of Role Play early in the series but heavy dungeon slogs later in the series.

Carrion Crown - the first 5 books are all in a similar format. Lots of role playing at the start of each book, dungeon crawl in the second part.

Liberty's Edge

Meraki wrote:

Short answer: All of them or none of them, depending on your group.

I was gonna say the exact same thing..The Game is what you and your group make of it.

Calybos1 wrote:
Our group is planing to take up an Adventure Path and looking for recommendations on which one offers the most roleplaying opportunities. Any favorites?

I tentatively propose Kingmaker. In terms of sheer number of roleplaying opportunities it is probably in the lead. Their quality is another matter, because NPCs with most detailed writeups and bios are quite likely to be killed by the party without exchanging a single word. But this problem is not limited to Kingmaker.

The OP was looking for a PFS sanctioned AP. Kingmaker is not PFS sanctioned at this time.

All AP's from Carrion Crown to Mummy's Mask with the exception of Wrath of the Righteous are PFS sanctioned. and also Rise of the Runelords.

So the choices would be between:
Rise of the Runelords
Carrion Crown
Jade Regent
Skulls and Shackles
Shattered Star
Reign of Winter
Mummy's Mask

roysier wrote:

The OP was looking for a PFS sanctioned AP. Kingmaker is not PFS sanctioned at this time.

All AP's from Carrion Crown to Mummy's Mask with the exception of Wrath of the Righteous are PFS sanctioned. and also Rise of the Runelords.

So the choices would be between:
Rise of the Runelords
Carrion Crown
Jade Regent
Skulls and Shackles
Shattered Star
Reign of Winter
Mummy's Mask

Of those I only know Rise of the Rundelords and Carrion Crown. Rise is good but I can't discourage carrion crown enough. It's just bad.

Liberty's Edge

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Curse of the Crimson Throne is the best AP period on all fronts.

Second best in the RP category is Council of Thieves but it has a few other issues.

Reign of Winter is a solid choice as well. Also the OP doesn't mention PFS, that's the second post.

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